4-d dream experiences ...

well if you were dealing with someone in need, why didn't you resolve it with them rather than project it upon a perfect stranger ... I admit that I'm working with a few assupmtions that you seem to have reinforced with the above statement ... now I'll be the first to admit that I got a few problems ... but your above posts seem to project upon my problems that weren't exactly what I had, and furthermore I wasn't asking for help so much as I was looking for other people that had shared similar bizarre dreams that were outside of their dream experience and were willing to share ...
It seems to me that you have remaining issues that haven't been dealt with in regard to this person that was in need. It is good form to help people, always without a doubt, sometimes though it can be difficult to help them in a way that is appropriate to where they are at. So then it comes to me that you seem to be looking to help the shadow of this person in need. I suggest that maybe you did, but have you helped yourself along the way? You seem to have a haunted sence to you - even your avatar and your quote suggest this, I hate to analyze you as such - I hate being analyzied online because the possibilty of assumption is so great, there is a limitation on what the written word can convey. I think though that in your search to help others it is yourself that you are seeking to help. I have been forced to confront a similar idea, I have been far to naive in my life, and so many new ideas have forced themselves upon my perception I have realized that all my quests to help others were flawed because I didn't make myself something that could effectively help somebody else. That simple change in orientation though has opened up so many new possibilities and so many opportunities to re-invent myself as a creature than can ACTUALLY help others. But as it stands now, I'm in a state of flux and am still learning ...
I think perhaps (and forgive me for the assumptions I make) you should look not at whether or not you helped this other person, but what your limitations were in helping them ...
You know all these thoughts of assumptions remind me of a profound statement my of my ex's dad's taught me ... to assume is to make an ass out of you and me ...
laughs - I made a bootay thing - I hope it made sence I always liked that analogy - but in this case bootay at least means the same thing
I understand what you mean in that I have always had strange and vivid dreams. I would wake up with the feeling of the dream 'sticking' to me and the mood of it would color my day. I would sometimes be in a sad/mad/anxious/happy mood all day because of my dream, although it was usually what most people would consider a 'negative' feeling that stuck. My dreams have always been strange, lots of weird places and often times I have visited the same 'worlds' over and over. Also, as I have learned from some very amazing people on the board, I have had reoccurring symbolism throughout my dreams as well. I don't think that my dreams have become more or less meaningful since I 'jumped down the rabbit hole' although what I have learned has woven itself into my thoughts and therefore made a presence in my dreaming. I also think that gained knowledge has helped me to better interpret my dreams and so I find more meaning in them now. Like you, I started remembering my dreams at an early age, the earliest dream I can remember I had when I was about two, and so there is a lot lot lot of material to work with. I've also found, as of late, old dreams popping into my mind almost randomly. They come about as if something has stirred them, although the stirring moment is usually something that seems to me as unrelated. I've had quite a bit of d
You know after posting that I saw this thing about einstein and his issues with quantum mechanics and something struck me as rather odd, being as a scientist he should have realized that it was only a model ... But something new occured to me about reality as they were describing the quantum physics. If we all are given free will would it not be reflected in the matter that we move through? Your flip book analogy reminded me of a dream I had regarding a woman I was involved with and her double life -> in the dream I had this scrap book that was filled with events from her life except it was all jumbled up and rather incoherent, but in the dream I went through the book ordered everything in terms of time and had it so that each of her two lives were on alternating pages and gave it to her ... there was a lot more to the dream than that, but the relevance of those parts would only be explained if I went through a description of everything that happened in our relationship and well that would take a bit too much time to type out. As it turns out in less than a week this other life of hers was confirmed -> to my terrible dismay. Well, so much for dating a gemini ...

I don't fear what I'm dreaming, well not at least while I'm dreaming ... it's when I wake up that I sometime get alarmed, maybe unconfortable is more appropriate. Experiences of de ja vu are common with people who have a more practiced ability to dream.

