With over 1300 pages to this thread now, I haven't kept up and read everything. I'm sure this isn't a new thought but it's dawned on me that physical lockdowns serve a purpose beyond just the current 3D experience for everybody. By locking people down, preventing them to experience and do things they came here to do, it potentially alters their present life iteration and there are ramifications beyond just the current life - paths have been corrupted. Perhaps they can be course-corrected and I'm sure some people know or will figure out how to do so. But I suspect many will not, which plays into a STS agenda - by physically locking down people for weeks/months/years, making them concentrate on themselves, is one way to alter the mind and flip those who might have been somewhere in the middle. Enforced polarization.
I just caught the following on SOTT after reading a related Dutch story I'll post here as well. [..]

"Corona infections
Inoculated staff pose risk in hospital, yet allowed to continue working with symptoms"
Gave me the Plague-image of vaxxed hospital staff 'shambling from sickness' are coughing the disease onto the sick, not yet infected patients, who are waiting to be healed.
Please be careful Sottreader (and everyone else!) and I wish you luck! For what it's worth I'm finding spinning and EE really helpful right now not sure why but the two seem to relax me and I've even had a couple of 'zone outs' during PotS and I've 'come to' feeling a profound sense of relief.

The pressure is certainly ramping up in the UK. That said, I'm jealous Sottreader as I get an unsolicited phone call from my doctor's surgery every week and this week it was twice so be aware they will become a real pain real fast! My husband is back with his bullying (I'm currently getting the silent treatment from him) and I've been called mentally ill for refusing the second (kill) shot. Fun times :barf:

I finally got a copy of Castaneda's Fire From Within and I'm really looking forward to reading that once I've finished the Dark romance novels (which I'm not enjoying but I realise they are helpful in an education sense). Laura is right we need to become impeccable warriors to make it through these times.
Thank you Jebra. Remember you have as much right as anyone to make a decision and stick by it. Don't allow yourself to be steamrolled and bullied. I think it's really sad that your husband is back to reverting to using childish techniques to try and bully you into taking something you don't want to! I'm not sure what to say that can help you navigate this - perhaps if there is a member who has navigated similar they can offer some advise. I know @Bluegazer has had a similar situation with his parents who he lives with and he seems to have navigated it okay thus far in that they've got off his back. One thing I will say though is you need to keep a close eye on being made to feel isolated, like you can't trust your mind and instincts, like there's something wrong with you when this feeling is being driven by those who want to stream roll over you. You need to be very careful with this as it can push you to a dark place where you become more susceptible.

As to the escalation of the situation in the UK and other countries, this is to be expected but I tell you what, the escalation of the pushback is to be expected too. I think it's a question of biding time, holding faith and navigating carefully the next couple of months into next year summer. The lies will unravel themselves.

Most importantly I think networking is also crucial to navigate flash points that may all of a sudden appear in your life. No doubt we're all going to be faced with individual challenges which we must decipher with clarity with the view of navigating through as impeccably as possible.
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Personally speaking, I don't think it is likely that they want, need or plan to start a World War.

Not a World War between nations. But a World War between governments and their citizens.

Well, if "everything is lessons" I have a hard time believing that it will get much "easier" ,"quiter" or more "peacful" anytime soon. It depends on how you look at it though I guess.

Without the apocalypse looming over our head 24/7 I consider peace and quiet.
Without the apocalypse looming over our head 24/7 I consider peace and quiet.
There is the possibility that in previous lifetimes you already experienced “peace and quiet”.

Surely getting to experience the “apocalypse” is a thrilling event if viewed from the perspective that all is lessons. Maybe this time around we’re here to learn at an exponential pace and unfortunately vacation time is over.

I keep thinking if Don Juan was alive today how would he react to all this? I think he’d be performing cartwheels in excitement for all the learning opportunities available to us.
Surely getting to experience the “apocalypse” is a thrilling event if viewed from the perspective that all is lessons. Maybe this time around we’re here to learn at an exponential pace and unfortunately vacation time is over.

Lots of people are probably going to die, including friends and family members of mine and that counts for everybody. Who says that I'm going to survive. Not really looking forward to it.

I rather marry, start a family and enjoy ''the simple life.''

But I guess many people here are already in their 40's and lived a bit more.

But yes, who knows. Many people will learn their lessons and we have a new kind of golden age to look forward to.
Lots of people are probably going to die, including friends and family members of mine and that counts for everybody. Who says that I'm going to survive. Not really looking forward to it.

