I was going to post it here but it was sent in Messenger and I couldn't figure out how to make that happen.

Click on the video in messenger to open it up in a browser tab, copy the URL, then switch to the forum to write a post, click on the '...' icon (next to the emoticons), choose AddMedia and insert the URL.

The 'rules' make sense for 4D STS, but not so much for 3D. Psychopaths don't have conscience, and I'm not sure how much conscience we can find in STS in general. It would be pretty hard to be properly and purposefully STS when you have conscience. If it's there to begin with, I imagine it gets so suppressed that it becomes virtually non-existent.

But then the question is to what extent are the 3D STS controlled by 4D. If the control is almost complete, then the issue of 3D conscience becomes almost irrelevant.

Still, it's not very clear to me what dropping some symbols here and there achieves in this regard, and how it might be 'necessary'.

The question @iamthatis asked was "What evidence exists that suggests this is true - that they must 'show their hidden hand'?"

And while these explanations are interesting, they provide little in terms of what could be called evidence - that this dropping of symbols is something that they must do. So right now, it seems to me like it's more something that they want to do than must do. But maybe somebody can clarify this point some more. How would some pandemic/virus-related symbols in popular events change anything about the free will of the masses? If seeing that means people 'accept' that, then what exactly are they expected to do not to accept it?

I think I created confusion. I did not mean to say that symbols used in pop culture are in any way an attempt to obtain our consent. These can have various other functions, e.g. forming information field (which is what Tauriel wrote about a few posts above I think), also sending message from one clan to another or to their overseers to say "Hey, we know what you want us to do and we are on it!". Also other symbols can be used as a warning, e.g. specific numbers like 11 or especially 22 appearing in worldwide news reporting (terrorist attacks / false flags), which is what the high echelons of globalist powers apparently sometimes use to warn national elites to step back because they are messing with their plans.

So back to "What evidence exists... that they must show their hidden hand?". I don't have that. I base my assumption on what C's told us because that is so far the best explanation and the only one that makes sense. If we use reductio ad absurdum logic then why would 4D STS bother to go to such lengths of playing with the Earth inhabitants if they didn't need our consent? If it was just a technical, mechanical issue to grow food they could do it straight away, without communicating to us. Grow us, eat us, suck us... whatever. But if the consent is needed then it implies they must sometimes to show the hidden hand and come out, if only indirectly, otherwise they would not be able to get our response in form of our permission to their evildoing.

What form does it take? What are the means of this communication? Acting through their agents to control the population? Get psychopaths to screw our minds, our creativity to accept their plan? If we agree to the Green new deal, dimming the Sun, 5G control grid, cashless society, LGBT+ agenda, vaccines... that's probably one way how we would give our consent to their plans which were revealed via Bill Gates, H.Kissinger, G. Soros and many others. They told us what their evil plans are, albeit in some concealed way, and wishfully think we will agree. We can see the hidden hand there, no? We see that there is an ongoing manipulation of us, Earthlings.

If they bother to do all this then, in my view, there is only one explanation to that - they show what they are doing because they must do so, according to some rules that are imaginary for us here at the moment as you said, that we cannot see and grasp yet from our realm, but they appear to be essential. The 4D STS forces don't need to show up in space ships but some of their agents must reveal their plans to the public so the people, however un/informed, will have at least the tiniest choice to decide whether they want to go ahead with the plans or refuse them. And they are pushing hard to get that consent. Hmm, does that make sense? :umm:

Never mind the OPs, including psychopaths, their dysfunctional variety - they gave their consent already it seems so they are being used to fulfill the agenda. What matters is that WE DO NOT CONSENT. By saying & writing, but mainly by acting. On all fronts.

