A Rolling Barack Gathers No Light


The Cosmic Force
In this thread, Bernhard wrote:

Bernhard said:
It amazes/saddens me (and makes me feel bit uncomfortable, actually) how many self proclaimed "aware" and "conscious" people are out there and still, for example, buy into the official 9/11 story, push to vote for Obama as the "savior" (in new age circles he's being promoted as a lightworker these days), while believing in various new age 2012 theories and a shift of consciousness,
Indeed…and easily fooled by a transparently manipulative image like the March 20, 2008, cover of Rolling Stone magazine.


Illustration by Tim O'Brien
©Copyright 2008 Rolling Stone


If we are lucky, we will wake up and begin the journey back to self-awareness as a people. . . . If Barack Obama makes it all the way to the White House, it will represent a quantum leap in American consciousness and a promise to restore America's position in the world."

Deepak Chopra, Huffington Post January 5, 2008.


Holy s***! What happened? I thought Deepak Chopra was one of those that was able to See, given all the (pretty good) knowledge he disseminates in his books, lectures, DVD's, TV and radio interviews, etc.

So HOW can he be so BLIND?


Might he be nothing more than a "supped up" organic portal? Or a "love & light-er" that cannot See the Men Behind the Curtain? Or even worse... cointelpro??


Bernhard said:
It amazes/saddens me (and makes me feel bit uncomfortable, actually) how many self proclaimed "aware" and "conscious" people are out there and still, for example, buy into the official 9/11 story, push to vote for Obama as the "savior" (in new age circles he's being promoted as a lightworker these days), while believing in various new age 2012 theories and a shift of consciousness
How about adding PSYCHOACTIVES to that equation.... What do you get?

The Pinchbeck, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl & Reality Sandwich.com crowd. SCARY. They are all deluded! Or rather DELUDED since many of these folks like to "expand their consciousness" with entheogens, when in truth they are doing anything but! Which is why I think these compounds can be, and are, double edge swords.

Talk about the blind leading the blind...
ru said:
I thought Deepak Chopra was one of those that was able to See,
Why in the world would you have thought such a thing?

ru said:
Which is why I think these compounds can be, and are, double edge swords.
No - they are quite single edged swords - and here you are again, passively supporting the use of illegal substances. You are on quite thin ice, in case the previous discussion on this topic was lost on you.
Reading this thread reminded me of Joe's article Barak Obama - Judas Goat from back in Aug. 2007, where he gives a spot-on analysis that is still very much, if not more, relevant today considering Obama's "savior" status amongst the masses:
Joe said:
Cute, cuddly, harmless-looking, liberal Barack Obama. Now there's a guy to get the U.S. back on track! If he can just 'win' the primary (s)election process, and then the (s)election process after that, what's it called...oh yeah, the (p)residential (s)elections, he'll bring an end to the mindless massacring of innocent civilians for profit that has come to define the "war on terror", and the American people need never again be stirred out of their mind-numbing complacency by stories of small brown children being decapitated by a brave American teenager with a .50 caliber machine gun. I mean, Viet-nam and My Lai was containable, it was successfully pitched as an "American tragedy", but this Iraq business is getting out of hand! After all, the harsh realities of war 'over there' are meant to stay 'over there', not ooze out of the carefully manipulated American daily broadsheets and into the fragile mind of the average American.

So Obama's the man to fix it all, right? He'll stop the Republican rot! Or am I missing something?

Yeah, you guessed it, I'm missing something.


Incidentally, Obama's speech, was allegedly:

"designed to shore up his credentials as a potential commander-in-chief by backing a pre-emptive military action which even President Bush has so far refused to order"

which is just more evidence that America really is totally and utterly screwed (to use the vernacular), because while the entire world hates Bush and his handlers and recognises them as the psychopathic child-killers that they are, the sadly accurate consensus in the clinically insane world of American politics is that the only way any potential 'selectees' like Obama or Hillary are gonna secure the Presidency after Bush's 8 years of bloodletting, is not to call for an end to war (as the American people want) but to upstage Bush in terms of murderous rampaging, and to do it according to the Ziocons' script. And it appears that the formerly liberal democrat Obama isn't about to shrink from the task.

