Hyperdimensional Politics

Niall said:
Former education minister Luc Ferry asked in a tweet: "Who is the cretin or cretine who invented (this) unpronounceable inclusive writing?" "Rationalist" feminist Peggy Sastre, writing in the weekly Le Point, called it "intellectual terrorism".

Indeed! They spend hours and tons of money on this debate and these utterly ridiculous changes just to show open mindedness, but notice that they haven't been able to go beyong nouns, and mainly titles and professions. Whether one agrees or not with a language already being gendered, that is what French, Spanish, German, Russian and many others are. You can invent new ridiculous "all inclusive" nouns, but in order for them to stick, you need to change the entire language as well. That is asking for a step further than what is already being attempted in anglo-saxon and nordic countries, where the gender business is more prevalent.

Adjectives and pronouns adapt their form depending on the gender of the noun. So, if you use a "new" gender (or those ridiculous dots), you have to do it as well for the rest of the nominal phrase. Just impossible without imposing it way more ferociously than in anglo-saxon countries. Linguistic tyranny under the guise of gender freedom?! It might get to that, but you'd think that peoples with a gendered language would try to put more of a fight, than non-gendered languages. At this point, though, everything is possible. And I think that they are achieving the main purpose anyway, whether it ends up being fully reflected in language or not: DIVISION and SUBMISSION.

All these changes mean more dumbing down of language as an expression of thought and worldview, plus more oppression. And some people buy it for the sake of "equality". Under that same label, which covers the new definition of "freedom", is when a man is acquitted of raping an 11 year old girl because she "consented." :headbash:

This all reminds me of what Laura wrote in The Wave about the tower of Babel and the brain hemispheres, and the meaning behind that (I should have quoted the whole of chapter 24, but it would be a bit long):

A: First of all, there was no “Noah”. Secondly there was no actual real flood as depicted in that story. Thirdly, the whole story was a symbolic message as opposed to an actual event.
Q: (L) What did actually occur and what does the symbolism have to tell us?
A: It is a very broad representation. It simply means that there was a cataclysmic event that did envelop the whole planet at that time and that those that were ready to experience that as part of their soul de-velopment without exiting the body, were warned ahead of time. But not by trying to manipulate events, but by simply allowing faith to let them acquire knowledge and being naturally drawn into position to experience what they needed to experience to survive the event.
Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?
A: Spiritual confluence.
Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?
A: Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.
Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?
A: Mind alteration of masses.
Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?
A: Spiritual unification of the masses.
Q: (L) Who were the “gods” that looked down on the tower of Babel, at those who were building it with the intention of unification, and decided to destroy their works?
A: Lizards.
Q: (L) Okay, so the Lizzies blew up the tower of Babel. What else did they do to the minds of mankind; did they do something causing literal disruption of their understanding of language?
A: Close. Brainwashing of masses.
Q: (L) Did they do this through implants and abduction?
A: Partly.

From the clues above, it seems to me there was something going on prior to the time of the destruction of Atlantis that was dangerous to the Controllers. Not only that, it seems some of the survivors retained this information and were planning on employing it in the Tower of Babel project, the destruction of which has always been presented as an “example” that we should not aspire to be like the gods.

We also recall that the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were pre-sented as being extremely depraved and that they concentrated on sexual excess, which also brought about their destruction.

Well, if it is true that all this sexual stuff is “food of the gods”, so to speak, then what can there be about sex that they don’t want us to know? [...]

From all I have been able to determine, the ancient civilizations that were in direct contact with fourth-density STO beings were those that were part of the megalithic culture. There are traces of this great age of humankind from China and India to the Atlantic Ocean, and from South America to the middle of the Pacific. According to the most recent research, the very oldest form of religion that can be identified was the worship of the Celestial Mother Goddess by wandering hunter gatherers.

It was thought for a long time that such cultures were very primitive and narrow, but it has since been discovered that this is not the case. New archaeological sites are being excavated at the present time (Jomon in Japan, for example) that show very advanced levels of art and culture among these husbandmen of the Earth. The dis-cernible idea of the religion of these peoples is that of an infinite bounty of the Great Mother. It is thought that they didn’t engage in agriculture because the idea of owning land may have been abhorrent to them. The idea of forcing the Earth to yield rather than accepting the natural abundance the Goddess provided was simply not a part of their philosophy. Their Goddess was a “Star Being” rather than the later transmogrification into the Earth Mother/agriculture goddess, and this Star Being was worshipped in Temples that were laid out along Celestial Archetypes.

