I had headaches and dizziness yesterday as well. Better today but I'm not completely restored from yesterday. People around me seem even more distressed today. Everyone is kind of "ready to strike". I think this whole experience is going to be so traumatizing to people.

I would like to point out that Stockholm is just about as empty as other cities, just no police in the streets to give people fines. But after hearing people around me, it is clear that everyone (including any alternative types) is buying into the propaganda fully anyway. (It's an extremely dangerous virus and a lot of people are going to die, soon!) No lockdown necessary in other words, people do as they are told here...
So, I suppose my question would be what in the spiritual force does the directing? Would it involve specific information contained in the genes that transmutes the constitution of the virus? Is it purely 'mind over matter'? Then again I may be way off. Sorry if this is all noise; I'd really like to try to understand it.

I think those questions are relevant. My way of understanding it is that in a virus every protein would be like an antenna in relation to the information field. If a virus interacts with the physiology of a person with much knowledge, which includes interacting with the protein antennas of this person and the information field near this person, might it happen that something unexpected could happen?
In what follows there are excepts from a Session followed by links to videos that explain the mechanics of a cell, viruses, mutations and the workings of intelligent design.

From this transcript Session 23 March 2019 there are below some excerpts. If you read the original there is much more:
A: Human souls were put into Neanderthal to incubate and induce direct DNA changes. There is so much to this topic that it could take a very long time to explain it all. Best to continue to study and think and network. Look at the book. It is all there for those with eyes to see. Love is the human manifestation of creative energy.
The book referred to is probably PREHISTORIC LIFE: The Definitive Visual history of Life on Earth (Amazon UK)
(L) Yeah, there's not too much that can be done even by microevolution. It can refine something, but it usually just breaks things. In order to give it a little more clarity, my thought was that in the beginning, somebody was experimenting on this planet. And if you look there are these vast ages of one thing, or just one type of thing, and then the next age of something a little more advanced... For a period of time, the whole planet was covered with whatever it was, and then, BOOM! Extinction. Then for a period, it was covered with another thing then BOOM! Extinction. At each level, you can see that everything is increasing in complexity and variety. So yes, it gives the impression of evolution, and in a way, it is: it is evolving in the minds of the 4D creators/engineers and they keep trying new things. And yes, there is the appearance of common descent because, in fact, there is “common descent” in that when the engineers find something that works, they use the template, even the DNA, again and again. So, somebody was learning how to build things. Somebody was freakin' practicing! Then they say, "Oh, that was handy! Let's use that for this!" Remember, the Cs said that human beings lead the DNA smorgasbord parade of all that exists on this planet. We've got genes that are in worms and flies and fish and apes and whatever. That used to really upset me when they would say stuff like that. It would really gross me out. But it's true. We share many genes with so many other families and species. That's because those parts worked in a certain way and did certain things that were wanted, and the 4D engineers used them again and again, modifying this or that, but basically, the DNA instructions have to be the same because it’s an information code.
(Joe) There's a comment there about how human souls were put into Neanderthals to incubate and induce direct DNA changes. That's different.

(L) That's a bit different because here you're talking about something that's more conscious and you're talking about an organism that's already developed to a very advanced stage. So that particular kind of inducing changes could possibly work. The Cs said that STS took over about 300KYA, and by then, all the major creating and engineering of life forms as we know them now was a done deal. If Love is the power of creation, that’s why 4D STS can’t create; they can only modify or interfere, suppress, etc. So in a real sense, our world was created by Love and is truly, jaw-droppingly amazing.


(L) Does that thing about the Neanderthals only work for humans, or is that something that also could work for animals?

A: In some cases, yes.


A: Learning how to think has been a big part of the destiny. Now, it must be combined with belief of a particular kind. Belief that is based on subjective wishful thinking is entropic. Belief that is based on firm knowledge of nature is empowering. This is what your grouping has lacked. You now have the opportunity and tools to change that.

Q: (Pierre) Yeah, that's a big change. If I correctly remembered, we were about knowledge is good, belief is bad. Now, they introduce a distinction: there is bad belief based on wishful thinking, and there is good belief based on objective assessment of reality and knowledge. They already mentioned Belief Center earlier, and I was thinking, "Belief Center? Power?" I think they allude to the fact that when knowledge is taken a step further and used to fuel a strong belief in this truth, it has a different effect on you. Not only you know, but...