One of the weird things I noticed about these dreams of other life paths is that most of them follow my life as I have lived it until about '97 (which is when I had that first dream about a future that didn't exactly come to pass as I described it above) and from that point diverge outward to vastly different life paths. There are other places where these spreads happen and they are all at points in my life where I was in a place of great emotional turmoil. In '97 I lost my first love to someone else and was the most traumatic period of my life so it would make sence that it would also be a point where I would logically have made the greastest number of different choices just because of my state of emotional chaos. One of the most disturbing dreams that I had that branched out from there I ended up joining the FBI of all things. So in that dream I was essentially the same person as I am now, being in my early 30's and with a similar way of looking at the world, but not the same ideas regarding it. The disturbing part wasn't just that I had become a spook, it was that I understood the events of that path and how they had affected me, I knew that other point of view ... it was weird - really weird, I can no longer say certain things that I might have just a year ago like "I don't know how anyone could join such an organization" etc, so now I tend to watch shows like law and order more than I used to -
the all-encompassing egg said:
I understand what you mean in that I have always had strange and vivid dreams. I would wake up with the feeling of the dream 'sticking' to me and the mood of it would color my day. I would sometimes be in a sad/mad/anxious/happy mood all day because of my dream, although it was usually what most people would consider a 'negative' feeling that stuck. My dreams have always been strange, lots of weird places and often times I have visited the same 'worlds' over and over.
Really? What were these "worlds" like? This may sound a little crazy, but did your dreams try to lead you to believe that you were living an alternate life on another world? Did some of these dreams seem like mystical realms where you had unusual abilities? Did events in the dreams seem to carry over into the real world in some way? Did they inluence your decsisions in a way that brought you to greater sources of knowlege, like Cassiopaea? If so, I think I may know what the both of you are talking about. I don't know if they were 4-d or not, but they were quite unusual from the normal 3-d perspective. I've been trying to understand them for most of my short life here on Earth, and the Cassiopaean material has been very helpful, but I confess it has led to more questions than answers. Any similarities here?
I too have had repeat visits to various worlds ... Some I'm certain were to past lives, indeed the first dream I had was of my last death, some seem to be more genetic memory (though possibly those dreams too are of past lives) then there are those that are very different from my standard 3-d earth experience ... I'm not really big on sci-fi, but I've also been dreaming a saga about traveling world to world in a very strange looking ship, shruggs ... I can't really get into that - I've had many dreams along that line, and any post would be more like a novel. Then there are the more mystical dream worlds ... perhaps I should post something about that on another thread ... but the 4-d thing refers to a 4th density existance, though with that web of dreams maybe 4th dimensional would be as appropriate ... I'm not sure the purpose of dreaming my life in review and seeing the outcome of various different choices, I still wouldn't consider it part of my normal dream methodology, still I suppose it has the effect of widening my perpsective and thus my understanding, but I'm not exactly "there" even if I am - shruggs - it's all very weird. I've read through the majority of the cass material here and have started reading through the channel sessions from casschat, and well - yeah, I certainly have more questions too ;)
This is very strange and exciting, is easy to think you're the only one. I have until I discovered this place. I read your other thread about the "fairy queen" and I have to say there are some similarities. And yes, over the past six years, I've had perhaps 250 dreams, I could write a book too! And the thing is, people will say "well, if you're dreaming about faries you're just too fantasy prone and recalling things from your childhood." But to actually experience it, it feels so real. It's not something you can simply make up. It's just so incredible. Ok, I will share two of my stranger dreams, and see what you think.

