Big Brother: Friend or Foe?


The Living Force
There has been something on my mind lately that I would like exchange some thoughts about.

Lots of posters on this forum touch on topics related to 'loss of liberties' due to 'extreme' law enforcement (CCTV surveillance, taser guns, being searched when leaving shops, police brutality etc. etc.), most notably those in the US, UK, EU & Australia (in other words, the West). These posts and articles are all of the opinion that these are all preliminaries to a coming full-blown police state (which is so). The ‘Big Brother' section on the SOTT page carries these stories as well.

I recently posted an article about our new DNA bill being passed (something which I and everyone else welcomed). It was well publicised here and there were lots of radio discussions about this matter, all very positive with people calling in and saying what a wonderful step in the right direction in the fight against crime this is.

So today I read an article about Mexico’s crime situation: Kidnappings in Mexico send shivers across border.

That’s what made me think about this again and therefore my post.

Okay so let’s face it; the times they are a changin'. And let’s also face it; extreme circumstances requires extreme measures. When I read the article about the FBI that’s going to help us fight crime (FBI to help SA fight crime), I’m afraid that my natural reaction was that this is great. Whether the sudden urgency is because of the upcoming soccer world cup we’re hosting, I don’t know.

It would appear to me that there’s no middle ground where control is concerned. You either have too much control (police state), or you have a lawless society. It’s unfortunate that we have rapists, murderers etc. amongst us. But how do you police them without affecting the entire population (strong police presence, surveillance etc). I sometimes wonder to myself when I read these complaints about big brother on this forum, whether you would rather walk underneath a surveillance camera or have your bags searched, or whether you would prefer running for your dear life day in and day out in a lawless society (like Congo, and by the sound of it, Mexico as well, and others).

Over the festive season our police force have been conducting these raids in bars and shebeens in high crime areas, hauling everybody to the police station and then checking them out one by one. It’s unfortunate that the innocent people among them were subjected to this treatment, but when you look at the success of these raids, then you think, well, this is good. On a single raid they would for example capture a number of violent criminals wanted for crimes like rape, murder, armed robbery etc.

Anyway, that’s just what I’ve been thinking about, I’m sure I’m the only one who sees it this way. The police force are few, and the population are many. It’s only natural for me with technology dominating our world, that it should find it’s way to law enforcement as well.

The crime levels around the world are on the increase, must they just keep using archaic methods to fight crime? I also find it a bit tiring that the inequality of our society is solely to blame for crime. The “eradicate poverty and you eradicate crime” philosophy. If I have a family to feed and I’m jobless, I might very well turn into a thief. But a thief only. This philosophy unfortunately falls flat on it’s face when gang rape, murder and torture accompanies the “stealing to feed your family”.
I think perhaps, in your frustration, you are maybe failing to make some connections. The 'big brother' ultra-security western states, and the horrendous lawless hell in Congo are two sides of the same coin - they are both societies ravages by the free-roaming predations of psychopathy. Psychopaths have a 'biologically imperative' urge to control and dominate others, in order to prevent a 'normal' way of life ever becoming actually 'normal' - (they are deeply threatened by 'normal'), and do not care how they do this, and know exactly how to manipulate others into acting out their agenda, whether via a stormtrooper-like lockdown of the planet, or by drug-fuelled tribal warfare. It is the same groups of people in high places who cause it - sometimes the very same people.

So a solution doesn't have to be 'either or' - it needs a whole new way of thinking about the world. And this requires peeling away a whole lot of social and psychological programming that we have acquired whilst living in whatever flavour of pathocracy.

We have been programmed to think of 'lawlessness' in a very specific way - the word 'anarchy' has acquired negative connotations which it does not deserve. Psychopaths are deeply resistant to the removal of any of the control measures (eg: laws) with which they dominate normal people's thinking and way of life.