(L) It unlocks something. Years ago, the Cs talked about needing to have the wrong locks removed. They also said something about faith… “When you have found something of truth you will receive demonstrations which locks in your faith. “

(Pierre) You KNOW in your belief center, and that's empowering. I think they even allude to some of the steps in 4th density where this creative thinking is due to the fact of a knowledge-based belief center.

(L) Well, what did they say? Life is Religion. Paying close and careful attention to objective reality... I don't think there is anything in the world that is more akin to paying close and careful attention to objective reality than studying how DNA works, cell biology, the machines of the cell, how bodies are built, how bodies work... that is the most intensive act of studying Nature possible, I think... For me, it's been the most powerful... This is stuff that has come up since I was in science classes; we didn’t have this information then though I strongly suspected something was up when I read what was then known about ribosomes!

(Pierre) And actually you described it. This process of accumulating knowledge to absorb it in your belief center. You described the process of learning about Intelligent Design a month ago. You said something like you learned so much about it, you were intimately convinced about it.

(L) For me, it was like being reborn. Like having locks on my mind just blown off.

(Pierre) What I say, is it correct, or is it off?

A: Yes


(Ark) Something occurred to me when I was on my bike today. So, I am riding, right? And there is a butterfly in front of me. I ride, and the butterfly just flies in front of me. Probably it has some fun for doing that. Now, there is this road, and there is this butterfly flying. And we were both going against the wind. And then I am thinking: Okay, we have these Boeings with AI that are crashing. I've never seen a butterfly that crashed! [laughter] And then it goes against the wind! There is a software somewhere in the butterfly which is SO ADVANCED that it is... It cannot consciously compute anything, but something is doing it! So, how it can fly against the wind with almost no power?

(L) And that tiny little butterfly has a tiny little brain... it's so small!

(Ark) What I want to know is: Where is the software which is SO powerful and so universal?! It's crash-proof! Where does it come from? Is it in the genes? Or after the butterfly is born, it downloads from somewhere this software? Where is it?

(Pierre) It's the information field [makes patented Pierre Information Field Gesture].

(L) Information field. So, your question is: Where does the butterfly's software come from?

(Ark) Yes.

A: As Pierre said, it is information fully and freely given/received via the antenna of the proteins.
To give an impression of the complexity of the action of a virus and the many possibilities, but also considering that "Belief that is based on firm knowledge of nature is empowering." below are some examples of how the cell functions:
Biology: Cell Structure I Nucleus Medical Media
Virus Infection Animation
In the above video they mentions Kinesins:
The Workhorse of the Cell: Kinesin
Kinesins are molecular machines:
Your Body's Molecular Machines
And so on, or one can go to the macro level and find a video about Pneumonia
The above videos, do not bother to mention "Evolution" or how new forms of life appear. The following presents a main stream version on viruses: Where Do New Viruses Come From? As an an improvement on the undiluted Darwinism in this video there is a series of videos from Michael Behe in the following articles:
(Ep 1) Darwin Day: Discovery Institute's Video series "Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe"
(Ep 2) 40 Trillion cells in your body and each poses a mystery! Part II of "Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe"
(Ep 3) In episode 3 of Secrets of the Cell, Michael Behe tests "the power of evolution"
(Ep 4) Episode 4 of 'Secrets of the Cell': Broken wolves and other evolutionary conundrums
(Ep 5) The X Factor in Life (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Ep 5)
It underscores why govts have to 'fall into line', in at least some respects, or else certain segments of the population will - in their 'activated' state - cause one or another form of social turbulence.

Here's a screenshot of the poll from one of the Telegram news channels. The poll is ongoing, but this is the result so far.

The questions is: "In Karelia (region in Russia that is bordering Finland) there are no cases of people infected with coronavirus. But they still initiated mandatory quarantine. Do you find the measures justified? Yes? No?"

As you can see from the results, most people find the measures justified.


  • poll.png
    15.1 KB · Views: 47
I confirm the hospitals are empty, as my colleagues said. They called me this morning to go and do a reunion (meeting I mean) in order to discuss about our job for the next weeks. I'll report you more after our meeting. I asked quickly for the situation: Hospitals are empty, nurses and doctors have much much less work than before (at the begining of the crisis, they told me to go in confinement at home, so...). What about frightened patients who think they caught the virus? They are many means:
Those of you, who haven't seen the corona craziness thread, There is a twitter tag trending called #FilmYourHospital and there is ton of video's from all over the world which shows hospitals are empty.

but the following one from NYC is much more detailed video.