Scared yet? You should be.
Indeed, as more recent articles point out, Obama is anything but anti-war and is in full support of any and all Israeli actions and agendas. See, for example, Obama and Israel: The Bonds That Kill, where we read:
CounterPunch said:
Speaking to a group of 100 pro-Israel supporters in Cleveland this week (Feb. 29, 2008), Obama assured the crowd that as president he would keep Iran in the crosshairs to protect Israeli interests.

"Now the gravest threat ... to Israel today, I believe, is from Iran. There the radical regime continues to pursue its capacity to build a nuclear weapon and continues to support terrorism across the region," he explained. "Threats of Israel's destruction can not be dismissed as rhetoric. The threat from Iran is real and my goal as president would be to eliminate that threat."

After reiterating that he'd end the war in Iraq first, Obama then promised he would turn his attention to the country's neighbor. "My approach to Iran will be aggressive diplomacy: I will not take any military options off the table."


After pointing out the obvious, however, Obama praised Israel's most recent invasion of Lebanon, the pro-Israel tilt on Capital Hill, and his quest for Israel to remain a Jewish State.

"[Any] negotiated peace between Israelis and the Palestinians is going to have to involve the Palestinians relinquishing the right of return as it has been understood in the past," he averred. "And that doesn't mean that that there may not be conversations about compensation issues."


Barack Obama won't confront this reality, nor will he end Israel's violent incursions into the occupied territories or halt the US military threats toward Iran. The Obama campaign may pledge to bring "hope" and "change" to the White House, but when it comes to what the Democratic frontrunner calls our "special relationship" with Israel, that promise an out-and-out lie.
Racer_Unknown said:
I thought Deepak Chopra was one of those that was able to See
Anart said:
Why in the world would you have thought such a thing?
Both the Deepak Chopra and Seth/Jane Roberts books first introduced me to ideas on quantum physics and consciousness. I read somewhere that Seth's material was the first to combine quantum physics and psychology. And Deepak oftentimes speaks about Seth's ideas in his books/talks. Much like many here - I have read - jumped into the conspiracy reality via the David Icke books - used it as a stepping stone, if you will - so did Deepak's books introduced my mind to a whole new world: the quantum reality. Something that exists, of course, but was really unaware or unintersted in until I found their books.

Have you read any of Deepak's books? My favorite is Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Although much like Seth's books, they discuss the nature of creating one's reality. (No one, I think, has it "all" "right.") In my own experience YCYOR has worked in my life by the way, while other times it hasn't. Much like Ark said in one of his articles, "YCYOR: it's a 50/50 proposition/chance." I think he's got something there.

But I HAVE managed to CREATE both my current work and the reality of leaving the US and living abroad, comfortably, to name but two examples.

Again, I really don't think that any one author or body of work has the "whole truth." They all got pieces of it but it is the seeker's respose-ability to find it where ever. This takes having lots of different types of knowledge and experiences.

And so, given how much I grew in my understanding about the nature of reality - all I've learned - thanks to Seth's and Deepak's books - I thought since I am able to see the Men Behind the Curtain and many of their illusions - that Deepak could also See, you see. But I guess their books were only catalysts to what I already had within me.

Anart said:
No - they are quite single edged swords - and here you are again, passively supporting the use of illegal substances. You are on quite thin ice, in case the previous discussion on this topic was lost on you.
I understand... I must be very careful with my "way of talking" (in this instance, "writing"). Since I teach, I say that "line" in my lectures, you see. My apologies, Anart.
Racer_Unknown said:
Racer_Unknown said:
I thought Deepak Chopra was one of those that was able to See
Anart said:
Why in the world would you have thought such a thing?
Both the Deepak Chopra and Seth/Jane Roberts books first introduced me to ideas on quantum physics and consciousness. I read somewhere that Seth's material was the first to combine quantum physics and psychology.
Where did you read this?

