Heard my first story of virus vindictiveness and weaponisation today. In a family dispute after a separation an ex DIL told her ex MIL that one of the children of the failed relationship that spent time with the fathers family over the Christmas break had tested positive and advised that the family would have to go into isolation and also get tested, meaning that their family business would suffer.

Turns out that the child hadn't tested positive at all, infact hadn't even been tested and was not showing any symptoms according to her older brothers.

The family business lost two days work and spent hours trying to secure RAT tests before they found out that it was all a sham.

Jeez, some are going to play all sorts of dirty games with the current situation.
Which part of the world is that in? I'm asking, wondering whether the local language might have received foreign influences. I don't know if it is an idiom commonly found in other languages, but "majeur et vacciné" (major and vaccinated) is an idiom in Québec French used to mean with free will/sovereigty, implying that the individual had consented to the life choice in question. It already sounded like it was an established expression when I became aware of it as a ki, in the early 90s. I'm not aware of the equivalent being common in English, though, so that is interesting.

Yes, it's from Quebec, but apparently this expression ("majeur et vacciné") is also used in France in the media to urge people to get vaccinated.
Here is an excerpt from francetvinfo.fr:

A false link between being vaccinated and being responsible is established. In that context, I interpreted it as "as an adult, you are now a responsible person. Do your part. Don't act like a kid. Get vaccinated." On a deeper level, I think it's targeting the ego because it could trigger an emotional response like "What? You think I'm a kid? I'll show you who's..." (and the person would be tempted to get the vaxx to retain the "special" status of being an adult).

Could be the result of a sitcom in quebec in 1996,
from wikipédia; Majeurs et vaccinés — Wikipédia

Majeurs et vaccinés est une série télévisée québécoise en treize épisodes de 22 minutes, créée par Marc Brunet et Stéphan Dubé et diffusée entre le 13 janvier et le 13 avril 1996 à la Télévision de Radio-Canada.

Just to show how we are programed. ;-)
I never heard of this sitcom but the expression was very popular here in France when I was a young major (I was 18 in 1995).
Dr Simon Stilgoe from Brisbane medical practice 188medical has penned a letter to Queensland minister for health:

The Minister of Health
State Government
Queensland, Australia

Dear Ms D’Ath,

I retired from clinical practice on 15 December 2021.

My family and some of my colleagues have commented “Well, it’s time you took a break! After all you have three university degrees, two fellowships and three licentiates and have been in full-time practice for 41 years - working as a rural generalist on 4 continents, predominantly in remote locations in third-world countries, with the last 13 years serving the rural communities in Australia, latterly as a locum Senior Medical Officer in southeast Queensland, always putting your patients and community ahead of your family and your social life. It’s about time you had a rest.”

Perhaps they are right, but the question is – am I ready to retire? After all, I am only 63, and feel I probably have a few years left in me to effectively serve the people of Queensland.

So, why am I retiring, then? Because of your non-evidence-based vaccine mandate for health workers. Apparently, at midnight on the 14 December 2021, I was meant to turn into a mutant blob of super-spreading coronavirus slime that would be a terrible threat to my colleagues and patients. You may be relieved to hear that that did not happen. In fact, I have never felt healthier.
It has been interesting to see the rise of evidence-based medicine during my career, something we have all embraced and accepted as the correct and safest way to manage healthcare issues, whether in the individual patient, or at the population level. But many of us have stood mouths-agape to see the principles of evidence-base being thrown into the garbage as politicians have disastrously taken on the role of managing health care during the current coronavirus problem.
But I would like to thank you for the opportunity to retire a little earlier than planned. It will give me the opportunity to spend more time with my wife and my family, and to catch up on my long-neglected hobbies of cycling, bushwalking, bird watching and photography – unless you plan to slap a QR code on the tail feathers of every rainbow lorikeet in the state? Oops, shouldn’t have given you the idea.

And as I sit quietly on one of Queensland’s many beautiful beaches, I will smile to myself knowing with certainty that you too will soon be forced to retire.