And, there is also something very mysterious about these early people – they seemed to have had the super powers of the Golden Age. [...]

The interesting thing is that the peoples who did erect them are still, in most circles, considered to be barbarians because they did not build cities, engage in agriculture, develop the wheel, or writing.

Yet, they did something that clearly cannot and was not done by “civilized” peoples who did all of those “civilized” things. They had some sort of “power” that we cannot replicate and do not understand. Yet, this very power may be the answer to our question about why and how sex was implicated in the fall of man, the flood of Noah, and numerous other events that may lead us to some interesting discoveries.

[...] The divinity in the old religion was not a female or a male figure, but was both male and female. This does not mean that the ancient peoples were hermaphrodites, but rather it symbolized the balanced right- and left-brain function state prior to the Fall. [...] They were cultures in which men and women were in harmony and in which the brain functions were balanced so that they were enabled to “transduce” the cosmic energies into their reality for the purpose of active creation.

[...] The goal of Bacchic culture and the secret teachings of the mystical traditions were harmony, balance, and unity between men and women and between the male and female aspects within each person.

The mystical literature tells us that the feminine principle corresponds to the intuitive, creative, intimate, immediate, unitive, nourishing, sensuous, spontaneous aspects of our consciousness. The masculine principle reflects logic, labeling, theoretical, legal, boundary consciousness, rule-following, mission-oriented, competitive characteristics. In this categorization, we can easily see that we are not referring to biophysical maleness or femaleness, but rather to the left and right modes of consciousness within all peoples.

So, when it was said that the female energy consorted with the wrong side and lost knowledge and power thereby, we can now see that it was a rewiring of the thinking, by giving dominance to the part of the brain that literally inhibits creativity and access to univer-sal energies that can be accessed by anyone. It was by taking the direct knowledge of the Cosmos via empirical observation, i.e., knowledge and replacing it with the wishful thinking, conceptual, imaginary mode of a Creator God outside of the Cosmos, and thus only accessible via intercession, that we lost our connection. But, we can’t be throwing the baby out with the bathwater here. We have to remember that science is a child of the right hemisphere, but is reared by the left hemisphere. In fact, without both aspects in proper balance, very little can be achieved. The King rules the material realm by virtue of his union with the Queen.

The direct, sensual experience of the world, unclouded by preconceptions or anticipation, is precisely what constitutes scientific empiricism and objectivity. It is at the root of the Cassiopaean motto: “knowledge protects”. But knowledge only protects if it is utilized.

Q: (L) Acquiring knowledge is akin to acquiring energy? Or light? Light energy?
A: Not exactly. That would be like saying that “filling up” at the gas station is akin to acquiring speed.
Q: (L) So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed comes from utilization?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And utilization means …
A: Knowledge application, which generates energy, which, in turn, generates light.

[...] Now, of course, there are those who claim that to know God, and to become Godlike, one must access the blissful states of Godlike Love. So they work all their lives to achieve this emotional ecstasy of God using an image or a concept. They have missed the key that becoming Godlike consists of observing and experiencing the Cosmos directly, which results in knowledge. Knowledge leads to awareness of what is out there. Awareness of what is out there gives one the ability to think with the left-brain in concord with what the right-brain observes. This merging of the two halves of the brain – observation and thinking/formulating – is the thing that can discipline emotions so that there is no negative expression that can feed the Predator.

Our entire reality right now has turned into such an opposite of this ideal combination of the hemispheres, that to me at least, it make it a) even more likely that there IS some hyperdimensional inference (whether super conscious or just part of what is), and b) even more important for all of us to do what Laura explained recently (here and here, for example) about focusing. Using our brain (both sides!), absorbing as much knowledge as possible and sharing it. Perhaps part of the lesson is to stay sane in the midst of such insanity, and to observe and analyze. The rest is not up to us. "They" must really hate unification (of the brain and people), hence all this division and madness, and the importance of doing our best even if what we do seems so tiny to us, be it sharing information, trying to help someone, or sorting our thinking so that we can do the former a bit better every time.

