George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Don't want to bring any noise here but I was thinking recently about the whole situation in the US and some questions have popped in my head: a kind of a similar scenario is in store for other parts of the world? Like a domino effect?

Is it possible that the same theme may be used by those behind the curtain, that is, promoting a "race war" in Europe and other countries to further divided the people, increase the chaos, the suffering and of course to give someone the perfect reason to impose more draconian measure because everybody are behaving like savages and need to be traced, microchipped, vaccinated and have every aspect of his life monitored because we are animals and otherwise the society will descend into full chaos? And as some of you already mentioned, I'm wondering also if "greenzombies" have been activated for this very purpose?

Many questions indeed, I guess, we have to keep our eyes and years open and enjoy the show, for sure it will get more interesting very soon.
So sad and unnecessary!
The Dallas store owner pulled from his store and beaten by a Mob.Passed away this Morning. Uncle Sam Children (@UncleSamsNation)" ">June 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8">

This was murder! Someone posted the clip earlier and it was murder by mob!

The FBI or whoever should analyse the footage, track and arrest every single person that was involved in the murder of this man.
Following Joe's latest posts re how this is a non-race issue, I'm now wondering why some people are so hell-bent on making it a race issue?

The term 'race war' is thrown around... What does that mean exactly? What are the mechanics? Isn't the proper term meant to be genocide? i.e. one group violently tries to exterminate the other? Is this what people think is going to happen? I think the chances of genocide in the US is next to zero.

There's more chance of the US elites trying to genocide Russians based off the genetic research they've been doing than of full-scale genocide in the US or Europe where white / black people march on the streets killing each other i.e. Rwanda / Burundi style.

So what's the whole point of this emotionally charged, highly marketable term that is now in widespread use "RACE WAR" (TM).

In addition, (just my opinion) I'm seeing a mirroring of SJW tactics from some on the right. The SJW cry and whine about how they are perpetual victims and the world is forever designed against them (victims of perpetual unfairness). Now on the right, there are people hell-bent on saying whites are now perpetual victims, they suffer rampant discrimination to the point that some are justifying this by saying whites are the Semites and so the power structure is against them and wants to eliminate them

White people have been told, for a long time now, that they are uniquely evil; that their crimes against the rest of the species, and against nature herself, are beyond forgiveness; that they are slated for removal; and that the future will be better without them. We're told it's evil to have pride in our ancestors; told it's evil to want our own territories; told not to have babies.

It's like SJW tactics in reverse! I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this correctly?

I can picture 2 groups standing across each other each shouting at each other that they are the true perpetual victims and the other side are the fake victims. Literally this is what it's coming to! It's almost a bit like some joke?
Not true, according to that link. It was just an internal memo, not a formal classification, eg Iran.
Thanks for the clarification hlat. I'm glad they started investigating at the time which was the important thing to do. They're not new on the radar.

Following up on what I said about antifa being given a free pass by the police for years, I just read this which says the same for NYC.

Rudy Giuliani: De Blasio Is Calling Individual Police Chiefs and Telling Them Not to Enforce the Law or Make Arrests (VIDEO)

Paris right now: Heavy clashes erupt as tens of thousands protest against racism and police violence despite ban. #AdamaTraore #BlackLivesMattter
You can hear the mob in Paris shouting "justice for Adama". It's a reference to Adama Traore who died after escaping the police three times.

The event happened 4 years ago. Since then, 11 expert reports about the cause of the death have been produced. Most reports rejected the police responsibility and pointed to several medical conditions (cardiomegalopathy, lung sarcoïdosis and sickle cell syndrom) coupled with exertion due to the 3 chases and presence of drugs in the blood analysis.

Coincidentally or not, the 12th expert death report was released today, a few days after the Paris demonstration in support of George Floyd gathered a limited number of participants.

This 12th expert report doesn't involve the direct analysis of Traore medical data, like most previous reports. It is rather an analysis of the 11 existing reports and it concludes that the police is responsible for Traore's death (because of tackling Traore).

