In a certain sense of "learning to stalk", this is really quite incredible - you can just systematically go to store after store after store and screw with the heads of the local mask nazis. It's like a real world video game! You can do proper experimental design and test hypotheses on handling these wackos!
I think this is true. I guess an important thing for me is the aim or intent behind any kind of "stalking" like this, since I see such activities ultimately feeding 4D STS from the negative emotions of those stalked that would be generated from such activities. And also something seems off to me in terms of experimenting on people like this, though they are asleep and mind programmed.

Now if a local mask nazis or someone similar comes after you for some reason, and that could include you expressing your reasonable free will, and you were not trying to deliberately provoke them, then "stalking" them is a different story, imo. And even then I'd say solving the situation with the least amount of energy expended and suffering experienced by all involved seems like the ideal path. Maybe some part of Castaneda, but keeping Paul in mind and at the forefront?
In a certain sense of "learning to stalk", this is really quite incredible - you can just systematically go to store after store after store and screw with the heads of the local mask nazis. It's like a real world video game! You can do proper experimental design and test hypotheses on handling these wackos!

It's shaping up to be a perfect storm.

1) Per GVB, injections are driving variants.

2) We're already seeing antibody dependent enhancement - the injected have higher levels of virus in their systems when infected.

3) SAGE has started the predictive programming, suggesting ~33% mortality because of "the variants" "recombining", in an attempt to cover up the risk of experimental injections recombining with endogenous retroviruses, as Gaby suggested.

Imagine antibody dependent enhancement at full strength meeting Corona 2. Imagine being barely able to get any oxygen because clot shot #3 jammed up your lungs with blood clots and you catch this bug.

Forget mandates and the military, security forces will simply desert once their departments and divisions start getting sick. You really think they're going to show up, knowing they have a 1/3 chance of dying because they decided to go be thugs?

DCM save us all.
Yes, it looks like a storm is slowly but surely brewing. If we can piece it together sat in our living rooms, I'm pretty sure governments can with their infinite money and resources. I don't understand why they persist leading the world into the storm? What will there be left to rule?

A part of me also thought about this magnetic and Graphene thing people are talking about. I'm reading the "Eighth Tower" by John Keel and I wonder if these vaccines will also have the effect of opening a direct connection between the vaccinated and 4D STS. I say this because of this magnetic thing which is indicating some things are being opened up in the bodies of the jabbed. I keep on coming to the harvest - will part of it involve using this opened passage to literally harvest "energy" from the bodies where this connection exist? I don't know but I can't help but think there are things in play that the human designers aren't fully aware off as they themselves could have been manipulated and therefore don't understand fully the consequences.

I was talking about it earlier to my partner and the best analogy I could come up with is a TV and a remote control. When the TV is off a remote has no effect but if you turn it on and you have the remote you can control the TV from a distance. So I wonder if indeed the jabbed are being turned into "TVs" and someone out there has the remote and at a certain time they'll turn on the "TVs" as it were and proceed to utilise the remote.... 😳
Here's a wild theory - putting it out there as a VERY remote possibility.

When things heat up in terms of ADEs and increased lethality of covid, imagine a cyber attack that wipes out all records of the people who have received vaccines. This way the governments can hide the impact of the calamity on the vaccinated because after all, the records of who received vaccines won't be there anymore. 🤷

A crazy possibility but one that popped in mind.
The other day this week I went to a local grocery store as usual. There was an elderly lady wiping handles of the trolley with hand sanitizer, carefully, several times. I have seen such a thing several times.

Of course it's nothing new anymore, but I kind of feel for them, as they are also most probably tricked to think that that is the right thing to do.
I don't know any of those persons personally, but I sense the desperation to survive, and to not cause harm to others.

It just looks like never-ending treadwheel, but in the end, maybe it's in some way a part of the natural development.
Here's a wild theory - putting it out there as a VERY remote possibility.