Is that part of what "receivership capability" entails? Becoming better antennae (both when sorting out our machine and when picking up outside information, which goes together), absorbing more knowledge in as many areas as possible, sharing it so that others can also "tune in" with colinear people, thus accumulating knowledge as a whole, becoming more aware, etc. etc. ? Well, it's probably waaaay more complex that that, but that's as far as my non-unified brain can go today. ;)
Interesting timing, the topic was on my mind last night after getting the impression a lot of well meaning 'femanists' (second wave femanists) where being currupted by the pathological twisting of ideas being presented as femanism now (third wave femanism).

There was also a program on the BBC last night, that I only managed to watch a small amount of before having to turn it off. It was listening to a lady justify the procedures (to paraphrase) "There are no risks to changing early, by contrast the risks of waiting are depression and suicide" - all with a Genuine smile on her face that displayed 'how much she was helping these poor suffering souls', that was too much.

Louis Theroux: Transgender Kids, review: 'excellent storytelling'
Louis Theroux's subtle film tackled the sensitive subject of children having sex changes without soapboxing, point-scoring or finger-wagging

Louis Theroux’s career has grown up in parallel with the geeky gonzo reporter himself. He achieved cult status at the turn of the millennium with quietly devastating profiles of celebrities (his Jimmy Savile film is particularly compelling in hindsight) and, in his gently jokey Weird Weekends series, by embedding himself with harmless eccentrics.

In recent years, his work has become markedly more serious, concentrating on investigative human interest stories. His recent two-parter about mentally ill murderers was a dignified, humane piece of television. In Louis Theroux: Transgender Kids (BBC Two), the presenter visited a pioneering San Francisco clinic, meeting children who believe they were born in the wrong body – and the medical professionals helping them make the transition to change sex at ever-younger ages. Theroux was told that kids as young as three can show signs of gender dysphoria, leaving their parents with a stark choice: do they start “transitioning” a child still developing its own identity, or wait and risk making the change once their body has gone through puberty?

The programme took in puberty blocker drugs, hormone therapy and, ultimately, genital surgery. It was uncomfortable to watch at times, graphic at others, yet Theroux stayed supremely unflustered. He asked deceptively obvious questions that disarmed his subjects. When those subjects were steeped in the psychobabble of West Coast therapy culture, his direct approach cut to the heart of the matter.

Five-year-old Camille was born a boy called Sebastian. Her parents had fully accepted she was transgender. Theroux played tea parties in her pink sparkly bedroom, watched her sing songs by Lady Gaga, putting her at her ease. Eventually he asked if she’d ever want to be Sebastian again. “No,” she said firmly. “Never. Always be a girl. Always.” In an instant, the gender-political subject was made movingly personal.

By contrast, the identity of “Cole/Crystal” seemed altogether more fluid, with a sense that, sometimes, he was merely experimenting with the idea of a gender swap. Such grey areas often resulted in family rifts: grandparents disapproved, fathers were in denial, mothers feared for their child’s future.

Entirely free of exploitation or sensationalism, this was subtle film-making which presented family dilemmas, not “issues”. People grappling with problems and often not having all the answers. The subject matter might sound provocative but Theroux merely let people speak and viewers decide. No soapboxing, point-scoring or finger-wagging. This was simply excellent storytelling…

I can't name it exactly, but it's the curuption of empathy and the desire to good and aleviate suffering (usually in women) - that is being twisted and blinded into the tool of fascism and untold suffering that is particularly gut wrenching to watch unfold. :O
That's probably my toxic masculinity and white privilage talking though :ohboy:

Scottie said:
T‌hinking about this, maybe... but maybe not. 20 years ago most people I know were not sane enough to be outraged. Today, people throw money at JP, yet are afraid to speak up in real life. As for other people, I think they think it's nothing to worry about, because it's just a fad, it'll blow over, etc.

Don't forget a large amount of those people are working pay cheque to pay cheque and too stressed to consider such things, or are ok but too distracted and scared to face anything potentially controvertial due to the impact of things like 9/11.
It was always human nature to try and keep the piece, don't rock the boat and defer leadership to the 'higher ups'.
The sacking of the teacher is like any other 'terrorist attack' - desgned to shape the social lines defining what is dangerous for individuals to stick there head above. Resulting in a splitting and galvonising of 'groups' - the left and the right (perhaps a literal splitting of brain hemapsheres?).
lets' not forget,
This Woman sexually Abused this 15 year old Boy.
in a Jesuit Run School no less !
To what Chu just said,

I think that’s JP’s premise (or one of the things he says), when we dive deeply into this postmodern worldview (universeview really) we sever our connection with anything deeper within ourselves, to anything higher, to governing principles that transcend our physical existence and allows us to understand our connectivity.

