2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

So I took a shot at Lobaczewski’s book to figure out what "paramoralism" is supposed to mean, and the closest I got is exploiting a tragic event/situation for personal or political gains by exaggerating the severity of that event, particularly exploiting human emotions through effusions of outrage or exaltation. Like attorneys do when they try to impress a jury, claiming compensation for the ‘emotional distress’ caused to their client. I like that term.
It's more complex than that. James Lindsay gave the best summary, IMO (see his Twitter feed for examples):

Ideological Paramorality

Alongside the paralogical structure used to trick useful idiots into defending the ideological pseudo-reality project is a powerful tool of social enforcement using an ostensibly moral dimension. A relativist might refer to this as a "moral framework" that is ethical "within the ideology," but as it is a morality contingent not upon the facts of human existence as those exist in reality but instead as they are distorted in the constructed pseudo-reality, it would be more appropriate to refer to it as a paramorality, an immoral false morality which lies beside (and apart from) anything that deserves to be called "moral." The goal of the paramorality is to socially enforce the belief that good people accept the paramorality and attendant pseudo-reality while everyone else is morally deficient and evil. That is, it is an inversion of morality, the slave morality as described by Nietzsche in his Genealogy of Morals.

Because the paramorality is, in fact, immoral, participants in the pseudo-reality will experience vigorous, usually totalitarian, enforcement of the ideological paramorality. It is in this way that the requisite social pressure is created to maintain the lie and its immoral system. In turn, following the cycle of abuse, they will then use the same tenets and tactics to (para)-moralize normal people outside of it, eventually far more vigorously. The trend toward puritan-style pietism, authoritarianism, and eventually totalitarianism in application of this paramorality is a virtual certainty of acceptance of an ideological pseudo-reality, and these abuses will be visited not only on every participant in the constructed fictional reality but also to everyone who can be found or placed within its shadow (which can come to include entire nations or peoples or, in fact, everyone, even those who reject it). Again, this is the true alchemy of the pseudo-realist program; it transforms normal, moral people into immoral agents who must perpetrate evil to feel good and perceive as evil those who do good.

An ideological paramorality is even less accessible to disagreement than the paralogic of an ideological pseudo-reality because it bets everything — including reality itself and the well-being of every individual who inhabits it — against Utopia, a daydream of absolute perfection. Thus, the paramorality sees only two types of people: those who accept the pseudo-reality and replace actual morality with its paramorality positioned as champions against those who must not want Utopia (and who therefore must want a world of suffering of the kind its architects are least capable of bearing). In this regard, there is no neutrality in a paramoral system, and all shades of gray are alchemically transformed into real black and pseudo-real white. Thus, in a pseudo-realist's paramorality, there is either fully convicted support or incomprehensible (in the paralogical system) and depraved (in the paramorality) desire to see the indefinite continuation of the evils that will no longer exist when the Utopia is (technically never) realized. Vicious moralizing that will eventually justify violence, including on wide scales, is an eventual guarantee of such demands, if they are enabled sufficiently to shift that power to the ideologues.

This guarantees the paramorality of an ideological pseudo-reality will always be repressive and totalitarian. Dissent and doubt cannot be tolerated, and disagreement must be cordoned off into a moral pit that adherents dare not approach. Further, the paramorality will mandate deceptively bifurcated concepts of concepts like tolerance (which must be repressive), acceptance, compassion, empathy, fairness (all of which must be conditional and selective), merit (in regurgitating the doctrines of the pseudo-reality), and compromise (to always favor pseudo-real claims) that preposterously support the pseudo-reality, all propped up by the linguistic games at the heart of the pseudo-real ideological project. That is, specifically, the bifurcation makes these concepts completely relevant in ways that bias for its ideas, but strictly prohibited for any others. These bogus constructions are meant to unilaterally shift power to the ideologues so that their pseudo-reality can remain propped up.