One has to wonder, when the people wakes up from slumber, economy gone, stomach starts hurting , how they will react to it. Will it be French revolution global scale? It may not solve the problem though. It all does looks like "desperation" from PTB than any thing else, as already been mentioned.

As you said @Keit, it is a circus and as someone said it is not the Coronavirus but the Coronacircus.
This is a good twitter hashtag, if it is already not there yet.
Interesting that hospitals in France are empty as Switzerland are taking seriously sick people from France with Covid-19 who are being flown to hospitals in Switzerland to get treated. They get flown from the Alsace region which apparently is 'very affected' whatever that means. So what is going on? One would think that French patients would feel better being in a hospital in their own country and not in a foreign country even if it is a neighbouring country.

One can say that in that case then the Swiss hospitals can't be that overloaded if they have that much extra capacity that they can fly patients in from elsewhere. And also that they apparently are not expecting a big rush in. It is noteworthy that they are flown to hospitals all over the country which means that all these regions have spare capacity.
Hi Aenas! i think these patients are border dweller: french citizens that live in France but work in Switzerland. Most of them don't benefit from the "sécurité sociale" (french security social system), thus when they are hospitalized in France, they have to pay fully for high hospital fees by out of their own pocket

I'm friends with a couple. He's a doctor and she's a social worker. She told me that her husband is not vaccinated but that his health record includes all vaccinations. This summer I told her husband that he must be one of the few doctors who does not insist on vaccinating babies. He said, "I have to convince reluctant parents, otherwise I am in great danger, and if parents do not want to have their children vaccinated, I have to report them to the judges and to child services". I didn't ask him if he's ever done that, I guess I was afraid of the answer. How do you reconcile "personal conviction" and "obligation" for them? Even though I can understand that, I can't help but feel that I no longer hold him in such high esteem.
It's not an easy situation. The "Medical Order Counsil" would prohibit doctors who don't follow the line. I don't give vaccinations as I have the chance of not being family doctor neither pediatrician. Rarely patients ask for my advice, and when they ask it's when they see I'm a bit antisystem. I say something like "listen to your heart" or "I saw an article in X saying it is harmfull, so I don't know, read it and see what you think" etc. I don't say "No you musn't do it" but they understand I'm against when I show my doubts or skepticism. Sure it is an unsecure situation for me, but my consciouness is more important in my eyes and I can look at my face in the mirror when I come back home. And this is priceless.
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Those of you, who haven't seen the corona craziness thread, There is a twitter tag trending called #FilmYourHospital and there is ton of video's from all over the world which shows hospitals are empty.

but the following one from NYC is much more detailed video.

One has to wonder, when the people wakes up from slumber, economy gone, stomach starts hurting , how they will react to it. Will it be French revolution global scale? It may not solve the problem though. It all does looks like "desperation" from PTB than any thing else, as already been mentioned.

This is a good twitter hashtag, if it is already not there yet.

thank you for putting this here!

The last vid of crowdsourcethetruth has a long version on YT HERE. 39 minutes long. Very revealing.
I went to my local supermarket earlier and was struck by how calm other shoppers were compared to how they have been. I saw one or two anxious people but most of them were wandering around like they normally would completely forgetting to keep their 2-metre distance from me or other people. This was despite all the measures the supermarket has instituted. I am not sure what to make of it; hopefully it is a good sign. We'll see.

So, I suppose my question would be what in the spiritual force does the directing? Would it involve specific information contained in the genes that transmutes the constitution of the virus? Is it purely 'mind over matter'? Then again I may be way off. Sorry if this is all noise; I'd really like to try to understand it.

I think that it would be an inner choice at a deep level that would not necessarily be conscious. I have had several notable moments in my life where I have been faced with a choice of whether to go down a path or not. Accompanying this has been a strong conviction that if I go down one path then I will pay a high price for doing so. I believe it was my higher self giving me a heads up of what I would be letting myself in for without compromising my free will to still do so. I suspect that it would be somewhat like that. Of course, as Laura said, the individual's DNA and soul have a symbiotic relationship so one's options will necessarily be limited by one's DNA.


With all these empty hospitals I'm feeling as though they are being cleared out for another purpose. The changes to the UK mental health act are worrying in this regard.

