Holocaust Revisionism



Since SOTT is located in France, are you prohibited from discussing Holocaust Revisionism? I am interested to know what SOTT's positions are on this crucial historical narrative, since my own research has recently led me to the point where I no longer accept a large part of the official Holocaust narrative, at least as it pertains to the "6 million jewish victims", or if there were any gas chambers at all. How does the Holocaust Denial laws pertain to the internet and blog discussions? Where can I find the opinions of the good SOTT folks on the issue in a way that doesn't put anybody in legal or other liability?

There's a quote that goes something like, "The truth does not need laws to protect it, only lies do." I think someone important in history said that but I don't remember who.
On the new commemorative plaque in Auschwitz, it is written that 1.5 millions jews died, instead of the 4 millions as it was written on the older plaque. More than 2.5 millions have disappeared!

But, in France, 6 - 2.5 = 6

In France it is dangerous to know arithmetics and claim that 2+2=4 and not 5. (Orwell was a revisionist, check for yourself.).
Actually the new plaque says 1.5 million total deaths, not 1.5 million Jews. And even that new figure has been disputed and shown to be nothing more than a SWAG estimate (silly wild ass guess). So, knowing that deaths did not just pertain to Jews but to Russians, communists, gypsies, etc., that means that the number of Jews theoretically killed in Auschwitz is way less than the SWAG of 1.5 million, but before I say any more here, I will await for answers to my original questions.
Just wanted to share my opinion. I don't mean it to sound harsh or disrespectful.

Maybe from historical accuracy point it is important to determine the exact number of killed Jews, Russians, gays, mentally ill individuals, etc…But does it solve the problem at hand? Does looking for exact number of the dead (of any race or nation) help to expose the real evildoers? Is it really important to count the bodies (6 million, 2 million, 1 million) in order to point out hard facts that Zionists helped Nazis to kill their own "kind" and tricked with the whole "holocaust" thing so it will fit their needs (making it "Jews only" event, creating Ziostan for example and performing genocide on Palestinians)? In my opinion it is a trap and distraction. People usually very sensitive when it comes to the memories of the deceased, especially if they are brainwashed to be paranoid and always expect attack (hint - Israelis). So if the goal is to expose lies and help others on this planet to awake, why not to approach the issue strategically and concentrate on hard facts then looking for the key by counting the dead?

p.s A little clarification. When I said that "dead count" is not important, I didn't mean that counting dead Iraqis is also useless. On a contrary - it is of most importance. But holocaust issue is different, or so I see it. When we are dealing with past/historical events the shock is not that strong. In my opinion 1 million or 6 million is shocking in the same way. Those are just numbers while behind them real names and real horror, so does it really matter if it is 1 million or 6? What is more important is to expose those bastards, and it won't be done by math.
I think pointing out the wrong count, both in the case of Jews/holocaust and Iraq, is to demonstrate that it's a lie, which is just more evidence that shows who the real criminals/psychopaths are in both cases. So as I see it, it's not the number itself that matters (except as you said, the current number of dead in Iraq which is shocking), but the fact that it is in fact a lie in both cases, designed to manipulate and to push an agenda, whether it is by inflating the number or by making it smaller. The shocking part is, it can be by as much as a factor of 10 or more. It's not like adjusting it a "little" it's like multiplying or dividing it by 10 or 20 or 30, it's absolutely ridiculous just how big the difference between official/real is in both cases, and that they somehow end up getting away with something like that.
Well, Keit, first of all the issue of Holocaust Revisionism involves not just the body count. The body count issue is only the most cursory level of falsification that was involved. Even more significant are the questions pertaining to the existance of gas chambers, and in fact if the "Final Solution" was misrepresented as a plan to wipe out the Jewish race when it was really a plan of removing Jews to Palestine. If it was the latter, that does not make it ok because it's still a form of ethnic cleansing, but to falsify history to that degree for the purpose of instilling an undeserved level of sypmathy towards a group of people in order give immunity to a criminal terrorist regime acting in the name of said people to facilitate a catastrophic ongoing calamity of genocide against Palestinians and Arabs makes the issue of correcting a false historical narrative too important to shove under the rug in the name of appeasing people's sensitivity. You could use the same argument for 9/11, using the issue of not wanting to offend the 9/11 victim's familes so therefore "how dare you challenge the official narrative of 9/11, you 9/11 denier!?"