It must be stressed that the paramorality in play is always an inversion of the prevailing morality that is also parasitic upon it — namely, Nietzsche's slave morality. In other words, it is a particular type of perversion of morality that can feel more moral than moral but is, in fact, evil. This is because the paramorality acts in service to a pseudo-reality, not reality, and is thus the domain of psychopathy, which, when inflicted on the normal masses, is evil. The goal of the paramorality will always arise from and exist to favor people with particular psychopathologies who cannot otherwise cope with the discomforts of reality. This implies that an ideological pseudo-reality's most successful means of gaining strength is through appealing to the perceived victimhood of those people and whipping up the grievances of those who have suffered similar injustices with more dignity. When widely empowered, this should be treated as another symptom of impending civilizational calamity and a need to identify and reject the pseudo-reality manipulating these feelings.
I was hopeful that I could find some theological insight, so I first jumped to the chapter on Religion: very simplistic - basically religion was just an instrument used by pathocrats/elites to exert their dominance, I was disappointed.
He doesn't say that. Maybe you were reading a different book.
‘Pathocracy’ which is synonym with ‘elite’ refers to a group of people who make decisions and exert control over the majority of the population. By analogy: the politburo in Communist Russia or the board of directors of a corp.
Another misreading and conflation of concepts. A pathocracy is a government and social structure in which all positions of influence and authority are held by people with certain personality and character disorders. 'Elites' are more often than not part of a psychologically 'normal' society, even if the elites themselves might be detached from reality and SOBs by virtue of their position. Re-read the chapter on the hysteroidal cycle.
The book is heavy on psychopathology, for those interested, I was more interested in the religion/consciousness insights - I couldn’t find much.
There are a few in there, if you look for them, but that's not the purpose of the book. Do you look for cooking advice in an economics textbook?
Basically the book’s premise is that the same type of causes, symptoms and evolution that can be observed and characterize individual pathological cases can be applied at macro level, and as such ‘elites’ (i.e. those who come in position of power) start to behave as psychopaths, or become ponerized.
Again, no. It's not that the elites "start to behave as psychopaths" (though that is part of it). It is that psychopaths hijack ideological movements and ride to power using their popularity, further pathologizing the ideologies along the way, until the totally reshape society and wield total control.
Corporation board model looks pretty ponerized to me, especially when you have a majority stake owner.
Not a good example. Having a majority stake owner is not determinative of the pathology of the corporate board. It may be, but it may not be.
Problem is everything can be ponerized this way, bad cops, good cops...even the store that doesn’t let you in if you don’t wear a mask is becoming ponerized.
Yes, everything can be "ponerized". (We use the word that way, but Lobaczewski just uses it to describe the pathological takeover of an ideology or its group.) And that is the problem. Again, here's Lindsay's take on it:
Most concerningly, psychopathic ideologies reliably generate (temporary but) functional psychopathy in otherwise normal people who, by means of these manipulations, become sufficiently convicted fellow travelers with and sympathizers to the ideology. Quite literally, aside from the direct effects of demoralization and the destabilization caused by the growing drift of their beliefs away from reality and toward unreality (pseudo-reality), a psychopathic ideology makes its sympathizers believe and act in psychopathic ways themselves, at least in a functional sense. These are the demands and costs of upholding the paralogic (so as not to be a "fool" in pseudo-reality) and paramorality (so as not to be the wrong kind of person in pseudo-reality), and slowly these victims of the ideology become the monsters they were too weak to fight. As noted previously, virtues like tolerance and empathy are intentionally perverted until they begin to bifurcate so that they carry a political valence (paramorality good, morality bad) that increasingly favors the pseudo-real ideology and becomes legitimately psychopathic as the effect strengthens.

Eventually, a normal person subjected to these circumstances ceases to be normal. This occurs when they "awaken" to a "full consciousness" in the pseudo-reality. At that point, they will have reached a place where, from their perspective, pseudo-reality is reality and reality is the pseudo-reality. That is, they will be psychopathic themselves, in thrall to the paralogic of the pseudo-real delusion and with bifurcated and narrowed ethics and moral virtues under its paramoral system. Presumably, in the majority of such previously normal people, this effect is temporary and contingent upon participation in the cult, though it is likely that some of the relevant psychological damage will be long-lasting, if not permanent. Nevertheless, in the short term, the result of this dynamic is a growing body of functionally and legitimately psychopathic people accruing more and more power for themselves, which they use (in psychopathic ways) to enforce their ideological pseudo-reality on everyone, most notably everyone else.