It is not simply poverty that causes crime - but psychopathy that causes poverty (in SO many different ways, be it global warfare, or corporate planetary-scale theft, corruption, pollution) that causes crime. Psychopaths will always cause misery and destruction, poor or not. And if society was NOT ruled by psychopaths, then poverty would not such a problem.

when you identify with the 'security state' as a welcome comfort, you are actually playing right into the psychopaths' hands, it is Stockholm Syndrome. It is what they WANT people to think!
Hi Erna,

Nomad explained it quite clearly imho.

The way i understand it is that the pathocracy will use what's available as a mean to bring the society of normal people down or create such deviant systems leading to problems requiring their "solutions".
Either by fear of terrorist attacks, gang violence, drugs or economic depression for example (or all of them at the same time), it's all different techniques to push the herd into a corner and if at the same time they are jumping at each others throat that's another bonus for them.

I understand that living in South Africa, with the constant threat of violence, sends you into a shocked state of mind where your liberties don't matter that much if you can be killed at every corner and that by reinforcing the police, it will help, "normal people" to live in peace.

Have you read this Sott article ?

Transmarginal inhibition

Maybe you'd be interested to read this one as well, although it is written with the US in mind, it can be easily transposed to any nations, as the root for this is psychopathy :

American autogenocide
[quote author=Nomad]
So a solution doesn't have to be 'either or' - it needs a whole new way of thinking about the world. And this requires peeling away a whole lot of social and psychological programming that we have acquired whilst living in whatever flavour of pathocracy.

I hear what you say. I’m just having difficulty seeing this “new way of thinking” working in practical terms, as long as ‘normal’ people and the ‘not so normal’ people are completely mixed in society.

[quote author=Nomad]
when you identify with the 'security state' as a welcome comfort, you are actually playing right into the psychopaths' hands, it is Stockholm Syndrome. It is what they WANT people to think!

Thanks for your valuable input, Nomad. I see how I have been programmed.

[quote author=Tigersoap]
The way i understand it is that the pathocracy will use what's available as a mean to bring the society of normal people down or create such deviant systems leading to problems requiring their "solutions".

Yes, even though this "problem, reaction, solution" thing (which I remember from David Icke's books back then) is always in the back of my mind when I toy around with this 'big brother' dilemma in my head, I still couldn't bring myself to disapprove of the new measures. Even though I recall him saying “the people will demand it”. I remember when I first heard the "Zero Tolerance” term which we’ve adopted from Rudy Giuliani in his approach to New York’s crime dilemma, I though to myself the sooner the better.

Tigersoap, the links you provided were very helpful.

Thank you both for your input.
Read the Protocols of Zion to understand how thinking can be manipulated. And remember this:

Cs session 9 August 1997 said:
A: No. Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that
your scientists have overlooked the obvious when they
insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a
distant system???

Q: And what is this obvious thing?

A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not
possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an
alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for
many generations on it. They could travel great distances
through time and space, looking for a suitable world for
conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this
ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid
planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently
manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable
technological infrastructure. And then, after the
instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming
project, simply step in and take it over once the
situation was suitable.

Q: Is this, in fact, what has happened, or is happening?

A: It could well be, and maybe now it is the time for you to
learn about the details.

Q: Well, would such a race be 3rd or 4th density in

A: Why not elements of both?

Q: What is the most likely place that such a race would have
originated from?

A: Oh, maybe Orion, for example?

Q: Okay. If such a race did, in fact, travel to this location
in space/time, how many generations have come and gone on
their space ark during this period of travel, assuming, of
course, that such a thing has happened?

A: Maybe 12.

Q: Okay, that implies that they have rather extended life

A: Yes...

Q: Assuming this to be the case, what are their lifespans?

A: 2,000 of your years.

Q: Okay, assuming such a bunch have traveled...

A: When in space, that is...

Q: And what is the span when on terra firma?

A: 800 years.

Q: Well, has it not occurred to them that staying in space
might not be better?

A: No. Planets are much more "comfortable."

Q: Okay... imagining that such a group has traveled here...

A: We told you of upcoming conflicts... Maybe we meant the
same as your Bible, and other references. Speak of... The
"final" battle between "good and evil..." Sounds a bit
cosmic, when you think of it, does it not?

Q: Does this mean that there is more than one group that has
traveled here in their space arks?