Sorry for taking off from the corona topic :-[ and thanks @Tauriel for that extract about 'Why 4D STS Subvert Rather Than Violate Freewill'.
I must be missing something here. In NZ, we have been in total lock-down for 4 weeks -stay at home, stay in your bubble - and then Level 3 lock-down for 2 weeks - a tiny bit of freedom, takeaways available, some businesses open as long as social distancing is observed. And now the debate is on for when we go to Level 2 lock-down - most businesses open, gatherings up to 100 people, social distancing etc. There is an intense desire by at least half the population to do this as soon as possibler, they are just over it.

Over the last week or so, the "experts have come out and said that we need to stay in L3 for a couple of weeks longer, in case new infections have been seeded - we need time to see them and for them to run their course. According to these experts, the infection cycle takes from 10 to 14 days to work through shedding, symptoms, recovery. And of course our Dear Leader keeps speaking to us like we are 10 year olds and warning us that if we don't obey, we will have to stay at L3 to keep us safe. Obey and we will reward you is the very clear message

Bearing in mind we are an island nation, our borders have been locked for 6 weeks and we have been locked down for at least 3 of these supposed infection cycles, so any cases should have become evident and been isolated, where the hell are the new infections going to come from? To me, this makes zero sense. Do the "experts" believe that the virus is lurking, waiting for people to start reliving their lives, and then it will suddenly leap out and grab somebody by the throat when they get a haricut or stand near another person and infect them and magicallywe will have hundreds of new cases because we didn't stay obedient and locked down? (And why didn't supermarkets and essential services and their workers get infected.)

Is my thinking faulty here? I am sorry but to me this is just insane. Unless the reality is that these "experts" actually have no clue about the virus and are in butt covering mode.
Belief, or having to take orders from a gov't, is a powerful thing.
I clicked on the Twitter account and it said it was from a Carl Herberger who says this about himself:
Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Kivu Consulting responsible for operational excellence of the security practice.
He gives PA, USA as his location.

So my thoughts is that the above is a training practice. Not necessarily anything to do with Corona, but it still makes you wonder why you would train in this way and what for? It could be a training for a real pest like situation.

Passing it around on Twitter without context could be with the intention to feed sinophobia.

I am just guessing, but it looked too staged which is why I looked further.
I clicked on the Twitter account and it said it was from a Carl Herberger who says this about himself:

He gives PA, USA as his location.

So my thoughts is that the above is a training practice. Not necessarily anything to do with Corona, but it still makes you wonder why you would train in this way and what for? It could be a training for a real pest like situation.

Passing it around on Twitter without context could be with the intention to feed sinophobia.

I am just guessing, but it looked too staged which is why I looked further.

An important post you made, Aeneas. Just throwing this out there does serve a purpose. When I saw the twitter vid of the young mum alone with her child, just standing on the sidewalk, with a sign of protest. It made my heart sink. They arrested her and took her screaming kicking child away. If real we need to know but if these are fake or training films as you suggest, then they scared the crap out of me and made me feel like hiding or shutting up.....this is what I had to clear from myself to right my FRV.

The agents spoke an oriental language, I think, maybe Chinese? Their vests and shields had both english and oriental writing on them. Bet it was seeded to cause fear and submission....just what I originally felt in my body.
While reading the last posts on the forum of the last Cs session, I found this address that I didn't know and I read the article
Bienvenus dans un Futur différent !

I don't know this site at all but they talk like the Cs and they quote Sottnet.
What do you think?

Since they talk about contact with an "angel", I took the liberty of putting my last little stained glass window with the face of an angel on Creative act.
Painting this face gave me a lot of softness, which is why I want to share it with you
I have a feeling this will be my last stained glass window. Why I feel that way? I don't know.
Ever since the lockdown, I haven't been able to paint.
Maybe I need to move on, who knows?

Tenderness for all

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
This is how you inflate the numbers in French style:

The dead in nursing homes

Regarding the deaths in nursing homes and other equivalent structures, here is what is found on the report of the "National weekly epidemiological point" of INSEE of April 23. This table is valid for the period from March 1 to April 20, 2020:

It should be noted that the majority of cases are "possible cases" and moreover that according to the table no deaths have been reported in the staff of the institutes concerned, despite 31,907 cumulative "cases".