It creates a divide between ‘normal people’ and those perceived as ‘ponerized’ or ‘psychopaths’.
Because that's reality. We also divide between normal people and serial killers. And honest people and con men.
When this is propagated at group mentality level - it becomes a serious problem: us vs them, der anderen.
Only if you're living in some pseudo-reality. In the real world, it's why we try to put murderers, rapists, and con men in prison.
And that’s how adversity and division creep in society and from there is just a descent to barbarism.
You've got it backwards.
As opposed to diversity and inclusion (even artificially instilled) which foster cohesion and lead the way to the future.
Diversity and inclusion are ideological buzz words currently in service of a psychopathic pseudo-reality.
If you don’t at least try to understand that we are moving into a new era, and some preps for these changes that lie ahead of us are necessary, concepts of unity, acceptance and tolerance gaining more prominence and a certain neuroplasticity - you’re going to have a hard time dealing with these feelings of elites, control, programming, psyops, etc.
Now I think you're just trolling. "We're moving into a new era of diversion, equity and inclusion, and you better adapt, because otherwise you'll feel our diverse, equitable and inclusive boot on your face while we destroy you for not getting on board with our utopian fantasy."
So I took a shot

the closest I got

so I first jumped

which it’s OK, but hardly ‘scientific’

That's the sum of the thinking I found in the first half of your post mbww. I'm impressed because its almost poetic and clearly intentional.

However after that we went down hill...

He wanted the book to open a new field of study, but it never happened.

That's right; because of course you've read all the study threads on this topic on the forum I assume? And all of Laura's work on the topic. Whilst speed reading all of Political Ponerology in braille. Dead impressed.

‘Ponerized’, ‘ponerization’ are terms used loosely more or less synonym to what we call today “brainwash’ and ‘influence’.

Ah! So maybe you didn't look further at the research then... or indeed read Political Ponerology... because if you had you couldn't have said that... sorry, my mistake...

There are several other such terms and ‘psycho’ and ‘path’ root abound...

We're sinking down now... I'm very worried where we're going...

The book is heavy on psychopathology, for those interested, I was more interested in the religion/consciousness insights - I couldn’t find much.

I seem to remember the title of the book was Political Ponerology etc , not Religion/consciousness insight. But moving on...

When this is propagated at group mentality level - it becomes a serious problem: us vs them, der anderen.

And that’s how adversity and division creep in society and from there is just a descent to barbarism.
As opposed to diversity and inclusion (even artificially instilled) which foster cohesion and lead the way to the future.


And that’s why Trump lost in America in AD 2021.

Double wow!

f you don’t at least try to understand that we are moving into a new era, and some preps for these changes that lie ahead of us are necessary, concepts of unity, acceptance and tolerance gaining more prominence and a certain neuroplasticity - you’re going to have a hard time dealing with these feelings of elites, control, programming, psyops, etc.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Nothing to fear but fear itself, remember that.

There I was working away for 25 years or more trying to find the truth and finally - finally - you've done it in one perfect, profound, meaningful, god like sentence. If only I had realized I could have found it all along on the back of a cereal packet. Or is that a Christmas cracker...? Would you mind sharing the source with me?

Ever come across this cognitive phenomenon mbww? It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect. I've linked to Wikipedia as you might want to check it out;it's a truth site that will probably make you feel at home.
As the saying goes, let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. The man is presenting hard data, which can be useful if the data points to some sort of signal. Most of the time it's noise, but the anomalies is where it presents itself as a possible sign that something is out of the ordinary. Whether that is indicative of some grand military op maneuver or an infrequent, but normal flight pattern, one cannot really know at our level.

