2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

The big difference between the American governed and the others is that many Americans are armed, and well armed.

Yeah, and there are other differences between the Germans during Nazi times and Americans. As Heisenberg also points out in detail in his book, every group or nation always needs some narrative to keep them together. In Germany/Prussia, this always was more along the lines of a nation state, of the German Volk and so on, and the state was always pretty authoritarian. In the US, the narrative is based on the constitution, the rule of law and so on. But this narrative is crumbling as well, inevitably, because as much as the US constitution has going for it, it's still just another founding myth, one that the founders came up with to solve very specific problems among the different settler groups. It's already history and MUST be replaced with something new. It's either a positive step towards True Religion, or a step towards liberal fascism. But somehow this whole libtard ideology doesn't seem to suit the "US soul" very well; this seems more something European countries would embody. I mean, it's no coincidence that Trump has such strong support in the US while the right-wingers in Germany, France and England are much weaker. So - I guess in the US they can only erect their libtard-fascist state by using suppreme force. Anyway, I think these days we can observe what Gurdjieff called the "souls of the nations" pretty clearly.
o I just came across this video of Trump I hadn’t seen before
My first thought was of new technology that can make such a video that's totally fake that may have been posted in this thread?

My second thought is like my question of the general who said they have Pelosi's laptop etc. - why would you show your hand ahead of time instead of just playing it? That just doesn't make sense.
I was reading The Cassiopaea Experiment Transcripts Volume 1 1994.

One reminder from it was the nature of prophecy and the back and forth of universal language of metaphor to phonetics to writing.

I also wonder how much was not only about post 9/11 generally, but about post COVID right now. What do the Denver airport murals reveal about the STS plans for right now?
mbww your whole post comes across as laden with paramoralisms. I just can't fathom whether they are conscious and deliberate or unconscious and delusional.
If you are in any way serious about your participation in what is first and last a research forum (not just another feral social media outlet), you need to read the following and then post about what you have learned.

Paramoralisms: Ponerological Definition

Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes

Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism

So I took a shot at Lobaczewski’s book to figure out what "paramoralism" is supposed to mean, and the closest I got is exploiting a tragic event/situation for personal or political gains by exaggerating the severity of that event, particularly exploiting human emotions through effusions of outrage or exaltation. Like attorneys do when they try to impress a jury, claiming compensation for the ‘emotional distress’ caused to their client. I like that term.

As for ‘ponerology’ it seems that Lobaczewski has ‘borrowed’ the term from theology, but the way he’s using it doesn’t have anything to do with religion. Originally the term is concerned with explaining the origin and existence of evil in the world, by figures such as Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.
I was hopeful that I could find some theological insight, so I first jumped to the chapter on Religion: very simplistic - basically religion was just an instrument used by pathocrats/elites to exert their dominance, I was disappointed. The rest of the book is more of an assessment - from psychological perspective - of how ‘psychopatic’ characters and characteristics insinuate in society. If you've read George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ it is similar to a psychological essay along that novel. As a reference, I imagine Lobaczewski always had the Communist Party system in his sight. He lived in Poland during the Communist regime for most of his life. So I can see this book as a professional dissertation on the regime and part of the ‘dissident literature' of the era, which it’s OK, but hardly ‘scientific’ study.

‘Political ponerology’ is by association of the too words a cross-breed between a psychopathology and politology. He wanted the book to open a new field of study, but it never happened.
‘Ponerized’, ‘ponerization’ are terms used loosely more or less synonym to what we call today “brainwash’ and ‘influence’. There are several other such terms and ‘psycho’ and ‘path’ root abound...
‘Pathocracy’ which is synonym with ‘elite’ refers to a group of people who make decisions and exert control over the majority of the population. By analogy: the politburo in Communist Russia or the board of directors of a corp.
The book is heavy on psychopathology, for those interested, I was more interested in the religion/consciousness insights - I couldn’t find much.