Those of us who have been active promoters of 9/11 truth have become quite familiar with certain tactics used by those who would silence us. The tactics range from simply ignoring us and pretending we do not exist to dismissing our claims based on the assertion that we must be insane, bigoted, or otherwise mentally or emotionally deficient. Another tactic is to misrepresent what we are saying in order to dismiss it outright as self-evidently false. All of these tactics are ways of avoiding actually discussing the facts of the matter, and they are naturally frequently employed by those who are not confident of their ability to defend their position in an honest discussion of facts. These are all tactics employed by those who wish to suppress discussion of the holocaust as well. Certain disinfo operatives within the 9/11 truth movement use them all, and throw in for good measure the assertion that discussion of the holocaust is damaging to the cause of 9/11 truth.

I suppose that if the official holocaust narrative was truly unassailable as fact they would be right, and calling revisionists "Holocaust Deniers" would be an accurate description of them as opposed to a slur. Their posturing on the subject would then also be justifiable and they would indeed be entitled to think of themself as protecting the movement from unnecessary and unfounded criticism. They could also then be forgiven for placing the onus on the movement for distancing itself from such ideas instead of on the media for relying on such distractions in order to avoid properly addressing the concerns of the movement with regard to 9/11.

The question then is this--do these loud 9/11 truth police who throw around the accusations of "anti-semite holocaust denying kooks" really know what they're talking about when they accuse revisionists of holocaust denial? Do they understand what the issues involved are? Do they appreciate the fact that much of the official holocaust narrative has already been revised, that is denied, by mainstream historians, Jews and non-Jews alike? Do they find anything significant whatsoever in the fact that some of the most prominent opponents of the official holocaust narrative, like Canadian David Cole, are unabashedly Jewish? Do they, in other words, play fair when it comes to this issue, or do they behave in exactly the same manner as those who daily malign the 9/11 truth movement as delusional moonbats and worse? The answer is, of course, the latter. It is not even that they have chosen to ignore all factual debate on the subject in favor of hurling insults--that I can forgive because they have every right to their opinion, including the right to be wrong, and embarassingly so at that. It goes farther than this, however. People are harassed, physically threatened, and f*cked with to the violent extreme.

The holocaust myth IS related to the 9/11 myth. I have no doubt that the Zionists behind the curtain know full well that if the 9/11 myth is ever exposed among the mainstream public, their game is over. Once people realize the lengths they go to to distort and falsify history, the risk is that the entire last century of Zionist manipulation and lies could be unravelled, and hence, the sympathetic position Israel holds with the American and European public would turn around so fast that the entire End Game plan of the Zionists would be in jeapordy.

So, I guess my short answer is that the importance of exposing important historical narratives like the holocaust myth, if it really is a myth, is more important for the survival of humanity on this planet than the risk of being called a bigot. If we are truelly committed to truth and justice and saving ourselves from this impending End Game disaster that the PTB have in store for us, then we will have to be willing to climb out of our comfort zones. If what we want is to fight for truth, justice, and peace, we will have to be willing to sacrifice everything, including having people think we're bigots. If we're not willing to pay any price, including that one, for our principles then our enemies will surely win in the end.
Of course, I'm not saying that we shouldn't be strategic and choose wisely when and where we discuss the you-know-what-o-caust. I wouldn't, for instance, put that discussion in an introductory movie about 9/11 truth. But, at some point we really need to follow the trails to the rat's nest and expose the whole, ugly, rotten, festering pile of lies that have been protected for far too long if we really want to go after the upper echalon perpetrators and put them out of business once and for all.
For what it's worth, I fully agree with Keit's take on it this. Anyone who has looked into the issue to any depth at all can see the 'official story' has been stage managed pretty much since the inception. At this point, it has been so well-designed as an emotional trigger point that it is useless as proof of anything. The sleeping masses hear, 'they lied about the holocaust' and they hear one thing - 'antisemitic crazy person'. It's a losing battle - it was designed that way. If people in the "9-11 truth movement" want to get to the truth, then they need to stop being vectored this way and that and study - and understand - psychopathy and Political Ponerology - pure and simple. Douglas Reed's work would be a great back up to that, by the way - http://www.cassiopedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Douglas_Reed

