5th Circuit Reaffirms Stay of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

On Friday, a federal appeals court reaffirmed its earlier halt of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on private employers.

Writing for a panel of judges at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Engelhardt described the mandate as “fatally flawed” and said OSHA grossly exceed its legal authority. “…health agencies do not make housing policy, and occupational safety administrations do not make health policy. In seeking to do so here, OSHA runs afoul of the statute from which it draws its power and, likely, violates the constitutional structure that safeguards our collective liberty,” the judge wrote.

With each passing day, it becomes more and more obvious that what used to be normal is morphing into a dystopian abnormal:

It’s Coming: CDC Now Wants Masks To Be Worn To Protect From The Common Cold

The CDC now wants you to wear a mask even if you have any bug, including the common cold. You knew that was coming, didn’t you? We believe they are basically making it a crime or a sin to spread germs. The goal is control. It’s always about control.

They will make you mask up forever so you are no longer an individual, just a drone in the collective. The science is clear: there is no science to prove masks work. And the government does not care about you. In fact, they hate you.

[:37 vid in article of CDC Director Walensky spewing the masks work+ blatant lies]

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California Town Fights Back, Declares Itself a ‘Constitutional Republic,’ Won't Enforce State and Federal Mandates

A rebellion is brewing in an unlikely place, a small town in Northern California.

The town of Oroville, California has just declared itself a constitutional republic and will refuse to enforce any covid-19 related restrictions, such as mask ordinances, mandatory vaccinations, etc.
A northern California town has declared itself a “constitutional republic” in response to Covid-19 health restrictions imposed by the governor, in the latest sign of ongoing strife between the state’s government and its rural and conservative regions.

The city council in Oroville, located at the base of the Sierra Nevada foothills about 90 miles from the capital of Sacramento, adopted a resolution this week stating it would oppose state and federal orders it deems to be government overreach.

Oroville leaders said the designation is a way of affirming the city’s values and pushing back against state rules it doesn’t agree with, although a legal expert said the designation is merely a gesture and doesn’t grant the city any new authority.

Tensions have existed throughout the pandemic between the rural north and California’s leadership, which has been among the first to implement lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccination requirements.

Last year, Oroville refused to enforce state requirements prohibiting indoor dining. Butte county, where Oroville is located, declined to recommend a mask mandate earlier this fall, even as cases surged and a a local medical center reported treating more patients than at any other point during the pandemic.

Before passing the resolution, council members argued they were taking a stand and advocating for residents to make their own health choices.

“I assure you folks that great thought was put into every bit of this,” the city’s mayor, Chuck Reynolds, said. “Nobody willy nilly threw something to grandstand.”
We applaud this move by the Oroville town leaders and hope more and more cities and towns opt to take this approach.

Forcing healthy people to get a shot in order to work, or enter a grocery store or a McDonalds is un-American and goes against everything this country is supposed to stand for.

We must resist with all of our strength and this is the hill, this is where we must take a stand or forever surrender our rights.

It is one thing to take a medicine because you choose to do so, it is another thing entirely when it is being forced on you.

Serbian Minister of Health:

Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar stated today in Niš that, as things stand now, the new normality and reality will be such that citizens will have to be vaccinated every five or six months, depending on the type of vaccine. "That is one of the conditions if we want to keep the situation under control. We can't do otherwise.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with this. If we can update our computers every couple of months, we can also update our DNA. Unless things get broken, like with Windows updates.
That photo is shopped.
One never knows anymore what is valid and what is not, so good catch - and helping to 'keep it real' on this forum! 👍

p.s. That was from investmentwatchblog.com which is usually reliable with content. One comment says:
This is what it says in our local ER. Not exactly subtle, eh?
Maybe another clue - the only way I could post the image was via screenshot - copy image or copy image address would not work.
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A Canadian cardiologist who tempted fate by claiming he would never shed a tear for unvaccinated deaths died suddenly in his sleep weeks after receiving his Covid booster jab.

