Dream about a gigantic vulcano eruption and the strongest earthquake ever seen

Also, reading this thread today and the post above about the undersea volcano in Tonga, reminded me of another event, the grand chamber collapse off the coast of Madagascar that occurred in 2018:

(Pierre) What was the cause of this monochromatic earthquake that lasted 20 minutes last month off the coast of Madagascar?

A: Grand chamber collapse deep underground. Like a deep sinkhole. And extremely large!!!

Q: (Joe) They were saying they thought it was an undersea volcanic eruption.

(L) So what caused it?

A: Combination of factors including crustal slippage and magnetic field anomaly. Check gravity graphic for the region for clues.

Q: (L) That must mean that globey thing they made that shows the shape of the Earth according to its gravity.

(Pierre) I would guess the anomaly shows a weak gravity so there'd be less binding force there.

(L) So it doesn't have anything to do with the sun...

(Andromeda) That trembling was on the 18th, and a week later the sun did the singing.

(L) The sun was singing.

A: Loosely connected by effects of the same general influences in the solar system at present.

Q: (L) And what are those general influences?

A: External and internal.

Q: (L) Well that doesn't help.

(Pierre) Is the external Nemesis?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Internal is the state of humanity?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is internal also streams of comet dust?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it's basically the same mechanism. And external could also be the wave?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So just the same general malady is affecting everything.

(Andromeda) And that's the same reason we had this big earthquake yesterday.

(L) So they didn't connect to each other, but they were effects of the same general thing. Next?
Q: (L) Well, let me backtrack here... Was the collapse of that underground chamber a harbinger or a trigger that will start some kind of chain reaction of events on the planet that are going to travel around the globe the same way the waves traveled around the globe?

A: Close! Works for us!

Q: (Joe) If something like that collapses in on itself, if that happened on the continental shelf off the coast of California, it would fall into the ocean!

(Scottie) Finally!

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) How large are we talking about for that big "sinkhole"?

A: Size of Lake Superior.

Q: (L) Well, Jesus, it would have to be big to send waves around the whole planet and ...

(Pierre) For 20 minutes.

(Scottie) That's BIG.

(Andromeda) They felt it near Hawaii.

(Pierre) And New Zealand.

(L) Was this chamber something like a passageway through which... I mean, I've seen pictures of these things through volcanoes... lava tunnels or tubes. Was it something like a lava tube?

A: Yes!

Q: (Pierre) It was a chamber in the lower layers of the crust, in the mantle that fell in the lava?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Whoa...

(Joe) Did it effectively create a hole in the ocean floor?

A: No

Q: (L) Imagine a tube like a vacuum cleaner hose that got smashed. It would still have its top and bottom.

(Joe) But this would be very deep, so...

(L) What if what is above is what collapsed down? When you have a sinkhole, that's what happens.

(Joe) But you probably have a lot of sinkholes going on around the world that don't manifest on the surface as things open up.

(L) And then eventually one day... That's creepy.
I have been having also quite a number of disaster and alien invasion dreams over the last few months. The disasters vary from floods, to earthquakes and to cometary impacts. Sometimes the disaster happens and then the alien invasion begins. Most of the dreams im either running away to higher/safer ground, or seeking shelter in post apocalyptic type world with aliens about.
My disaster dreams always have water, in the form of huge waves, washing over everything. Could be tsunami from an earthquake.
As a contrast my cataclysm-dreams are of mountains rising and flat grasslands slanting upward in sharp angles. What was recently a horizontal meadow, we now have to climb it like a mountain. The ground then continues to rise / slant into impossible angles, which we can't climb anymore. Then we slide back.
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