Indeed it's kicking of here today, I was told Tesco around the corner from me shut, due to health and safety to many people, long cues in othere supermarkets, it's like Christmas shopping but 10 times worse People are clearing the shelves of everything, cars loaded with stuff. It's nuts out there.

Hi Liam. God help us! Remember the 2 inches of snow last year and what it brought out in Irish panic shoppers! I can't get to my local store before 5pm but I'm already expecting a wasteland. And we both know what will go first - bread, milk and BOOZE... oh and of course, loo roll!

ps where are you in the emerald isle?

Yeah, and that was only a bit of snow..Unreal what's happening, I'm gonna get a load of pork the weekend of a farmer out in meath.

I'm in Dublin 13
I work closely with many high ranking medical doctors here in Brazil, and most aren't very concerned with COVID-19. The general consensus is that it is a seasonal flu-like disease, that will hit Brazil hard in the next few weeks and then subside.
Our health care system, SUS, has mounted what seems an adequate response. The only concern is enough ICU beds for those that become really sick.
Now it's wait and see how it goes.

Where they point out:

Americans have been quarantined on cruise ships and then forced to pay for their later hospitalization. The government that quarantines you has zero intention to pay the costs associated with your care, to say nothing of the opportunity costs of missing work.

I posted that article on my FB page and someone liked it and share that interesting video:

We can read below her video:

Did you know that Bill & Melinda Gates, the CIA, the World Economic Forum, Bloomber / Johns Hopkins, the UN Foundation & more ran a scenario for a Cor-na Virus Pandemic in December 2019? I have clips from that event to share with you as well as other shocking material.

Well I just survived a bout of flu. Can't remember the last time I had it. Started getting sick Saturday afternoon. Went to a clinic Monday morning. Probably would have gone anyway because I had a fever, but with all this nonsense going on I figured I better get checked out. Tested positive for Influenza A.

Feeling much better today just in time to return to work this evening.
As we no doubt all agree, the noise to signal level allied to the level of roll out of accelerating near national lock down (especially in Europe and now surely to include the US… or will Trump resist for a while longer…?) is all massively disproportionate to the true level of medical threat. With the WHO now declaring this a pandemic (when this is more than debatable), as James Corbett points out:

With the Covid-19 outbreak, too, the WHO is playing a game with the pandemic declaration, only this time its motivation is precisely the opposite. In 2017, the World Bank issued a $425 billion bond in support of its Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility. Investors in that bond issue will lose everything if a global pandemic is declared before July . . . a key reason, some suggest, why the WHO is refusing to call coronavirus a pandemic despite it quite clearly meeting the criteria.

So the short term global financial loss would appear to be of little concern. If one takes the figure suggested by Catherine Austin Fitts as to how much has already been fleeced/leached out of the above the line system since 9/11 (at least $25 trillion via the US alone) – then the above and other figures being bandied around as the short term cost are merely drops in the ocean if one takes it that other more strategically orientated goals are the possible order of the day. Considering the entire global financial market is giant, rigged ponzi-scheme waiting a gentle nudge to topple and that the vast majority of the US financial and governmental systems were only recently taken dark from accountability/accountancy terms, etc, it would appear that the global ground has been quietly set for a while now for what she terms ‘a massive financial coup d'état’.

In other words the system does not seem to care that a sharp and very painful further economic shock is now a locked in certainty. Perhaps we should assume it’s a significant purpose to all this. Order out of chaos step 287…

The question is how deep does the plan – or piggyback reaction to useful events - go? Is this the intragovern-mental (sic) economic and political system responding to known (by them) unknowns (by us) or is it the Consortium forcing this issue via their sleeper cells and hence it is an unknown (by the main body of the pyramid) unknown (by most in suits plus all the rest of us)?

In the first case it could be just collective foolery – each responding in kind to the other – terrified for their necks, seeing revolts on the streets across the world of late, and acting ‘responsibly’ and ‘proactively’ so as not to take the blame for failing to act ‘sensibly’ (and hang the consequences tomorrow).