If every member of the "9-11 Truth Movement" understood the enormous amount of information in Political Ponerology, then they might be able to make a difference. Until then, it's all vectoring and distraction - including the 'revisionism' issue. As a matter of fact, since the stage managed aspect and control of the 'revisionism' issue is so well-developed, this is one of the least effective issues to put one's efforts behind - way too many programmed emotional barriers to get over in the general public. osit
Remember you're in France, guys! If you continue to talk about this, LDJ-Betar and other far-right zionist militias might want to put you in grave danger or send you menaces.
Don't worry about me, I'm not one of them. I just know what they did in France to Alain Soral, Dieudonné, José Bové, and revisionists like Faurisson (he showed that the existence of so-called gas chambers is scientifically problematic), etc.

I agree that revisionnists and most widely-known anti-zionists are tools or agents of the zionists, or related to other organisations of psychopaths.
anart said:
At this point, it has been so well-designed as an emotional trigger point that it is useless as proof of anything. The sleeping masses hear, 'they lied about the holocaust' and they hear one thing - 'antisemitic crazy person'. It's a losing battle - it was designed that way.
It is true that exposing the holo-hoax amongst the sleeping masses is an uphill battle much steeper and higher to overcome than even the 9/11 hoax. The flip side to this is that once people do discover that this is the biggest lie of the century, they have pretty much graduated with a PHD in how all of history is fabricated. If 9/11 truth is like the flood gates opening, holocaust truth is like the Three Gorges Dam bursting. After that, overturning all other historical falshoods is a piece of cake.

For what it's worth, it took me until this year, 2007, to set aside my emotional triggers to be willing to look into this touchy subject. There is a shift happening. More and more people, some of whom have had their minds opened by 9/11 truth, and some for other reasons, have been persuaded to overcome those barriers and learn the truth about the Big Lie.

Perhaps you're right that the general masses are nowhere near being ready for this level of paradigm exploding and that it would be counterproductive for us to try. But there is a growing population of alternative "conspiracy theorists" and truth seekers out there who are no longer imprisoned by mainstream control of history and information anymore who are discovering a lot of hidden history and educating themselves like never before with the information revolution facilitated by the internet and distributed media formats. Holocaust revisionist awareness is growing exponentialy right now and more and more intelligent and creative people are getting involved in producing holocaust revisionist books, videos, and web pages to spread the truth. A lot of the recent repression of Revisionists in Europe seems to have had the opposite effect of what was intended. Instead of shutting down the inquiry into the subject, lots of people have been made more curious about what all the fuss is about around this "holocaust denial" stuff and have decided to look into it themselves. It is only a matter of time before very creative and talented individuals start putting out high quality and persuasive holocaust revisionist videos that can open even more minds to the Big Lie. This one is a good start:
Nazi Shrunken Heads://www.onethirdoftheholocaust.com/nazishrunkenheads

anart said:
If people in the "9-11 truth movement" want to get to the truth, then they need to stop being vectored this way and that and study - and understand - psychopathy and Political Ponerology - pure and simple. Douglas Reed's work would be a great back up to that, by the way - http://www.cassiopedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Douglas_Reed. If every member of the "9-11 Truth Movement" understood the enormous amount of information in Political Ponerology, then they might be able to make a difference.
I agree that PP is important to get out there and will help the masses imensely to understand what we are up against. I have been trying to spread the word myself about psychopathy and PP. But there is also a hunger people have to want to know specifics about the man behind the curtain and the other great lies of history. I think we can give people a little bit more credit and not worry so much about them not being ready for the whole ugly truth.