If there was any signal by the "good guys", I doubt they have craft that are trackable like this. For higher density craft, one may have to look at meteorological or celestial signs for this and even those it's hard to filter what's signal and what's noise.

Monkey Werx is a cut above the rest, whose sources they don't disclose, simply due to the raw data he presents. The anticipation comes in when one believes in what he says without doing more research into the matter and is something most of us are all working on.
Looks like I just missed my opportunity to edit this post. As an addendum, strangely enough, I went out for a smoke break to continue reading High Strangeness, and I came across this particular part of the transcripts shown in Ch. 12 and had to stop and post again. This is sort of off-topic, but in the case of the military, I hope that it is in some way relevant to this thread (considering the mosaic and all).

December 4, 1999

Ark, Laura, Frank

(Unless otherwise designated, all questions asked by Laura.)


Q: Next item on the agenda: the loss of the new Mars probe. As of the latest I heard, it had still not "called home." Is the Mars probe lost?

A: Not lost, just partly dysfunctional.

Q: Why is it dysfunctional? Or partly dysfunctional?

A: Rocky surface, mis-alignment of antennae, slight damage to communications package. may still be retrievable if technicians can locate proper backup software inlet.

Q: So, that is the advice to try to save the mission?

A: Yes.

Q: Anything else?

A: No.

Q: So, there is no conspiracy there, either?

A: It is just as dangerous and just as useless to "see" conspiracy in everything s it is to "see" conspiracy in nothing. We tire of conspiracy "buffs." They are nutty, and serve as perfect false sponsors to those who really DO seek to conduct widespread mental/psychic manipulations and control.

Q: Okay, that leads into the next question about the excessive contrail activity.

(F) I read the articles about the contrails. There did not seem to be any way of verifying anything that was said. Essentially, you were left with the claims of this or that person, few of whom were trained observers, or who were taking all the factors into consideration.

(L) Well, we noticed them a lot in the spring of 1998 when we had all the floods and fires later. They are THERE!

(F) Yes, but the claims are that contrails were appearing in clear skies, at which point the sky became overcast as a result of these contrails, when the two may not have been related at all. Then, people were noticing cob webs or "angel hair" type stuff falling on the ground.

(L) I agree that a lot of it is unverifiable and I haven't seen any hard proof myself, either; but they ARE there! LOTS of these jets flying about. An exceedingly LOT of flying! And, not only that, other things have been reported and photographed; strange streaks and lines in the sky, dark and light both - as though some sort of cosmic structure is bleeding through!

(F) Yes, but you have to wonder about these people. I mean, the stuff about the radar anomalies was clearly an example of ignorance of both radar and weather. Oh, yes, big spheres appear on the radar, but those have been appearing forever! They are nothing but cumulo-nimbus blow-ups - what is called a meso-cyclone, and is very common. The only reason they are getting excited about it is because there is all this communication, all these satellite and radar link-ups, and now the average person gets to see what weathermen have been seeing all along! More coverage and communication just makes it seem like it is something new. People need knowledge about this! Sure, there is stuff going on out there, but people seem to be seeing boogy men behind absolutely everything that happens! And this is because they have no knowledge about these things. Why are these people going off the deep end about these half-baked ideas without bothering to get expert opinions, or even a number of opinions? Why do they promulgate all this nonsense to everybody else as though THEY are experts, with nothing to balance the observations in the way of competent analysis? Meso-cyclones, eruptions of cumulo-nimbus super cells are, by their very nature, perfectly circular because of the cyclonic up-draft!

(L) But, the fact still remains, in my opinion, that there are a LOT, LOT, LOT of planes flying above us in the past few years! Whether they are dumping anything on our heads, or what, there are an extreme number of planes flying in these upper level criss-cross patterns. Now, whether they are just playing war-games, or they are spy planes, they are doing SOMETHING! What is the reason for all of this upper level flying that results in these criss-crossed contrails that everybody is seeing?

A: A lot of it is "training maneuver"oriented.

Q: Why are they training so many pilots? What are they preparing for?