What is the difference between a "possible case" and a "confirmed case"?

- Confirmed case COVID-19 : “any person, whether symptomatic or not, with a sample confirming infection with SARS-CoV-2 among residents or staff members of an EMS / EHPA. "
Translation : a person, whether sick (symptomatic) or not is considered a confirmed case from the time when a staff member or a resident has tested positive for Covid-19. In other words, a positive case in a residence immediately transforms all of the people in the residence into "confirmed cases", which will therefore be counted in COVID-19 statistics.

- Possible COVID-19 case : "fever (or feeling of fever) with respiratory signs (such as cough, shortness of breath or feeling of chest tightness) OR other clinical picture compatible with COVID-19 according to the doctor, among the residents or staff members of an EMS / EHPA. "
Translation : any person residing in a nursing home-type structure in which" residents "or" staff members "have signs that might suggest a case of Covid-19 is considered" if possible ". In other words, if a resident (or an employee) coughs, all the occupants of the residence become “possible cases”, and are counted in COVID-19 statistics.

They don't say 'you can't trust the French' for nothing. ;-)
Keeping balance in mind, could that be the STS side of the beam? There may also be an STO side that is much less inclined to glom!
Now that I have caught up with this thread, some clarification may be appropriate here.

In this school we are in where souls manifest, we start out as the most basic things, first dimension. Now there seems to be benevolent minerals such as gold and harmful ones such as mercury. The same goes for plants. There seem to be benevolent plants and there seem to be harmful ones. Plus there seems to be a lot of plants that are a mixture of both, that spans the gap between them.

Now on to grade 2, the animal kingdom. Now you have animals at the top of the food chain and ones that these animals glom onto and feed off of.

Is this starting to sound a bit familiar? It should!

As I said, while in the grocery store, I passed by a young woman who cringed away from me. I got the impression that she was like a young deer in the wild, not sure if she would be eaten or not by the encounter. I looked her directly in the eyes and smiled, as I carried on past, at six feet.
while in the grocery store, I passed by a young woman who cringed away from me. I got the impression that she was like a young deer in the wild, not sure if she would be eaten or not by the encounter.

Prey animals are always frightened. They have to stay in a constant state of anxiety, lest they not pay attention for one crucial moment and get eaten.

By putting everyone into a constant state of anxiety, making them afraid of all the people around them, they're put into the state of mind of prey animals.

And so they become prey.
Why 4D STS Subvert Rather Than Violate Free Will

All this becomes clear with the following realization: that 4D STS sometimes cannot, and other times choose not, to violate the freewill of a target.

Very interesting subject. My understanding has been that in this free-will Universe the exercise of free will is only limited by conscience (if you have one) and an expectation of karmic repercussions (if you have an understanding of the rules).

Is it that these limitations only apply for 4-D STS? 3-D rulers and bullies do not seem to be limited in their actions towards humanity and even their karma often allows for a 100 year life span.

I hope I'm not veering off too much from the corona subject, after all when it comes to chipping and vaccinating people free will should become paramount.

I found this in a RA session...

▪ Questioner: Then we have crusaders from Orion coming to this planet for mind control purposes. How do they do this?

Ra: As all, they follow the Law of One observing free will. Contact is made with those who call. Those then upon the planetary sphere act much as do you to disseminate the attitudes and philosophy of their particular understanding of the Law of One which is service to self. These become the elite. Through these, the attempt begins to create a condition whereby the remainder of the planetary entities are enslaved by their own free will.

11.19 Questioner: Can you name any of the recipients of the crusaders’— that is, any names that may be known on the planet today?