For as luc says, maybe they are all responding to an unseen force that makes them behave uncontrollably like lemmings in high powered suits:

Here's a theory: maybe the Wave is coming in earnest? The Cs have told us about "hyperkinetic sensate" and those unprepared physically experiencing a "thermonuclear blast" and other things along those lines, i.e. you either ride the Wave or get crushed by it. What if some (many?) people are experiencing this, or kind of feel it in their bones that it's coming? This would include people in the various bureaucracies and administrations. In other words, this coronavirus just happened to be there at the right moment, and the psychic energy in the air just attached itself to it. Could have been something different. Anyway, that would explain the worldwide nature of this craze, and why it started rather innocently, like just another media hype among many, but quickly spiraled out of control in this bizarre way. Just a thought!

However to me it just smells too structured a response at the deepest level to be merely that; all the parts of the system are singing with one voice – and so loudly. There’s apparent co-ordination, there’s near uniformity, there’s an ever increasing ratcheting up way beyond reason or even collective rationality.

As I posted here:

The crescendo of government / media noise relates to a far greater danger than the one we face - as if they are setting out everyone's mental frame of mind ahead for an actual event to come, not as a result of it.

And as Laura highlighted here in the article she posted:

Are we really ready to imprison the world, wreck financial markets, destroy countless jobs, and massively disrupt life as we know it, all to forestall some uncertain fate, even as medical professionals do know the right way to deal with respiratory illness in general from a medical point of view?

It seems they/we are – and if we know this is the coming consequence, they sure as hell knew weeks+ ago.

So is it worth pausing and looking beyond the virus at possible underlying forces that are driving this now.

For example - and in my descending order of likelihood - they might be:

1. Having taken out all the available and valuable juice from the financial system they are deliberately engendering circumstances for a global reset forced by a major global financial crisis brought on by the virus (i.e. killing the beast to raise a worse beast)

2. That they are seeking an excuse to lock down/compartmentalize the internet to stop the up swell of knowledge and communication that threatens their local power. The equivalent of the Patriot Act for the internet has been sitting, drafted and ready to go on the shelf for many years now. Certainly internet censorship is happening around the virus and seems a very good excuse to get the population onside to unify against those anti-vaxers and conspiracy nuts who are as bad if not worse than the virus. For we know (again from Corbett):

…it should be noted that Event 201 dwelled extensively on how to “stop the spread of misinformation.” Their answer: internet shutdowns and censorship, of course!

3. That this is being taken as the grounds to push for mandated universal vaccines as per China and that the first on the block will be an untested, unsafe Coronavirus vaccine that miraculously turns up in a month’s time - to the mass 'ching, ching' of $ signs. Bonanza!

4. That they know full well that next autumn/winter will bring a tipping point in the global weather patterns in response to the sun slipping deeper into its solar minimum, etc and they will lose control of the narrative on man made global warming pretty soon - unless they can bring down a house of cards on everyone so they don’t have time or head space to notice…

5. That the global food production and supply system is close to breaking point because of the above and they know it and so they need general panic to serve as cover to put in place control over citizens rights to gather etc. before they again lose control of the narrative.

6. That there is significantly dangerous incoming from outer space due here before the end of the year – and they know it and so need compartmentalized lock down procedures in place and on the books (with a cover story) to save their necks on a landmass by landmass basis.

7. There are enough signs that 4th density bleed through is accelerating that they need a global distraction and melt down to avoid open scrutiny and the possibility via the internet of information being globally shared and awareness of something ‘strange’ going on growing – which would produce untold panic if these local effects grew or spread.

Whether its one of these, none of these, something else, or a mix of several – who is to say at this point.

But what I would say is we should all keep our eye out for unexpected legislation or announcements below the MSM noise that suggests possible significant changes to rights of assembly, financial controls, military powers, food supply, mandated vaccines, etc – you name it.

So much legislation on martial law type scenarios has gone through on the QT over the past 20 years – especially under the radar of ‘chaos’ events – that we should not be at all surprised to see the final icing and candles come out in the same manner in the next few weeks.
Now, Trudeau?

Trump is not concerned - 'He wants to kiss Trudeau maybe?'