How do I know this? Well, Queenslanders may have been scared, bullied, coerced and, yes, forced into lining up to receive their COVID shots, but they are not stupid. As the news of the rapid crumbling of the pillars of coronavirus control that your policies have forced onto them continue to seep past the firewall of our local media and into the general population, they will realise that they have been seriously duped. I can only pray that their reaction will be one of peaceful protest, but this protest will ultimately be voiced at the polling stations. I don’t know what you did before you went into politics, but I hope you were better at it than you have been at “ministering” our health.

Those “pillars of coronavirus control”? Masking, social distancing, mass screening of asymptomatic people with a PCR test run at a cycle threshold that is way too high, QR codes, hand sanitisers, lockdowns, Perspex partitions, not to mention the alleged “vaccine,” have long been known to not stop the spread of a coronavirus, and the evidence continues to accumulate daily, both through proper journal-published studies, but also just by looking at world experience as the virus continues to thrive. And all we hear is the same on-repeat demands from you and your experts – more masks, more lockdowns, more social distancing, and why not have another dose of our “vaccine” – surely it will work this time? I don’t think so – coronaviruses are experts at adapting to their environment, and they don’t even have a frontal lobe.

The “Vaccine.” Surely by now you are getting embarrassed trying to spin this narrative? No doubt you have heard the old joke that you can always tell when a politician is lying because their lips move? Well, the too-oft repeated Anna/Yvette/Steve/Jeanette-then-Peter-now-John mantra of “Get the vaccine – it’s safe, effective and free!” must be a candidate for the Guinness Book for the most lies contained in one short sentence! Let’s dissect it:
  1. “Vaccine” – time to call it what it really is – an experimental gene-based therapy that had to be labelled as a “vaccine” in order to receive emergency use authorisation.
  2. “Safe” – a quick look at our own TGA website should be enough to convince you otherwise. But if it isn’t enough, try the US VAERS, The UK’s Yellow Card system and their Office of National Statistics, or the EUs EUDRAVigilance and EuroMOMO. Not to mention the surge of unexplained deaths being reported world-wide amongst vaccinated people.
I have read the “Vaccination Consent” form that people are given to read and sign at your vaccination centres. The fact that the not-insignificant risk of death, myocarditis, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and other neurological damage are not mentioned is nothing short of criminal. What happened to “informed consent”?
  1. “Effective” – Seriously? Do you believe that Queensland’s experience of the lack of real benefit of this “vaccine” will be any different to the experiences of the rest of the world, where reports come in on a daily basis of the failure of the “vaccine” to deliver what was promised. I know Australia is known as “the lucky country” but I think it will take more than luck for us to experience any more efficacious a result from this “vaccine” than the rest of the world has.
  2. “Free” - yeah, right – the taxpayer will be paying for this for decades to come.
No, the only thing that has kept Queensland relatively COVID-free has been the strict border closures. But at what cost? Businesses destroyed, families torn asunder, and the human psyche stretched beyond its limits.

The above policies have indeed resulted in a two-tier society: 1) the vaccinated who have been led to believe they are “protected” (I have had multiple vaccinated patients tell me this) but are actually not, and 2) those who have exercised their freedom of choice not to be vaccinated, but who have been deprived of the chance to achieve natural immunity due to your attempts to quash a coronavirus.

Congratulations! As you and your colleagues pat yourselves on your collective backs and brag about a “world-leading” approach to the coronavirus problem, what you have actually produced is a community with 0% herd immunity and 100% herd insanity. We are like a fresh agar plate in a laboratory waiting to be infected. But anyone with a firm understanding of virology, immunology, epidemiology, sociology and human psychology could have told you this would happen. I presume you have a panel of experts that advise you? They would have known this would happen. So, they have either not advised you correctly, or you have chosen to ignore them – I don’t know which scenario frightens me more.

One of the basic tenets we get taught at medical school is what’s called the biopsychosocial model – each and every person is a unique mix of biology, psyche and their social environment. Everyone on the planet – that is 7+ billion very individual people. So, it’s no wonder that your carpet-bombing of every individual with “vaccines,” lockdowns, masks etc has failed. As has oft been said, we have moved from “one size fits all, to one size fits none.” And as history has shown, carpet-bombing always has the same result – death, despair, destruction, desolation and, eventually, public dissent and outrage.