A: Could well be another approaching, as well as
"reinforcements" for either/or, as well as non-involved,
but interested observers of various types who appreciate
history from the sidelines.

Q: Well, SWELL! There goes my peaceful life!

A: You never had one!

Q: Well, I was planning on one! Is this one of those items
we should NOT put on the net, or are you addressing it
because you want it on the net?

A: We will leave that until a bit later.

Q: Any other comment?

A: You chose to be incarnated now, with some foreknowledge of
what was to come. Reference your dreams of space attack.

Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to
these hypothetical aliens?

A: Three basic constructs. Nordic, Reptilian, and Greys.
Many variations of type 3, and 3 variations of type 1 and

Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'

A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."

Q: And that's the only good guys?

A: That's all you need.

Q: Wonderful! So, if it is a Grey or Lizzie, you know they
aren't the nice guys. But, if it is tall and blond, you
need to ask questions!

A: All is subjective when it comes to nice and not nice.
Some on 2nd density would think of you as "not nice," to
say the least!!!

Q: That's for sure! Especially the roaches! Maybe we ought
to get in touch with some of these good guys...

A: When the "time" is right.

Q: Speaking of time - any further comments?

A: Just pay attention to the signs, please! It is not
helpful to place yourself in a vacuum of awareness.

Q: I don't think I am in a vacuum of awareness. Now, this
Jason Dunlap is printing a lot of stuff that reminds me of
the Hale Bopp incident. There is a lot being said about
the sightings out in the SouthWest area. They are saying
that this is the 'new' imminent invasion or mass landing.
Can you comment on this activity?

A: Prelude to the biggest "flap" ever.

Q: And where will this flap be located?

A: Earth.

Q: When is it going to begin?

A: Starting already.

Q: Is this biggest flap going to be just a flap, or is it
going to be an invasion?

A: Not yet.

Q: Not an invasion?

A: Yes.

Q: So, it will just be inciting people to frenzies of

A: Invasion happens when programming is complete...

Q: What programming?

A: See Bible, "Lucid" book, Matrix Material, "Bringers of the Dawn,"
and many other sources, then cross reference...


Cs session 25 July 1998 said:
Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of
History at Temple University, concerning his extensive
research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs
wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.]
Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of
somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens
are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that
producing offspring is the primary objective behind the
abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?
A: Part, but not "the whole thing."
Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?
A: Replacement.
Q: (L) Replacement of what?
A: You.
Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human
beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with
a clone or whatever?
A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a
new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then
mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so
forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a
lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and
replacement... see?
Q: (L) Well, that answered my other question about the
objective. Well, here in the book, Dr. Jacobs says that
there is ongoing abductions through particular families.
I quote: 'Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other
reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the
evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational
phenomenon in which the children of abductees are
themselves abductees, then one of the aliens' goals is the
generation of more abductees. Are all children of
abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence
suggests that the answer is yes. If an abductee has
children with a non-abductee, the chances are that all
their descendants will be abductees. This means that
through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage
and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly
throughout the generations. When those children grow and
marry and have children of their own, all of their
children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee,
will be abductees. To protect the intergenerational
nature of the breeding program, it must be kept secret
from the abductees so that they will continue to have
children. If the abductees KNEW that the program was
intergenerational, they might elect not to have children.
This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt,
which the aliens cannot allow. The final reason for
secrecy is to expand the breeding program, to integrate
laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that
abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee
children.' Now, this seems to suggest that there is a
particular bloodline that is susceptible to...
A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial
run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not?
Q: (L) Yes, I do see...
A: Now, we have also told you that the experience of the
"Native Americans" vis a vis the Europeans may be a
precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density
does to Terran 2nd density should offer "food for
thought." In other words, thou are not so special,
despiteth thoust perspective, eh? And we have also warned
that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the
Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you
"there." Now put this all together and what have you? At
least you should by now know that it is the soul that
matters, not the body. Others have genetically,
spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to
be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by
4th through 6th density STO, this "veil remains unbroken."

It's the bodycentric people who can be so easily manipulated by fear to accept Big Brother...

