If as more data about covid-19 continues to suggest that these measures were unnecessary (in the way they are being implemented) and the economy does not recover and goes into "free fall", there will be a backlash unlike anything the 'elite' have ever seen.

Reminds me of something the Cs said back on 3 Aug 1996, 24 years ago. Notice the last comment:

Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three things causing a transition in nature?

A: Like "biorhythms."

Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good day, depending on which way you look at it.

A: Bad day if you are John D. Rockefeller, good day if you are Mahatma Gandhi.

Q: (L) So, does something like a three cycle event also occur in sub-atomic transitions, like the biorhythm?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, there are three factors to be considered... or more than three?

A: Either, or.

Q: (L) Can it be a random, arbitrary number of events?

A: If you wish.

Q: (L) Is it partly the observer that adds one of the factors? Consciousness?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, we see three separate cycles coming together here...

A: Everything reflects macrodynamically and microdynamically. We suggest you absorb for now; and, fear not! For it is not imminent!

Obviously, what was not imminent 24 years ago is upon us now.
I keep thinking about how joyless life has been for most people and how everyone is afraid of what could happen during this period of change. My parents taught me a saying when I was a little kid: "when the going gets tough the tough get going". I have been getting chills and goosebumps multiple times per day (I have them right now as I write this post :lol:) I don't know if y'all are familiar with Jocko Willink but I keep thinking about his philosophy: when things are going bad there's going to be some good that comes from it. I feel excited because this breakdown may mean that real change is finally coming. Thank God! Its scary and its going to get messy but it is WAY past time for change.

20 years ago, I doubt that any of us would have felt this way, but since 9-11, the gateway, the suffering on this planet has increased to such a pitch that I think those who are sensitive to it, if not actually experiencing it directly, are really ready to go through anything just to get it over with!

I begin to understand why the Cs would say that dealing with the turmoil could be be ecstatic!

That's a picture of Barbes market (North Paris) yesterday (Wednesday, March 18th). As you can see there's quite a lot of people and the shelves are full.

As you can see on the video above (same market, same day), there's a lot of people wearing no mask, no gloves (and touching the food). Also the "social distance" (1 meter between individuals) is rarely respected.

At the entrance of the market, several policemen were stopping the pedestrians asking for the written "attestation" stating where they were going.

The situation is quite absurb with policemen checking people at the entrance of the Barbes market and enquiring where they were going:huh:

This seems to me like a case of exerting control for the sake of control.

Also the policemen complained about not having adequate protections provided (in the picture above the policeman has no mask) while being exposed to potential coronavirus carriers.
Just saw this article and found it quite interesting, what the doctor is claiming is that, pretty much, as the number of confirmed cases increases the deadly attributes of the virus decreases as it mutates, that’s how I understood it:

Biologist named the conditions for ending the coronavirus pandemic | tellerreport.com
Biologist named the conditions for ending the coronavirus pandemic
Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor at the School of Systems Biology GMU (USA) Ancha Baranova spoke about the conditions for the termination of the pandemic of the coronavirus infection COVID-19.

“Ending the epidemic is two processes. One process is the process of evolution of a virus. We know that in the new host (and man is the new host for the virus), the virus is weakening, ”RIA Novosti quoted her as saying.

She explained that when a virus is transmitted from one person to another, it mutates and weakens.

“The coevolution of the virus is happening so that it can more or less coexist with humans. This virus is now adapting to us. How long it will take is unknown, ”Baranova added.

Another condition for the termination of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the biologist, will be the acquisition by the majority of the population of immunity to the virus through natural vaccination.

So, if 70% of the country's population gets coronavirus infection, most people will have antibodies that can fight the virus.

Earlier, the Izvestia newspaper wrote about the development by scientists of the Department of Virology of Lomonosov Moscow State University of technology for creating spherical particles that can be used as carriers for the antigens of coronavirus infection COVID-19.
It's like people are collectively getting repeatedly scammed with Nigerian letters. They're sending all their savings to this poor prince and investing all their hopes that THIS TIME he's being honest and things will work out differently - that's just so unbelievable level of lunacy that at this point I'm constantly reminding myself to sit back and just watch the show unfolding, taking a similar healthy distance like you would from a someone suffering a serious mental illness.