Note: This dream occured when a girl I knew was playing around with Ouija channeling. Apparently, she had summoned two spirits who took on the names Odin and Athena, and they were having a power struggle through which said girl was the conduit. She got caught in a war between them which led to about six months of chaos and fear. I've copied this from my dream journal, which is a partially complete volume of dreams I experienced during my life.
Anyway, I guess the next thing I should mention is my trip to the Rainbow Realm. It was a beautiful place. Athena's "palace" was more of a gazebo that was a mixture of Greek and Indian architecture. It was composed of white marble. A dome covered the entire structure which was supported on the outside by columns. Around the palace was a large field of rainbow colored plants. Their color was not static like you would perceive a physical object; instead, the colors flowed, blended, and diverged like some kind of continually morphing energy. I felt weightless, yet gravity was still holding me to the ground. The sky was a rosy pink color. I was standing on a dirt path that led to the gazebo palace. The whole place was all very strange and wonderful to me. Another interesting fact was that whenever I thought about something, a wave emanated from my body that refracted the rainbow energy similar to the effect that occurs when a stone is dropped into water. The air around the gazebo also seemed to have a faint tint of this energy as well. I felt so alive here. I proceeded toward the gazebo with caution and wonder. I walked up some of the marble steps and was on a sort of porch. The porch was covered by the outer edge of the dome, and there was a doorway that led into the internal structure. There were some chairs seated around a crystalline table with a bouquet positioned in the middle. As I was taking all of this in and looking out over the gardens I heard a voice that said "Welcome Neil." I spun nervously around to see myself greeted by a bluish white robed figure. She told me she was Athena. She told me that this was her realm, and after some I guess what you'd call small talk, we got onto business. My mission for Athena was to go to the Shadow Realm, Odin's domain, and gather "light stones". Heather was also on this quest, and together the two of us should be able to gather all of the stones. We had to assemble the stones in a certain way so that their power would fuse. At that point, Athena could use the stones to boost her power to the point that she could kill Odin. The stones would also make Heather and me more powerful as well; the increased amount of light energy would allow us to deal with the dark energy more effectively. Chris had expressed some concern in these affairs, and I asked Athena about his role in this. She seemed rather nonchalant about the whole thing and told me that he was unimportant. Chris demanded that he have a part in this, and later Athena sent him on a "dead-end" mission. After we finished our discussion, Athena materialized one of these "light stones" in her hand and handed it to me. It was to show me what to look for and also to give me some defense in the Shadow Realm. I never touched Athena directly, I inserted my hand into the streaming white light that flowed off her body and it floated over to me. Then the stone was absorbed into my body in a semi-painful empowering event. Later I would learn to materialize and dematerialize the stones at will. They entered my body for storage. After that there was a bright flash of light, Athena disappeared, and a rainbow colored vortex appeared in front of me that seemed to go on infinitely in length and had no depth. I know that makes no sense, but it is what I saw. It had no dimension when viewed from the side, it had and undetermined amount of dimension when viewed from the front. After some deliberation, I jumped into the vortex portal and my experiences in the Shadow Realm began.

When you write about your dreams, do they tend to form a sort of story, similar to what you just read here? It makes it sound really made up after you write about it, but you know you experienced it.

Then, almost a year after that, I had this dream, which is of the more common, more 3-d type of my saga to protect Selulucou (I often call it Morphia)

Chris and I were standing in a desert, well actually it was a ruined city that had been almost buried by a desert. Sand was blowing everywhere and it was extremely hot. There was a break in the storm, and we were standing in front of a massive rust colored pyramid. The pyramid had massive runes inscribed on the side of it. We went inside of the pyramid to find banners, and a ruined interior. It appears something had lived there, and not all of that long ago. We had a sudden urge to travel to the top of the pyramid. We saw all of these artifacts, remnants of a destroyed civilization, art, technology, culture, covered with dust and partially destroyed. Upon reaching the top of the pyramid, we came across this room that was full of spherical mirrors as best as I can describe. There was a center console of some sort. It had a slot for something to go into it. Chris obtained a box full of crystals, hidden under a floor tile, which were then inserted into the center console, which read the data stored on the crystal and sent data to the mirrors to create a hologram. When we plugged one end we saw ourselves standing in an altered version of the room we were just in, apparently at some time in the past. About 56 years ago we found out. We saw some sort of council meeting. There was a city in the background, the ruined city we had just walked through. It looked something akin to Coruscant. The six figures in the council meeting were having a vicious argument. Then suddenly a figure appeared in front of us. It identified itself as Elfangdor X, and we were witnessing the council meeting that was supposed to end the war. He was sorry we had to witness this dark moment in history, but he told us that if we were watching this recording, it was time for us to learn about our purpose. Elfangdor was the original homeworld of the species. It was destroyed when none of the six races inhabiting the planet could agree to settle their differences. Elfangdor led the children to Morphia, in hopes of creating a new society free from the corruptions and legacies of the old. But he could only establish the new civilization, someone had to lead it and nurture it. This, he said, was our destiny, to ensure the continued survival of the species by doing what he could not do. It was his responsibility to rescue the civilization, and it was our destiny to rebuild it. A new civilization would rise from the ashes of the old and flourish across the stars, hopefully we could save it from the same fate. While we were being told all of this, we were watching the images in the background. The argument rose to a state of extreme violence. Then, bright beams of energy shot from the members of the council and converged into a black circle over the table. The circle grew larger and started sucking in all of the energy. Then it exploded. We watched the city get decimated. I guess you could say it was like watching a nuke go off. Some of the buildings survived enough to remain standing but most of them were absorbed into a reddish black cloud of debris and fire. We watched people running for their lives, getting incinerated. They would just run, the wave of fire would engulf them, there would be a bright red vaporous shell of their body for a split second, and then they were gone. The last thing we saw, when Elfangdor was talking about rebuilding the civilization, was the entire planet, which was earthlike, being engulfed in a cloud of fire. Elfangdor told us that the fighting did not stop after the planet was destroyed, but that the ships that escaped fired on each other until almost no one was left. The war continued until it was almost physically impossible to fight. "The children were taken to another place, these children are you." Then I woke up.

