Enforcement of VAX escalating

Total negation of possibility of long term effects of such (as in time-delayed negative side effects, for one reason or another, including, but not limited to, death).
But no one has denied any of that in this thread, at all, and no one has pushed anyone to do one thing or the other. The consensus, based on research and discussion, is to attempt to avoid getting a vaccine if you're able to for as long as you can, however, based on the evidence we see in the world, chances are that it won't affect most people that take it.

The discussion can then move on to specific risks and statistics of vaccination, the mechanics and case studies as well as anecdotal evidence, that still has value and it has not been dismissed at all, in fact, such discussion is welcome in this forum.

If I had to distill the message of this thread to those who have read it and participated is that, yes there are risks, yes avoid it if you can, but do not become so rigid about the rejection where it starts to impede your capacity to live, to actually live. Everyone's situation is completely different, and everyone will be faced with the situation differently and at different times, some may never be faced with the prospect of choosing to take the jab ever.

Whichever situation you may find yourself in, the best course of action still is to work at improving your inner state, and yes that includes mental and emotional work, but more immediately your physical health, your immune health, so that when you meet the jab, or the virus, or the hypothetical monstrosity, you'll have better chances at managing it properly without too much trouble if at all.

No one here is defending big pharma, or pushing their agenda, rather this is a discussion that aims at showing their "main weapon" as something that can be dealt with properly, not just by avoidance, but also by meeting it with the right mindset and with a strong body.

I hope the above makes sense.
but do not become so rigid about the rejection where it starts to impede your capacity to live, to actually live.
I agree with what you said @Alejo but I'd caution against the above as a blanket statement. Some people's life journeys or life plans could involve being the spear point of rejecting these mandates and such people could have the psychological and emotional tools to withstand such a barrage and come out the other side as better and more capable human beings - as such I wouldn't make blanket statements like the above as it may not fit with certain people.

"To live" "To actually live" are both subjective statements unless we mean to live as opposed to dying i.e. a situation where you are faced with a firing squad or something. People can lose their current jobs and actually end up finding something better or pursuing something they've always put off e.g. writing a book, or utilise the opportunity to actually get into their community and built networks etc. People can use the opportunity to build relationships with people who actually care about them and leave relationships that were abusive and therefore come out the other side better. There are so many permutations that we can't make such blanket statements.

Yes, for a vast majority it's probably right to take the jab if the hustle is too great but there are millions of people with the tools to be "rigid" in their rejection and actually enhance their experience of life and life lessons by saying no e.g. the experience could lead them to building alternatives, meeting like-minded people, fighting legal cases, being at the forefront of "emerging" culture etc.

That's all I wanted to say 🙂
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FDA Doubles Down: Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until at Least the Year 2096 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data​

The fed gov’t gives Pfizer billions in taxpayer money + makes Americans take its product + won’t let Americans sue for harm + shields disclosure of its licensure documents = 1984​


A minimum of 20,010 days (54 years and 10 months).
That is how long the FDA proposes to take, at a rate of 500 pages per month, to produce only a portion of the documents in its file for the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine that PHMPT requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (the “FOIA Request”) and 21 C.F.R. § 601.51(e). But when it came to reviewing those same documents to license this product so that Pfizer could freely sell it to the public, the FDA took just 108 days. It took the FDA’s parent department even less time to grant Pfizer complete immunity to liability for injuries from this product, and it took a stroke of the President’s pen to mandate this product for federal employees, the private sector and military personnel.
Each side gets to file response briefs on December 13, 2021, and then there is oral argument on December 14, 2021 before the Judge. If you want to read the response to the FDA’s position, a copy of the introduction in the brief my firm filed is below. And below that, a downloadable copy of each side’s full briefing is available.

Enjoy. And if you find what you are reading difficult to believe – that is because it is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure. The lesson yet again is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure.

FDA Budget for 2021

@United Gnosis it's possible that I am, at least partly, to blame for you missing the point that I was making. The way I responded to your post about your talk with your brother was disproportionately harsh and too personal for the purposes of what I wanted to say. This probably provoked a response in you that narrowed your focus onto me as an adversary and shifted your perception of what I was saying towards how I was 'wrong', to essentially respond 'in kind' to what you perceived as an attack by me on you, and it's understandable that you saw it that way. Anyway, I'm not perfect and have a tendency (now and again) to react first and consider later. Where that is not appropriate, it is not helpful to anyone or the discussion that is underway. I just wanted to clarify my thoughts on that, because I don't want you to feel like you're being made out to the 'bad guy' or comprehensively 'wrong' here. So anyway, I apologize for being too personal in my response to you about the talk with your brother. It was unwarranted.

“The world has changed.​

I see it in the water.​

I feel it in the Earth.​

I smell it in the air." (oh, actually I can't, I have a mask on...)