anart said:
Until then, it's all vectoring and distraction - including the 'revisionism' issue. As a matter of fact, since the stage managed aspect and control of the 'revisionism' issue is so well-developed, this is one of the least effective issues to put one's efforts behind - way too many programmed emotional barriers to get over in the general public.
Well, a similar argument could be made about 9/11 truth as you are making about the revisionist issue. Since it could be argued that most of the high profile 9/11 truthers are stage managed disinfo operatives, we don't stand a chance of not being drowned in disinfo. But, on the contrary, awareness of 9/11 truth continues to grow by leaps and bounds. The first 9/11 video I saw was "9/11 In Plane Site". Dave Von Kleist with his pod nonsense is obvious disinfo I realized over time. But, did that stop me and thousands (or millions) of other people who saw his video from navigating their way through the disinfo to become a 9/11 truther? Doesn't look like it to me. Yes, the 9/11 truth movement has been heavily infiltrated with disinfo operatives, but somehow that hasn't stopped the truth from getting out and awareness from spreading like a brush fire. When I look at the level of awareness today in the US as compared to just 2 years ago, it's pretty mind blowing what has happened since then, and that is also the phase of the history of the 9/11 truth movement in which more disinfo agents and infiltrators have appeared than ever before.

Again, I'm not saying that we should push this issue with anyone and everyone right now. But, at the same time, I don't think we should assume that the battle is lost before it has barely begun. The truth cannot be supressed forever, especially in the information age, and especially when dealing with such huge lies that are connected to the most important contemporary issues of the day, including the fraudulent war on terror.

One of the most popular 9/11 blogging web sites that I was involved with - 911blogger.com - was just taken over this month and open discussion is now moderated (censored). The reason seems to be primarily as a result of a growing consensus and spreading of awareness among the bloggers about the involvement of Zionists/Mossad with 9/11. When it comes to detailed and informed discussion of the historical crimes and deceptions of Israel and the agenda they are pursuing, and have pursued, the usually pro-First Amendment, liberal, left-wing Jewish media crowd will, all of a sudden, rally ‘round the flag (the blue and white one) and energetically begin supporting limits on speech or advocating outright censorship. Any discussion of historical facts regarding Israel and the modern ideology of Zionism are quickly labeled “hate speech." Any valid and serious research into “radical-Zionist" involvement in the 9/11/01 attacks in New York and the 7/7/05 London bus bombings is either labeled as “hate speech" or censored and shunned as “divisive" or “bad" for the “truth movement’s" own PR. It is also perfectly understandable that the 9/11 Truth Movement is controversial enough without adding to the mix the Big Taboo of talking about the ideology of Zionism or Israel and her geo-political agendas. However, if you actually seek the truth of these matters and you want to understand 9/11 and what is occurring in the world, you are going to have to ask yourself who had the means, the opportunities, and motives to wire those towers for demolition on 9/11. The planes did not bring down the towers. The planes were part of the operation’s False Flag element – “Arab hijackers did these things. We must therefore now wage endless wars on the Arabs." The breadcrumbs and clues around the demolitions of WTC 1, WTC2, and especially WTC7, however, lead right up to the front door of the “radical Zionist" club. If we weren’t onto the truth, they wouldn’t act this way.