Think about it.
I must say that Laura is very deep in her understanding and vision! The truth that our reality is under control by Hyper-dimensional beings as labled by Mrs. Jadczyk herself seems to be showing no mercy or resistance, letting up or giving us any chance to come up above the water for fresh air. These God's or Aliens(excuse the pun) are more then aware of the approaching so-called 2012 deadlines and the proof is obvious from the tightening down of our so called freedoms that we thought we shared up until this day are fading away fast and it's more the obvious that they care less about what happens to our souls.

Gees Laura! ......... "Breathe Neo! Breathe!"

I'm sorry, but what does bodycentric mean? Whenever you use words I don't understand, I look it up on, but this one aint there.

This is the book you are referring to, and not this one.
Erna said:
I'm sorry, but what does bodycentric mean?

To be body-centric means that one is concerned with their physical survival and well-being out of proportion to their soul/spiritual survival. Those with that particular disposition will be more likely to accept draconian laws and police measures in order to protect the body, or give the illusion of protection.

Erna said:
This is the book you are referring to, and not this one.

Actually, it's the second link that is the book. The first link is to a DVD discussing the book.
[quote author=Pinkerton]
To be body-centric means that one is concerned with their physical survival and well-being out of proportion to their soul/spiritual survival. Those with that particular disposition will be more likely to accept draconian laws and police measures in order to protect the body, or give the illusion of protection.

[quote author=transcript]
Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric.

[quote author=transcript]
At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body.

Much deprogramming & work ahead for me then! Thanks everyone!
Laura said:
Cs session 9 August 1997 said:
A: No. Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that
your scientists have overlooked the obvious when they
insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a
distant system???

Q: And what is this obvious thing?

A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not
possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an
alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for
many generations on it. They could travel great distances
through time and space, looking for a suitable world for
conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this
ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid
planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently
manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable
technological infrastructure. And then, after the
instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming
project, simply step in and take it over once the
situation was suitable.

Amazing where inspiration comes from, I once read a novel where this is exactly what humans were doing:

The wiki entry is actually terrible with respect to the salient points of the story, one of which is the long range mindset of economy which includes interstellar travel as a gambit. Conceptually, they sleep for years at a time, they have decade long cycles for operational shifts. But that is just details.

What they are doing decade over decade, is watching and subtly influencing affairs of a capable but less advanced race for their own reasons (to find a way out of their own problems as a first step, and as a second step to exploit them).

Vinge comes close to drawing a full parallel to our current situation.

[post-edit^4: I've glommed on to this concept of "energy economy". It tasks me because it implies a closed system, where scarcity is possible. Whether it is real or only a perceptual problem, I'm still trying to work it out. It is starkly obvious though, that suggestibility, in our current existence, is a barrier to be overcome in order to find out what the system is.
[quote author=transcript]
proceed to patiently manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable technological infrastructure

If you look at a graph of our technological progression over the last millennium, then the line is pretty much horizontal until the 20th century where it goes into a steady 45۫ degree angle until about the 1980s where it suddenly curves upwards. Where we are now, the line is practically vertical.

They were clearly patient for long, but it’s apparent that they’re not anymore. Wonder why that is? I always wonder how much of ‘our’ apparent and sudden technological innovation were not exactly ‘ours’. People just seem to me to accept all these wonderful innovations so ‘matter of factly’. I still marvel at cellphones and the idea that I can speak in real time with someone on the other side of the globe, or that I can watch a real time news feed on the other side of the globe.

The increase in alien sightings are naturally one of the ‘signs’ to look out for. Not to mention mainstream media’s ‘sudden and almost’ acceptance of the alien issue, after it was ridiculed for so long.

This made me think again of that alien landing at a Zimbabwe school in 1994 where 63 kids were having break when a spaceship landed and the aliens got out and communicated with them telepathically.

SOTT also reported on this a while back: The day the aliens landed

I did a search on this Randall Nickerson the other day to find out when his documentary might be released.