ru said:
And Deepak oftentimes speaks about Seth's ideas in his books/talks. Much like many here - I have read - jumped into the consiracy reality via the David Icke books - used it as a stepping stone, if you will - so did Deepak's books introduced me to a whole new world: the quantum reality. Something that exists, of course, but was really unaware or unintersted in until I found their books.
So, having used them as a 'stepping stone' you are still unable to realize they were just that and nothing more - or is a stepping stone what you are searching for?

ru said:
Have you read any of Deepak's books?
Uhhhm - no - I just say this stuff for the fun of it. (sarcasm) --- Do you really think I would comment on such a thing with no knowledge of it? Have you REALLY been a reader for 'five years or so'? http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=8538 - and if so, are you so unaware of how this forum works?

ur said:
My favorite is Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Although much like Seth's books, they discuss the nature of creating one's reality. (No one I think has it "all" "right.") In my own experience YCYOR has worked by the way, while other times it hasn't.
Really? And when has YCYOR worked, in your 'experience'?

ur said:
Much like Ark or Joe I think said in one of their posts, "YCYOR: it's a 50/50 proposition/chance." But I've managed to CREATE both my current work and the reality of leaving the US and living abroad comfortably, to name but two examples.
You might want to reference those posts. And 'a tiny bit North and a tiny bit East' - is that really 'abroad' these days?

ur said:
Again, I really don't think that any one author or body of work has the "whole truth." They all got pieces of it but it is the seeker's respose-ability to find it where ever. This takes having lots of different types of knowledge and experiences.

And so, given how much I grew in my understanding about the nature of reality - all I've learned - thanks to Seth's and Deepak's books - I thought since I am able to see the Men Behind the Curtain and many of their illusions - that Deepak could also See, you see. But I guess their books were only catalysts to what I already had within me.
So you understand reality? You assume you can See (thanks to Seth and Deepak)? What 'men' behind what 'curtains' do you see? What exactly do you mean when you reference what you 'already had within' yourself? How sure of yourself are you?

ru said:
Anart said:
No - they are quite single edged swords - and here you are again, passively supporting the use of illegal substances. You are on quite thin ice, in case the previous discussion on this topic was lost on you.
I understand... I must be very careful with my "way of talking" (in this instance, "writing"). Since I teach, I say that "line" in my lectures, you see. My apologies, Anart.
Ahhh - 'since you teach' - that would explain the pontification flavor of your introduction posts - perhaps it would be best if you put your self-importance aside for just a little while and considered yourself a student, before you identify yourself as a teacher.
Racer_Unknown said:
How about adding PSYCHOACTIVES to that equation.... What do you get?
This has nothing to do with what is under discussion. The only reason you could have raised this topic is because it is a "hobby horse" of yours, and as has been mentioned in other threads, it's not a topic that is to be discussed on this forum. If you really respect what SOTT and QFG are trying to create, then you'll abide by the forum rules, even if you don't grok that the rules are there for a reason.

And speaking of Obama, I have found Dave McGowan's take on the subject to be disturbingly plausible.
Hello, Ryan.

Ryan said:
This has nothing to do with what is under discussion. The only reason you could have raised this topic is because it is a "hobby horse" of yours, and as has been mentioned in other threads, it's not a topic that is to be discussed on this forum. If you really respect what SOTT and QFG are trying to create, then you'll abide by the forum rules, even if you don't grok that the rules are there for a reason.
I beg to differ, if I may. The reason I brought it up is because it is a *reality* that's currently happening in our world. I don't like it myself. I see both the pitfalls of it and also see the "set up" of it all by the PTB. But in any case, those "things" are quite popular in some "love & light" circles nowadays. And so I was simply making an observation.

I have no desire to discuss "them," believe you me, given one of the previous posts by Anart on another thread related to the subject. I'm not that thick. But again, please note the spirit in which I brought up said observation.

Peace, Ryan.
PS I am working on a reply to your rather lenghty reply post, Anart. Will post soon.
Racer_Unknown said:
I beg to differ, if I may. The reason I brought it up is because it is a *reality* that's currently happening in our world. I don't like it myself. I see both the pitfalls of it and also see the "set up" of it all by the PTB. But in any case, those "things" are quite popular in some "love & light" circles nowadays. And so I was simply making an observation.
Ah, so you were simply making an observation when you decided to capitalize the word 'psychoactives'? Capitalizing words in posts is typically done to lend EMPHASIS to a particular thing. So not only were you simply stating the subject, you were also emphasizing it.

