We still have social distancing put in place, with only supermarkets, small clinics, and clothing stores open. People can still go for a walk, as long as they keep a 1.5 meter distance. No mention of fines yet.

I know we've been in Bizarro World for a long time, but it's really starting to look like that even more now.

Some supermarkets have now installed screens in front of the cashiers. Because we can't have cashiers being sociable to customers now, can we? That said, the atmosphere in the supermarket today was pretty good. Some people were talking to each other, others were laughing, making jokes. The liquor and flower shops are still open, but dentists can only be reached for emergencies.

According to Dutch broadcaster NOS the police are ready for a lock-down, just so we know.:nuts:
In France it's worth than that. In radio news they made a report in an hospital:

Speaker : "There is a big tent in front of the hospital. Only a few exams are necessary, in particular the measurement of oxygen to know very rapidly who is contaminated."
Doctor: "An exam under the Covid tent take an average 5mn. We took a saturation, a temperature, I examine the patient, I listen to the lungs, I do again a saturation after the patient walked some meters. If the saturation is good and the pulmonary auscultation is not very alarming, the patient will go home. We say him that he is Covid, and that he don't have to worry".

This is a part of the trick to explode statistics. There is no biological exams done, you label all the virus and bacteria which induce a running nose or something similar into the Covid category. nature said in a post that even patients having a lost of smell are put in the Covid category.

A colleague of mine have is wife working in an hospital, he said me that tests for this virus had been suppressed.

Prof. Raoult explain in a video that we do know test for real if it's Covid or not. It took 1 hour and all hospitals have machines to do that.

You know, monday, yes it was just monday and I was still at work, and since we have the local newspaper, I go through it. (Sidenote : I notice there is a big difference between the local pages, the regional pages and the national pages, in the same newspaper !) On one page, they was an insert that made me jump : if you have fever, or feel you have fever, and if you cough or not, or have headaches, or not, call the emergency (OK, it wasn't put it exactly that way, but amounted that way !) and opposed to that, their was some other interview of a doc who said that the psychosis was worse than the virus itself (bravo for the local newspapers !) And I thought, with something so blur than that, sure everybody has it !
Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.

I will give it a try, though I have not your experience about it (please be gentle with me !) :

Have this whole situation/reaction/measures in so many countries been planned ?
Is there something else that we miss to understand this state of affairs ?
Up to pg 195 now -
I have ZERO fear.
This made me think of the No Fear t-shirts which I assumed meant I'm a bada*s, have a bada*s attitude towards everyone esp authorities?
And from the ashes of the old world, let a new, beautiful and magnificent dawn arise, just like the legendary phoenix of old.
So, I'm thinking t-shirt with No Fear and something else that's completely popped out of my head - need to write stuff down immediately!
Phoenix - possible symbol to be incorporated? If I can just remember that 3rd element, might make a meaningful t-shirt to wear when allowed to venture out? Maybe the FOTCM yin-yang symbol and No Fear? Barking up the wrong tree?
Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.

I couldn't find a precise answer for this before but after this message from the Cs:

Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

I would ask if that is related to Nemesis the twin sun? Meaning that there maybe a time where we may finally see it or detect it? (imaging that that could be very shocking for people) or they could be just referencing that message (in bold) to comets only?
Here are more details so people can get an idea of how things work.

A National Emergency for coronavirus is declared, which changes a few things. So here's the Primary Health Care scenario:

- The entire population is suspect, so no more laboratory tests for coronavirus are done.
- A "contaminated" respiratory circuit is developed at the clinic, and which is separated from the rest of the outpatients and health staff. Anybody coming with a cough, or who is sneezing or any respiratory sign is derived there and kept separated from those who say have wound or any non-related respiratory illness. That way, contagion is not propagated to the entire clinic, but is kept isolated in the respiratory circuit who has his own specific doctor.
-The electronic bureaucracy is set in place so that those with a respiratory illness and need to stay at home because they are suspect of carrying something, can get an international code related with the coronavirus label, so they can get their appropriate sick leave paperwork and appropriate days of isolation. Remember, no tests are to be done by now because the entire population is suspect due to the declaration of the national emergency alert. The person can have a common cold, could be coughing from a seasonal allergy, or the regular flu... Since it's a national emergency, it gets labelled as coronavirus related.
- Create a section in the electronic system where all people with doubts regarding the coronavirus or who have respiratory symptoms can make teleconsultations with doctors. Remember, every time a doctor has to write down anything related to a patient's consultation, he or she has to write an electronic note in their file under a diagnosis. In this case, a new diagnosis has to be created just to write down that you talked with someone in the phone. Because of the national emergency, that label falls under the international codes related with the coronavirus.