Sohrab (Lutch like Clutch, Medial like Lateral)

Months earlier, the Saint John-based cardiologist had made his sentiments toward the “selfish” unvaccinated known in a July Twitter post, in which he claimed he would not feel sad at their funerals


Replying to @Diego__ADL and @profamirattaran

The collective arguement to protect those who CANNOT get the vaccine who WANT protection - immune compromised , the very young - the homeless and disenfranchised. For those that won’t get the shot for selfish reasons - whatever - I won’t cry at their funeral

8:43 AM · Jul 10, 2021
5th Circuit Reaffirms Stay of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

On Friday, a federal appeals court reaffirmed its earlier halt of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on private employers.

Writing for a panel of judges at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Engelhardt described the mandate as “fatally flawed” and said OSHA grossly exceed its legal authority. “…health agencies do not make housing policy, and occupational safety administrations do not make health policy. In seeking to do so here, OSHA runs afoul of the statute from which it draws its power and, likely, violates the constitutional structure that safeguards our collective liberty,” the judge wrote.

This link explains more:
Serbian Minister of Health:

Personally I don't see anything wrong with this. If we can update our computers every couple of months, we can also update our DNA. Unless things get broken, like with Windows updates.

Of course, given that the function of viruses is precisely to update our DNA, that was already happening. It's just that they want to be ones doing the updating.
I just listened to a podcast with Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Vincent Giampapa on 'The Voice Of A Nation', and there was very useful information on how to 'detox' after a COVID jab, and other interesting details I hadn't heard of before. I'm thinking of transcribing the most interesting part of this if/when I have the time. One thing that is worth mentioning right away is that Giampapa, who apparently/allegedly is a "Nobel Prize Nominee for groundbreaking research on cellular restoration technology" mentions and endorses repeatedly the supplement called AC11. According to him, AC11 has multiple benefits in restoring and cleaning up cellular and DNA damage. Maybe this product is worth looking into?

Anyways, here's the link to the podcast, I hope that some of you can have a listen. The host is unfortunately a bit too talkative and digressing, I wish he had let the guests talk more.

Here's part of the blurb from that page:

The discovery and danger of these repeated vaccines and boosters are having real-world impacts on peoples’ lives. In many cases, the body never has a chance to heal and rid itself of the spike proteins. This program today has been months in the planning, bringing together both Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Vincent Giampapa. We will talk more about the spike proteins, and the damage done to our healthy cells, due to the Coronavirus and the vaccines and the boosters that are being forced onto an unwilling public.

In addition to answering listener questions, the educational component will provide us with answers in this unique setting. How is this different than other Coronaviruses, or any virus for that matter? Why should every person be focused on their cell health? What cells affect the immune system? What is the impact of vaccines on our cell health? How does the novel coronavirus infect a cell?
[13:32 vid]
I’ve Had Enough of This Sh*t
By Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen

Activist Post Editor’s Note: We have a predominantly U.S. readership here at AP, so it’s easy to formulate our worldview based around the prevailing news, legislation and activism coming only from America. It is also easy to assume that the personal experiences of those in other countries are vastly different during these tumultuous times. However, I think that advocates of liberty anywhere in the world will find that the message below resonates, especially if you are someone who just likes to be left in peace, and perhaps even more so if you are of a similar age to the gentleman in this video. It’s a poignant and growing message of the courage, resolve and planning it is going to take to remain free, as micromanagers everywhere have been given carte blanche to intrude upon even the most peaceful and self-reliant among us.

“The lies. The toxic people. I’ve had enough.” From Norway…

From comments:
PeterToccia day ago • edited
Really, it's not as if this scenario is new. It's ancient, and actually the foundation of Western Techno-"Civilization." It's that it has become more blatant, more technological and evermore invasive.

One issue has been techno-human society's insensitivity to it as it developed. And not only that, but society's mad embrace of it! I call it technomasturbation. It's materialistic obsession. It has come at the price of the violent and toxifying liquidation of our source of life. It has been deceivingly self-destructive and ultimately suicidal, and is therefore a form of collective mental illness.