I should probably mention, that "the species" is a centaur type species that is covered with various colors of hair. In the dreams I often was one of these creatures. They live on Selulucou. So what do you think? Weird? Ridiculous? Strangely familiar? I accepted these dreams as absolute truth until I read the Cassiopaean Transcripts, where the Cassiopaeans mention that dreams are the best forum for disinformation. Now I am not so sure what they were. Alternate reality? Symbols? STS manipulation? Subconcious wandering? Do you know what I mean?
Hmm, my thoughts regarding dreams is that they can be anything ... and though I think they almost always have an element of truth to them, it isn't always a literal truth. I'm not sure what to think of the possibility of 4-d sts influence regarding dreams - I'm rather new to the c material, and it kinda bugged me when I read that in one of the series that laura has posted. Still I suppose it shouldn't be that much of a shock, like my sub-con mind isn't already full of bizarre stuff from t.v.
I think it's dangerous to consider a dream (or anything for that matter) as absolute truth. Well, it depends on what one considers absolute truth. I think it is easier to search out the message first, and then consider the way it is presented. Perhaps you did escape a planetary distruction before incarnating here - but did it look like you dreampt it? Now without a doubt the message about being the children that escaped and the part about not falling into the traps that destroyed the previous world is the important part, regardless of how you choose to present it to yourself in your sub-con ...
Without having a better understanding of what those six months of chaos that surrounded what happened with the ouija board I really can't offer much insight, and considering that those events were precipitated by playing with a ouija board I don't even think I would be qualified. I have no doubt that such things work, but how does one know what they are channeling throught it? I think there are a few people here on this forum could offer quite a bit of info about that.
I'm so stupid, I left out some of the most important details. I'll have to deviate from the dream topic for a moment. Firstly, the reason why I doubt these dreams is that they happened when I was 12 and 13. Also I made an important omission. I never attended any of the Ouija sessions, so I don't know for certain whether or not they actually happened. However, these souls that chose to be called Odin and Athena attached themselves to Heather in some way. I don't know whether there was a textbook spirit attachment or not, but I have reason to believe that there is truth to this because I've never been so afraid in my life. You said you had some experience in reiki. Perhaps you have felt this before. Have you ever come in contact with a source of energy that felt extremely negative? It was strange, because when I was around this girl at school I started shivering. Not cold shivering, an internal shivering. My body was fine, but I felt like I was about to jump out of my skin. It was such a deep feeling of fear, but it went beyond fight or flight. I felt I had to save Heather, so I willingly exposed myself to this and I felt so powerless. Odin and Athena talked to me when Heather would call me on the phone. Odin was basically the bad guy, and Athena was the good girl, but now I think they were both STS, just having a power struggle. Whenever I talk about it this bizarre shivering starts again. They also mentioned they were sexless and had no noses, but they did take on distinctively masculine/feminine personalities. I have been writing a history of my life that I was going to submit to Laura, but I think the whole situation is just too strange. The lines between fact and fiction are so blurred. Anyway, when I was in contact with Odin and Athena, whatever they were, my life took a downward spiral, I ended up betraying my own friends, and nearly going insane. I can post the whole story if you are that interested, but it is so unbelievable, and I'm so confused, I don't know what happened. I know the lessons I learned from it, and I suspect STS was involved somehow, but then again, that makes no sense. Why would the high and mighty lizards have any reason to go after a couple little kids who were merely interested in aliens and spirits. I could try to logically solve this, and I only end up more confused. I'm only 17 now, if you think that makes me less credible... While I'd like to discuss various events with others, I don't want to put you in my emporium of weirdness without telling you facts about myself.