What I'm trying to say is that that creates a bunch of coronavirus labelled diagnoses when there was no actual laboratory test done and/or when the respiratory illness could have been anything from the common cold to the typical seasonal flu caused by a non-coronavirus. However, these "coronavirus" labels can now be used for statistical purposes.

As far as hospital care, I don't do that any more (I hope!). However, I worked in the past in European hospitals and know their systems.

I just did my practicum in data science - studied MIMIC hospital admission data. So many patients in hospitals with type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, sepsis, high blood pressure, respiratory failure, heart disease, and many other serious diseases. Some of these patients have been diagnosed with multiple, life-threatening diseases upwards of 20 times per diagnosis. My point is that there is such a thing as '"professional patients" and any one of these people could be diagnosed with COV-19 but nevertheless die of some other life-threatening illness - just sayin'. I am not a medical professional, but I think many that are could speak to this phenomenon. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Exactly, which is what Joe is saying:

"Today we registered 627 new deaths. And I want to remind you that these are people who died WITH Coronavirus, not people who died BECAUSE of Coronavirus."

And therein lies that essence of the problem with the scurrilous, fearmongering BS being proffered about this virus.

Why do you think the speaker stressed that point? Because the vast majority of people who are dying are people with SERIOUS HEALTH CONDITIONS who most likely died due to those serious health conditions, NOT due to Coronavirus.


This is so obvious to me as a practitioner that I find it hard to realize that it needs explaining. It means people really live in a bubble and have no clue as to what real life really looks like in the health care trenches.

Say a 88 years old patient has a fever. He was coughing the days previously. A doctor might find he's on respiratory failure. In his medical history you find that he has chronic kidney failure (as most elderly do), heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and hypothyroidism. This is not unusual on someone this age and that's why a patient like this could be taking 12 medications, including potent blood thinners. A person such as the above, is likely to be labelled COPD - exacerbation. He or she would be prescribed antibiotics, nebulizations, cortisone, etc. They might test for microbes and find a bacterial infection AND the coronavirus. They will easily find he or she has a urinary tract infection. He or she might have internal bleeding due to the potent blood thinner and its interaction with the antibiotics or any new treatments. If he's not making progress and his organs start to fail all at once, a call to the ICU might be in order. The ICU doctor might not take him into the ICU because he's too old. Nevertheless, the patient might get better. Some don't and die. With so many issues and his age, some will say it was his time to pass away.

European hospitals and clinics are overburdened with patients like this because there are many patients like these. Nevertheless, assistance and a pretty good health care is always provided until the very end. I was often surprised how much Europeans (Italy, Spain) cared about their elderly. Now I got used to it. In other countries, they just don't bother.

As I said before, ICU doctors always run a filter, so they can have beds for those who don't have so many diseases piled in one very old body, which basically signals to them that it's time for this person to pass away. It can happen that health staff get so fixated into treating old patients, that a younger person doesn't have a ICU bed when is needed, i.e. respiratory distress induced by the flu.

In the example above, and for bureaucratic purposes, each disease and infection found will have its own international code for labelling purposes. First cause of death might be cardiopulmonary arrest and/or multiorgan failure. Second diagnosis might be bacterial infection. The coronavirus label will also have its code for statistical purposes. And that's where the numbers are coming from. They come from specific international codes used on doctor's files. It doesn't mean the coronavirus killed the person. As I said in previous posts, some people have so many diseases, that any banal bug could take them out.

As I understand, only patients that are admitted to the hospital (not even patients consulting the ER and who are sent home) are being tested for the coronavirus. That means the mortality will represent this population, not the general population. Only patients that are in a pretty bad shape get admitted.

From the head of the Italian Superior Institute for Health, we gather the following data (note, the video is one of several that contain all the information):

From the medical records examined so far (not much more than 100), the majority of deaths from covid-19 in Italy have been among the very old. The average age is 80.3 years. The majority of deaths had 3 or more associated serious health issues. Two patients who died did not have any of the most common serious health issues, although other issues may become apparent as further investigation takes place. Just two people under 40 years old have died, both 39 years old, one had cancer and the other one had diabetes, obesity and other health problems prior to the infection.

It bears repeating, this season is not very different from the ones before. Actually, I remember 2016 and 2017 as being particularly bad. Many patients that I was called for a home visit back then were already in respiratory failure and all of them had serious underlying health problems and/or where over 85 years old. A guy was just over 40 years old, but he had Down Syndrome and thus, much older than his biological age.