I rather marry, start a family and enjoy ''the simple life.''

But I guess many people here are already in their 40's and lived a bit more.

But yes, who knows. Many people will learn their lessons and we have a new kind of golden age to look forward to.
@bjorn I think you overlook the fact that you are in a quite "privileged" position to navigate this situation. The training you've had in learning about the nature of this reality from such a young age is a benefit others out there don't have. Whilst other people are more likely to be taken by surprise you have the benefit of not only having built up some very decent knowledge but also from having reinforced your level of Being from being exposed to the "work" for a long time.

Rather than bemoan things that you can't change anyways I'd say you just need to put your mind in a state where it can deal with what's actually happening and stop falling into a state of feeling sorry for yourself or others (who are busy making decisions that suit them and their nature anyways).

Stay strong and maintain focus.
I rather marry, start a family and enjoy ''the simple life.''
I too would prefer the “simple life”. I have struggled over many years to get my life on the right track. I only just recently discovered what’s really important to me and what my passion is and what I want to devote my life to.

But that’s all been put on hold. None of it matters anymore. There is no going back to the “old normal”. I could get all depressed about it and think it’s unfair. I won’t lie those feelings have crept in but all the inner work of the last year has helped. I’m able to spot the predators mind and even just by observing it I can bring myself back to center.

There is still beauty all around us. There is still so much to be grateful for. There is still so much to live for.
The TV is dangerous or there is a 'blanket of conformance slowly being pulled over'?

We have recently reinstated the TV because of the Olympic Games. The secondary effect is that my husband, type I diabetic has started to chirp about having the 'vaccine'. At the same time, my daughter in Italy is chirping about the restrictions for the Non Vaxxed. Blast it all I even find myself in the situation to shake my 'Thinker' that is seemingly not that alert anymore vis-a-vis the Vaxing.

Has anyone experienced that?

It would not be strange at all. I don't watch TV. It's been years since I've paid attention to any of the programs that used to be my usual channels.

My parents on the other hand watch almost 24/7 the same news channel...literally addicted to that channel. Of course sometimes they get tired and turn on netflix....

Anyway and using the lingo: They have their brains made into tapioca. All day long it's covid this, covid that... dead dead dead.

Then you have how they applaud like trained seals the actual government, following an ideology that even they do not understand, and to top it off this ideology usurped the bases of the political party which it clearly establishes: Neither right nor left. (the party is not of the center, it has its own political philosophy).

I don't really know why it doesn't affect me. I want to believe it's because as the C's say: Knowledge protects.

I've noticed this too. Two primary vectors for entrainment are television and social media. I haven't owned a TV in 20 years and these days don't even watch, ah, programs "acquired" on the internet. I haven't engaged with social media in about 5 years. And it seems I'm almost immune to the conditioning.

Meanwhile, those who do watch TV and/or engage heavily with social media are universally hypnotized.

Catherine Austin Fitts has talked about the television issue, pointing out that everything in the technology is calibrated towards entrainment, such that if you watch it regularly you will be hypnotized. Social media works according to a different principle I think: rather than putting the brain to sleep, it nudges users towards the adoption of increasingly psychotic positions. Thus television produces sleep-walking zombies, while social media creates rabid shock troops for the regime. Television acts as an opiate, while social media is more similar to methamphetamine (via subversion of the dopamine circuit, training users to move towards extreme positions in a quest for likes and shares).
I rather marry, start a family and enjoy ''the simple life.''
Life is everything but simple, and that is what society programms into everyone from early age - marry and have kids, live a simple and happy life, etc...and so many regret that decisions afterwards because life is not a simplified fell good fairytail for most...like there is no struggle and other complications in marriage and "simple" life, especially today where in the west 70-90 per cent of marriages are unhealthy and disfunctional thanks to promoted values so think again if you are better alone or married not mentioning today s kids, which is one more sign of a time. So nah I rather choose apocalypse and exit from a dead society but it all depends where you live and what is your experience.
Life is everything but simple

Thanks for reminding me. But I think you all know that there is a difference between living in peace time instead of war time/ end of the World time. That's what I'm talking about.

I praise the people who dare to protest now.