A: Military budgets must be justified, you know. Review "Military-Industrial Complex 101."

Q: So, this is just training flight, justification of budget, and nothing more than that?

A: Well, we would not say "not anything more to it than that," but, when you say "M-IC," you have said a lot!

Q: Are you implying that there is a build-up of the Military-Industrial Complex for a reason?

A: To preserve status quo during "peacetime." This peace business is not very profitable, you know.

Q: Does that suggest that they are building up to set off a war so they can make more money?

A: Maybe if indeed, and if the populous can be hoodwinked. But, fortunately, the public is less hoodwinkable. Maybe the real enemy is "out there, " rather than "over there." Was it not always?

Q: Does any of this increased aircraft activity have anything to do with the increased awareness and activities of aliens in and around our planet?

A: As always. But, this awareness is factionalized and compartmentalized.
As of yet, I've not seen anyone else cover these military flight patterns like Monkey Werx. Considering the Plato's cave analogy, perhaps what we see as military plane activity in 3rd density is similar to the shadows in the cave. It is a symbol for work perhaps in higher spheres and/or higher densities. Whatever happens up there perhaps we will see a trickle-down effect happening with increased military activity. Remember that the battle is through us. From what we've gathered from the is Cs that seeing and having only a 3rd density mindset towards what we see is not enough to pierce the veil of the illusion that is 3rd density.

And of course, Monkey Werx has his take on what these flight patterns mean, but that shouldn't deter anyone from controlling their anticipations, holding their own field in the presence of another (some aspects are honing the BS meter, grail consciousness and "open-mindedness"), and not discarding the baby with the bath water.
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Yeah, I don't think the whole shebang will come to pass. The USA was never, and is not today, the same as one of the Communist countries back in the day.
That's what I prefer to think. But then I remember of all the Germans and Russians (and others) who thought, "it could never happen here..." So I see it as a low-probability but within-the-realm-of-possibility outcome.
That's what I prefer to think. But then I remember of all the Germans and Russians (and others) who thought, "it could never happen here..." So I see it as a low-probability but within-the-realm-of-possibility outcome.

I think that this time we can bet on the C's ref. to "culmination of grand cycle" (or words to that effect), which I interpret to mean a 'really big show' with many other major factors that have not been present at previous times of pathocratic rule that will make the process rather different and much more chaotic.

After the events of the past year, I think we can all bank on some form of the Cs prediction playing out over the near future. The whole point of their messages has been to prepare us for this process so that we don't freak out too much. And while it will likely be freaky and disturbing, let's all prepare ourselves accordingly, psychologically and emotionally, and keep each other on the 'straight and narrow' to the greatest extent possible. ;-D
He also brings up the special ops command that now reports directly to the Acting Defense Secretary. Concerning this, something Trump put out just a few days ago, December 10, was an "Order of Succession Within the Department of Defense." So, here we have again Trump acting in a way that doesn't seem to suggest he's enabling a "smooth" transition.

"So," says Monkey Werx, "if you can't trust your Joint Chiefs, this [order of succession] tells you exactly who you can trust." He points out that what you don't see on this order of succession are the Joint Chiefs -- and this was put out before their own letter came out. (You can see this document starting at 8:18 on this video.)

That seems to be interesting. I understand that Chris Miller can actually deploy special ops without consent from the Joint Chiefs Of Staff. That was new to me. Remember that Miller himself used to be a commander with the special forces himself.

It has been mentioned quite a few times that most of the Army generals had been anti-Trump all along while Navy and Air Force are said to be rather pro-Trump, which begs the question if the Chiefs of Staff (of the army) are actually needed by Trump at all. Their approval of Biden yesterday night made it seem as if that was the end of the road for Trump.

But is it?

For more boots on the ground Trump would not need the Army at all and could resort to the deployment of the US Marines, for example the 'Marine Raiders' who specialize in 'Light infantry warfare, Special operations and counter-terrorism'.

How much pressure will the deep state be able to exert on all branches of the US military?