12 Mar, 2020

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, who performs research nearly every day on the humun immune system, says the coronavirus scare the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!
One of our students graduated from Brown University last year and she just told us that they announced today that they're closing down the campus and moving to all online classes. I found this on their website: said:
The health and safety of the Brown community continues to be the University’s highest priority. Based on evolving information about the spread of COVID-19 across the country and the world, community members should know that:

  • There are no confirmed or presumptive cases of COVID-19 on the Brown campus.
  • To protect the community while enabling students to complete the semester, Brown will move academic instruction for all undergraduate and graduate students to remote learning effective March 30.
  • Undergraduate students who live in on-campus residences or Brown-owned properties must vacate their residences by March 22 and complete the semester from their homes or at an alternate location.
  • Classes are cancelled for the week of March 16 so that faculty have time to prepare to transition courses to remote learning and students have time to pack and arrange for travel.
  • All but the most essential events are cancelled. Admissions events and all spring athletics competitions and practices are cancelled, and non-essential visitors are discouraged from coming to campus (parents and families are considered essential visitors during the process of helping students move off campus).
  • The University remains open, and academic and administrative offices continue to operate with appropriate measures to protect the health of the community and to provide for paid leave needs.
  • Brown has suspended all University-sponsored travel to both international and domestic destinations.
  • Anyone returning to the U.S. after any travel to China, Iran, Italy and South Korea will be required to self-isolate in a U.S. location away from campus for at least 14 days before returning to Brown.
  • Brown has not yet determined whether Commencement and Reunion Weekend can proceed in its traditional format and/or at its usual scheduled time in late May.
Medical professionals who lead Brown’s Health Services are in constant and continuous communication with the Rhode Island Department of Health, and in the event there were to be any changes in the medical and public health guidance Brown is receiving, the University would communicate that to the campus and take all necessary steps. The most important steps that all Brown community members can take to remain healthy are outlined on this site's Self Care page.

Last Updated: Thursday, March 12, 2020

It says that they're closing the undergraduate dorms on March 22nd (about 10 days from now). What she was confused about and what I'm wondering is what are all of the international students who live in the dorms supposed to do? Fly home?
April might be a nasty month of major societal deconstruction.
Less than 3 weeks till April and one wonders how APRIL DROP DEAD DATE will manifest this year - less regarding people and maybe more regarding economics - the global ponzi scheme finally crashes and burns? Covid-19 will serve as the cover excuse rather than the global elite's criminal racketeering.
or use precious metals as currency instead of fiat money?
Or that's what all the toilet paper stockpiling is for:
Can't agree - I believe preppers have stocked up in the past on TP for the purpose of having an essential item to barter in the event that things get bad (besides having it for themselves). Tide detergent was also an item getting a lot of attention for potential bartering - apparently by thieves:
[...] it appears that Tide laundry detergent has emerged as an alternative currency or “medium of exchange, something like a ghetto version of Bitcoin?

"This has been a defacto currency for at least a decade now – not the first time I heard of this. It seems to follow the classical definition (which some say is bunk) of how a currency is initially created. People gravitate to an item which can be used for barter, which is relatively easy to carry, easy to verify, doesn’t spoil, and is universally recognized as something of value.
And an added bonus, it can be converted into alternate currencies, and it is easy to barter with without tracking or tracing. Yes the poor man’s bitcoin."
It's pretty fitting that it was just announced that "America's Dad" - Tom Hanks - has tested positive.
Going a ways off topic here, but Tom Hanks may not be the wholesome guy everybody thinks and in fact, has a very creepy aspect as revealed by In an article that details the strange death of Isaac Kappy is this:
Others state that Kappy was a victim of gangstalking, which could explain the quote from his final video about “things playing in my head that came from outside”. Other theories claim that he was being blackmailed by the elite, citing a mysterious video involving children that briefly surfaced on Kappy’s social media accounts.

Even more bizarre, some claim that Tom Hanks “predicted” Kappy’s death in one of his IG posts.

For years now, Tom Hanks has been creeping people out with bizarre pictures of random single gloves, shoes or boots found on the ground, combined with strange captions. Many of the comments on these pictures state that these pictures actually represent people who were killed or abducted by the occult elite.