What Bull-Hansen intends to do - occupy a huge tract of land for just a few people - could be considered rather selfish, uncharitable and very much like "hoarding." Also, it's like what many very rich folks do, made possible by the Elite construct that's one foundation of the sick society - private property. Though the indigenous have territories, there's no law, regulation, personal possession involved.
It also might be no help to "run away." That's what those proposing the new "free" communities are attempting — drop out. The underestimate the 'reach' of what they're escaping from. Not possible in the long run. We might need to stand - recognize and understand our part and responsibility in the co-creation of what we perceive. It's all in Consciousness, and that may be the only level where restoration of harmony and balance is possible.

The editor uses the word "resonate." A popular word, but often used in a biased way, because maybe whatever disturbs us is also resonating with a corresponding frequency somewhere in our own being? Attempting to separate from it might paradoxically just be giving it more power over us. Maybe embracing and transforming the perception apparently outside of us is more appropriate.

Somewhere it says, 'when you point the finger, 3 point back.' Advanced Technology: Does Society’s Obsession Reflect a Form of Collective Mental Illness? https://www.activistpost.co... || How Power Created, Shaped, Manipulates and Controls Techno-Human Society: A Synthesis - Part 1 of 4: The Power Hierarchy https://www.activistpost.co...

Richard Hollembeak3 days ago
The father of all lies ,the great deceiver and the original murder has his spawn running the governments of this world .

PeterTocci Richard Hollembeaka day ago
Not necessarily. What if that mythical creature was/is a concept from a Power that existed on the planet long before it created the major religious mythologies to render humans much easier to control by displacing ancient intuited Wisdom about the Nature of Being with religious dogma?

What if we're not "outside" God and Nothing is? What if everything we perceive to exist exists within Universal Mind or Intelligence — and also within OUR consciousness? What if we need to take some responsibility for our perceptions? What if we're not lowly sinners because the alleged two "originals" "screwed up" and actually exercised free will? What if we're not mere flesh and blood, but made of light - the Light of Consciousness. And we ARE that, having a material experience that's actually a sensory illusion? Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein.

There's a name to personify the 'evil' that has shrouded the planet and manifested itself in most ancient cultures that long preceded the era implied by what you refer to. And there is nothing substantial in history outside the Bible to corroborate the existence of any major figure in it. It's written in the esoteric code of the ancient occult mystery schools, which Power created and used to turn the natural energies of creation and life to the purpose of "evil" to manipulate and control humans and make slaves of them with a belief system that obscures the divinity innate in the entire, ongoing Creation.

What if everything is in, and has, Consciousness, even rocks? :-) The mountains, rivers, earth, grasses, trees, and forests are always emanating a subtle, precious light, day and night, always emanating a subtle, precious sound, demonstrating and expounding to all people the unsurpassed ultimate truth. - Yuan-Sou Techno-human society has been manipulated to miss that Truth.

Power invented and runs the governments of this world, not some mythical personification of evil. As long as we persist in that mode, we're lost. The inventors conned the people into sitting around waiting, and begging, to be "saved," thus imparting their power to their Elite masters, instead of empowering themselves through Knowledge and Wisdom. How Power Created, Shaped, Manipulates and Controls Techno-Human Society: A Synthesis - Part 1 of 4: The Power Hierarchy https://www.activistpost.co...
Comment from Sott article, Record number of workers quit their jobs in September as labor shortages worsens :

There are a number of factors that contribute to this, and one is never spoken of. Hints of it are coming out though.

People are missing from the equation. Where are they?? Twiddling their thumbs at home? Starting their fabulous new online businesses? Hardly. If you “quit” you don’t qualify for unemployment. How many can just live without working? Not many at all. Business you can live off take years to establish.

Do you find it curious that there are so many jobs available in such trying economic times when prices are skyrocketing? Who can afford to just “quit”? Especially those in the service sector.

Well, they’ve quit in a sense, but much more than their jobs. They’ve quit this world completely. Or are severely injured and can’t work.

The all death mortality rate keeps going up every month. VAERS is backlogged and has been found to be deleting reports as well. Death reports are being entered with no dates.

It’s no mystery, the missing people. The vaxxed are dying. Difficult to digest this truth but it is what it is.

IDK - are these numbers really because that many have died/become incapacitated? :huh:
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