With a high Israeli surveillance and/or subscribership percentage, this seemingly deliberate move to take away a large, centrally visited forum from the post-“controlled demolition phase" of 9/11 research and discussion is most likely what has occurred over at 911Blogger. Perhaps out of fear of Mossad, and it is a valid one, or fear of somehow offending the Jewish 9/11 truthers and audience, or legitimate fear of handing to the media the strawman bait of “anti-Semitism," a policy of censorship, tighter information control, and topic limitations has been adopted over at 911B. It seems that too many people were being educated about this dangerous truth. The censors may have succeeded in fracturing the bloggers at that web site and shutting down discussion of Zionist's role in 9/11 as well as the related issue of holocaust revisionism, but not before many more people bacame educated about the reality. And, it created an oportunity for many of the bloggers to create their own blogging sites where open discussion is allowed and to continue spreading the word about the Zionist/Mossad role in 9/11 (along with holocaust revisionism) to many more people. So, that seems to indicate that we are winning the battle for truth and the controllers are getting desperate.
Oh, by the way, any answers to my earlier questions?

Keenan said:
Since SOTT is located in France, are you prohibited from discussing Holocaust Revisionism?

How does the Holocaust Denial laws pertain to the internet and blog discussions? Where can I find the opinions of the good SOTT folks on the issue in a way that doesn't put anybody in legal or other liability?
Keenan said:
It is true that exposing the holo-hoax amongst the sleeping masses is an uphill battle much steeper and higher to overcome than even the 9/11 hoax. The flip side to this is that once people do discover that this is the biggest lie of the century, they have pretty much graduated with a PHD in how all of history is fabricated. If 9/11 truth is like the flood gates opening, holocaust truth is like the Three Gorges Dam bursting. After that, overturning all other historical falshoods is a piece of cake.
No, it isn't. People will never 'discover this is the biggest lie' - it's a stacked deck as I explained in my last post, and I have neither the time nor the energy to repeat myself - you are throwing pebbles against a five foot thick, steel reinforced, concrete emotional wall and expecting people behind that wall to not only notice you and your pebbles, but to thank you for stirring them - and you are wasting your - and our time. This has been explained and still you persist. Why is that?

K said:
For what it's worth, it took me until this year, 2007, to set aside my emotional triggers to be willing to look into this touchy subject. There is a shift happening. More and more people, some of whom have had their minds opened by 9/11 truth, and some for other reasons, have been persuaded to overcome those barriers and learn the truth about the Big Lie.
That's nice, you are a small minority - this avenue of thinking does nothing but undermine the entire point - it is psychopathy - under any disguise - nazi, zionist, fundamental christian, republican, democrat, corporate ceo - do you not grasp that? Or do you grasp it and, thus, the vectoring of attention and energy toward chasing sixty year old demons who were unearthed decades ago?

K said:
Holocaust revisionist awareness is growing exponentialy right now and more and more intelligent and creative people are getting involved in producing holocaust revisionist books, videos, and web pages to spread the truth. A lot of the recent repression of Revisionists in Europe seems to have had the opposite effect of what was intended. Instead of shutting down the inquiry into the subject, lots of people have been made more curious about what all the fuss is about around this "holocaust denial" stuff and have decided to look into it themselves. It is only a matter of time before very creative and talented individuals start putting out high quality and persuasive holocaust revisionist videos that can open even more minds to the Big Lie. This one is a good start:
Nazi Shrunken Heads://www.onethirdoftheholocaust.com/nazishrunkenheads
How nice for them that they are putting out videos about something that occurred over sixty years ago - the world is on FIRE - we don't have much time left and they are over sixty years behind. I wonder why? Could it be that they were vectored to waste their time and energy?

K said:
I agree that PP is important to get out there and will help the masses imensely to understand what we are up against. I have been trying to spread the word myself about psychopathy and PP. But there is also a hunger people have to want to know specifics about the man behind the curtain and the other great lies of history. I think we can give people a little bit more credit and not worry so much about them not being ready for the whole ugly truth.
Interesting, because Ponerology goes into great detail about the 'man behind the curtain' - naming names, even. Have you read it? From the above paragraph, it seems you haven't, yet you agree it is important. Keenan, your agenda is showing.