I found a post he made on some forum:


Hi lyndall,

It is going to be a year anyway before this film is released. This
will be and is the most comprehensive study of just what happened in
1994 ever done. I have been in Zimbabwe and South Africa for 6
months and researching for a year and a half, fully investigating
this event and many things have come up that are beyond the children
at the ariel school. I unfortunately do not have time to blog or much
else as am so busy with interviews at this point. I was charmed to
see the history channel blog. I am glad what i am trying to do here
is getting some coverage. It has been difficult as you may know, this
is not the safest place in the world and definitely not the safest
place to have camera equipment.
Thanks for the interest. This project has seriously blown my mind
many times over.

All the best

Randall Nickerson
String Theory Films

Here’s a view youtube videos of the kids being interviewed shortly after the event. They’re all grown up today, and I heard on the radio that none of them are changing their stories. But they’re all over the globe now and have to be tracked down, which is one of the reasons I think this documentary is taking so long.



I thought to myself: Zimbabwe?!? Most odd. I then did a few searches and found some websites claiming that there’s an alien base under Mt. Inyangani, the highest mountain in Zimbabwe, in the North-East of the country. I have since zoomed in on this area so much with Google Earth.

Anyway, I’ll report back here when the documentary is released.
Hi Erna,

It seems from your last post that you had 'cheered up' a bit - if that's the right phrase - certainly it doesn't come across as despairing as your first post. You sounded in a very down mood in your first post.

Please do not despair about the horror of the present situation, even though you are living in a far more dangerous and unsettled environment than the rest of us, I think. I felt the same as you at one time (even though in different circumstances) about the horror; that there was no point in trying to do anything because we were already defeated. Not only do we have to contend with the real live psychopaths in power, which we have a slim chance of toppling, but there are also STS 4D entities which we cannot see and which we have NO chance of defeating, or so it seemed at the time.

Then I read a Cass transcript which said, and I paraphrase, that these 4D entities are a dying race because of their relentless service to self. Soon after this, I came across the transcript about all of us going to 5D upon death, even the STS 4D. These two transcripts buoyed me up and rescued me from this despair; I just kept repeating; 'You are dying; you are a dying race; in the long run, you will fail'. In this way, I overcame despair; now it no longer has any room in my life. 4D STS feed on all our negative emotions; when we allow ourselves to despair, we are playing right into their hands - playing THEIR game by their rules. Please don't think I'm preaching to you. This is what the Cass transcripts say. Perhaps another forumite can supply these two links, hopefully.

We are all together in this, Erna, no matter where we live. When the comets strike and we make the transition to 4D, will you be glad to be in your shoes knowing that you've made the effort to progress, or will you wish you had taken the easy way out by giving in to 4D STS promptings and manipulations?

Stay strong, sister. :flowers:
Hi Bedower, thanks, but actually I wasn't in despair when I wrote it. :) This big brother thing has just been on my mind for long, so I thought I'd finally bring it up (expecting a few rocks being hurled at me, or at least a few raised eyebrows), for bringing up a question with such an obvious answer, at least on this forum. I guess one's vantage point comes into play.

[quote author=bedower]
Please do not despair about the horror of the present situation,

No! No! I’m not in despair! I guess it’s one of the limitations of this medium.  ;)

[quote author=bedower]
I felt the same as you at one about the horror; that there was no point in trying to do anything because we were already defeated.

While I’m sure I’m giving myself sometimes too large a helping of the monstrosities happening all over the place (like Gaza at present, and the Congo & Zim), I have never felt that we’re defeated. I have always been excited about the future. Foolishly maybe, don’t know. It’s not a conscious decision on my part, it’s something inside. The fight between good and evil are raging and ever present, wherever you look, but I've never felt hopeless about the situation. What human beings are capable of always freak me out, but that's where I must increase my knowledge of psychopathy, so that I can see it for what it is and them for what they are.

[quote author=bedower]
When the comets strike

You must remember that “the future is open”. While it can only be beneficial for us to pay as much attention as possible, I prefer not to cast any likely scenario in stone(s).