Racer_Unknown said:
I have no desire to discuss "them," believe you me,
It appears that you do. If you don't, why bring them up in a thread about Barack Obama? Your above "explanation" is simply you trying to rationalize the fact that you desire to discuss these things, despite the rules of the forum and warnings you have been given on the subject. If you have no desire to discuss them - don't bring them up. Ever. Anything to the contrary and you make a liar of yourself.

Racer_Unknown said:
But again, please note the spirit in which I brought up said observation.
I note that what you did was most likely an unconscious mechanical reaction, and I don't bear any "ill will" towards you - in fact, I quite like some of the other posts you have made to date. That being said, experience and observation has shown that drugs tend to be a highly emotional and personal "button" for some people who come to this forum, and they tend to strongly dislike being told they cannot discuss them here. It usually takes a few repeated reminders before they either "get it", or they leave in a huff. My intention is simply to accelerate this process slightly, in order to save your time and ours if it so turns out that you value your own opinion of what "should be allowed" to be discussed here, over what is.

Racer_Unknown said:
Peace, Ryan.
Best wishes to you, also.
Racer_Unknown said:
I thought Deepak Chopra was one of those that was able to See
Anart said:
Why in the world would you have thought such a thing?
Racer_Unknown said:
Both the Deepak Chopra and Seth/Jane Roberts books first introduced me to ideas on quantum physics and consciousness. I read somewhere that Seth's material was the first to combine quantum physics and psychology.
Anart said:
Where did you read this?
I tried looking for it on the web but was unable to…. Maybe I read it in a newsletter? Since we are on the subject, would you or anyone know of any body of work that specifically talked about quantum physics and psychology - as in related to probabilities – that when an individual is faced with a choice, his being supposedly “splits” so as to pursue *various* avenues of expression simultaneously? Again, Seth is supposedly the first author (ghost writer?) to discuss these ideas in the context of psychology in the mid 60’s.

RacerUnknown said:
And Deepak oftentimes speaks about Seth's ideas in his books/talks. Much like many here - I have read - jumped into the conspiracy reality via the David Icke books - used it as a stepping stone, if you will - so did Deepak's books introduced me to a whole new world: the quantum reality. Something that exists, of course, but was really unaware or uninterested in until I found their books.
Anart said:
So, having used them as a 'stepping stone' you are still unable to realize they were just that and nothing more - or is a stepping stone what you are searching for?
I fail to follow your question. “So, having used them as a 'stepping stone' you are still unable to realize they were just that and nothing more - or is a stepping stone what you are searching for?

As explained in the post under discussion, I said that Deepak’s and Icke’s books helped me jump into the “quantum” and the “conspiracy” realities which in turn prepared me for Marciank’s and Laura’s work which incorporates these. That’s all I meant to say.

RacerUnknown said:
Have you read any of Deepak's books?
Anart said:
Uhhhm - no - I just say this stuff for the fun of it. (sarcasm) -- Do you really think I would comment on such a thing with no knowledge of it?
Geez, Anart. I pretty much write like I speak, you know. So it was a “figure of speech.” But if I may, did you happen to read the book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind? If so, would you like to maybe start a thread on it? You see, one of the things I recall learning in said book is that subatomic particles do not age. Yet curiously, physical matter, which is made up of these same subatomic particles does “age.” Why? Interesting stuff.

Anart said:
Have you REALLY been a reader for 'five years or so'? http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=8538 - and if so, are you so unaware of how this forum works?
Wow. It sounds like you are accusing me of being a liar about being a SOTT reader for 5 years. I am not lying either to you or the forum members. I recall when the web site was all black (like most of the web sites of the day back then – 2002/03?) and I also recall SOTT had a slogan that among other things said was the “home of the hoaxed moon landings,” remember? BTW since I “brought up” this particular subject and you are one of the moderators, is there a thread already discussing/having discussed this? I have used the forum’s search function have not found it. Hmm. May I perhaps start a thread about this subject? The 1969 hoaxed moon landings?