Without this in our lives, the order of things (which could be called divine as it extends past the visible world) ceases to be an influence in our lives and turns into self destructive chaos. In his bible series lecture he posits in part the idea that law evolves out of this very field. For an instance, it is human to understand the fragility and the need to protect the young from sexual predations of the old and unhinged, every human being with an appropriate moral compass (informed by nurturing traditions of old) understands this to be so and incorporates it into his/her behavior. Several people having this understanding creates an order for communities and this gets them expanded to societies and countries.

This common knowledge is what then becomes law. Law is then understood not as an oppressing force from the outside but an agreement between human beings that they sort of oficialize to maintain it in time for future generations.

So, having said the above, it occurs to me that the goal is pretty much that... to drive people into severing this connection to higher spiritual places and ideals that pretty much turns them into praisers of the self and their desires (complete polarization towards STS). Not only that but it truly makes people blind to anything other than the material world (which reminds me of Ormethion).

I can also empathize with this depression that Scottie was describing, it truly brings you down...but! Here’s where creativity comes in, and sometimes it’s about being able to see beyond what’s immediately visible.

Just my two cents here
Recently on the web there was this article about how the main character from this series "Stranger Things," Millie Bobby Brown, was on a list of the most sexiest actresses :scared:. I was just flabbergasted. She is a 13 YEAR old girl!! And now she is a sexual object.. You can see in her FB page all this horrible comments from older guys, and well also people that do have their neurons working, saying that she is just a kid!

I find myself daily thinking about all this horrible things that have been going on around us, and there's not one day where things are "calm" so to speak. You wake up with a horrible news and you go to bed with horrible news. Here in Mexico the feminicides are just going over the top, and also murders of journos, the real journos that investigate things about narcs specially.

Also they are starting to push this whole gender thing, not about the pronouns per se, but you can see more ads on the subway for example about equality etc etc, and on the radio recently they were talking about this also.

There was also something about this mexican "journo" that wrote an article about how Russia was prepared to hack our elections.. c'mon!!! As the guys said in the recent Spanish Radio SOTT, we have the most dirtiest elections! So what's the point in bringing Russia to the picture?!? :headbash:

Anywho, I have also felt this sensation Scottie was talking about, that it's been a bit hard to keep going. I had some weeks with a very low energy and my creativity was just in absolute zero, I am now working diligently with Dispenza's meditations and it seems to be working little by little. And also not going into my usual isolation mode since that doesn't work at all. Just got "AOV" yesterday, so im looking forward to the reading!
Marina9 said:
Recently on the web there was this article about how the main character from this series "Stranger Things," Millie Bobby Brown, was on a list of the most sexiest actresses :scared:. I was just flabbergasted. She is a 13 YEAR old girl!! And now she is a sexual object.. You can see in her FB page all this horrible comments from older guys, and well also people that do have their neurons working, saying that she is just a kid!

I find myself daily thinking about all this horrible things that have been going on around us, and there's not one day where things are "calm" so to speak. You wake up with a horrible news and you go to bed with horrible news. Here in Mexico the feminicides are just going over the top, and also murders of journos, the real journos that investigate things about narcs specially.

Also they are starting to push this whole gender thing, not about the pronouns per se, but you can see more ads on the subway for example about equality etc etc, and on the radio recently they were talking about this also.

There was also something about this mexican "journo" that wrote an article about how Russia was prepared to hack our elections.. c'mon!!! As the guys said in the recent Spanish Radio SOTT, we have the most dirtiest elections! So what's the point in bringing Russia to the picture?!? :headbash:

Anywho, I have also felt this sensation Scottie was talking about, that it's been a bit hard to keep going. I had some weeks with a very low energy and my creativity was just in absolute zero, I am now working diligently with Dispenza's meditations and it seems to be working little by little. And also not going into my usual isolation mode since that doesn't work at all. Just got "AOV" yesterday, so im looking forward to the reading!