When things heat up in terms of ADEs and increased lethality of covid, imagine a cyber attack that wipes out all records of the people who have received vaccines. This way the governments can hide the impact of the calamity on the vaccinated because after all, the records of who received vaccines won't be there anymore. 🤷

A crazy possibility but one that popped in mind.
Yep, I've thought that too. A cyber attack that prevents people from communicating with each other too, perfectly plausible. At that point though, we are in the realms of utter breakdown. If all Covid jab records are gone, so are all medical records, hospital and GP chaos and society gone to hell in a handbasket.

Quick update regarding our pub housekeeper. ..she's feeling better and will come back to work next week, but she only started to get out of bed on Thursday. I saw her husband today who said she had a barking cough, fever and headache the whole time and a couple of other people in the village had the same. We agreed it was some kind of 'bug', not Covid, as she tested negative.
Yes, it looks like a storm is slowly but surely brewing. If we can piece it together sat in our living rooms, I'm pretty sure governments can with their infinite money and resources. I don't understand why they persist leading the world into the storm? What will there be left to rule?
What, exactly, do you propose they do? Just openly say that everybody who took the injections is going to die in very short order because of ADE? Admit that their vaccines are poison? They could never do that! These are psychopaths, they're a virus on humanity, viruses can't understand that they're killing their host.

To go back to Catherine Austin Fitts - they want total slavery.

Here's my best guess as to their playbook - reports of mass mortality start in a few places, say, let's pick on Marseille and call it the French variant. It picks up and spreads, with the jabs ready for the fearful hordes. The panic gets their "vaccinated" percentage up to 75% and there's yet another lockdown. Blame "variants" and "the unvaccinated" for the plague, really crank up the fear with a cockamamie hypothesis that the unvaccinated are hosts for multiple variants, they created the plague, and now there's yet another variant that they can't make a vaccine for, say delta-beta-gamma-super-COVID or whatever. Mass mortality continues apace and they cook up yet another batch of mRNA evil that temporarily stops it, with force jabbing occuring in at least a few countries, probably New Zealand, Argentina, Australia, China, etc., and oh, they've stoked up enough fear to push through vaccine passports. Turns out that the injected have to keep taking it every six months in perpetuity or they die because everybody has DBG-super-COVID and is shedding it and if immunity wears off, they die. Again, back to Catherine Austin Fitts, this is "antivirus for people meets total slavery", with the same enormously lucrative business model, and oh, why not tie it in with a social credit score and DCM knows what else.

Of course, that's their playbook - their playbook doesn't work if the overwhelming majority of people they've violated with lies and needles die in short order. It also doesn't work if nobody shows up because they're too afraid of the virus killing them. The STS pyramid will implode if whatever virus they've inadvertently created is as nasty as is expected. That... That's things "getting better".
So I wonder if indeed the jabbed are being turned into "TVs" and someone out there has the remote and at a certain time they'll turn on the "TVs" as it were and proceed to utilise the remote....

It is more sinister. The C's had already said so:

A: Both those that you describe as the Lizard Beings and those you describe as the Grays. This is necessary for their survival in each case. Even though the Grays are not natural parts of the short wave cycle, but rather an artificial creation by the Lizard Beings, but nevertheless they mimic the nourishment functions.

Q: (L) Since they are artificially created by the Lizard beings, does this mean they have no souls?

A: That's correct.

Q: (L) How do they function? Are they like robots?

A: They function by interaction with the souls of the Lizard beings. This technology is extremely far in advance of that with which you are familiar, but the Gray beings are not only built and designed artificially, but also function as a projection mentally and psychically of the Lizard beings.
They are like four dimensional probes.
And those who are described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self. And, since they are at the highest level of density where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so on, which is why they do what they do. This also explains why their race is dying
Q: (L) Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don't they just breed us in pens on their own planet?

A: They do.

Q: (L) Well, since there is so many of us here, why don't they just move in and take over?