Racer_Unknown said:
My favorite is Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Although much like Seth's books, they discuss the nature of creating one's reality. (No one I think has it "all" "right.") In my own experience YCYOR has worked by the way, while other times it hasn't.
Anart said:
Really? And when has YCYOR worked, in your 'experience'?
There are many people that I’ve met who have done this! You’ve never met any? It hasn’t happened to you? That you “created” something for yourself in your life, I mean? Like say, a vacation to “where ever” suddenly materializing because you wished it at some point? Or something similar to this? (Anyone?)

As far as your question of “when” YCYOR has worked for me, Anart, and to answer your question specifically, since you have taken the time to write and ask it - as explained earlier, Icke’s books were my introduction to the “conspiracy reality.” When I first read some of his books, I was amazed that such things could exist, perhaps feeling like many of you felt the first time reading/being exposed to the reality of the conspiracies of our world. (But I didn’t buy into the “shape-shifting reptilian people” though. No one gets it “all” “right.” Heck, according to Seth, there is really no “extraterrestrial reality” or extraterrestrial menace in our world! But, as we all know, we can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Right? And so I try as best as I can to weed out the stuff I read from potential disnfo, either "cosmic" or "human.")

Anyway, because of what it is I do, one day, after having read some of Icke’s books, I playfully thought to myself, “I’d REALLY like to meet this David Icke and discuss these strange conspiracies with him." Then, to cut a long and personal story short, one year later or so, I happened to “manifest” David Icke right in front of me, in the flesh, and spent a few days discussing (on and off) some of stuff in his books. True story, Anart. Not making it up/not lying.

Further truth be known, I have also tried to "create the reality" of winning the lotto… but have failed miserably…heh. So 50/50 is probably about right...?

Since we are on the subject, Deepak Chopra (also one of my “stepping stones”) shares in one of his DVD lectures (sorry, don’t recall which one) that there are “three ways of getting strawberry ice cream.”

The first way… say one is hanging out at home, and suddenly thinks, “Gee, I’d REALLY like some strawberry ice cream.” Then you get up, and go to the store to get some. (No biggie, right?)

The second way of getting strawberry ice cream according to Deepak - using the same previous set up - one thinks/says to him-herself (with intent and desire in a relaxed manner): “Gee, I’d REALLY like some strawberry ice cream.” Then, your wife or husband or whoever walks in the house and says “I’ve just bought some strawberry ice cream at the supermarket (or ice cream parlor) . Would you like some?

The third and most interesting way of getting the strawberry ice cream however, is to, similarly to above, desire it, and then, pow! it manifests right in front of you INSTANTLY!

I’m still working on that one…

Racer_Unknown said:
Much like Ark or Joe I think said in one of their posts, "YCYOR: it's a 50/50 proposition/chance." But I've managed to CREATE both my current work and the reality of leaving the US and living abroad comfortably, to name but two examples.
Anart said:
You might want to reference those posts. And 'a tiny bit North and a tiny bit East' - is that really 'abroad' these days?
I tried looking for the article about YCYOR being a 50/50 deal. It seems to be missing??

When I "all the web-ed" it I got:

Signs of the Times - 2004-04-15
... that he must first of all "create the reality" or "create facts on the ground" ... I'll take a 50-50 bet. How you doing for cash? ... more hits from: http://www.sott.net/signs/signs20040415.htm - 152 KB

Maybe someone knows a different link to it?

As far as the question that follows is concerned, I don’t understand what you mean by “'tiny bit North and a tiny bit East'” But to try and answer that question, I used to live in the US but moved to somewhere in South America.

Racer_Unknown said:
Again, I really don't think that any one author or body of work has the "whole truth." They all got pieces of it but it is the seeker's response-ability to find it where ever. This takes having lots of different types of knowledge and experiences.