The other huge worry is that the medical profession is not allowed to question any of your decisions for fear of being deregistered by AHPRA. What happened to the scientific norm of open debate? Must be hidden somewhere behind the façade of your emergency powers. Nobel prize-winning quantum physicist Richard Feynman once said “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered, than answers that can’t be questioned.” And General George Patton is reputed to have said “If everyone is thinking alike, then someone is not thinking.” So why are the medical profession not allowed to openly debate the way the COVID problem has been handled and the efficacy of the “vaccines”? And believe me, there are a growing number who are questioning. There is a large percentage of my colleagues and the nursing profession in your health service who have told me they would not have received the “vaccine” if it wasn’t for the fear of losing their livelihood. This is a tragic betrayal of their trust and vulnerability. Shame on you.

I was delighted to receive a letter in my post-box a couple of days ago, co-signed by the Prime Minister, the federal Minister of Health and the federal Chief Health Officer. It was an invite to step forward and get a booster dose of “vaccine.” It was reassuring to note that the letter stated that only one booster dose will be needed. That’s great to hear, especially as no-one on the planet really has any idea how effective or enduring boosters might be. If the experience of the results of the first two doses is anything to go on, please forgive me if I’m not convinced. Enclosed in that letter was another information sheet again reassuring Australia that the government had secured 150 million further doses of “vaccine.” Hmmm – only one booster dose needed, 150 million doses available…? 150 million divided by the eligible population of Australia equals…… silly me, one dose each of course! After all, why wouldn’t the politicians play as recklessly with the laws of mathematics as they have with the laws of our Constitution and Human Rights.

I noted with interest the comment you made in the notification you sent out to health staff when you announced the December 15 deadline for full vaccination – toward the end of the letter, you stated something along the lines that exceptions could be made in case of workforce shortage. Now, in a health service that is notoriously understaffed (except perhaps at the administrative level), where do you draw the line between “a little understaffed” and “severely understaffed”? Just yesterday I received an email from a recruiting company advertising locum Senior Medical Officer vacancies across the small rural government hospitals in Queensland – there were 67 such vacancies (I guess it’s 68 now). I just wanted you to know that I would be very happy to keep working – not so much for you, but for the under-serviced people of rural Queensland. In order to return to work, I wouldn’t expect an apology from yourself because I realise that politicians never apologise – they merely spin the facts and pass the blame onto someone, or something, else.

I realise that you are highly unlikely to ever read this letter – I suspect you have the junk filters set very high on your email account. Maybe it will be read by one of your underlings who is also likely to hit the “delete” button. I will send a copy to your boss, for what that’s worth. But I will also send copies to other politicians and interested parties who I know will read it and who do genuinely care for the citizens of Queensland and their basic human rights. Please note I have stated my full name, phone number, physical and email addresses at the top of the letter in the name of transparency and openness, concepts you may not be familiar with.

As I enjoy my enforced retirement, I wish you luck with what remains of your career – you are going to need it.

Yours truly,

Dr.Simon Stilgoe
I never heard of this sitcom but the expression was very popular here in France when I was a young major (I was 18 in 1995).
Yes, I looked a bit into it and it allegedly dates to late 19th century French military service, out of which conscripts came out... major and vaccinated.

Funnily enough, this connotation of forced service is not carried by the idiom, the focus of it (at least in Quebec) has always been about making a sovereign choice in the face of a possible dangerous situation, or even possibly of putting yourself in such a situation, it acknowledges likely risk but underlines the willfulness of the choice to get in the risky situation in the first place. Kind of like, "He made his bed..."

When you think about it that way, you realize that the 'vaccinated' portion of that idiom isn't some type of self-calming newspeak, "Look at me, I ate my vegetables, I'm a big boy" but a consideration of risk. "I thought seriously about it and this is the decision I came to".