What has happened with this "pandemic"? We went to seeing from 30 to 40 patients per morning (and I have seen over 60 patients in one morning), to seeing 10 stable patients per morning. Those with diabetes, cancer, heart failure, COPD, etc. have to wait out at home, enclosed, until we get the green light that they can continue with their medical visits and follow ups. Too bad if they catch up the cold or anything from the stress this pandemic is engendering. If they end up in the hospital, they will run the coronavirus test, because after all, it's pandemic time. In the time being, they are waiting patiently at home and are very understanding of the system that told them to wait at home because it has to deal with more important issues right now.
This whole situation reminds me a lot of elements of a TV series released a few years ago called "Colony". In the near future, extraterrestrials have colonized Earth. And yet, most humans don't know what these aliens look like, the people in charge of policing being collaborators a consortium is forming. The government makes its own people work for these aliens because they need them to survive. People are confined to their homes, they have curfews, they have rules. There are drones patrolling the city to keep watch. In the face of this, resistance is mounting to thwart the plan. Strange parallels with now.
The situation with this virus is becoming interesting by the day as the scale of the conspiracy must be large as it now infects so many countries - pretty much the whole planet. It'd be hard for all these countries to coordinate a conspiratorial line so that to me negates the 'coordinated' conspiracy angle.

I don't know much about the situation to comment beyond that.

I saw someone post a video here on a 33 yr old lady give a testimony of her illness and she described it along the lines of 'body aches'... This aligns with another testimony I posted a couple days ago which was also describing it as an all body experience. In my local community, the experience of the 19 year old is also along that whole body experience.

Now I've just heard Dr Campbell's Friday's update and he touched upon how reports in the US are coming of young people being hit by severe symptoms, which kind of meshes with the testimony of that 33 yr old lady. Dr Campbell speculates it might be due to environmental factors, namely diet.

In any case, these are just a few droplets... Hopefully it doesn't accumulate to a puddle and then a flood.
I have a friend who is in critical condition (intensive care) because of this virus(that's what the doctors say). He is 63 and I don't know whether he has some other pathologies. He is a very dear friend of mine(he was like a second father for me when I first came to Spain), but we haven't been too much in contact the past years.we exchanged some messages 2 days ago, he told me that he wasn't feeling well and since then I haven't heard anything from him or his family...(I tried to contact him, but no response)😥
He is the only case of COVID that I am aware of... I still belive that the media et Co make it worse than it is and that the panic they induce weakens the immune response to it.
These days it is very difficult not to give in to this whole hysteria. I am lucky that I have you,the members of this forum, to help me come back to reality
Further back, someone mentioned that what is going on is much like an alien invasion and that got me started thinking. I poked through the sessions and came up with the following:
Laura, thank you very much for this compilation. Even though I read it before , today I understand it in more depth.
You mentioned that you did not feel well since November.
I too felt like my thought patterns were disrupted, I started to feel a little down every once in a while and overall energy level was down. And only in Late January I regained my energy back and recovered. I really thought this "attack" happened on Halloween, because right after that I experienced the symptoms. I thought maybe Halloween energies have disrupted me. But after you sharing that the same thing happened to you and you posting these excerpts from the sessions it looks like something was definitely getting cooked in late October-November and PTB were perhaps beaming on all of us getting ready for what is to come.
With this "virus" situation going on it seems like PTB (Powers to Blame) are very afraid that people will rebel thinking that they are "angering the gods", this is why they are enforcing the military and police presence everywhere and taking people off the street, blocking internet content and making sure there are no gatherings, no opinion sharing etc...

I think the good question to ask would be where is the safest place for us to be during the existing and upcoming turmoil?
The C's already mentioned that the US would be the worst place (I live in the US now), but where would be the best place?
I was born in Russia, maybe Russia would be the safest place?
Here are more details so people can get an idea of how things work.

A National Emergency for coronavirus is declared, which changes a few things. So here's the Primary Health Care scenario:

- The entire population is suspect, so no more laboratory tests for coronavirus are done.
- A "contaminated" respiratory circuit is developed at the clinic, and which is separated from the rest of the outpatients and health staff. Anybody coming with a cough, or who is sneezing or any respiratory sign is derived there and kept separated from those who say have wound or any non-related respiratory illness. That way, contagion is not propagated to the entire clinic, but is kept isolated in the respiratory circuit who has his own specific doctor.
-The electronic bureaucracy is set in place so that those with a respiratory illness and need to stay at home because they are suspect of carrying something, can get an international code related with the coronavirus label, so they can get their appropriate sick leave paperwork and appropriate days of isolation. Remember, no tests are to be done by now because the entire population is suspect due to the declaration of the national emergency alert. The person can have a common cold, could be coughing from a seasonal allergy, or the regular flu... Since it's a national emergency, it gets labelled as coronavirus related.
- Create a section in the electronic system where all people with doubts regarding the coronavirus or who have respiratory symptoms can make teleconsultations with doctors. Remember, every time a doctor has to write down anything related to a patient's consultation, he or she has to write an electronic note in their file under a diagnosis. In this case, a new diagnosis has to be created just to write down that you talked with someone in the phone. Because of the national emergency, that label falls under the international codes related with the coronavirus.