And so, given how much I grew in my understanding about the nature of reality - all I've learned - thanks to Seth's and Deepak's books - I thought since I am able to see the Men Behind the Curtain and many of their illusions - that Deepak could also See, you see. But I guess their books were only catalysts to what I already had within me.
Anart said:
So you understand reality? You assume you can See (thanks to Seth and Deepak)? What 'men' behind what 'curtains' do you see? What exactly do you mean when you reference what you 'already had within' yourself? How sure of yourself are you?
First of all, I must clarify something: when I said, “all I've learned - thanks to Seth's and Deepak's books –" I meant “back then” when I began to “awaken” (for lack of a better word) BEFORE getting to the P's and the C's and Ra.

What I meant by "already had within myself" is what I can only describe as the "wiring," Anart, to both accept and assimilate particular knowledge, such as the paranormal and the "conspiracy" stuff. You see, I have been privy to others not being able to accept "conspiracies" for instance. Nor can they see them.

As far as “seeing” the Men Behind the Curtain – what I See is actually based on some of what I’ve learned from Laura/C’s and the SOTT team. Methinks that the Men Behind the Curtain are the military industrial complex, pharmaceutical companies…. banking cartels… whoever is behind the major world religions… well, you know, “them....”

Anart said:
No - they are quite single edged swords - and here you are again, passively supporting the use of illegal substances. You are on quite thin ice, in case the previous discussion on this topic was lost on you.
Racer_Unknown said:
I understand... I must be very careful with my "way of talking" (in this instance, "writing"). Since I teach, I say that "line" in my lectures, you see. My apologies, Anart.
Anart said:
Ahhh - 'since you teach' - that would explain the pontification flavor of your introduction posts - perhaps it would be best if you put your self-importance aside for just a little while and considered yourself a student, before you identify yourself as a teacher.
For the record, Anart, of course I consider myself a student, as I am always learning new things. In this forum alone, I’ve learnt much. But the more I learn, the more I have to *make sure* my data is accurate, right? And so that takes even more studying/learning! Since I’m on the SOTT forum reading and learning from the many posts, I AM a student. No question about it. Nor do I think otherwise/deny it!

Yet the reality of MY *personal* life is that I also teach.

And so *here* I am learning what I can from the SOTT forum, you included.

I hope I didn't miss any questions, Anart.

Ryan said:
I note that what you did was most likely an unconscious mechanical reaction
You nailed it, Ryan. I wrote "that word," all in caps, as in "JUST IMAGINE!" Or, "WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT?!!"

Ryan said:
and I don't bear any "ill will" towards you - in fact, I quite like some of the other posts you have made to date.
If you are sincere in what you say, and I feel that you are, then we're cool, man. Much like you, I'm a human being coming to the realizations that we are all coming to, conspiracies and extraterrestrials included. These are subjects that cannot be discussed with most people. And it can be hard. At least for me.

Since I moved from the US about 3 years ago or so, I have lost contact with many of my old friends. Not only because of the distance, but also because of our *differences* in well, our perception of reality. It sure gets lonely in a different country complete with a different culture!! Luckily, I have a S. American background and so I don't look like a "blue eyed blond haired" "gringo" and can therefore more readily "fit". But the language barrier (Spanish, my second language, is not spoken here) is troublesome. So I really don't go out too much. Little by little however, I'm getting better at learning the new language though.

I therefore enjoy very much being on the web researching. And SOTT is one of my favorite web sites and Forum. Not to mention Laura's/C's work. Awesome. Besides, I've always been a loner, and so interacting, as I am doing now with you, Ryan, via the web, is right up my ally!

Ryan said:
That being said, experience and observation has shown that drugs tend to be a highly emotional and personal "button" for some people who come to this forum, and they tend to strongly dislike being told they cannot discuss them here.
Understood. I respect the sentiment. But it should be understood that the ONLY reason I wrote a post discussing "those things" was in the contexct of a page/thread called, The D*T Research page. That's it.