Standard use in Qc French:
"Do you think Johnny will be safe with the new sports car he bought? He looked so excited to speed with it!"
"Ah well, he's major and vaccinated"
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Any pro-vaxxer should probably wake-up a bit after finding out about this news.

Nehh, they will see no issue.

…and now he‘s banned from entering Australia:

World number one tennis player Novak Djokovic was denied entry into Australia on Thursday after initially being granted a medical exemption from the country's COVID-19 vaccination requirements so that he could play in the Australian Open.

The tennis star, who was left stranded at Melbourne's Tullamarine airport overnight amid a brewing political maelstrom, was issued a letter by the Australian government saying his visa had been denied and he would be removed from the countryon Thursday, a source close to the tournament told Reuters.


[19:59 bitchute video - begins by noting Mike Yeadon's presentation showing different batches were experiments of what dosages kill or maim people - Fuellmich says premeditation = no immunity - Wodarg continues about not the same stuff in each shot]
This is so damning and amounts to premeditated murder and crimes against humanity. The final, chilling observation is all three jab companies are doing similar, sinister studies. They’re operating so as to not run over each other. When company A is deploying lethal batches, companies B & C are deploying only harmless batches. If Paardekooper is correct, the implications are profound: we could seeing mass murder through coercion of Americans to play Russian roulette by vaccination. U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data shows vaccine batches are sequentially marked by varying toxicity. This has now been statistically graphed out and proves that the COVID vaccine manufacturers worked in a coordinated fashion with the intent to purposely kill and maim. As Reiner Fuellmich points out, once "intent" has been proven, there is no immunity or liability protection for anyone involved in these crimes against humanity.
Have you heard of the emerging theory of what viruses might be: Are you absolutely certain that Covid-19 is contagious or even real? How confident are you in the results from the PCR test? Is there something in the back of your mind telling you maybe this pandemic is not what we are being told? And that the vaccines may not be as safe as they claim!!!

Well experts all agree that the Covid-19 vaccine is not a vaccine. It was designed to make you sick with multiple diseases This shot is injecting the disease into your cells and it cannot be removed. Once you take it, your life spam is reduced.
Firstly, viruses are not living organisms or living microbes. They do not have a respiratory system, nor do they have a nucleus or digestive system. Viruses are not alive and viruses are not contagious. The fear behind Coronavirus, for instance, is wholly unwarranted. Forget everything you think you know about viruses and bacteria. You have been lied to.

Covid-19 shots are not vaccines, but deadly bioweapons designed to kill human beings. The Covid-19 hoax is a long planned agenda that has been put in place and orchestrated by the psychopathic Governments around the world, to destroy our lives, take away our freedoms and control us forever. If people don't wake up now and refuse to take these vaccines, it could be what really ends up destroying civilization all together, which is exactly what Governments want to happen..

Covid-19 does not exist, there is no scientific proof for the existence of the Covid19 virus, as it has NEVER been isolated, purified in a laboratory using Koch's Postulates or demonstrated under an electron microscope. PCR test shows only an RNA sequence COMPUTER model of the virus, not a real virus. No one has seen how this "virus" looks in reality. The problem is that what they are showing in "positive" PCR tests is our body's own harmless exosomes which look exactly like Covid-19. The scientist who invented the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test Kary B. Mullis. According to Mullis himself, PCR should never be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.” These tests do not detect viruses or infectious diseases, but RNA which we all have. You can test anyone or anything positive to Covid-19 because of harmless exosomes and something called amplification. They increase amplification for more positive cases and decrease it for negative cases. They can have as many or as little cases they like to push the Covid-19 agenda.

We have been demanding that the Government provide evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses - They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science - It isn't. it's made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus - of course it doesn't.
Haven't watched yet but seems to repeat what Mike Yeadon has disclosed - 14:48 video at link:

BREAKING: Deadly Vax Lot Numbers IDENTIFIED, Still in Circulation!