About a month prior to Kappy’s death, Hanks (who was accused by Kappy of pedophilia) posted the above picture of a glove on Route 66 (Kappy died on Route 66) with the caption:

“Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not! Hanx.”
I'm not on Instagram so could only get a quick glance of Hank's pics and did see numerous shots of random gloves that indeed seemed most peculiar and odd (plus one slipper/shower sandal). Because of the shoes and boots, I contemplated posting this on the Missing411 thread - some kind of connection?

For those aware of Corey Feldman's quest to expose Hollywood pedophilia, the latest:
Only a handful of people have seen Corey Feldman’s explosive documentary in its entirety after the website containing the film crashed amid claims Feldman was “hacked”.

But the alleged abuser Feldman promised “everyone on the planet will know” has since been revealed as actor Charlie Sheen, who Feldman claims raped fellow child actor Corey Haim in the 1980s.
Elsewhere in the documentary, Feldman named three men he had previously accused of sexual abuse.

The first was Jon Grissom, his former assistant who had small roles in License to Drive and Dream a Little Dream, along with the owner of Soda Pop Club - an 80s nightclub for underage child actors - Alphy Hoffman, and former talent manager Marty Weiss.

He also named Alphy Hoffman’s late casting director father Bobby Hoffman, then alleged Dominick Brascia, a former actor who died in 2018, had sexually abused Haim.

Brascia was also the first to discuss allegations against Charlie Sheen in 2017.
Ahead of the documentary’s anticipated release, Feldman said he was “scared” about naming the well-known figure.

“The one name that is the most dangerous, the one I’m most scared about – it’s going to be like Harvey Weinstein all over again,” he recently told NBC4 California.

“We (Haim and I) had both been molested as children.

“He was raped physically. I was raped emotionally. I was molested.

“I am saying every name that affected … our lives, and we have victims talking about their experiences.”

Last week, Feldman also claimed he’d been targeted at his home, in threats he linked with an alleged stabbing with a syringe in 2017, according to TMZ.

He also claimed a truck once tried to run him over, believing the attacks were all in relation to the tell-all documentary.

The actor has previously detailed the alleged abuse he suffered while working as a child star in 1980s teen movies including Stand By Me, The Goonies and The Lost Boys.

In several interviews, he has spoken of the “dangerous” dark underbelly of Hollywood, which he says has been permeated at all levels by paedophilia, often referring to a “Hollywood paedophile ring”.
In a 2017 appearance on The Dr Oz Show, he did utter one name, claiming that his former assistant Jon Grissom was the first to take advantage of him in the 1980s, which Grissom denied.

Feldman also said that he had been molested by former child talent manager and convicted sex offender Marty Weiss.
Around his same time, Feldman also claimed in multiple interviews and on social media that he had reported members of a supposed Hollywood paedophile ring back in 1993 to the Santa Barbara Police Department.

Feldman has long blamed the media and police for his close friend Haim’s death, saying that the refusal of these two groups to out his friend’s abusers resulted in his battles with drugs and alcohol that led to his death. [Another recent documentary, An Open Secret, exposes this result of child sexual abuse as well]


My question: Is Charlie Sheen really the "certain powerful “A-lister” who, behaving like a mafia don, threatens the lives of those who would talk" - “The one name that is the most dangerous, the one I’m most scared about – it’s going to be like Harvey Weinstein all over again”, or is Corey still holding back?

About An Open Secret:
The documentary features the disturbing accounts of ex-child actors who explain how the men who were supposed to “mentor” them ended up abusing them, in total impunity. The movie zooms in on DEN, a now-defunct entertainment company founded by high-profile investors, including congressman-turned movie producer Michael Huffington; film and music mogul David Geffen; and Bryan Singer, the director of two X-Men movies. The company hosted wild parties with drugs, alcohol and underage boys at the former residence of the founder, Marc Collins-Rector.

An Open Secret also explores the case of talent manager Marty Weiss, who pleaded no contest to lewd acts on a child and is heard in the film admitting molestation.
😢 &:barf:
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