Basically the book’s premise is that the same type of causes, symptoms and evolution that can be observed and characterize individual pathological cases can be applied at macro level, and as such ‘elites’ (i.e. those who come in position of power) start to behave as psychopaths, or become ponerized.
Again, from ‘Animal Farm’ story and the Communist regimes experience - I get the idea.
Corporation board model looks pretty ponerized to me, especially when you have a majority stake owner.
Social media is ponerized/sanitized, Google is ponerized (don’t be evil, duh!)
China is ponerized, Russia is ponerized, America is becoming ponerized - most ponerized?

Problem is everything can be ponerized this way, bad cops, good cops...even the store that doesn’t let you in if you don’t wear a mask is becoming ponerized.

It creates a divide between ‘normal people’ and those perceived as ‘ponerized’ or ‘psychopaths’.
When this is propagated at group mentality level - it becomes a serious problem: us vs them, der anderen.

And that’s how adversity and division creep in society and from there is just a descent to barbarism.
As opposed to diversity and inclusion (even artificially instilled) which foster cohesion and lead the way to the future.

And that’s why Trump lost in America in AD 2021.

If you don’t at least try to understand that we are moving into a new era, and some preps for these changes that lie ahead of us are necessary, concepts of unity, acceptance and tolerance gaining more prominence and a certain neuroplasticity - you’re going to have a hard time dealing with these feelings of elites, control, programming, psyops, etc.

Nothing to fear but fear itself, remember that.
In watching this video, it really appears the police were doing very little to stop the "rioters" from breaking the glass - they seemed to be just observing. Fur hat guy did not use the hat as a cushion as you can see he is holding it while bashing the glass with the helmet. Unable to tell anything about the person who shot the gun.

Additionally, the comments to this article insinuate Officer Liebengood didn't commit suicide, but was suicided!

Tucker Carlson addressed that hypocrisy Tuesday night.
I'm thinking if the one officer was actually suicided, then maybe the other one was taken out as well. There seems to be loads of video of the incident that would enable an identification of the perpetrator. If it was a take down, then a patsy will have to be given up. False flags are so complicated!
In watching this video, it really appears the police were doing very little to stop the "rioters" from breaking the glass - they seemed to be just observing. Fur hat guy did not use the hat as a cushion as you can see he is holding it while bashing the glass with the helmet. Unable to tell anything about the person who shot the gun.

Additionally, the comments to this article insinuate Officer Liebengood didn't commit suicide, but was suicided!

Tucker Carlson addressed that hypocrisy Tuesday night.
The fur hat guy is the one in the FBI tweet a few posts above.

When was the last time you used the term “Big Brother” or “Thought Police?” Did you know that both phrases come directly from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel 1984? Orwell’s dark cautionary tale published in 1949 about the dangers of totalitarianism, government surveillance, and censorship left a profound mark on the English language, as Orwell introduced readers to new words and phrases to help him describe the anti-utopia of Oceania where the story is centered. Many of these terms are still commonly used today.
Doublethink: the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct. According to Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1984, doublethink is “To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.” Four examples of doublethink used throughout 1984 include the slogans: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, and 2 + 2 = 5.
NOTE: Google would not let me access this page - had to use duckduckgo! The irony! :lol:
This is easily debunked noise, Bjorn. You should have check their site before posting this. _www.cia.gov. This is their new logo:
The logo posted by Bjorn seems to be part of the new brand of the CIA. In my browser, it is displayed at the upper right corner at the page that you linked. It was also reported by the media, e.g.:

NOTE: Google would not let me access this page - had to use duckduckgo! The irony! :lol:
Startpage and DuckDuckGo are good. I rarely use google for searches, or anything else if I can help it.

This summer I bought a nice Revolt! (SOTT) "Make Orwell Fiction Again" t-shirt. It might be getting dangerous to wear it as things are getting so weird — strategic enclosure and all that. [I also got a "Cthlulu for President" t-shirt, which was a hit. My "Don't blame me, I voted for Bill the Cat" t-shirt from back in the day seems to have gotten a bit small. :-(]
I also got a "Cthlulu for President" t-shirt, which was a hit.

He is one of the Great Old Ones, an old race of deities that are comparable to cosmic beings and archdemons in other works of fantasy. Cthulhu is infamously known for his grotesque appearance and gigantic size, as well as his ability to drive any human that gazes upon his form to insanity.
Well, hell - that explains everything!
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