Ryan said:
It usually takes a few repeated reminders before they either "get it", or they leave in a huff. My intention is simply to accelerate this process slightly, in order to save your time and ours if it so turns out that you value your own opinion of what "should be allowed" to be discussed here, over what is.
I didn't take the plunge to simply get out in a hurry! I am learning my way around "these parts." The forum has LOTS to teach me and so am enjoying the *interactive learning.* Again, very happy to be "here." I hope to keep sharing interesting stuff with the group as well, as from what I hear from you, you do enjoy my posts. Thank you.
anart said:
So, having used them as a 'stepping stone' you are still unable to realize they were just that and nothing more - or is a stepping stone what you are searching for?
Racer_Unknown said:
I fail to follow your question. “So, having used them as a 'stepping stone' you are still unable to realize they were just that and nothing more - or is a stepping stone what you are searching for?”
What I think Anart mean is something like, why stop on the first step on the stair and study it like there were no steps above it? The forum exist with guiding values like those of Gurdjieff that man can "break free" and all that hinders him from that task is bad from this perspective and in this case a "waste of time".
Racer Unknown said:
There are many people that I’ve met who have done this! You’ve never met any? It hasn’t happened to you? That you “created” something for yourself in your life, I mean? Like say, a vacation to “where ever” suddenly materializing because you wished it at some point? Or something similar to this? (Anyone?)
You are correct to place 'created' in inverted commas. How do you know that whatever materialized did so as a result of your own wishes? Just because something materialized and looked like a result of your dreams and wishes, maybe even an exact match, does not mean that you should automatically assume that you created it, or that YCYOR actually works.

A hypothesis that explains a great many observable and historical phenomena in our world is that of the hyperdimensional controllers – not to mention the common or garden 3rd density control system.

Cs session 941119 said:
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/ Lizards.
Q: (T) But I'm just a nobody. Why would they go to all [that] trouble to send somebody in a Camaro to drive up on my lawn...
A: Several answers follow: Number One, Nobody is a "nobody." Number two, it is no trouble at all for aforementioned forces to give seemingly individualized attention to anybody.
This throws a very different light on the idea of YCYOR.

The C's second answer above was given in response to a question concerning a specific incident of high strangeness, but can equally well apply to incidents of 'low strangeness', including convincing sleeping humans that YCYOR really works. Remember, 'nobody is nobody', and the controllers want to keep humanity dumbed down, asleep and living in lies – sheep believing we are eagles, lions, or even magicians who can create our own reality.

It is apposite to also consider apparent confirmation of YCYOR in terms of A influences. Mouravieff suggests that for those who are asleep and who take A influences to be The Real, said influences can actually work to their benefit, in terms of worldly success (wished for vacations suddenly appearing in one's life, for example) and so on.

Can you be sure that your wishing or visualisations for a desired outcome or thing, were not simply you responding to 'reverse ripples' in time from the actualisation of the event? And that the event would happen anyway, whether you wished for it or not?

So, how do you know that that which has materialized, seemingly in response to your command to the universe, is not simply a function of A influences, or manipulation by the hyperdimensional or 3rd density controllers, in order to keep you asleep?
Racer_Unknown said:
would you or anyone know of any body of work that specifically talked about quantum physics and psychology - as in related to probabilities – that when an individual is faced with a choice, his being supposedly “splits” so as to pursue *various* avenues of expression simultaneously? Again, Seth is supposedly the first author (ghost writer?) to discuss these ideas in the context of psychology in the mid 60’s.
The concept of "probabilities" as presented in the Seth Material does not reflect your rather simplistic and linear idea of one's being "splitting" when "faced with a choice". Rather, it proposed that the human psyche is multidimensional and non-linear in nature, existing in multiple lifetimes and probabilities within simultaneous and parallel space/time frameworks. In that respect, the psyche is not a singular linear phenomenon, but a complex multidimensional array of personality potentials that exist independent of our illusions of time and space. It further proposed that our experience of any single one of these lifetimes or probabilities is simply a matter of where in that array the current personality has chosen to "focus".