The number of national guardsmen in D.C. is said to have been increased to 15,000 by now.
Are they all needed for the virtual inauguration of Joe Biden?
So I took a shot at Lobaczewski’s book to figure out what "paramoralism" is supposed to mean, and the closest I got is exploiting a tragic event/situation for personal or political gains by exaggerating the severity of that event, particularly exploiting human emotions through effusions of outrage or exaltation. Like attorneys do when they try to impress a jury, claiming compensation for the ‘emotional distress’ caused to their client. I like that term.

I see this periodically with people who are suffering from either ideological possession, or who simply want to nestle down into the blankets and stay asleep...

-While at the same time, they fight to maintain the delusion that they are open-minded, critical thinkers who are absolutely not suffering from ideological possession and who are not simply trying to nestle down into the blankets to stay asleep, (such ugly features simply cannot be accurate descriptors of themselves! -That would mean the ego is in charge along with a bunch of trash programming. No sir..!)

Therefore, it is important to put on a convincing performance, an act of due diligence.

I remember a video of a woman who reviewed Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life where she demonstrated for all that she had put in the time and read the book, proved it by describing and commenting on each rule, but who through magnificent strategic effort managed to insulate herself from the message, to avoid the Crux of the Matter; To pointedly, deliberately, not get it, and come out the other end with her previous world view intact. (Too much was at risk, it seemed to me; she was writing for a far Left magazine where to have come to any other conclusion than the one she had would have required a radical and probably catastrophic restructuring of her life and social network. That's too heavy an undertaking for many, especially if they have already found a home for themselves deep in the opposite camp.)

I remember another who said, "There's no proof at all of UFOs!"

I said, "Sure there is. You just have to look at it."

She didn't believe me.

"There is NO evidence! I'd have to see it."

So I loaned her one of Richard Dolan's books.

She threw it in the trash. I later happened to see it by the side of the road and retrieved it and asked her, "What the hell? I wanted that back. Did you even read it?"

"I had a quick look. But it was bad research."

"Well you could have at least returned it to me. You didn't have to throw it out!"

Except she did. I backed off at that point entirely. People must be free to lie to themselves if they choose. Which is what I think you are doing now; though I only say that because you are posting in this forum which is an act of asking for critical review of your thoughts and comments. -Rather than my allowing you to build your bubble of self-deception. But it appears to me that you're not open-minded and you're not free of ideological possession. Sorry.

You've got blocks and fortifications built into place, and you're pretending that you're something you are not.

If you don’t at least try to understand that we are moving into a new era, and some preps for these changes that lie ahead of us are necessary, concepts of unity, acceptance and tolerance gaining more prominence and a certain neuroplasticity - you’re going to have a hard time dealing with these feelings of elites, control, programming, psyops, etc.

Nothing to fear but fear itself, remember that.

We are moving into a new (and final) era of STS alien control where humanity is being corralled into a food processor. It's being dressed up as a positive shift so that we might proceed toward the intake valve with a minimum of fuss and ruckus.

I don't actually fear that; souls have the capacity to endure forever so long as they don't weaken themselves through consuming lies. I am, however, given to mild feelings of disgust for those who cope with difficult realities through self-deception (at best), and who at worst, carry water for the dark side.
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Are they all needed for the virtual inauguration of Joe Biden?

That's the narrative, but it's actually a show put on by the Dems to bolster their claims about an "insurrection" and "planned violence" and other such nonsense.

It's amazing to see people still holding out for Trump to do some "kraken" magic or something.

Scott Adams is a good example of the kind of theories still being thrown around.

Chris Miller of the DoD signed the order for 15,000 National Guard troops to be mobilized into the DC area.
Importantly, when Trump announces the Insurrection Act, all National Guard troops are federalized under Trump.
Note: We still believe Trump has already invoked the Insurrection Act, but this has not yet been made public.
Sources say Democrats and left-wing media were tricked into supporting a massive build-up of troops in DC because they mistakenly think those troops will protect Biden. In reality, they say, Trump will command them.
Most National Guard troops are loyal to Trump and despise Biden.
The Jan 6th “siege” theater at the capitol was necessary to acquire Pelosi’s laptop and also trick the Left into supporting a massive troop buildup in DC.
The troops are necessary to protect Trump from the “color revolution” attempt of the radical Left, which will activate the moment they see Biden not getting inaugurated.