Billy Bobby Brown may well be a little BOY,
Watch this interview and see what you think,


Some TRANS people develop small mannerisms to transfer masculine gestures into feminine ones.
Im still only instictively picking up on these gestures, but im pretty sure they are there.
Ant22 said:
Joe said:
Laura said:
This morning, around the breakfast table, we were talking about the recent French court case where a man was acquitted of raping an 11 year old girl because she "consented." As Pierre said, that just tosses on the trash heap centuries of legal precedent about "age of consent" and why children are not considered to be free agents of choice: because their understanding is not developed, nor is their will.

Similarly, children are fully entitled to choose which own gender, and woe betide any school teachers that don't respect their choice, even accidentally.

I don't know about France, but when I was 11 I wasn't even allowed to decide what time to be back home in the evening. And all of a sudden children are not only allowed to choose their own gender, they are also allowed to choose their sexual partners??

Could be that this transgender ideology being pushed onto children has a deeper effect in the mass consciousness in terms of sexualizing children. The ramifications are much larger than just the transgender game being played as children are being depicted like this:

Hollywood normalizes sexualization of children: 'Sexiest actress' is 13yo girl

A 13-year-old girl was named one of Hollywood's "sexiest" actresses in one magazine, and featured in a series of suggestive poses in another.

While she is only 13 years old, actress Millie Bobby Brown has become famous for her role in the Netflix hit Stranger Things, and she has also become Hollywood's latest attempt at normalizing sexual infatuation with children.

Brown was the only child featured in a line-up of 13 actors and actresses who "prove that Television has never been hotter" and "sexier" according to a story from W Magazine. The online excerpt features a quote from Brown in which she discusses how she was asked to change her appearance in order to play the role of "Eleven" on Stranger Things.

It's also remarkable that damning articles like this are being published at the same time as all the Hollywood sex and pedophile abuse has reached wide-spread attention. It really has become such a bizarre world.
All this reminds me of a question that was asked in a sott article a few weeks back:


Westerners headed for extinction? Sperm count levels down in West, but Asian, African and Latin American men 'doing fine'

Society sees having children as a major life event.

After all, kids - even the annoying ones - are necessary for the survival of our species.

Yet widespread fertility may become the norm, at least in men.

Sperm counts among men in the west have more than halved in the past 40 years, according to research.

No, this is not some horrific dystopia, but a worsening trend in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Interestingly, a new systematic study analysing 42,935 men found no signs of sperm count decline in men from Asia, Africa and South America.

Earlier this year, Chris Barrat, Professor of Reproductive Medicine at the University of Dundee, wrote:

If the data on sperm counts is extrapolated to its logical conclusion, men will have little or no reproductive capacity from 2060 onward.

Why is male reproductive health suffering in the West?

Scientists have long warned about disruptive environmental factors and pollutants, and how male foetuses are particularly susceptible to these.

For example, chemicals such as bisphenol A - which is found in many plastics - have been found to damage fertility.

Men have also been warned not to smoke and maintain a healthy weight in order to help avoid becoming infertile.

Comment: Ok, but then why just Western men? Aren't African, Latin American and Asian men exposed to the same factors?

Maybe then this is the collective unconscious and/or the intelligent system finding some balance? Assuming western society is where this collective mind virus has taken the strongest hold.
Chu said:
Our entire reality right now has turned into such an opposite of this ideal combination of the hemispheres, that to me at least, it make it a) even more likely that there IS some hyperdimensional inference (whether super conscious or just part of what is), and b) even more important for all of us to do what Laura explained recently (here and here, for example) about focusing. Using our brain (both sides!), absorbing as much knowledge as possible and sharing it. Perhaps part of the lesson is to stay sane in the midst of such insanity, and to observe and analyze. The rest is not up to us. "They" must really hate unification (of the brain and people), hence all this division and madness, and the importance of doing our best even if what we do seems so tiny to us, be it sharing information, trying to help someone, or sorting our thinking so that we can do the former a bit better every time.

Is that part of what "receivership capability" entails? Becoming better antennae (both when sorting out our machine and when picking up outside information, which goes together), absorbing more knowledge in as many areas as possible, sharing it so that others can also "tune in" with colinear people, thus accumulating knowledge as a whole, becoming more aware, etc. etc. ? Well, it's probably waaaay more complex that that, but that's as far as my non-unified brain can go today. ;)

There was a sott article ( https://www.sott.net/article/292451-Third-Man-Factor-The-hallucinatory-effects-of-survival )
about a phenomenon where people under stress start seeing things that aren't there. The parts of the brain start trying to communicate with the conscious mind to help survival, by giving guidance etc.