It is interesting that you mentioned a past life connection because this was a thread I followed for a long time. I believed that I was one of the "Elemental Children" that somehow got reincarnated on Earth. I thought that these dreams were reminding of places I'd been and things I'd done. I also had dreams and images that there were other "children" and that I needed to find them. The building of this element in my life is one of the main reasons I found Cassiopaea. But here again, due to my young age, and STS influences, how much of this is corrupted? In your opinion, do you think I should continue to ponder my past or should I forget it, keep it to myself, and focus on building the future from now? It would take me a long time to explain, as you are getting into one of my core enigmas of my existence. Morphia, Shadow Realm, Extraterrestrials, Enlightenment. These are the enigmas of my existence. I call them this because they are constant questions that I must always ponder. They are always with me, and they are never answered. I feel that if I can finally understand these things, I will understand who I am. Sorry for the long spool, I don't like getting that deep, but perhaps you understand... You have more experienced in life than I do, probably more wisdom, and you are also awakened. What do you think I should do?
I think you are correct in your assesment that odin and athena were both STS, I had that thought when I first read about it, but I wasn't really sure. The first clue was that athena wanted odin killed, and the other thing was that it was a kind of trap - most good natured folk would resonate with something they think is good, but in this case athena wasn't a good critter at all so by helping her you were falling into an STS orientation, the way you mention betraying your friends seems to point to this, but my saying the last part is a bit of an assumption on my part ...
It's funny what you said about the high and mighty lizards targeting you ... I've read quoted in the material here several times about how nobody is just a nobody, more than that anyone with any natural metaphysical talent is a prime target, and well children can make easier targets. I don't know if life can be "logically" dealt with, logic though is very important, it's only part of the equation so to speak. As far as being confused goes - aye yo, as far as I see it virtually everyone is confused, I don't find it so much of a bad thing - it does drive me nuts that I don't know more - shruggs.
I'm not sure if it would be a good policy to post your life story ... on one hand people would be comforted to know they aren't the only ones having a hell of a time trying to make sence of this worlds realm, it is also very dangerous. Writing though is very theraputic, hmm, perhaps just writing about what happened would allow you to think about events in a more distanced way ... but whether or not to post it well - that is more or less up to you.
I do not think you are capable of ignoring your past, and well I've learned some amazing things from dreams about past lives, and avoided some nasty mistakes. Just a quick example, before my first love left me I had a bunch of dreams about her leaving me for a specific guy from countless lives and in everyone of those lives I killed him. Now with all the strangeness and difficulty that life was throwing at me at the time it didn't make things much easier to dream about her and him every night. So this life I had the perspective not to repeat that pattern, ending my own negative karma with them, and allowing them to experience whatever it was they needed from each other. So without a doubt pondering such things can be usefull, but one cannot neglect the here and now or the future. As for how much you choose to share with others, well I can't stress the importance of using caution.
When it comes to my quest for enlightenment, well I NEED to know, and I can't tolerate not knowing ... and the more I learn the more questions I have ...
Well, my experinces with those is a complicated and twisted story. It led to a lot of weird dreams, my near destruction, and of course one bizarre life in the "real world." I guess I can go into more detail on the betraying my friends part. I had my "awakening" a year earlier. It was at this time I started exploring the possibility of alien presence and mysticism. My friend Chris, really brought me into this. He said he had something to tell me. At night he supposively went to this laboratory and tinkered with things. He also told me he was not of this world and occasionally had visions. He was telling me this because he said there was something unusual about me. He told me he was going to take me there that night. Well, he didn't actually come and get me, but I had this dream. One of the ultra-rare dual dreams as we call them. We've had 3 of these for sure, maybe more that were less impressive and accurate. Oh boy, do you feel like listening to another one of my dreams?