Perhaps your time would be better spend on 911bloggers. If you are sincere, and still pushing this discussion at this point, then you may have a 'block' of some sort. If you are not sincere, and have an agenda, which seems to be the case, this is not the forum for you.
anart said:
People will never 'discover this is the biggest lie' - it's a stacked deck as I explained in my last post, and I have neither the time nor the energy to repeat myself - you are throwing pebbles against a five foot thick, steel reinforced, concrete emotional wall and expecting people behind that wall to not only notice you and your pebbles, but to thank you for stirring them - and you are wasting your - and our time. This has been explained and still you persist. Why is that?
Ok. I will offer you an olive branch and agree with you that now is not the time to try to expose the Big 60 year old Lie to the masses. I don't mean to be wasting your time and I will not persist with this point anymore. I will instead only suggest that exposing this lie may be of interest to those of us in these circles who are already open-minded enough to overcome those emotional barriers and already interested in educating ourselves about the historical context that it is relevant to. Since the SOTT web site and some of Laura's books does discuss much in the way of exposing historical lies as well the significance of Zionist history, it seems that some in this community may find this subject relevant to their persuit of knowledge.

anart said:
That's nice, you are a small minority - this avenue of thinking does nothing but undermine the entire point - it is psychopathy - under any disguise - nazi, zionist, fundamental christian, republican, democrat, corporate ceo - do you not grasp that? Or do you grasp it and, thus, the vectoring of attention and energy toward chasing sixty year old demons who were unearthed decades ago?
Yes, I do grasp that. I do not wish to vector attention and energy toward chasing old demons, so I will no longer persue the original point of trying to expose that lie to the masses (see my above comment). Though it does seem to me that far more people are unearthing that lie today than in the last 60 years.

anart said:
How nice for them that they are putting out videos about something that occurred over sixty years ago - the world is on FIRE - we don't have much time left and they are over sixty years behind. I wonder why? Could it be that they were vectored to waste their time and energy?
Perhaps they are interested in history and feel that certain big lies in recent history are relevant to what is happening today. Perhaps they feel there are important lessons to be learned from it. Laura published a book, "Secret History of the World", which discusses things that happened thousands of years ago. I don't think Laura was vectored to waste her time and energy by publishing that book on history.

anart said:
Interesting, because Ponerology goes into great detail about the 'man behind the curtain' - naming names, even. Have you read it? From the above paragraph, it seems you haven't, yet you agree it is important. Keenan, your agenda is showing.
I have read excepts from PP that were in the first edition of 9/11 Ultimate Truth, but I don't have Ponerology. It's on my list of books to buy and read.

My agenda is showing? Perhaps you misunderstood me. I am not trying to play games here. Again, sorry for wasting your time. I have a genuine interest in history and have learned a lot from SOTT in uncovering historical lies. Please don't throw unsubstantiated accusations my way.

anart said:
Perhaps your time would be better spend on 911bloggers. If you are sincere, and still pushing this discussion at this point, then you may have a 'block' of some sort. If you are not sincere, and have an agenda, which seems to be the case, this is not the forum for you.
I am sincere and will not push this discussion at this point. I'm sorry you feel that I seem to be insincere and have an agenda, but that is not the case.

I will just go back to my original question about where can I find SOTT's discussion on this historical narrative for those of us who are interested in this aspect of history?
Keenan said:
Oh, by the way, any answers to my earlier questions?

Keenan said:
Since SOTT is located in France, are you prohibited from discussing Holocaust Revisionism?
Let's just say that we do whatever is necessary to preserve and protect our main work which is exposing the "man behind the curtain." There is more than one way to skin a cat and "slowly, softly, catchee monkey."

Keenan said:
How does the Holocaust Denial laws pertain to the internet and blog discussions? Where can I find the opinions of the good SOTT folks on the issue in a way that doesn't put anybody in legal or other liability?
This subject is a tar-baby and has been set up that way on purpose. People get so stuck in the numbers, even in thinking that the number itself is going to get them somewhere, when it won't. Even if a group of people proved, unequivocally that the number was manipulated, all the brainwashed public would say is: well, so what?