Doctor Jane Ruby joins us for her first segment of the year. She says she has the receipts to show that vaccine toxicity varies by batch, and it’s possible to find out if the vaccine you’re being pressured to take is from one of the tainted batches.
Those findings are outmost vital to become known

which Dr Wolfgang Wodarg outlined at the Investigative Corona Committee in Berlin No 85 (31 Dec 2021 • "Rethinking" • starting 1h 35 min and onwards) about that all of the major Covid-19 "Vaccine" companies send out special bad batches - in coordination with one another. In other words; planned.

One starts with one bad batch - then stops, and the the next company starts with their bad batch. And so on. In each of the bad batches the mortality rates suddenly jumps up between 2500 to 3000%. Unknown, individual experiments are masked under the big Covid Vaccine Umbrella Deception.

Like JEEP wrote/referred to above:

As Reiner Fuellmich points out, once "intent" has been proven, there is no immunity or liability protection for anyone involved in these crimes against humanity.

And somehow, it all just fits together.

The whole vaccine industry, right from scratch all the way to where it all has lead us into today - even before Covid-19 Injections; the sheer amounts of vaccine injuries, most of them neither identified as such not spoken about as such - yet have grown to such a insane degree, that it literally keeps humanity in check with numerous serious disease, including cancer which in many countries is already No 2 cause of death. Every second person already faces cancer related illness in life. How did we get here ? And why do we fail utterly in seeing the correlations ? That is just one cause of far too many other causes though "vaccines", creating sick patients half or more of our lives.... for a psychopathic "health" branch and their trained offsprings.

It is also baffling how ignorant most people are regarding "normal vaccinations". (I certainly had no clue up until just 5 years ago, so count me in)

What's up with that ?

Today: What I really don't understand is, that when critical alternative media interviews are done revolving Covid "Vaccines" - the interviewed almost always say "oh, but you know, I am not an anti vaxxer. I got all my shots, my kids, my family".

So, it is about Covid "vaccines", but at the same time... the big elephant, keeps on stomping and pumping in the room ... but to no avail - nobody comes of the genius idea - that now would be a great time to fully dismantle the vaccine industry completely while we are in the Covid Vaccine Era. The vaccine industry and it's catastrophic consequence on humanity at large. Because there is endlessly more illnesses secretly attached to "traditional" vaccines, not just Covid "Vaccines" alone... If we miss that train and don't uproot the entire industry by identifying and prosecuting it - it will all come back again, through the backdoor, under new names.

The problem at the root - is the same: This weird 'natural' acceptance in people who believe in "conventional" vaccines, is the very reason, why we now stand deep in the sh**house with the Corona Vaccines. We probably have to rethink and recreate a health system completely: teachings of true health. And most likely it will shape through local communities. From below. Not from above.

The Tip of the Iceberg; Vaccine Mafia

I just listened to the german alternative channel Nuoviso/Nuoflix.de - an 1 hour video interview of Dr. med. Friedrich P Graf (He looks like a Sean Connery ;-) about vaccines "The tip of the Iceberg" (in german language, and you need a subscription). It was absolutely amazing to listen to - truly - at the same time, once again I got a reminder how devastating "conventional" vaccines really are in the greater picture of human health - having damaging effects especially for children, but also people in general, the more shots are added. In Germany you are already up at 34 (partially combo) vaccinations within 15 months after birth. (I had absolutely no idea that they were that many). I only knew that the US goes ballistic when it comes to vaccination of children...

Common sense filtered out

During this Covid Plandemic, and being part of the Cassiopaean family forum - quietly I have reflected about vaccines in my own life - until i realized I had a bunch of experiences. I just didn't see it earlier. As a child in the 60s/70s I only had very few vaccinations, and my mom who didn't care at all - didn't care about vaccinations either. Well, luckily in that regard :-) However - I made the mistake of taking three different shots at once in 2010 prior a journey to Indonesia.

During the years later - I had strange symptoms from time to time with really strong hives on my legs out of the blue (but unrelated to what I ate, because there was never a pattern I could identify). Then there were these onsets when my eye sight would suddenly flicker in very unnatural way, a sort of "blackening" in front of my eyes, like vibrating large black spots, and I was unable able to read or focus on letters.