What better way to throw gazoline on the fire?

It is interesting to note that the Traore march was described as peaceful by most MSM, while it was not. The police restrained itself. What a contrast with the Yellow Vest movement who was described as violent by the MSM, while it was not (the infiltrated antifas were), and who sustained 24,000 injured demonstrators because of police violence.
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The Palpatines of this world are surely rejoicing. Populations are being played with such facility now. There will probably be a contagion effect to other parts of the world, pretexting different things. It's like the zombie apocalypse fantasy surfacing. Also, one should be careful of the effects of hyperkinetic sensate. Most people have been programmed to be criminally minded so such events are easy to provoke. I wonder however to what extent the pouring of STS energy through the curtain may be contributing to the amplification of all of this.

I hope this is shared far and wide, especially with those who simply reduce this down to "It's more important to save black lives than to preserve property."

This is extremely upsetting. This decent, hard working family man slain mercilessly and with no one by his side, no help from anyone as he lay dying on the sidewalk.


David Dorn worked with the St. Louis Police Department for 38 years.
A retired police captain fatally shot during looting in St. Louis was passionate about helping young people.

( Don't get upset at the guy filming it. He called 911 before rolling and spent the rest of the 13 minutes (that's how long the video is) fending other looters off from the store. )
I was also quite troubled by bjorn's comment to 'release the hounds'.

I want Antifa to be dealt with preferable by the justice system so that the public can learn about their activities and heinous crimes. If you read the comments after that comment you will see that it wasn't meant to be taken literally since it was a rant. Sorry that you felt troubled and I'll try to express myself differently in the future.

Be care full.


Former New York police chief Bernie Kerik says George Soros is driving US protests.

Amazing Polly uploaded a video yesterday that investigates connections between George Floyd, the officer that supposedly killed him, the owner of the venue where they both worked as security guards, an activist organisation, meat processing plants, illegal immigrants, Bill Gates and Richard Branson and a few others.

28 mins:

The blurb under the video says:

Could these protests turned riots and the virus lockdowns be part of an organized attempt at a revolution or insurrection? It looks like we're experiencing 4th Generation warfare with our enemies exploiting the gray zone.

I haven't yet found the exact document that she refers to that brings up the subject of 4th Generation Warfare and refers to exploiting the gray zone called Underwriting the Future: Decoding the Next Strategic Shock. I found others with similar lay out when I searched the title of the document that she refers to in army war college publications. So I wonder if it has been scrubbed?

I did find the following from The Centre of the American Experiment:

“Fourth generation adversaries will be adept at manipulating the media to alter domestic and world opinion…Television news may become a more powerful operational weapon than armored divisions… Some terrorists already know how to play this game.”These ominous words speak starkly about the reality of al-Qaeda’s manipulation of the media. Consider that during the height of coverage of Hurricane Katrina a rash of attacks took place in Iraq, including a dozen bombings during one nine-hour period that killed 167 and wounded 600. It seems that terrorists don’t take kindly to getting bumped off the front page.

“The distinction between ‘civilian’ and ‘military’ may disappear.” We see this clearly in the lives led by the 9/11 attackers and the London bombers – they passed as regular civilians while they were plotting their acts of destruction. More recently, we see how Iraqi insurgents blend right in with the rest of the population – so much so that they quickly and easily plowed a truck into a group of children receiving candy from American troops.

“The opponent’s political infrastructure and civilian society become battlefield targets.” The attacks of 9/11 and the recent London bombings were focused on civilians. And the terrorist bombings in Madrid were clearly timed to impact Spain’s elections, resulting in a significant change in their political infrastructure. The terrorists were so successful in Spain that we can only assume they will try the same tactic again.

