Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Here is a link this could probably help you
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

I have had lots of ringing in the ears lately, I never have had that problem before.
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

111777 said:
I have had lots of ringing in the ears lately, I never have had that problem before.

Can you eloberate on what problem you never had?
There are a lot of reasons that led to ringing in ears.
here is some more reasons why your ear rings.
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Interesting thread here!

I've heard noises for years and recently have been trying to analyse them. I'm a musician and a recording studio engineer, so i understand a little about how sound travels. I've tried meditating on the source and recently found that i could manipulate (during meditation). The first thing i did was recognise certain frequencies and picking on individual frequencies found that i could lower the volume to a point where it couldn't be heard. I did this with a few frequencies. What i discovered was that the higher frequencies are the ones that bleed through the most and as i "shut down" each of them i discovered another hidden underneath. It takes quite a bit of concentration to lower them and lower frequencies kept poping up as the higher ones were removed! I'd love to get the total sound into a spectrum analyser to discover what they are but being in my head it's not possible. I had tinnitus when i was younger and i know this is different. Recently i have heard almost like drum beats as well. I hear these sounds from waking to sleeping, obviously not if I'm in a noisy environment. I mostly hear them in the left ear but also to a lesser degree in my right ear. Sometimes I get a sound which goes right through my head from right to left and this is followed by what i can only explain as a change in perception. Intuitively it feels to my like some form of communication, although i couldn't in all honesty say wether it's "good guys" trying to help me develop or "baddies" trying to stop my development. In 2000 I saw my first UFO, as clear as day saw the whole thing (it was huge) full light show and metallic saucer shape. About a year later I went to see a well known local clairvoyant about it. She said that i was the oldest soul she had ever met and that she was surprised that i hadn't developed clairvoyance myself! This shocked me to a degree, maybe the sounds are a precursor to clairaudience? I have since had a few experiences of hearing voices and music since then, more so recently. Another thought since reading "the wave" is that maybe some of us are starting to hear the wave as it approaches?
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

I heard a spider emit a high pitched squeal once...I don't know if there's any data on frequency ranges for sounds produced and detected for different life forms.
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Hi, this is my first post to this forum and I just want to say that I'm just another one who hear that strange noise, too. In my case it started somewhere in winter 2007, when I visited a doctor to check if they can find out what is all about, and they told me that everything is ok with me. At the beginning if I can remember it correctly it was "high freq" noise that I heard equally in both ears but in the last few months I can hear it more in my left ear. I'm thinking to go to MRI and see if such scan can show something in my brain (like tumor or maybe something less problematic).
Following this topic and some of your experiences I'll definitely try to monitor closely how my activities (like researching the Wave material) and my thinking possibly correlate with that strange noise. I can say that from time to time I hear a difference especially in the volume and maybe in the pitch but I didn't put any importance to that changes.
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Hi prasimix,

Welcome to our forum. :)

We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, how they found the cass material, and how much of the work here they have read.

You can have a look through that board to see how others have done it.
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Yep... me too, its been happening solidly for a couple years, ususlly all the time, dosnt bother me, I am open to the idea that it is related to a data dump into the mind. As I often recieve my 'ideas' in large doses. The best description I've heard is Sylvia Brown calling it 'chirping'. I will not visit Satans unknowing little helpers to see what the problem is, as none of their treatments I find acceptable.

Great thread, it is wonderful to hear I am not the only one with this phenomena.

Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Harold said:
The best description I've heard is Sylvia Brown calling it 'chirping'.

Harold, are you referencing to fenomen described as spirit quide as mentioned
BTW, I still didn't have a time to check or ask here about so-called guides, what is your opinion? Any thought or reference to this topic?
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Harold said:
The best description I've heard is Sylvia Brown calling it 'chirping'.

Nope, I haven't heard that one. Not chirping. The best way I can describe what I hear is visualized by watching an oscilloscope. High, Low, In, Out, Up, Down... Frequency shifts. If I think about it. I've been pretty much able to block, distract away from that. Ever see the opening credits of an old black & white television show called the Outer Limits? That's the Ringing I hear. I'm not even talking about the ELF stuff that "feels" underground...
Where is my tin foil hat... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Hello All,
prasimix said:
Harold said:
The best description I've heard is Sylvia Brown calling it 'chirping'.

Harold, are you referencing to fenomen described as spirit quide as mentioned


Al Today said:
Harold said:
The best description I've heard is Sylvia Brown calling it 'chirping'.

Nope, I haven't heard that one. Not chirping. The best way I can describe what I hear is visualized by watching an oscilloscope. High, Low, In, Out, Up, Down... Frequency shifts. If I think about it. I've been pretty much able to block, distract away from that. Ever see the opening credits of an old black & white television show called the Outer Limits? That's the Ringing I hear. I'm not even talking about the ELF stuff that "feels" underground...
Where is my tin foil hat... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

This is a better description. Although I do not let it distract me, I do not try to block it as I do not really know what it means or what it is. At times I think it is stronger when I am static(not moving), but when I am dynamic, like walking outside and so forth, it is weaker.

Al Today said:
The best way I can describe what I hear is visualized by watching an oscilloscope. High, Low, In, Out, Up, Down... Frequency shifts.

I really get this too, it reminds me of someone adjusting the knobs of their oscilloscope at times.

Super feedback, really great to be not alone on this one.


Edit: quotes
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

ive havent been writing for a while.
i searched on the forum for this thread.

i have ear ringing for a few monts going on. it goes on all day long and it never stops :(. when i am outside i cant hear it beacuse of the traffic. in my apartment i hear it constantly but i can ignore it also. somethimes it switches between ringing and a sound like when you dont have tv-signal. i mostly hear it in the right ear but somethime the left"switches" also (at the same time) on. so i have an my own orchestra ;D
i am not hearing loud music or smt like that. i have a feeling that i am being monitored. right now i am practicing how to sleep "awake" by Castaneda/don Huan instructions.
i have found out an interesting thing, but maybe really not important - when i put myself on the top of the head for a little while ( or you can add strong preasure with your hands on the top of your head), of course the preasure increaes but also the frequency of the pitch. it becomes "louder". and then when going to "normal" position i hear for a while a signal- like "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". it appears to be just outside of my head.

that was my expirience

bless :)
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

The best description of it in my experience is of an oscilloscope, it started in about 2008 in my right ear and know it is in both ears. It has grown in both complexity of frequencies and volume. It used to disappear whenever I moved around or talked to others, but know it is stable. But here is another quirk about it when I close my eyes the lights in my eyes match the frequencies of what I hear and the intensity of the Lights can be increased by doing the EE breathing technique.

P.S. I am new to the forum also, I am going to post on the newbies, but looking around I wanted to add my bit to this post
Re: Loud increasing ringing & whistling noise

Hi bngenoh ,

Welcome to our forum. :)

We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, how they found the cass material, and how much of the work here they have read.

You can have a look through that board to see how others have done it.
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