It's theorized that the bicameral mind theory explains this ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicameralism_%28psychology%29 ). With the corpus callosum that connects the hemispheres together is not functioning fully, parts of the brain show up as voices and/or visual hallucinations. In the series Westworld, this mechanism is what leads the robots to start becoming self conscious. The voice started off as one of their creators and eventually is realized as one's own self.

In experiments described in the wave, people who had their corpus callosum severed were given different information to the left and right eyes. In cases where the not conscious side was getting gruesome images, the nausea or uneasiness was blamed on other factors (like the color of the room), because the brain did not objectively know it was shown those horrible images.

When I think about all of the times god comes down and demands this or that, however illogical or harmful/evil, I can't but help think that those times were when the brain was essentially split. In someone pathological or raised in a bad society, the non conscious "commands" from "god" were external. But because some of them came through the "low road" of the brain wiring (directly through the amigydala?), they were deemed as absolutely true and just. Maybe monotheism is based on this disconnected brain and the goddess religions can only truly be understood by a brain with integrated hemispheres?

I can only think that for us to get back to a "whole brain" it would require a huge change in environmental factors because a lot of what current society reinforces requires a disconnect in order to function with modern day unnatural excessive stress. Perhaps there is a genetic component too which could be related to cosmic radiation that is linked to the solar cycles and electric universe potentials.

It is stressful to be in this world, as the C's said that souled beings need to recharge with sleep. The 50% are OPs and just deal with things as "that's just the way things are" without seeing the cascading issues piling on top of us as a result of a twisted hierarchy. They work hard, suffer, but don't see that the issues that keep coming up are a symptom. New "solutions" come up, like this gender business and technological inventions that offer us false hope.
But those of us who know something is wrong deep down are suffering because the true causes of these issues - the nature of our world these days- doesn't look like it can be changed without the support of the majority, which would upset the OPs that are ok with "that's just the way things are".
Well I've said it before, but once the transhumanists perfect their cybernetic bioimplants and are able to engineer their Humanity 2.0 in test tubes, our society won't look that much different than your typical gray alien craft as depicted by David Jacobs and that can't be a coincidence. 4D STS has been gifting certain technologies to the military industrial complex for a long time now and it is just coming out in the open now as the next great leap forward in human potential. After we've basically become a carbon copy of them, the day will come when the ships come flying out of that shimmering curtain and the planet will be seamlessly integrated into the larger Borg collective. The act of hollowing people out with consciousness-destroying social programming is just a way of wiping the collective hardware of the human race in order to make room for the software 4D STS needs to install to complete the integration. I don't know how you're going to win against that honestly. At one point it was compared to the conquistadors wiping out the Native Americans. The pathocracy is powerful enough on its own without any aliens to back it up. The grays and the reptilians seem to be at the lower end of the hierarchy and largely mechanical so there might be a way of taking advantage of that at some point, but the mantis and orion types seem to be also highly psychic such that they could probably pass themselves off as gods.

One might think that humanity is being given a test to prove it's value to the universe, being forced to evolve or perish, that it must gain hyperdimensional awareness in order to persist, but I don't know for sure. The Cassiopaeans seem to think that the answer lies in creating some sort of social memory complex which can be the architect of its own reality that can't be penetrated by these seemingly all-powerful beings. Creating the foundation for that seems to be the main direction they have been exerting Laura recently. It remains to be seen just how all of that is going to work out.
Mikey said:
Item from last week:

https://www.sott.net/article/367009-Top-court-rules-Germany-must-legally-recognize-third-gender said:
Germany's top court has called on the country's parliament to legally recognize a 'third gender' which allows intersex people to identify as neither male nor female. Germany could become the first European country to allow a third gender on birth certificates.

First thing I thought when I heard it in the radio here in germany, this "intersexual" nonsense, was, that the matrix (or call it what you will) is responding to something. What is so strange is the timing of this push here in germany (and elsewhere for that matter). Now all of a sudden it is pretty much the number one topic and everywhere you listen (like radio for example) they tell you how normal it is and "how it was about time that it gets implemented" and stuff like "it is 100% scientifically proven".