Well, this one isn't nearly as weird, it was my first non-normal dream though. I was standing in a city, it was very foggy, and there were many small buildings around. Like row houses and such. It kinda reminds me of London. There was absolutely no one else in this city however. Then Chris walked out of the fog and told me to follow him. So we walked a couple of blocks and came to this big hatch that was in the middle of the street. It was in the appropriate place for a manhole, but you would completely wreck your car if you you were driving down this street. Anyway, he throws this hatch open and jumps in, so I follow. Well, the next thing I know, I'm sliding down this circular metal pipe that leads down for an unknown depth. It was very fun and I started hollering a bit. When we got to the bottom, we were in some type of metal bunker or underground base. I noticed there was a yellow laptop just laying in the middle of the floor. It had no significance as far as the dream was concerned, but made all the difference the next day. Chris walked up to a control panel next to a pair of big metal doors, and pushed a few buttons. As the door was opening, I woke up.

The next day I was interested in what I had seen, but very skeptical. I decided I would ask Chris a few questions about the dream. If he had really taken me there as he said he had, he would remember certain details from the dream. So I asked him the following questions. Why was the city so foggy? What was I doing on the slide? What did I see at the bottom of the slide? What color was it? He answered "It was foggy to hide the entrance." I realized he could easily make up the response to this question, so I asked the second one. "You were sliding, kinde excited." I was impressed with this response, but he could've figured that one out if he was smart enough. When I asked him the last two questions I was utterly astounded. "You saw a computer"," It was yellow." That was just bizarre. The fact that he had just come up with those answers off the top of his head convinced me that something else was going on here. And that's how I came to be. I consider that my awakening because that dream led me to believe that aliens were real, paranormal powers did exist, and that I had some connection with this Elfangdor/Selulucou mystery. If I never had that dream, I would most likely be at a teenage drinking party right now intstead of talking to you about the paranormal. This occured just after I had turned 11. Whoa, I had no plans to tell you all of this when I first started. I merely wanted to pose a few questions and see what you thought. You know more about me than my parents do in all actuality. It is amazing what happens when you share your experiences with other "freaks." Networking really works. I thank you for listnening to me. It is comforting to know there are people like you out there.

Well, getting back to my main point, Chris and I became inseperable after this experience. We were linked through this supernatural reality and mystery. Unfortunately, we turned the dreams into a sort of magical quest, and lost focus. We thought we were wizards on a magical quest to save Morphia. Well, there is no need to go into that, it is rather embarassing, and we lost so much to our perceptions of this magical quest. When Heather came along, she saw the flaws in what we were doing and after joining our little group for awhile she concluded that Chris was making this entire thing up. She said it was too childish and the centaur like species bore some resemblance to Applegate's Andalites. After Odin came into the picture, the two of them rode this very hard. They fed me all of this garbage about me being the special one and Chris was just trying to steal my power(another long story). Eventually I bought into the idea, and exposed everything to everybody about what we had experienced. I twisted the story to make it sound more ridiculous and to appease Odin. By the time I was done, the story was we were Martian wizards trying to take over the Earth. And this is how I betrayed him. I joined the already fairly sizable group who was trying to break our will and we went on full attack against him in order to drive him as far into the ground as possible. We eventually reunited, but not before much damage was done.

As far as nobody is a nobody is concerned. I never considered myself very important. A negligable force by any standards. I've always been regulated to my tiny sphere of influence in my tiny realm of perception. I can see why Laura, Carla, Barbara, and a few ufologists have to go through the deepest pits of darkness because they are capable of making a difference. Me, always been more or less of a loner hoping someday I'll understand reality. But what you say does make sense, I just never considered myself to have any significance. If the STS wants to go through with their master plan, it would be best if they covered all the bases. So, maybe I'm not so negligable:)

Ok, I'll heed your warning about posting the entire thing. I'll just write about what come to me. This is therapeutic in the way that I can finally share this with someone besides myself and occasionally Chris. I wonder if these are STO lessons. For a long time I confided in keeping everything a secret, lying to everyone else in order to protect myself, but after reading the Cassiopaeans, certain sections of the Pleidans, and the Ra material, I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I needed someone to talk to or I was just going to explode. Now, if people want to know, I'll tell them.

