Human Races

Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel provides a compelling thesis for explaining why western civilization became the most dominant. The short answer is that Eurasia is the largest continent.

The long answer is that Eurasia's huge continent gave its peoples the widest selection of crops and animals for potential domestication, and the development of a sedentary and city-based lifestyle. The close quarters of animals and humans living in unhygienic conditions provided the right circumstances for the spread of diseases, and therefore the spread of stronger immune systems. Cities are also hotbeds of technological activity, because many minds in close proximity can solve a problem more easily. Western civilization was by and large grandfathered in by previous discoveries of writing (independent inventions of which are extraordinarily rare). East Asia also was highly advanced compared to the West in the middle ages for very much the same reasons.

I guess the best thing to take away from this is that there are specific bottlenecks in terms of food sources, technological milestones, et cetera, that stand between an indigenous group and city-based civilization, and Eurasia was the best candidate continent for civilization due to its large area, population, and relative lack of non-isolation in some quarters.

As for what the C's say, all I remember is that the indigenous groups of the Americas and the Pacific were the Atlanteans, Celts/Aryans are here because they already blew up their home planet, and that Africans historically were patriarchal and are essentially being punished by every other nation coming in to exploit/occupy their land and people. :/

Q: (L) Where did the Orientals come from?
A: Same as all others. Result of experimentation.
Q: (L) Did they originate on this planet? Are they native to this planet?
A: Both. Orientals reserved for souls most advanced; Aryans most aggressive;
Negroes most naturally attuned to earth vibrational frequency. So are "native

Those almost sound similar to racial stereotypes, and kind of makes me wonder if this is one of those examples where other attendants cause the energy to be unconsciously distorted. This is pure speculation though.
I have heard that in USA until 1990 have been only one not Caucasian serial killer, if you don't include gang fights. That's something to think about races and psychopaths.
dwarf100 said:
I have heard that in USA until 1990 have been only one not Caucasian serial killer, if you don't include gang fights. That's something to think about races and psychopaths.

Can you provide a source for your information?
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