I was visiting my mother recently and noticed how she talked about it, basically echoing what the people in the media are telling people about it. I was shocked. Literally everytime I switched on the radio the last couple of days, radio hosts were discussing this "intersexual" thing, like it is the most normal thing in the world and as though there isn't anything more important then this in the world. The sheer force and speed they suddenly try to impose this intersexuality thing, is amazing.

They push for it hard and many just don't understand how totally surreal it actually is and how easy they get sucked into a dangerous path. Strange times. I also think that the generations that were born after 9/11 are in deep trouble (and so are we) because the programming is very extensive and it gets harder and harder to break out every day, especially for young generations.
Renaissance said:
Ant22 said:
Joe said:
Laura said:
This morning, around the breakfast table, we were talking about the recent French court case where a man was acquitted of raping an 11 year old girl because she "consented." As Pierre said, that just tosses on the trash heap centuries of legal precedent about "age of consent" and why children are not considered to be free agents of choice: because their understanding is not developed, nor is their will.

Similarly, children are fully entitled to choose which own gender, and woe betide any school teachers that don't respect their choice, even accidentally.

I don't know about France, but when I was 11 I wasn't even allowed to decide what time to be back home in the evening. And all of a sudden children are not only allowed to choose their own gender, they are also allowed to choose their sexual partners??

Could be that this transgender ideology being pushed onto children has a deeper effect in the mass consciousness in terms of sexualizing children. The ramifications are much larger than just the transgender game being played as children are being depicted like this:

Hollywood normalizes sexualization of children: 'Sexiest actress' is 13yo girl

A 13-year-old girl was named one of Hollywood's "sexiest" actresses in one magazine, and featured in a series of suggestive poses in another.

While she is only 13 years old, actress Millie Bobby Brown has become famous for her role in the Netflix hit Stranger Things, and she has also become Hollywood's latest attempt at normalizing sexual infatuation with children.

Brown was the only child featured in a line-up of 13 actors and actresses who "prove that Television has never been hotter" and "sexier" according to a story from W Magazine. The online excerpt features a quote from Brown in which she discusses how she was asked to change her appearance in order to play the role of "Eleven" on Stranger Things.

It's also remarkable that damning articles like this are being published at the same time as all the Hollywood sex and pedophile abuse has reached wide-spread attention. It really has become such a bizarre world.

When I first read the Political Ponerology book a lot of it seemed to be theoretical analysis of the past. These days the book could act as a guidebook through the modern society. A book that was written to explain what happened and why can now be used to explain what the heck is going on!

I sometimes do wonder if these contradictions are there on purpose. Now that the society has been dumbed down through the educational system, vaccines and rubbish diet it's time to confuse them. So we have sexualisation of children in the midst of the Hollywood pedophile scandal, or hatred towards Muslim refugees on one end and Nike's hijab sportswear on the other.

Either that or someone came up with loads of ridiculous scenarios, couldn't decide which one to implement so they went ahead with all of them.
Neil said:
One might think that humanity is being given a test to prove it's value to the universe, being forced to evolve or perish, that it must gain hyperdimensional awareness in order to persist, but I don't know for sure. The Cassiopaeans seem to think that the answer lies in creating some sort of social memory complex which can be the architect of its own reality that can't be penetrated by these seemingly all-powerful beings. Creating the foundation for that seems to be the main direction they have been exerting Laura recently. It remains to be seen just how all of that is going to work out.

Speaking of tests, that brings this to mind, the session we held 9 days after Ark first contacted me on 5 July 96:

Q: (L) Then let's start with some basic things. First of all, I have had some contact with a physicist who is interested in the material. And, because of this, I was motivated to pick up a book I had read many years ago about the German occupation of Poland, {The Story of a Secret State by Jan Karski} and there were some very strange things said in this book, and some funny synchronous numbers... It just seemed to be a prototype of the present reality in global terms. My question is: is there some synchronous implication between this contact, the reading of this book when I was 11 years old, and the material we have received through this source?

A: Open.

Q: (L) You have said that the Holocaust was basically a 'practice run' for the ultimate space invasion. Is this invasion supposed to take place as an actual 'aliens invading the planet' scenario, or...

A: Too many thought patterns at once. Step by step, please.

Q: (L) Let's boil it down. Was Hitler's agenda a practice run for a future scenario?

A: Close. Was a "testing" of the will.

Q: (L) Whose will was being tested?