“A major target will be the enemy population’s support of its government and the war.” Taking civilians hostage has been seen to mobilize citizens to come out against the war in Iraq. Victims of such kidnappings appear to be targeted not due to their personal views or actions, but due only to their nationality. For example, Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena was against the war, but was kidnapped in an attempt to stir up the strong anti-war sentiment in Italy. In Spain, where support for the war was weak, Islamic terrorists killed 191 civilians and threatened to turn Spain “into an inferno” unless the country stopped its support of the war. Spain capitulated.

“It will be critically important to isolate the enemy from one’s own homeland, because a small number of people will be able to render great damage in a very short time.” We are not in a traditional war between nations – it is a war between small bands of ideologically driven Islamic extremists and rest of the world. The adage “We need to fight them abroad so we don’t have to fight them here” is accurate to a point. It would be true if we indeed were adequately protecting ourselves here at home. However, our lack of resolve to enforce the immigration laws we have and to take protection of our borders seriously leaves us far too vulnerable to domestic terrorist attacks. The CIA has already reported that known al-Qaeda operatives have been spotted in northern Mexico.

“Terrorists use a free society’s freedom and openness, its greatest strengths, against it. They can move freely within our society while actively working to subvert it…Terrorists can effectively wage their form of warfare while being protected by the society they are attacking.” This is true in this country and is true in Great Britain as well. It’s one of those things that makes this war so unlike previous wars. There are no set battlefields, and the combatants dress and act like the guy down the street. In our country, the 9/11 terrorists were all in violation of our weakly enforced immigration laws, while most of the London terrorists were actual citizens. In both cases, the terrorists were able to carry out their acts in large measure due to the freedoms we enjoy.

One of the most sobering facts about Lind’s 1989 article is that it has been found in terrorist training manuals and in the abandoned al-Qaeda hideouts in the Afghanistan caves of Tora-Bora.

4GW is a phenomenon that is evolving as we watch. It is not war as we once knew it. It is war with no clear battlefields, no easily identifiable enemies, and is driven by extremist loyalties to religion, ethnic group, or ideology.

The authors give this warning: “Whoever is first to recognize, understand, and implement a generational change can gain a decisive advantage. Conversely, a nation that is slow to adapt to generational change opens itself to catastrophic defeat.”

May we heed these words.

Stuff like this is really annoying!

It makes it so hard to side with police

This video is explicit of police complicity. Police deliberately dragging their feet, arresting the woman who alerted them of looters, shouting down woman who is notifying the of wrongfully arrested the shop owner. I watched some other videos that police is allowing looters get away, you may say petty things like few clothes etc And making token arrests of one looter. If we listen political points of leaders, it all make sense. It does looks like Police are in collusion or got stand down orders according to the local political leadership wishes.

Sad to see how these twists and turns are taking. It has been a interesting year where unthinkable became new normal. It started with Solemani thing, then covid-19 where no body showed any resistance and with this riots, no body cared about pet talk of social distancing. I wonder where they will take it to next. Looting seems to be slowing down, but PTB may have next moves. What is happening in the behind the scenes is scary part - sulfur smell, obmagate investigation, new tech mandates, down economy and so on. It looks nobody is in control of the situation. Covid-19 compliance created a soft spot. I guess, how PTB likes to mold it, drives the next events until Universe says "Time out". People are oblivious to it.

Yesterday I went to a tobacco store, Store is open as per board, but bolted. One man came from inside opened the door and asked what I want. I didn't have mask. he asked me what I want, he said he didn't have it. but he allowed me to just come in to the door only stay at the inside the door( as if i am a untouchable in the Caste sense) and tried to sell some other product. I told him I am not interested and left.

I went to neighboring state ( not far away from my location), all tobacco stores are closed( I guess non-essential services) and went to 711 (neighborhood store). On all store doors, there are boards with"No service if you don't wear the mask". So I went to car to take my mask, one woman laughingly said "that is not mandatory now", though most of others are wearing it. So I went and bought some without mask. All this is silly, but it is what it is.
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