I took aspirin by intuition, but not from knowledge, yet sensing that it must been something inflammatory going on there - and the flickering stopped each time. Today, I have luckily no more such symptoms, and I believe that vitamins and minerals in high doses since 2017 have helped me a lot to migrate earlier vaccine related issues.

Inflammatory - like the vaccine mafia itself

Dr med. Friedrich Graf explained - all Vaccines are inflammatory. And it is most common that the very illnesses against which "conventional" vaccines are said to protect, tend to increase them instead.

The more injections, the stronger the body get's sensitized. So, that's how we got a majority of people having hives, asthma, allergic reactions, food allergies, and even many cancer cases (just to mention a few). And in combination with the lack of vitamins and minerals in fake soil food, the heavily promoted industrial food - it all together has a deep impact on human health. The biggest problem is - that it all psses through people, because they all believe in the "miracle of vaccines".

And now we have the Covid Plandemic with it's experimental injections and "boosters" on top of it all - what could possibly go wrong. I would like to say that Rudolf Steiner was pretty close, when he pointed out "the big elephant in the room" 100+ years ago, when we uttered his warning about chemical interventions (vaccines) would "driving all inclination towards spirituality out of people's souls". At this stage, we now see how deeply rotten the entire vaccine industry truly is. Pathological, criminal rotten to the core. And so are their masters behind the curtains.

Enough is enough.

Two encounters

I had two interesting encounters with people during the past 3 days; people who still would think for themselves. They mentioned the "zombie" sluggish appearance of (vaccinated) co-workers' not doing their jobs properly + overall aggressive and strange behaving customers, to such a degree that it was clearly noticeable to the person who told me; "they're vaccinated - it's those damn covid-19 vaccines changing people's behavior".

(It wasn't me who initiated the conversation about the "vaccines", nor did I ever talk with them about the subject, earlier. That's why I was so baffled to hear such statements coming from them, out of the blue)
Dr. Robert Malone was interviewed on Joe Rogan a couple of days ago:

At this point in the video Malone tells a pretty interesting story about his history with Covid and the CIA. He also combines this with a statement that sounds to me like he says he worked for "Fort Detrick" at the time. The problem is that that part is very hard to understand and I'm not sure if he really said "Fort Detrick" or something that sounds similar. I tried to find some references of Malone having worked at Fort Detrick without any direct confirmation, although it looks to me like that could have been the case. If that is the case, I find his story there more than just a little interesting and coincidental in combination with that Fort Detrick statement.

That’s what I heard as well, “for d.t.r.a.”
This is a revealing and candid interview, he even breathlessly tells us, he’s working on his OWN synthetic pill, and, he has a new drug company, and they have their first human all signed up to experiment on!
He confides that “he had Covid, he nearly died, his lungs burned” but, he took his own invented pill, and poof, got better.
Geezus, these pop up “renegade” superstar whitecoats are just working the other end of this plandemic, for the same snake in the middle, Big Pharma, in my opinion.
They all tell some of the truth, by starting out “I’m not anti-vaccine , I got jabbed, but I still got covid...” blah, blah. Then, segue right into lulling the “hesitant” into another brand of snake oil.

I read this article this morning, and although it might get a bit into hell and brimstone, end of the world, repent, it is written a lot more eloquently than I can pull off.

“The COVID-19 Plandemic did not corrupt the medical system. The corrupt medical system gave us the COVID-19 scam.

COVID-19 only revealed the true motives of this system, which is to enslave people through medical tyranny, and not heal people.

Healing people is a terrible business model, as you eliminate your repeat customers.

The medical system was the #1 cause of death before COVID arrived on the scene, due to hospital errors and adverse reactions to their drugs, including vaccines.”[…]

“As these medical doctors are interviewed in all these media appearances, I don’t think I have heard one single member of the Alternative Media ask them about their previous work and involvement in the Satanic, evil medical system.

Are they still “practicing medicine”? Who is funding them to take all this time to address the public through the Alternative media?

They have exposed the evil nature of COVID-19 vaccines and protocols, but what about all the other evil medicines and protocols that have been harming people and creating a class of sick people dependent upon this corrupt industry for so many years now, that they themselves have profited from?