Ra: I am Ra. I am desirous of being in nonviolation of the free will distortion. To name those involved in the future of your space/time is to infringe; thus, we withhold this information. We request your contemplation of the fruits of the actions of those entities whom you may observe enjoying the distortion towards power. In this way you may discern for yourself this information. We shall not interfere with the, shall we say, planetary game. It is not central to the harvest.

11.20 Questioner: How do the crusaders pass on their concepts to the incarnate individuals on Earth?

Ra: I am Ra. There are two main ways, just as there are two main ways of, shall we say, polarizing towards service to others. There are those mind/body/spirit complexes upon your plane who do exercises and perform disciplines in order to seek contact with sources of information and power leading to the opening of the gate to intelligent infinity. There are others whose vibratory complex is such that this gateway is opened and contact with total service to self with its primal distortion of manipulation of others is then afforded with little or no difficulty, no training, and no control.

11.21 Questioner: What type of information is passed on from the crusaders to these people?

Ra: I am Ra. The Orion group passes on information concerning the Law of One with the orientation of service to self. The information can become technical just as some in the Confederation, in attempts to aid this planet in service to others, have provided what you would call technical information. The technology provided by this group is in the form of various means of control or manipulation of others to serve the self.

Enslavement by people's own free will is of course happening right now with at least half of the population content with all the lockdown chicanery.

When almost two decades ago the C's announced that the goal of 4-D STS was the "control of absolutely everything" I had to chuckle... Silly me. :rolleyes:

Eight or nine months from now we might see whether they will have been able to pull it off.
And while these explanations are interesting, they provide little in terms of what could be called evidence - that this dropping of symbols is something that they must do. So right now, it seems to me like it's more something that they want to do than must do. But maybe somebody can clarify this point some more. How would some pandemic/virus-related symbols in popular events change anything about the free will of the masses? If seeing that means people 'accept' that, then what exactly are they expected to do not to accept it?

Perhaps this could be question for the C's? It doesn't seem like it can be cleared up by research alone, and could help clarify the 'mechanics' operating in this world - in general, and at this time specifically, too.
I'm not sure who this man is speaking, but he does a good job connecting the dots via a timeline of events. One of the many points he makes is that Bill Gates is the apparent successor to the evil trinity of Rockefeller-Kissinger-Soros. Here are a few highlights:

Jan 24: Congress began working on the $1,200 stimulus plan--before Americans ever heard the word "coronavirus".

Jan 30: WHO declared a public health emergency for a novel coronavirus

Feb 4: CDC website said the COVID-19 test "couldn't differentiate between bacterial infection or other co-infections" (e.g. pneumonia) making it unreliable for detecting COVID-19, and likely to yield many false positives leading to the impression it was much more infectious than it is.

I've seen that speaker somewhere before, but I can't remember his name.

So Nazi, nurse that I mentioned earlier in the thread made this post yesterday:

Sweden nearly 3,000 deaths from a population of 10million..

As a front line worker during the Covid19 pandemic I'm horrified to read this.

I honestly don't know how their citizens are tolerating this.
The herd immunity mantra 'flogged' by anti-vaxxers has been disproven.
So, now Sweden is forecasting a thousand deaths a week.
Good luck with that...

Btw 50% of deaths are from nursing homes

Apart from the blind idiocy of the statement, there's something about it that got me to thinking.

I know that there will be contextual factors to take into account with the numbers from any country, but in doing an 'on the face of it' number comparison with Australia - 93 deaths in a population of 25.5 million the idea that numbers could be fudged in either direction, up or down, depending on the global goal for the particular country and the response of the public to the lockdown/social distancing measures to influence behaviours and acceptance of the measures introduced come to mind.

So it's possible that the more dissent there is in the population, the higher the numbers they will record and tell you that you are killing grandmothers, and the less dissent, the lower the numbers. That will also protect the self justification of authoritarian followers as they participate in a live run of the Milgram Experiment as well as raise the ire of those that might see it all, but are going broke or nuts at the lockdown measures and have decided that everyone should just comply to get it over and done with.