I have paraphrased the Seth material according to my memory and understanding of it. If you require clarification and/or specific quotes and references, I can take the time to review the specific material.
mada85 said:
It is apposite to also consider apparent confirmation of VOW in terms of A influences. Mouravieff suggests that for those who are asleep and who take A influences to be The Real, said influences can actually work to their benefit, in terms of worldly success (wished for vacations suddenly appearing in one's life, for example) and so on.
From Gnosis I:

Mouravieff said:
If man spends his life without distinguishing between 'A' and 'B' influences,
he will end it as he started, one could say mechanically, driven by the
Law of Accident. However, according to the nature and the intensity of the
resultant forces to which he is subjected, it can happen to him to make a
brilliant career, in the meaning the world gives to this expression.
Yet he will come to the end of his days without having either learned or
understood anything of Reality.
And earth returns to Earth.
In life, every being is subjected to a sort of competitive test. If he discerns
the existence of the 'B' influences; if he acquires a taste for gathering and
absorbing them; if he continually aspires to assimilate them better; his
mixed inner nature will slowly undergo a certain kind of evolution.
And if the efforts which he makes to absorb the 'B' influences are constant
and sufficient in force, a magnetic centre can be formed within him.


To the measure of its growth, the man will escape the dominion of
the Law of Chance/Accident and enter the domain of Consciousness.
If he reaches this result before his death, he can say that his life was not
lived in vain.
Now very interestingly and highly significant in relation to New Age "teachings" (and the New Age Movement) such as "The Secret" or Deepak Chopra's "7 Spiritual Laws of Success" is what Mouravief has to say if man mistakes A for B influences.

Mouravieff said:
Man can delude himself and, believing he is absorbing 'B' influences
and making the necessary selection all the while, he in fact absorbs 'A'
influences. This will put him into contactwith people who possess
magnetic centres of the same nature: who are themselves duped or
who dupe others, and who have no direct or indirect link with the esoteric Centre.

What guarantee can man have that he will not dupe
himself and that he will not fall into the latter situation? The answer is
simple. The purity of the magnetic centre must be scrupulously maintained
from the start and all through his evolution.
One can see now very clearly how, for example, the CYOR propaganda film "The Secret" is based by far more on 'A' influences, which people mistake as 'B' influences.
The same goes for a whole ton of New Age junk, including mainstream "spiritual" teachings by Deepak or any other NY Bestellers who are guests at Oprah, making millions with their " spiritual teachings", that are in actuality 'A' influences packaged in a 'B' wrapping. Truth mixed with lies, which divert the seeker from his real "I" and true Knowledge/Enlightenment. Example would be the whole abstract new age bits of "sending love and light into the world" or "imagining balls of light", focusing just on "good" thoughts, visualizing the "light body" as a means of ascension, or just "being open", avoiding anything "bad" or "negative", ignoring the "unpleasant" and just focus on our "desires", etc, etc,......

Of course there is some "truth" in Deepak's books. It serves as a bait, but it is so distorted that it distracts/diverts the seeker, putting him/her back to sleep, rather waking him/her up.
None of that helps the evolutionary process really at all. As long as one has not established the purity of the magnetic center through deep self-work and self-observation, one just acts in STS, putting the personality's (ego's) subjective will on to the world.
In that sense many New Age material is just like fundamental Religion. It works on faith, wishful thinking and Belief, not Knowledge and Truth. And so many new age followers are developing a false magnetic center, "who are themselves duped or who dupe others, and who have no direct or indirect link with the esoteric Centre."
And the one's promoting just to focus on "love and light" and "create your own reality" the loudest are the ones most heavily duped, more duped than the average sleeping man, because the former actually thinks he has awaken and can "see" now.......little does he know that he's going in circles.......distracted by 'A' influences. Or as stated by the C's:
"Gaining false Knowledge is more dangerous than gaining no Knowledge."

True Esoteric Path is a spiral upward , it is conscious work, "the path of the Warrior" according to Don Juan, not just visualizing and wishing.

Don Juan said:
Impeccability begins with a single act that has to be deliberate, precise and sustained. If that act is repeated long enough, one acquires a sense of unbending intent which can be applied to anything else. If that is accomplished the road is clear. One thing will lead to another until the warrior realizes his full potential.
On another note, to see Obama with aura and all on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine is funnny, sad and scary....all of it.
There was a time when the Rolling Stone Magazine was actually alternative, revolutionary and groundbreaking. That's a loooong time ago.
Now it's just another torch in the hands of the Blind, burning themselves.
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