A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things. 1: retaining their race as a viable species; 2: increasing their numbers; 3: increasing their power; 4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density.
In the above session, there was reference to minerals in relation to secrets from a prior session, as well as a remark about iron and traversing densities. I'm going to include here those specific excerpts.
Q: (L) Who was Arajuna of Tiahuanaco?

A: Well, we believe that you are referring to one of approximately eight hybrids that ruled the area currently referred to as Central America. Hybrids being a 4th density to 3rd density transfer experiment from the Lizard race to the human race, which was abandoned after approximately 240 years of experimentation by the Lizard Beings, due to the lack of success for sustaining physical duplication, or reproduction of the race. It was one of several attempts by the Lizard Beings to directly transmit their souls into 3rd density environment for permanent placement there. And, of course it is no longer perceived as necessary by them because their intention is to rule 3rd density beings in 4th density when they arrive there.


That, and that they also intend to control in 4th density.

It's something I've been thinking and saying in the coronavirus thread and the whole mRNA vaccine thing. I have been trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and to me this is the way they intend to do it.

What I am saying is that in order for it to work for them they have to make people extremely polarized to STS, either by fear, that they cannot access earthly pleasures (materialism - buying, selling, consuming, traveling) and that they become very very ponerized (authoritarian). I have already seen here in my country and in the rest of the world exclamations asking even the death of other people to lecture those who do not want the vaccine! It is horrible! This is the way to narrow the FRV bandwidth, but it is not enough and that is where DNA modification comes in.

In other posts it was mentioned how some vaccinated people described how their consciousness was not anchored to the body, that they felt as if they were separated or floating and that the soul felt as if it did not know where it was.

Imagine the prospect: When everything is ready, just press a button, and suddenly millions of people are instantly possessed by demons. It's an invasion from hell... Yes, it sounds horrible. But the information gathered points to this.

Now that you mention it, yesterday I was reading a segment of the casswiki regarding the soul:

The soul in this sense is linked to the concept of acquiring a real I and gaining access to one’s higher centers. These higher centers will exist at least in potential if there is a soul, as we use the word here. At the end of Fourth Way evolution, this soul may be substantially identical with the ”real I”. This is however vanishingly rare and various intermediate stages of development are needed before this soul is truly anchored into the body as the conscious master of thought, feeling and physicality.

Much of New Age culture looks for ways for whatever passes for consciousness to deliberately leave the body, experience astral travel, produce psychic effects etc. Quite unlike these, the Fourth Way seeks first to bring the soul, if there be any, into the body. The soul needs to first claim its own incarnation from all the forces of personality, biology etc which normally run the show.

If such is the effect of vaccines, one can assume that what is intended is contrary to the fourth way.

Suppose for a moment that what the PTB want is to prevent people with the potential to do so from not connecting with their higher centers.

What about the Energy Bodies and especially your "Soul" and the mRNA Vaccine for Covid?

I transcribe and translate the article. Keep in mind that there is content here that seems to be the typical new age stuff by the tone of it. However, we should not throw the baby with the water. I will highlight in black what is relevant.

Experience of a therapist who has been working for many years with energy, energy healing, subtle bodies, but above all with the radiation of light and the frequency of the vibration of the heart, the seat of our soul, to reach a deep contact with her higher self...

′′I gave a session to a person who did the first and second doses of the vaccine (mRNA).
I had already treated this person vigorously, but I did not know that she had been vaccinated.
When I started with the treatment, I noticed the change: very heavy energy from their subtle bodies.

The most chilling thing was when I worked on the heart chakra, I connected with her soul; she was detached from the physical body, no longer in contact and it was as if she was floating in a state of love in total confusion, but no longer in direct contact with the body and the personality.

Damaged consciousness loses contact with the physical part, so with our biological machine, there is no communication between them.

During the treatment, this soul told me that she no longer felt the body and felt that she was floating in a deep discomfort.

The energy she was working with, so the energy of her energy field, was very heavy, and you could feel these very polluting substances through the subtle bodies.

I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, therefore to the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could not receive any more light, frequency, energy.