In other words, how they record numbers doesn't have to be static and could change from week to week.

Edit: Clarity and spelling.
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Here's a bewdy.

Lord Sumpton, former justice of the Supreme Court (UK) explains how we are at risk of descending into authoritarianism and calls the response to coronavirus an overreaction in a BBC radio interview. It's 7 mins long.

The Supreme Court is one of the courts that can address constitutional or common law if the case is presented properly.

Prey animals are always frightened. They have to stay in a constant state of anxiety, lest they not pay attention for one crucial moment and get eaten.

By putting everyone into a constant state of anxiety, making them afraid of all the people around them, they're put into the state of mind of prey animals.

And so they become prey.
That is clearly happening now as well.

I was more referring to the young woman as being a new 3D soul who has possibly just graduated from 2D. A soul who may not yet be ready for graduation to 4D. When I looked into her eyes, I saw a shiny new soul who was embarking upon a new set of lessons in a human form, is all.
"....Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore.....",that gives hope,and reminded me on what has been said in one of the past sessions, "..just sit in an armchair and watch the show....".
If my view can be trusted.

I did see a time in the future where something similar to this was taking place.

There were crafts and people from of world who came to help. They did not interfere with the people here. Rather, they were waiting for people to come to them and ask for help. Most of the people stayed in their homes and hid, trembling with fear.

In this dream, I remember the streets were empty and it was like everybody was gone. I went into a house to find the occupants huddled in the basement, trembling with fear. I tried to assure them that these were here to help us, but they didn't want to move from where they were hiding.

Eventually people did start to come out of hiding due to the necessities of life. They were timid like deer in an open field during hunting season. They realized that these were not violent. The men came out first while the women and children remained hidden. It took a couple of days. Eventually, one by one or in smaller groups people would come out of hiding.

I had that vision roughly 15 years ago, several years before finding this site and SOTT. FWIW
Thought I should add a bit more of the vision.

The electricity was knocked out worldwide, for some reason. With no electricity available, people were just a bit apprehensive about what was going to happen next. Then these crafts began to appear in the skies. Needless to say, people were shaking in their boots.

Their main concern was for the people who were left stranded on the surface of this planet. They had blankets and food enough for all.

I saw all of that and a lot more. This came to me when I was laid out in a hospital bed July 2005. I had suffered a stroke and was paralyzed on my right side, head to toe.
Don't get me wrong. It wasn't a cake walk.

Things were pretty dire for the people by then. Many of the homes that I went into were empty. I found several groups but there was a lot of people missing. I tried to convince them that these were here to help. People weren't convinced and were apprehensive about exposing themselves.

I couldn't understand this vision at the time but it gave me the courage to pick myself up and carry on. That also was the second time that I heard about a woman who was working for the betterment of humanity and I was encouraged to seek her out. That I would find many answers in what she was doing. The first time was in the early 80's, but then I had other things to take care of and when the time was at hand I would find her work.

I definitely wasn't laying in the hospital bed. I remember looking down at myself as I went up into the heavens, all the while connected to my body by a thin cord.
I put all of the posts into one place.
I'm not sure who this man is speaking, but he does a good job connecting the dots via a timeline of events. One of the many points he makes is that Bill Gates is the apparent successor to the evil trinity of Rockefeller-Kissinger-Soros. Here are a few highlights:

Jan 24: Congress began working on the $1,200 stimulus plan--before Americans ever heard the word "coronavirus".

Jan 30: WHO declared a public health emergency for a novel coronavirus

Feb 4: CDC website said the COVID-19 test "couldn't differentiate between bacterial infection or other co-infections" (e.g. pneumonia) making it unreliable for detecting COVID-19, and likely to yield many false positives leading to the impression it was much more infectious than it is.

Found him - it's Reverend Danny Jones of Northlakes Baptist Church in Gainesville, Georgia.

Here the video is on youtube as well - Part 1 and Part 2
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