I think my statement above was too ambiguous. What I meant was I'm not sure anymore if we could live in the same way as we lived before, no matter if we jabbed or not. Galadriel knew something.. the world has changed.
I agree with what you said @Alejo but I'd caution against the above as a blanket statement. Some people's life journeys or life plans could involve being the spear point of rejecting these mandates and such people could have the psychological and emotional tools to withstand such a barrage and come out the other side as better and more capable human beings - as such I wouldn't make blanket statements like the above as it may not fit with certain people.

"To live" "To actually live" are both subjective statements unless we mean to live as opposed to dying i.e. a situation where you are faced with a firing squad or something. People can lose their current jobs and actually end up finding something better or pursuing something they've always put off e.g. writing a book, or utilise the opportunity to actually get into their community and built networks etc. People can use the opportunity to build relationships with people who actually care about them and leave relationships that were abusive and therefore come out the other side better. There are so many permutations that we can't make such blanket statements.

Yes, for a vast majority it's probably right to take the jab if the hustle is too great but there are millions of people with the tools to be "rigid" in their rejection and actually enhance their experience of life and life lessons by saying no e.g. the experience could lead them to building alternatives, meeting like-minded people, fighting legal cases, being at the forefront of "emerging" culture etc.

That's all I wanted to say 🙂
oh certainly, which is why I said "yes there are risks, yes avoid it if you can" and also " No one has pushed anyone to do one thing or the other". So my statement wasn't meant as a blanket statement to dispel the notion or suggest that there's only one path, it was merely saying that resisting for the sake of resisting, too rigidly, isn't really a good idea IMO.

I daresay that most people who are resisting aren't doing it with the hypothetical scenario that you're envisioning, to be a spear point of endless possibilities, most people who are resisting are doing so because in principle they feel like their sovering agency is being violated, a very hard resistance isn't fluid and open to the possibilities, it's rigid and concerned with protecting what already exists. That's what I meant, not that there's only a single path.

In terms of hypothetical scenarios, one could write such scenarios for either choice and all the ones in between, and they all are possible to a large degree, someone could take the jab, keep their job and finally be able to afford to make a difference, without any side effects. And we'd have to agree that yes, both what you describe and the rest of hypothetical scenarios are in fact possible.

Which means, it comes down to an individual choice, as you rightly point out. And what I was saying is that either choice one makes, one should have faith in the work one has done, or is doing, to be able to meet that choice, whichever one it is, from a place of strength and health.
If I can add to this thread, I am one of those who had to get vaccinated. My wife and I refused it till the point it came onto our jobs i.e. no vaxx, no job which we could not afford. Therefore, we got the Astrazeneca jabs with the protocol and holding ok so far. There has been the usual reactions and weakening of the immune system but we are managing to build it back up just fine with the advice already available on the forum. The catch is not to dwell on it too much or one ends up "walking on the egg shells" all the time. This causes more anxiety than its worth. One doesn't loose anything if they are being forced into a vaccination. Are we going to die from the vaccine? Is death really a concern? The worst ones are those who line up willingly without questioning the narrative and they have already lost everything.
If I can add to this thread, I am one of those who had to get vaccinated. My wife and I refused it till the point it came onto our jobs i.e. no vaxx, no job which we could not afford. Therefore, we got the Astrazeneca jabs with the protocol and holding ok so far. There has been the usual reactions and weakening of the immune system but we are managing to build it back up just fine with the advice already available on the forum. The catch is not to dwell on it too much or one ends up "walking on the egg shells" all the time. This causes more anxiety than its worth. One doesn't loose anything if they are being forced into a vaccination. Are we going to die from the vaccine? Is death really a concern? The worst ones are those who line up willingly without questioning the narrative and they have already lost everything.
Thank you for sharing Sid.

Do you happen to be in the UK? If yes, I was wondering if you and your wife will take the booster + what is your thinking about it?

@Thebull I think you are from Yorkshire. What's your thinking about the booster? Trying to see what double vaccinated UK residents are thinking now that they'll be getting offered a booster.

For clarity, and if you read my comments on this thread, I don't judge people for their choices though I do lean towards the side of noncompliance.

FYI, for all members not in the UK, the British government has launched a campaign to get all double vaccinated people (18+) "boosted" before the end of the year. Today they'll also be voting to bring in the health passports - of course the vote will be yes as it's all a corrupted system.
FYI, for all members not in the UK, the British government has launched a campaign to get all double vaccinated people (18+) "boosted" before the end of the year. Today they'll also be voting to bring in the health passports - of course the vote will be yes as it's all a corrupted system.
I didn't know that, thank you. I've noticed the UK is a frequent testing ground for what's coming to the USA. If it does pass, I expect vaxpasses on a federal level by this time next year, but probably much sooner.
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