A: Yours.

Q: (L) Me specifically, or the planet?

A: Latter.

Q: (L) In terms of this scenario, is there some lesson that we can learn about what may or may not occur through this book I have mentioned?

A: Maybe, but suggest you learn to blend mosaic consciousness.

Q: (L) What is mosaic consciousness?

A: Thinking in internally spherical terms, rather than using linear "point blank" approach. The whole picture is seen by seeing the whole scene.

Q: (L) Well, I guess that is why I get into so many thought patterns...

A: Picture yourself as being at the center of a mosaic.

Q: (L) Okay, I know what you are saying, but I just don't think that there is any way I can DO this!

A: Yes you can!

Q: (L) Okay. Okay. This whole situation, this Polish connection, this German connection, the American and alien things, the soldier/Nephilim thing, these are all manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing, am I correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing are that some people graduate or transition to 4th density, that their awareness changes, everything changes, the playing field is leveled. So, what happened in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to happen is that the 'playing field' is going to be leveled, so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a correct assessment?

A: Maybe. Alright, my dear, you want the facts, so we will give them to you, and hopefully you will comprehend. If not now, then when necessary maybe... Fact number one: All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have reached that point on the learning cycle, and you are not close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!

Q: (L) Okay, this being one infinite school, and we all seem to be wandering around in the darkness...

A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress along it is determined by events and circumstances as they unfold.

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told about them since they must be experienced?

A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?," forgetitski!!

Q: (L) Okay, we want some hints. And [the physicist] Ark wants some hints, too! He wants to know if we can invent a tool that enhances free will?

A: No tool is needed because of facts 3, 4, and 5.

Q: (L) Ummm... So, when a person is being hypnotized and controlled from outside, because that is the matter of concern we were discussing earlier, they are hypnotized and controlled until they learn to stop it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, using the analogy of the pig sty, they just have to wallow in it and suffer until they have had enough?

A: Using your analogy of the bicycle: Is there a tool which makes it unnecessary for the child to learn how to ride the bicycle in order to know how to ride it?!?

Q: (MM) Don't you get more free will by assimilating knowledge?

A: Yes!! Yes!!

Q: (L) So, in other words, knowledge and awareness makes you aware that you have free will, and also makes you aware of what actions actually ARE acts of free will, and therefore, when you know or suspect the difference between the lies and deception and truth, then you are in a position to be in control of your life?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Ark also wants to ask... well, his problem is faith, as he said it to me.

A: Faith comes also from knowledge, and as we have stated before... False knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all!!!!!

Q: (L) So, it is important to take each and every thing that is being learned or analyzed, and take it completely apart and dig in every direction around it, and even in related directions, to FULLY ascertain that it is true? As C.S. Lewis said, knowledge is like a rope... as long as you are using it to tie up a box, it doesn't matter whether it is perfect or not, but if you have to use it to hang over a precipice, then it behooves you to make absolutely certain that it is strong enough to support your weight.

A: Yes.

Not to belabor the point, but again I'm really just gobsmacked at what the Cs have provided, including all their hints about "the way out".
Scottie said:
...But generally speaking, it has been rather difficult lately to "keep going"…
That may be the real understatement of the millennium
Alejo said:
…every human being with an appropriate moral compass (informed by nurturing traditions of old) understands this to be so and incorporates it into his/her behavior. Several people having this understanding creates an order for communities and this gets them expanded to societies and countries.

This common knowledge is what then becomes law. Law is then understood not as an oppressing force from the outside but an agreement between human beings that they sort of oficialize to maintain it in time for future generations.

So, having said the above, it occurs to me that the goal is pretty much that... to drive people into severing this connection to higher spiritual places and ideals…
Aristotle even goes as far as to say that common sense (i.e."common knowledge") stems from the same place consciousness originates. (discussed further in this post: https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,42379.msg665909.html#msg665909 )
RedFox said:
...I can't name it exactly, but it's the curuption of empathy and the desire to good and aleviate suffering (usually in women) - that is being twisted and blinded into the tool of fascism and untold suffering that is particularly gut wrenching to watch unfold. :O...
That’s exactly what it seems like to me, and what makes dialoguing with “liberals” so challenging. This is especially true for many millennials who have never reared children because parenting quickly inspires a shift towards considering long-term outcomes vs. immediate “feel good” experiences.
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