[quote author=bedower]
make the transition to 4D

Speaking of learning (which I am enjoying), I’ve been thinking lately that my hopscotching between all this information is not good. I need a more structured approach. There’s just too many things that interest me, which at this point is to my detriment.

Erna said:
Okay so let’s face it; the times they are a changin'. And let’s also face it; extreme circumstances requires extreme measures.
But what exactly is changing and says who? Other than technology, what is actually changing? I'm not sure things are any more extreme today than they were at any time in human history. But I do see a lot of alarm over imaginary threats when such alarm suits the PTB.

Erna said:
It would appear to me that there’s no middle ground where control is concerned. You either have too much control (police state), or you have a lawless society.
I don't think laws are the only way to structure a society, even an STS society. I guess the analogy of parenting could work here. Some parents only know one way to control their kids - make rules, and then punish when rules are broken, and reward when rules are obeyed. But that won't create a psychologically healthy person at all, just a blind arbitrary-rule-obeying drone with serious anti-social and psychological issues and lack of any purpose or understanding or any development of empathy. That lazy and bad parent is our soulless social control systems - from our fascist law enforcement, to the concept and purpose of jails", to how/why our public education works, to all of the bureaucracy, to our government systems be they democratic, communist, socialist, or whatever.

I think a major problem is they are all mechanical systems designed to manage our society in template-like mechanical ways. There no heart, no soul, no consideration of context, no desire to instill understanding and empathy and love in people and for people. Nobody wants to help people or address problems at the root, its easier to just punish and attempt to heatlessly control and manage instead.

If someone commits a "crime", so bloody what? Maybe they are unhappy, maybe they have a problem or many problems, maybe they have no one to turn to and are desperate, etc. Why not look into it with the desire to help instead of desire to find the suitable punishment to "deter crime"? Help them address the whatever they perceive to be wrong with their lives, and provide means for people to get help sorting out their lives and being happy and finding meaning and purpose before they are driven to commit a "crime".

Maybe stop brainwashing people since birth that money and material junk = happiness? Stop conditioning people to be so body-centric and so obsessed with image and internal considering, and stop criticizing people for stupid things like their "image" and making it senseless and impossible to feel good about yourself and have a self esteem worth crap? I could go on and on, but I think what I'm simply trying to say is that there is no problem with people and there never was - people are being "broken" from birth by the psychopathic system, which creates the "problem", and then creates a totally fake and pointless "solution" that only maintains and makes the problem grow. The whole system we're subjected to from birth to death is dirt, it is soul-killing garbage and always has been.

And also don't let them convince you that it is hard to change it. The only hard part is getting through to people who have been "broken" by the system. Our economy is an illusion, there is no reason why "economy" should ever suffer because the resources of this planet don't go anywhere so how can people suddenly starve? Even if all money suddenly spontaneously combusted into the hellfire that it came from, how can that possibly result in people being unable to "afford" to survive? The amount of food and resources on this planet doesn't change or disappear, so completely dismantling our entire system and starting from scratch should never ever result in a single person suffering. The only reason it would have that effect is if we simply allow it to because we cannot let go of our illusion that our economic and other systems are somehow actually tied to the physical state of this planet and our lives, and we depend on those systems, which are imaginary artificial constructs and nothing more.

I think after all is said and done, the only people who should ever do anything even remotely "bad" are pure genetic psychopaths - but only because just like a vacuum cleaner they just can't help but be anything else. Yes, they suck, but that's ok, they can't harm anyone if they're not in control and are not given any weapons or means to harm, or any possible way to manipulate or deceive or trick anyone and therefore no benefit from even trying. But what to do with psychopaths won't be a big deal after they are no longer in power and the global system is changed by humanity, for the benefit of humanity. And I guarantee you that the phrase "crime rate" will not even exist at that point - when people are happy, loved, find meaning in life, and feel they are not alone or abandoned by the rest of humanity, or in need, or brainwashed by materialism and other deviant pathological concepts (religion? bigotry? racism? nationalism?), practically nobody will even have any sort of urge or motivation to ever do something that is currently considered "against the law". In fact, laws may no longer have any purpose or meaning...
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