:umm: I had better look these up!

Hm, so they are making it easier to 'section' someone as part of the 'emergency measures' due to the virus. It all reads as being perfectly reasonable since they are only talking about people who are likely to harm themselves or others. I completely trust the authorities not to abuse this legislation! :whistle:
@Laura for a while now I had a feeling that the real virus, the one behind the curtain, has used its host, the US, to the max, it sucked out of it everything that it could, and now it is ready to abandon it and move on to a new host, I am thinking China. I kept thinking that Trump was pushed forward by a more nationalist faction to try and salvage what he can, much like Gorbachev did in the times of Perestroika. When any of these giants collapse, it is usually not pretty. Look at Russia in early 90s. And they planned the collapse for a minimum of 10 years, since the time of Andropov. And if this is the case, it means that the US $ will collapse as a fiat currency, which will also collapse a lot of other economies. As China and Russia (and other states) were building their Gold reserves for a while now, they knew this was coming. So we are to expect a new financial paradigm, to replace the Breton Woods / OPEC supported petro-dollar with something new. Then probably we will have some period of stabilization. This is how I see it. I think by now we all know that what we're witnessing is a show, in which, to be clear, a lot of innocent people are dying, but the show is directing everybody's attention from what is really going on. We should probably start talking more about what we think will happen next as I think we have a great advantage in this global community of ours, once we start collaborating we can hopefully map out part of the puzzle and maybe even match some of the pieces in it.

What you say makes sense. And Cs have said a number of things that might support this take on it. And that means our USA peeps really need to be thinking about what to do and how to do it.
Just wanted to post and share what is happening where I live in Canada. This morning I went out shopping, not in my designated time slot, but hey ho, I am told I look younger than my stated age, I wonder how much longer it will be before they start checking ID's This morning it is snowing, the temperature does not feel exceptionally cool, I had on a light fleece jacket. A customer leaving the store greeted me with Merry Christmas.😀

The birdies in the bush outside my window are mostly silent, I have heard one or two chirps, but on the whole they are silent, and they are certainly not darting around. Makes me wonder, what do they know that we don't.

I did purchase a large bar of good quality gluten free, chocolate locally made, a splurge, but I figured it could be useful at a later date for bartering. Candy does not appear to be in short supply at present. I am having chills in the morning, I don't have temp, and starts when I am interacting on the forum in the morning, for some strange reason, my apartment is warm.

On another note, watched the early RT broadcast from Russia, the presenter was sharing information about military interventions that some countries are adopting, nothing new that hasn't been noted on the forum, but it did show and image of a ship moored offshore, didn't catch if any p[articular country was named. The ship was painted completely white, with a huge red cross emblazoned across the bow (think that is the right word, the front of the ship).

This makes me think that, it to fool the public, that the intent is benevolent and to allay fears. On the other hand, this also strikes me as some long term planning in progress, plans that have been in place for decades.

I don't know if this has any relevance but there is this article found on Earth Sky website dated March 9th

The embedded video from NASA is interesting - All known Asteroids in the Solar System 1999-2018
Now to catch up.
She writes about that in the article. Compared to normal times, she's on holidays. And she's wondering where all the best wishes were when she was really stressed out from periods of heavy workload.

Not your fault though; you've been primed to imagine it's currently hell for all medics. It's not!

It's not hell for medics in a N. California Hospital I live near.

I saw an RN who used to go to my former church at the grocery this past Friday morning. We talked quietly and at a small distance while waiting for the store to open at 7:00am. It usually opens at 6:00am, but the hours have been shortened. We had about 10 minutes to kill.

The RN told me her workplace was dead. Plenty of empty beds. The RN mentioned new masks were going to be delivered over the weekend thanks to a what they thought was a Democrat Party-controlled Union in Oakland "discovering" millions of masks in their warehouse shortly after Trump and AG Barr said they would prosecute hoarders. The RN was quite upset by this discovery as many nurses were not allowed to wear masks for 10 days prior due to the hospital not having enough on hand! No homemade or non-approved masks allowed. Only Doctors could access available masks. No confirmed CV cases at least on the RN's watch. Said that Type B flu was more prevalent. More than a few hypochondriacs were turned away.

The store opened and we went our way to do quick shopping. I got the impression that the RN was not convinced we're in the midst of a deadly pandemic. She told me she was told they are waiting for the rush or peak. Okay.
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