It was a very strong experience for me....

Then I understood that indeed this substance serves to untie the consciousness so that this consciousness can no longer interact through this body that it has in life, where there is no more contact, no more frequency, no more light, no more energetic balance and no more mind.

Then I started to cry for that soul because it was something that moved me deeply, a very strong experience.

I didn't say anything to the person, because I didn't know how to say it and if he would have understood.

I realised that it was not only contaminating the subtle bodies or the physical body, but it was something to do with our soul. The aim is to damage and try to destroy the contact with consciousness.

What Steiner said is exactly that. It's not just about compromising the immune system.
Update - Second treatment of the person

There has been a further change and aggravation, both for the heaviness and for the energy transmitted by your energy field, but above all there has been a very important decrease in frequency.

At present, his physical situation has no symptoms in the physical body.

As for the situation that manifests itself on the energetic level and above all of the soul, there was confirmation that the soul was ejected out of the physical body, it is still bound by the so-called cord, but it always confirms that it no longer has any interaction with the physical, emotional and mental body, there is no longer any kind of communication.

The soul is no longer able to handle these three bodies, to continue its process of incarnation and evolution, precisely because this contact has been interrupted.

As it is something new that never happened, and therefore the soul consciousness does not know what is manifesting, the soul is in a situation where it does not know why it was expelled.

It is aware that this happened after the first dose of the vaccine, that it no longer has any form of communication, that it cannot use those bodies that we have clothed ourselves with to remain on earth.

The evolution and the experiences that the personality transmits to the soul have all been interrupted.

Personal note from the author:

They want to take our souls so that we do not ascend and block the matrix."

*My personal note

The chakras that connect us to the soul are the heart chakra and especially the one just above our teat called the Crown Chakra.

Ask yourself, why is this virus called ′′virus corona"... what is its real function?

Fear disconnects you from yourself, but even more so the vaccine, as the disconnection is definite....

Understand that if you choose to use this gene therapy (which modifies genes) there will be no turning back. Neither classical (allopathic) medicine nor quantum energetic medicine will be able to do anything for you.

* A post from the Dolores Cannon-Hipnosis group (without the share option, I made a copy-paste of the post).

Here I have placed the common points and pieces of the puzzle.

Although the C's have said in some of the sessions that such a transfer was no longer necessary for them, it would seem that they went back to that plan.

But I think it is because they have no more time left....

There are more details on this, but they are scattered throughout this thread. And besides, there are already several of us here who saw or have the same idea.

To sum up:

They are modifying human bodies in real time for a massive possession / invasion.
What, exactly, do you propose they do? Just openly say that everybody who took the injections is going to die in very short order because of ADE? Admit that their vaccines are poison? They could never do that! These are psychopaths, they're a virus on humanity, viruses can't understand that they're killing their host.

To go back to Catherine Austin Fitts - they want total slavery.

Here's my best guess as to their playbook - reports of mass mortality start in a few places, say, let's pick on Marseille and call it the French variant. It picks up and spreads, with the jabs ready for the fearful hordes. The panic gets their "vaccinated" percentage up to 75% and there's yet another lockdown. Blame "variants" and "the unvaccinated" for the plague, really crank up the fear with a cockamamie hypothesis that the unvaccinated are hosts for multiple variants, they created the plague, and now there's yet another variant that they can't make a vaccine for, say delta-beta-gamma-super-COVID or whatever. Mass mortality continues apace and they cook up yet another batch of mRNA evil that temporarily stops it, with force jabbing occuring in at least a few countries, probably New Zealand, Argentina, Australia, China, etc., and oh, they've stoked up enough fear to push through vaccine passports. Turns out that the injected have to keep taking it every six months in perpetuity or they die because everybody has DBG-super-COVID and is shedding it and if immunity wears off, they die. Again, back to Catherine Austin Fitts, this is "antivirus for people meets total slavery", with the same enormously lucrative business model, and oh, why not tie it in with a social credit score and DCM knows what else.