Well, I regret I don't have much to offer you in return, it seems I'm asking all the questions here. But I do enjoy talking to you.
What you call dual dreaming, I call dream linking ... I've known two people that I could do that with, and the first one was quite unexpected. I was on a camping trip and ended up sleeping next to this girl who would latter have quite the impact on my life. Anyway we dreamed that we were together on a beach, the dream itself wasn't anything extraordinary as far as the content was concerned, jusk walking and talking, but it certainly had an impact on our lives. When you said dual dreaming I imediately thought of something a bit different. As I was exploring my past live I found two that had a bit of over lap, and it bugged me at the time - silly me thinking in terms of linear time, but I was in fifth grade at the time. So I came up with an experiment, if I could in fact have a life that happened in terms of linear time before the one after it, but experience them in the opposite order, yet with a bit of over lap in the middle I should be able to do something similar in my dreams. So I started to try and have simultaneous dreams, it took a long time before I actually did, but I was rather pleased, and it offered a sence that the paradox of those two lives might not be so mysterious. At the time I kinda stopped experimenting with that, because it made it terribly difficult to remember my dreams they were muddied be each other and I had trouble figuring out what part went with what dream. It was years before I got back too it, and after about a year or so I got to the point where I could remember them cleanly, now I'm at the point where I can have three, but I can't keep them straight. I have met I guy who's stuck at six so I know more is possible.
It's unfortunate that your parents can't help you with dream craft. I got my initial training from my mom, though to my frustration there wasn't very much she could teach me. But one of the most valuable things about dream craft I learned from her and it is something that is rarely covered in books on dream techniques. And it's problem solving. When I was really little I remember waking up one night to find her gleefully sewing in the living room. I asked her what she was up to and she told me that before she went to sleep she gave herself "the assignment" about remembering how to do some sewing technique and replayed that day in a high school class when she learned how to do it. Of course it isn't just limited to replaying the past so to speak my neice used it to improve her shooting in basketball. The point is though that dreams are a great way to go about problem solving. My mom also told me about lucid dream and although that's nice and all, I haven't found much of a practical use for it, aside from the obvious one that it made me better at dreaming. Hmm, maybe I'm looking at it backwards, I suppose by learning that first it made the other stuff easier ... My dad on the other hand taught me how not to dream, he has never really confronted his own sub-con, and so he is besieged by it in his sleep, he has nightmares and normally doesn't remember his dreams. To my knowledge he only had one prophetic dream, but forgot about it, but he told me and it came to pass about a year latter, he also had one shall we say visionary dream and still hasn't seen the relevance of it. I am not sure if I was supposed to point out the prophetic dream to him or not - he gets very uncomfortable thinking about it and dreams in general, I suppose the stuff I told him the day after he had the dream should be enough ...
Anyway, I'm starting to ramble, but dream linking and simultaneous dreams both have an aspect that exists outside of time ... I hope this post offers a bit of insight as to ways you can expand your skills in dreaming, after all on average humans spend a third of their lives sleeping ...
So, this dream linking, you would have a dream about someone, or more accurately, with someone, go through the dream, wake up and then find out that both of you experienced exactly the same thing albeit from your respective perspectives? I'm at a loss of words. What does it mean? Is it that we have special connections with these people? Perhaps a past life connection?

As for your, I guess, synchronous dreaming, I have expereinced it, but it is so difficult to keep the dreams straight that it gets muddled, and my mind eventually just discards the content. I can't say I remember any of them, only the frustration resulting from having tried to figure them out for so long. I've never seen it as practical because it's like trying to keep up with two good movies at once. Yeah, you'll watch them, but you'll lose a lot because you were too busy. I guess it has its uses, but I've never had any other dreams except Morphia, Shadow Realm, and a new type that is more Earth centered and highly symbolic. I wouldn't know where to start. I guess I've never really considered learning how to dream, but I think it would be beneficial. Got any material on that?

If you don't mind me asking, what did this girl do that was so influential? If it's too private you don't have to answer, but now I'm curious. And I know it's a long story. I'm interested in finding paralells now. We seem to have quite a bit in common and talking to you is quite educational and comforting. Would it be ok if I called on you to discuss particularly powerful dreams? You seem to know quite a bit, and though you may not be a "master" your experience is helpful.