The FBI is planning to run false flag operations at state capitol buildings in order to further demonize conservatives and set the stage for nationwide gun confiscation.
My sources are now fractured, with some saying Trump has surrendered and others saying Trump will achieve a decisive victory.
The bad news sources say everyone around Trump is refusing to follow orders for fear they will be charged with treason.
The good news sources say Trump is still maneuvering for a decisive counterinsurgency attack against the coup plotters and deep state traitors.
That's what I prefer to think. But then I remember of all the Germans and Russians (and others) who thought, "it could never happen here..." So I see it as a low-probability but within-the-realm-of-possibility outcome.

I also think we are in danger of ignoring the perilously negative momentum that is building in the sub-structure of the global economic system - and that for me is driving this entire current phenomenon (COVID/Trump) like a Tsunami 2 miles out at sea. In the short term - other than control, or increasing the heat and perception of control (which they do and don't have in reality - for its mostly in the mind) - the fundamental reason underpinning and uniting this whole disparate attack is to shatter the glass of the international system through persistent and sustained shock tactics on the the established economic structure of the world that has essentially existed since Breton Woods in '44, if not well before (i.e. Fiat currency/debt leverage, etc). So much of the noise seems to me not much more than a cover story to disguise or blind side everyone to what they are leveraging for the purpose of shattering this glass. If they can break the under carriage the wheels and the carriage fall off on the side of the road, and then in the ensuing panic, the whole system can finally be remade (in light of the total emergency) and in the guise required for the future, particularly around Agenda 2030. They've been talking about and planning for this for years - and now all these interests are converging and it's rolling. Of course they cannot control where it lands but they seem determined to break the back of the beast come what may. Order out of chaos. I know we look to Nazi Germany, to Soviet Russia etc but I think this is quite a different model as much by scale and reach (thanks to big tech, thanks to the global scale of the scam in which upwards of $60-90 trillion has vanished, come the rigged markets, come the crypto revolution, come universal credit, come 5G, come the complex convergence of multiple interest, etc, etc) and it seems as if they really don't care about the price to be paid to get us there fast come what may. I think they think they have a unique tool kit ready to catch the pieces as they fall and are ready to gamble on the outcome when the first big wave hits the shore sometime mid/late 2021.

A lot of new factors coming on the roller coaster that we just can't see quite yet. Hold tight!
Trump has been impeached for the second time in the House of Representatives;

But there's no time for Senate to convene to convict him before he leaves. Can they do it under the incoming regime? Or does the President have to be in office? Maybe they'll be able to bend the rules anyway under a new 'Emergency Law'.
That's the narrative, but it's actually a show put on by the Dems to bolster their claims about an "insurrection" and "planned violence" and other such nonsense.

It's amazing to see people still holding out for Trump to do some "kraken" magic or something.

Scott Adams is a good example of the kind of theories still being thrown around.
Mike Adams! :lol: I think Scott would be offended.
Hey dear friends

Assuming that Donald Trump is a good man that cares about others it is a little bit hard to believe that he will go just like that. He probably knows dangers that are pointed against people in the USA. Communist China, human trafficking for various reasons (even he was mentioning that as I remember), people who want to enslave others with their lies, corruption. Will he really go just like that ? Even if he would not care about people in the USA, problems that he may face as well as his family could persuade him to do something.
I think that there is still a chance. However he had his time to organize various patriotic militias, during the 4 years, right now if he would try something and army generals would be against him, it could be hard to do something.

But we also have example from Turkey in 2016 where people rose up in one summer night against part of the army that tried to do something. But the thing is that others in the army did not support that one part that tried to organize a coup, so it was a little bit easier to get rid of them so to say. Obviously if the coup is not staged by the government, and I think there is a big chance it was not.
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