Of course, that's their playbook - their playbook doesn't work if the overwhelming majority of people they've violated with lies and needles die in short order. It also doesn't work if nobody shows up because they're too afraid of the virus killing them. The STS pyramid will implode if whatever virus they've inadvertently created is as nasty as is expected. That... That's things "getting better".
Hi, @cinnamon!
Your scenario scares me-- but it is strange enough to become real. I am not sure who is getting indebted for the vaccines, but I come from a socialist country and live in the USA, in both countries, vaccines are paid for by the government so far. I am wondering if it's the same in other places, I haven't researched it, but I think it would add the following to your guess of the playbook: Countries will be so much into debt with pharmaceuticals [for so many jabs that their people supposedly will need] that they will take on these countries quickly. As they might even say, "for the good of your kind."
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" 😄

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Good grief, this just can’t help themselves. Living through such madness, insanity is definitely trying my patience - gotta maintain some strategic enclosure and balance though. Surely, the new lockdowns, double triple masking, and jab upon jab upon jab will stop the the spread of something that was inherently designed to be spread this time. 😷🙄

This cultural loop they’ve created reminded me of this quote:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein

And yet these pathocrats are viruses themselves ponerizing the masses with promise or reward of everlasting power and domination oblivious to their demise. If there’s no war I suspect people adhering to lies at a macro-social level humanity will manifest into a sorta spiritual Holocaust - depending on ones polarity they may grow, implode or, idk spontaneously combust? Imagine all those cognitive dissonance helmets popping at once 😵

I had this thought before going to bed the other day, wondering what George Carlin would say to all this madness. Here’s the best I could come up with:

“If I knew in the 21st century everyone would be shooting up Kool-Aid intending to obtain everlasting health I would have never quit coke!” 😬 🤔

Imagine if they just let it spread? Hang in there, ya’ll :flowers:
Also in UK they have started a trial to give covid jab EACH MONTH for people suffering from long covid.

I have a 50 year old friend here in France who has been dealing with "long covid" for nearly one year. He has no respiratory symptoms, but suffers from brain fog and a debilitating fatigue that resembles narcolepsy. The slightest exercise working in the garden brings on the immediate need to fall into a coma like nap. A few minutes behind the wheel of a car is the same. He now fears to go anywhere without his wife driving. Coincidently, his wife who is tested regularly has never tested positive.

His French GP has refused to give him the jab that he requested stating that it could likely complicate his current condition and bring about respiratory consequences that he currently does not have. The UK decision to administer monthly jabs to "long covid" patients is mystifying. I guess they just want to experiment to see what happens. Damn the consequences to the patients.

Meanwhile my friend spends the greater part of each 24 hours in sleep, self confined to his rural home.
Thank you Jebra. Remember you have as much right as anyone to make a decision and stick by it. Don't allow yourself to be steamrolled and bullied. I think it's really sad that your husband is back to reverting to using childish techniques to try and bully you into taking something you don't want to! I'm not sure what to say that can help you navigate this - perhaps if there is a member who has navigated similar they can offer some advise. I know @Bluegazer has had a similar situation with his parents who he lives with and he seems to have navigated it okay thus far in that they've got off his back. One thing I will say though is you need to keep a close eye on being made to feel isolated, like you can't trust your mind and instincts, like there's something wrong with you when this feeling is being driven by those who want to stream roll over you. You need to be very careful with this as it can push you to a dark place where you become more susceptible.

As to the escalation of the situation in the UK and other countries, this is to be expected but I tell you what, the escalation of the pushback is to be expected too. I think it's a question of biding time, holding faith and navigating carefully the next couple of months into next year summer. The lies will unravel themselves.

Most importantly I think networking is also crucial to navigate flash points that may all of a sudden appear in your life. No doubt we're all going to be faced with individual challenges which we must decipher with clarity with the view of navigating through as impeccably as possible.
Not sure how valid this may be or if it would work but it sounds good.
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