Catherine Austin Fitts has talked about the television issue, pointing out that everything in the technology is calibrated towards entrainment, such that if you watch it regularly you will be hypnotized. Social media works according to a different principle I think: rather than putting the brain to sleep, it nudges users towards the adoption of increasingly psychotic positions. Thus television produces sleep-walking zombies, while social media creates rabid shock troops for the regime. Television acts as an opiate, while social media is more similar to methamphetamine (via subversion of the dopamine circuit, training users to move towards extreme positions in a quest for likes and shares).
There is also quite a bit of worshiping going on. People are led to create false relations with "personalities" they pretend to know. As a result, whenever something negative or positive happens to the "personality", they internalize it. For example, at the Olympics, if a fellow countryman fails to get on the podium, the whole country mourns the loss of a medal. It seems that these popular, televised events are made to "fracture" the emotional center of followers.

What is peculiar about television is that even if you are aware of its hypnotic effects, you can still become its prey. Whenever I listen to television, my ears get "activated", my heartbeat increases, my breathing accelerates, and if I happen to eat at the same time, I can even choke on food. For this reason, I would place television in the bioweapon category...
Life is everything but simple, and that is what society programms into everyone from early age - marry and have kids, live a simple and happy life, etc...and so many regret that decisions afterwards because life is not a simplified fell good fairytail for most...like there is no struggle and other complications in marriage and "simple" life, especially today where in the west 70-90 per cent of marriages are unhealthy and disfunctional thanks to promoted values so think again if you are better alone or married not mentioning today s kids, which is one more sign of a time. So nah I rather choose apocalypse and exit from a dead society but it all depends where you live and what is your experience.
I totally agree. Your life would be much more complicated with a family. You would have them to consider and plan for. You most likely would see your kids totally programmed by school, their peers, social media. Their problems are your problems. Kids cost a ton of money also. School is no joke these days either. Right now, one of my daughters is a vegetarian, supports all the stupid ideologies, and wants the jab. The older one is super stressed with her toxic job.

Of course, you learn many, many lessons along the way, but your single life is certainly much more simple and gives you a lot more control and money, time, therefore freedom and peace of mind. I can understand it can feel lonely, but it has its advantages also. If I knew what kind of a world I was bringing my children into, I wouldn't have had any. Having said that, I know they chose to be here, and hey, we've had some great times also.

I'm sure, with your knowledge and being, you would be a great parent and it's a shame though, but the system is too toxic and broken.
Why don't they just force push the FDA approval through?
Experts weigh in on efficacy and safety
The FDA monitors the progress of these trials, and will halt trials or request additional information or research if there are any concerns about the vaccine’s safety or effectiveness.

I was thinking, why the heck did not so far the Deep State simply push through the FDA approval of the Con-19 Killshot Jabs? They can buy anything, they have armies, they can kill any president or assassinate any politician. Why didn't they blatantly simplify the FDA-stamping process? They always threaten & blackmail everybody, so why not do the same with all FDA board members and force-approve their beloved Con-19 Killshot Jabs? If they are whining about that the Disinformation-12 AntiVaxxers creating too much resistance to the mass Con-19 Killshot Jabbination campaign, then why don't they just de-platform everybody? What's the problem?

The only explanation I could come up with is:
1. there would be too many scientists realizing the process has been butchered with fake white papers resulting in a scientists-revolution and mass opposition to the Agenda 2021 by the intelligentsia
2. Do they really fear us? That the mob, the unwashed masses would jump at their throats? That we will roll out our guillotines and start making their precious leaders bred in boarding schools a head shorter? Then we would create The Peoples Governments all around the world via a chain-reaction for real freedom?
Do they fear national guards turning against them if they drop their mask and become obvious?
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The TV is dangerous or there is a 'blanket of conformance slowly being pulled over'?

We have recently reinstated the TV because of the Olympic Games. The secondary effect is that my husband, type I diabetic has started to chirp about having the 'vaccine'. At the same time, my daughter in Italy is chirping about the restrictions for the Non Vaxxed. Blast it all I even find myself in the situation to shake my 'Thinker' that is seemingly not that alert anymore vis-a-vis the Vaxing.

Has anyone experienced that?
I have a friend that have a friend who works for tv Canarias. One day he invited my friend and show him how they use subliminal messages on tv now. I believe my friend with this story. Anyway, subliminal messages is nothing new, they used it from many years. The subliminal messages that put on TV Canarias are like: believe what your government is telling you, follow the instructions of your government, take the covid shot.

Who knows how much more and more macabre subliminal messages are putting now. It can be the reason that, even if there is no restriction with masks, on the street, almost 99% of people are still putting their masks. Amazing but true. In my neighbor we are maybe 5 or 6 without mask on the street, maybe less because when I go outside I am the only one.

I don't have tv since around 15 years. And I will never have one, you bet!
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