You have to realize that you are up against a global, monolithic conspiracy. If your objective is to really do something valuable and effective, you can't go tilting at windmills.

SOTT spent some time at one point examining the evidence, looking at the claims, etc, and one thing we discovered was that the Revisionists go from "they lied about the numbers to they didn't really target the Jews (and they did, along with several other groups) because there is no evidence of it in Hitler's words. to Hitler was a good guy."

Now, who does that kind of thinking serve? Why, it serves the Zionists, of course. You can't have a captive population remembering constantly how much they need the psychopaths ruling over them if they aren't terrified at the resurgence of "neo-Naziism."

Bottom line is: if the Hoax-a-caust promoters want to claim 6 million dead, we will agree with them... AND we will continue to expose them for being responsible for all of them. Maybe by the time they are thoroughly exposed, they won't be so attached to numbers, and neither will anyone else.
anart said:
That's nice, you are a small minority - this avenue of thinking does nothing but undermine the entire point - it is psychopathy - under any disguise - nazi, zionist, fundamental christian, republican, democrat, corporate ceo - do you not grasp that? Or do you grasp it and, thus, the vectoring of attention and energy toward chasing sixty year old demons who were unearthed decades ago?
Exactly. It is very much like the disinformation in the 9/11 movement. Information is controlled so that in the event of a "leak", another version of the lie can be promoted. It is a constant battle for coercing people into accepting the "golden mean" between the truth and its opposite. Dave McGowan, in his latest piece on 9/11 says the following:

To digress a bit further here, it should be noted that there is a perfectly obvious agenda behind the new wave of theories concerning the demolition of the Twin Towers. All of the newfangled theories being dumped into the marketplace of ideas – mini nukes, microwave weapons, space-based weapons, etc. – share one thing in common: unlike conventional controlled demolitions, they do not require meticulous and time-consuming planning and preparation. As such, these far-fetched scenarios serve as something of an insurance policy for the conspirators: in the unlikely event that it should ever become necessary to admit to the deliberate demolition of the towers, the powers-that-be will be able to claim that the decision to implode the towers was a spontaneous one – which was, of course, undertaken with the intention of minimizing loss of life by preventing the massive structures from toppling over and decimating a huge swath of Manhattan. It was, you know, one of those difficult decisions that we hope our fearless leaders never have to make, blah, blah, blah, and luckily they were able to whip out some previously undisclosed ‘black’ technology to do the job, yadda, yadda, yadda, so it’s actually a good thing – don’t you think? – that they brought those towers down, even if they did have to lie about it, though in retrospect we can see that that was probably for our own good, what with the wounds being so fresh and all …

And that, my friends, is how the deliberate demolition of the towers could be sold to the American people. Rest assured that, presented with such a bill-of-goods, John Q. Public would undoubtedly do what he does best: buy it and consume it with gusto.
It works the same way with Holocaust revisionism. All possible outcomes are planned to benefit pathocracy. Keenan, when you get around to reading Ponerology, pay particular attention to the section on ideology.

You may already know that after WWI, the Germans felt betrayed by "The Jews" for the destruction of Germany. Apparently a group of fanatic Zionists stage-managed events behind the scenes. With this belief widespread (and even granting its truthfulness), Hitler ascended to power like a seagull catching an updraft. The thing most people cannot grasp is that pathocrats gain support by using REAL ideologies that resonate with the people. But they twist them ever so slightly. Hitler merely used his anti-Jewish policy as a means to control, terrorize, and murder; to create a "better world" where psychological deviants can destroy the psyches of normal people.

That's the reason we focus on the pathocratic angle. There is a very real possibility that the "Jewish/Israeli" connection to 9/11 will be revealed on a mass scale. Imagine this happening, in conjunction perhaps, with a revelation that the Holocaust was a "hoax". Nazism will start looking like it had something going for it, huh? And a psychopathic party will rise to power on a 9/11 Truth / Anti-Israel platform.
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