Crystal Requests!

Thank you very much for your great efforts. 💜
I attached the pdf to an email and was able to do the donation via paypal although they have removed the contact from last time. I could send it though by going via the donation button on the FOTCM site, if this is of help for anybody here.
Chu, j'ai un stock de jolis cristaux, je peux vous les nevoyer, je vous l'avais déjà proposer mais je n'ai pas reçu de réponse positive, ils sont à votre disposition ...

Thank you PERLOU, that's very kind of you! :hug2: We must have missed your first offer. But for the moment, all crystals are already charged. Next time we get a new batch to charge, we will make sure to remember your offer if more are needed. In the meantime, you could sing and pray with our crystals and yours, and let them be friends. I'm sure they'll get good vibes that way, and you'll have more to cherish.
I had another question, say I had a crystal for travel, and I wanted to use it for my kitchen or some space in my house instead of travel, would that be possible? Is there some kind of reprogramming that needs to be done?
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