Well, I'd like to take this in a different direction. What is your experience with de ja vu? I started having it about 5 years ago and at first it really freaked me out. Now it is more or less common occurance and very much normal. I've heard several theories about de ja vu, and normal people think I'm nuts. Some say it is a sort of warning, that you are doing things that you have already done before. Others say it is a sort of perception into alternate reality or another dimension, and in the Transcripts I read that it can even be produced when the lizzies are altering the timelines or merging realities. It is a sort of glitch in the matrix that occurs when the program is being altered while it is running. Do you have experience with de ja vu? If so, what are your thoughts on this? Do you think there is a way to harness it? Make it prophetic? It's a nice ability and all, but it's kinda useless, you remember something that's happened before, but you don't remember it happened untill it happens. Sometimes I'll just say "Oh, this has happened before," and other times I will recall the event happened in a sort of dream state and now it's happening "for real." Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Hey, don't worry about rambling, I practically write a novel with each post! And besides, you may call it rambling, I call it resonance.
There was a past life link with both of those people, and both were part of my first life on this planet ... one was why twin sister (fraternal twins) and the other was my first romance, it didn't matter what they did, it's who they are. The thing about simultaneous dreaming that makes it usefull is how it has changed my ability to think. I can think about more things at the same time without getting distracted. But it did take a long time before it was an effective way to dream, and it isn't one that I use all the time, for awhile I used it to explore my past lives looking for karmic links here and there and comparing similarities between lives, but it's really helpfull for some of the problem solving dreams, and like I pointed out about the way it affected my ways of thinking. Also I've noticed that if I focus on one thing specifically I can think about it more clearly than I could before. When it comes to learning to dream it really comes down to having an idea of what's possible and then expanding the envelope. For the most part I try and keep it so my dreams have a direct practical purpose on my waking reality, though sometimes I do need a bit of purely fun dreams - I don't watch much t.v., and some of my dreams might not have what people would consider really usefull, say like downloading random dance techniques from lives past - but I like to dance - shruggs. De ja vu is something that my mind is continually redefining. There are two kinds of de ja vu as I experience, and though they are similar - they do have a different feel. One is like entering into a dream sequence and normally I can remember when and where I had the dream, the second kind I'm not sure about at all. Is it a glitch in the system, a dream that maybe I forgot - who knows. My ability to remember my dreams seems to be better than most people's but I think that's only practice on my part - there was a time that I used to keep a dream journal and when I woke up I'd write down what I dreamed, and just the process of focusing on my dream after I woke up seemed to be enough, so after awhile I destroyed my dream journals and now if I have a good half-hour of peace and quiet with a cup of coffee in the morning I'll never forget the dream, of course if it is one of those days I hit the ground running I'll still forget what I dreampt. That being said when it comes to the prophetic type of de ja vu - I know when I dreamed it - but the other kind - that's still a mystery to me ...
Hm, your insights only seem to add more emphasis on my previously held beliefs regarding my dream life. I have always known there has been something to the Morphic dreams, but it is twisted and tangled. I see that there is much more exploration to be done. I wonder, was it your dreams that were integral in your development? Did you have very bizarre dreams at critical junctures in your development that pushed you farther into the mystical realms? Do you feel like they are a key component of who you are? Did you ever recieve a mission in your dreams? A sort of encoded message that profoundly affected your life here? I have had an affirmative in all of these cases at some point, and while we are the only ones here who seem to have such similar kinds of experiences, I wonder if you have had them too.

Yeah, the de ja vu thing is unusual. Firstly, it is very interesting that one can have dreams about the future. If one can dream about the future, that pretty much confirms Quantum Theory and a bunch of other weird theories about time loops and such. I wonder what the process is? Is this an infantile 4-d ability, to merge the present with some other point in space-time? Or perhaps, is it perception of something that is going on on the 4-d plane? If you think about this simple experience called de ja vu, well, it is just impossible by 3-d standards. I guess that is why people think you're crazy when you tell them about it.

Hmm, I have more questions, but I think this is enough for one post. As always, I await your insights.
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