What I'm trying to say is that that creates a bunch of coronavirus labelled diagnoses when there was no actual laboratory test done and/or when the respiratory illness could have been anything from the common cold to the typical seasonal flu caused by a non-coronavirus. However, these "coronavirus" labels can now be used for statistical purposes.

As far as hospital care, I don't do that any more (I hope!). However, I worked in the past in European hospitals and know their systems.

Exactly, which is what Joe is saying:


This is so obvious to me as a practitioner that I find it hard to realize that it needs explaining. It means people really live in a bubble and have no clue as to what real life really looks like in the health care trenches.

Say a 88 years old patient has a fever. He was coughing the days previously. A doctor might find he's on respiratory failure. In his medical history you find that he has chronic kidney failure (as most elderly do), heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and hypothyroidism. This is not unusual on someone this age and that's why a patient like this could be taking 12 medications, including potent blood thinners. A person such as the above, is likely to be labelled COPD - exacerbation. He or she would be prescribed antibiotics, nebulizations, cortisone, etc. They might test for microbes and find a bacterial infection AND the coronavirus. They will easily find he or she has a urinary tract infection. He or she might have internal bleeding due to the potent blood thinner and its interaction with the antibiotics or any new treatments. If he's not making progress and his organs start to fail all at once, a call to the ICU might be in order. The ICU doctor might not take him into the ICU because he's too old. Nevertheless, the patient might get better. Some don't and die. With so many issues and his age, some will say it was his time to pass away.

European hospitals and clinics are overburdened with patients like this because there are many patients like these. Nevertheless, assistance and a pretty good health care is always provided until the very end. I was often surprised how much Europeans (Italy, Spain) cared about their elderly. Now I got used to it. In other countries, they just don't bother.

As I said before, ICU doctors always run a filter, so they can have beds for those who don't have so many diseases piled in one very old body, which basically signals to them that it's time for this person to pass away. It can happen that health staff get so fixated into treating old patients, that a younger person doesn't have a ICU bed when is needed, i.e. respiratory distress induced by the flu.

In the example above, and for bureaucratic purposes, each disease and infection found will have its own international code for labelling purposes. First cause of death might be cardiopulmonary arrest and/or multiorgan failure. Second diagnosis might be bacterial infection. The coronavirus label will also have its code for statistical purposes. And that's where the numbers are coming from. They come from specific international codes used on doctor's files. It doesn't mean the coronavirus killed the person. As I said in previous posts, some people have so many diseases, that any banal bug could take them out.

As I understand, only patients that are admitted to the hospital (not even patients consulting the ER and who are sent home) are being tested for the coronavirus. That means the mortality will represent this population, not the general population. Only patients that are in a pretty bad shape get admitted.

From the head of the Italian Superior Institute for Health, we gather the following data (note, the video is one of several that contain all the information):

It bears repeating, this season is not very different from the ones before. Actually, I remember 2016 and 2017 as being particularly bad. Many patients that I was called for a home visit back then were already in respiratory failure and all of them had serious underlying health problems and/or where over 85 years old. A guy was just over 40 years old, but he had Down Syndrome and thus, much older than his biological age.

What has happened with this "pandemic"? We went to seeing from 30 to 40 patients per morning (and I have seen over 60 patients in one morning), to seeing 10 stable patients per morning. Those with diabetes, cancer, heart failure, COPD, etc. have to wait out at home, enclosed, until we get the green light that they can continue with their medical visits and follow ups. Too bad if they catch up the cold or anything from the stress this pandemic is engendering. If they end up in the hospital, they will run the coronavirus test, because after all, it's pandemic time. In the time being, they are waiting patiently at home and are very understanding of the system that told them to wait at home because it has to deal with more important issues right now.

Thank you for the testimony Dr Gaby.