Has anyone asked them about this? Have they repented of these sins, and renounced their involvement in this evil, corrupt system that enslaves people?”

Although I'm always more on the pessimistic side of things, I have to say that the above interview on the Joe Rogan Show with Dr. Robert Malone gives me hope. I wouldn't be too conspiracy minded about Malone and others like him who went along or are still going along in certain aspects. People can learn and change, and at one point or the other everyone believed this or that lie. What matters is if you can learn, which seems to be the case for Malone and Rogan in some respects.

In fact, I can highly recommend the above interview. It is a great one to share with "normal folks" and you also learn so much about the science of viruses, vaccines and DNA in general from a world expert on those topics. Rogan asks great questions. It is quite fascinating. By the way, I don't know if you noticed or not, but it very much looks like Joe Rogan has "woken up" in great respects in the last couple of weeks/months to what is going on with the Corona-Business and is now openly and vocally supporting the truth in that respect and speaks out against the tyranny.

If you look at Joe Rogans two YouTube channels you will notice that he has stopped publishing any short clips from his recent interviews with various people on Spotify where he is now quite clearly presenting and supporting the Anti Corona-Nonsense movement. My strong guess is that he is strategic about it (not publishing it on YouTube) because he doesn't want to get deplatformed on YouTube, which by all likelihood he would be very quickly if he would publish any of that content there.

Joe Rogan isn't just anybody, he is arguably the biggest (if not the biggest) voice on the planet right now for all sides and even a mainstream audience. And he is not vaccinated. He almost got vaccinated though and in the last minute (by lucky circumstances) didn't do it and started to do his own thinking first. In the video it also becomes clear that Rogan has done quite a lot and accurate research about the virus, vaccines, DNA and what is going on by informing himself about the actual science and what governments around the world are doing right now.

There are other high profile people like Jordan Peterson who also seem to slowly "wake up" to what is going on now. So maybe that will start to make a difference. At least one can hope.
Inflammatory - like the vaccine mafia itself

Dr med. Friedrich Graf explained - all Vaccines are inflammatory. And it is most common that the very illnesses against which "conventional" vaccines are said to protect, tend to increase them instead.

The more injections, the stronger the body get's sensitized. So, that's how we got a majority of people having hives, asthma, allergic reactions, food allergies, and even many cancer cases (just to mention a few). And in combination with the lack of vitamins and minerals in fake soil food, the heavily promoted industrial food - it all together has a deep impact on human health. The biggest problem is - that it all psses through people, because they all believe in the "miracle of vaccines".

And now we have the Covid Plandemic with it's experimental injections and "boosters" on top of it all - what could possibly go wrong. I would like to say that Rudolf Steiner was pretty close, when he pointed out "the big elephant in the room" 100+ years ago, when we uttered his warning about chemical interventions (vaccines) would "driving all inclination towards spirituality out of people's souls". At this stage, we now see how deeply rotten the entire vaccine industry truly is. Pathological, criminal rotten to the core. And so are their masters behind the curtains.
The mRNA transfection effect on people will be obvious to some (effect nearly immediately) and less so to many others (long term effect). But there is no way in the world one can ignore what the VAERS (and other) data base is hinting at, damage to the individual. The following twitter account has found a great analogy to what we are observing, the Swiss Army Knife. The Spike protein is the knife with different options for different situations (race, person's age, genetics, state of health, comorbidities, ...). Hence, the signal is harder to identify for the average person because people are not all reacting the same way to the clot-shot. The ones who are most dangerous are the one who show no side effect (batch number ????).

"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"

Lets also remember that this Swiss Army Knife does not do its work only in respiratory cells. It will enter ANY CELLS IT CAN ATTACH TO in any part of the body. This is the big elephant in the room. The mRNA should NOT BE doing its business in brain cells, cells in the heart or anywhere near the ovaries !!!!! But it is capable of doing it and there is no control where it can and can't go. That is a huge NO NO.

Now something more positive.
Composure, control and delivery is Perfect.

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