Do you have any inclinations why so many people are dying WITH Corona virus in Italy compared to other European countries inc Spain?
Since Sunday 15-03 I am feeling like I am sick. I have a feeling that I have a high temperature, but when I measure it with a thermometer it is normal. A feeling similar to a Reiki heat. I don't know how to describe it.
I have similar Phantom Symptoms. I know exactly how to describe it:

Phantom Symptoms:

1. Momentary dizziness / vertigo then it passes super fast in less than a second, which vertigo in case of me having a real flu virus should be constant. I should be forced to sit down, because I cannot walk as a result of strong vertigo. Nothing like that happens.

2. Fever / low fever: Slight perspiration appears on the eyebrows and upper lips. The like when I got really sick of a strong seasonal flu decades ago and any physical exertion made me feel weak and I perspire. When I was shopping for jeans yesterday I felt the heat of the warm day - was overclothed anyway - and got this same superficial perspiration. I was thinking: "OMG! I must have really gotten this new bug!"

3. Upper lungs uneasiness / remote--far-away phantom feeling of a coughing urge: I case of my real coughing sickness 2-3 years ago this feeling was way stronger, felt expanded to all my lung areas and I couldn't stop coughing. Now its like a mere lung irritation, a phantom urge. I cough, then I realize there was no need for a cough. But the upper lung uneasiness / this slight irritation is persistent.

4. Slight joint pains non-local, random, out of the blue from "everywhere" and strange micro-second pain flashes. Lungs, in my back, in my sides. I was pondering if maybe unconsciously I'm telepathically receiving other people's pains?

5. Depleted Potassium storage? - in my body.. is it because my immune system is fighting the virus that's continually entering my body from the environment? I was taking more potassium, after having done a commando-style, 120+ minutes physical exercise Wednesday. If I'm having some kind of a flu and fever, I should be getting severe muscle-cramps in the main muscles - upper leg, arm, torso muscles - that I specifically strained. Nothing like that. During exercise doing the 50 push-ups for example I had to constantly modify my body position, because the muscles in my right sole started painfully cramping. None of the main muscles cramped, but at the weirdest places I got cramps on the opposite sides.

6. Belly muscle cramps was the only justified main muscle uneasiness I got and it got to the point yesterday that I did the push-up position on the floor and stretched those muscles by arching my back bending my torso upward, while pressing my legs to the floor. In case of a real muscle cramps [damaged inflamed muscles from strenuous exercise] I should have felt a stabbing pain in the belly and the painful constant ache going stronger as I stretch / arch my back further. This time nothing like that happened! There was no stabbing pain, no constant pain, nothing!!!
Then I thought these rare, spontaneous "remote" pain flashes in my abdomen surely must be because I may got appendicitis. Nothing like that was realized either!

7. Stepping into the hot kitchen, where food was cooking and the air was stuffy from water vapors, I suddenly felt sick in the stomach like need for vomiting for at least a second [flu symptom], that remote phantom retching urge, when you really have a stomach bug and it tortures you all night. I thought I got the stomach bug, because now I'm feeling dizzy and I got that familiar sick feeling in my stomach.. .. NOTHING of that sickness was realized either. The last serious stomach bug torturing me for days I had, IIRC, 5 years ago.

I think, might unconsciously receiving other peoples physiological symptoms or I'm definitely reliving my sickness-feelings from my earlier part of life. No sicknesses are materializing at all. Those strange heat waves.

Chi / Reiki Energy Level Drop:
However, one thing I noticed. If you are familiar with the profession of energy-healing, either by healing others via Reiki / Chi or by a "energy-massage therapy" of laying of hands or doing Chi Kung or Qi Gong, then you might be familiar with how the exertion of your energies it depletes your body. I do this almost every day, as part of my 3x33 spinning + "Qi Gong-like" strong energy meditation almost every night. I noticed a significant drop of at least 60% in my Chi Energy Level output. I usually do my 'superlight' Direct Psychic Force meridian exercise: this along the lines of all bone marrow, visualized as an atom-bomb-strength white light and white flames with thick golden energy arches & tendrils coming down 'From Above' and I can do four of these, bathing my meridians in blue-golden-orange-white flames. While concentrating on telomeres elongation and stem cell activation in all bone marrow.
Now, that this virus is around and I'm having these phantom symptoms, yesterday night, I could do only ONE of these white flame-ups. During the other three I felt and saw / got visualized only a black colored stream of energy, instead of white flame, signaling to me depletion of resources. The energetic sensation was clear about depleted energy reserves, because this virus is going around.

I'm good enough at asking questions to The Universe, so I asked,
Q: - What the heck is going on with me having these flashing phantom symptoms and the depletion of my direct-PSI-force energy reserves?? I got back the two word answer:
A: Immune-system response.
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