Yes, in a way, it is torture to observe it all happening in real time, like watching a very slow train wreck. But we have been told that the best approach to these times is to "sit back and enjoy the show" and that the challenge of living through this turmoil can produce ecstasy. I guess that's going to be true if all we do is have to deal with our everyday affairs just to get through it.

I am certainly worried about our finances since we depend on all of you to keep us going and running the lighthouse and if any of you suffer financially, we also are looking at hard times. But, for as long as we are able, we'll keep going, keep the faith, and work on that ecstasy!
This is from a Facebook page i'm following, it regards the latest report on death rates related to coronavirus:

Extracted from : epicentro.iss.it
Also the latest Report on positive Covid-19 patients who died in Italy (data updated to March 17, 2020 on 2003 patients), confirms the previous trend: people who die are of a certain age and have several previous diseases!
Women represent 30% of the total with 601 cases, and on average they are older than men (median age: women 83.7 - men 79.5).
30-39 years → 5 deaths
40-49 years → 12 dead
50-59 years → 56 deaths
60-69 years → 173 dead
70-79 years → 707 dead
80-89 years → 852 dead
> 90 years → 198 deaths
The age group with the highest number of deaths is the one between 80 and 89 years old, followed by the one between 70 and 79 years old. Generally, people who are overfilled with medicines and flu vaccines.
Previous pathologies were studied on a sample of 355 people. Analyzing the clinical signs takes a long time.
The average number of pathologies observed is 2.7, so the dead people had on average almost 3 pathologies!
No. 3 people had no pathologies (0.8%).
Nr. 89 people had 1 pathology (25.1%)
Nr. 91 people had 2 diseases (25.6%)
No. 172 people had 3 or more diseases (48.5%).
In the ISS report there are 17 deceased patients under 50 years of age, 5 of whom are under 40 years of age. The average age seems to be dropping.
But reading the data it turns out that the 5 under 40 were all male patients WITH SEVERE PRE-exISTING PATOLOGIES (cardiovascular, renal, psychiatric, diabetes, obesity)...
Now is the time to sow the seeds of a new reality! Now is the time to start to manifest! Now is the time to push for change!

I think so. And I think that our recent reading of "Transurfing Reality" might give us some clues as to how to go about doing that; how to choose to move to another reality.

What is important is Frequency Resonance Vibration, and perhaps forming a positive pendulum of our own. That means to take seriously the "sit back and enjoy the show" recommendation of the Cs.
It seems very plausible to consider Laura's direct experience with the Italian health care system, that it always seems like it's about to be overwhelmed. We shall see soon enough.

If total deaths are minimal but we do experience this strange spike in hospitalizations, that says something about this virus, that maybe it's not at all deadly, it just scares the crap out of people whose jobs it is to demand money from an increasingly incredulous public.

I think the statement I've put in bold is hitting the nail on the head.

Something is definitely wrong with the way things are presented to us when we can go so easily from "oh, every country is going bankrupt, gotta institute austerity measures" to printing billions, even TRILLIONS of dollars to throw around like crazy because they have shut everything down.

And, we can't forget that the Cs said that part of the plan was to have total electronic money so that the PTB can control everyone's spending right down to the penny.
Alternate hypothesis: perception management run amok.

COVID-19 is marginally worse than seasonal flu, which happens to be the tipping point for a lot of medical logistics. Embarrassing that a wimpy little virus, maybe with some peculiar characteristics like a steep infection curve but not such a troubling CFR, flushes all these well made plans down the drain. Can't have that. Gotta pull out all the stops to foll the public into thinking, "but this was different."

Plus, all the hype about the need for flu shots, then along comes a marginally worse pandemic. Makes all the chicken-little talk about flu look silly. Embarrassing. Even worse, maybe points directly to the possibility that the flu risk is also overhyped. Can't have that. This needs to be manipulated to make people think it's worse than flu, so the peculiar feature of this bug, a steep infection curve, is being used to divert attention away from the otherwise wimpiness of the disease.

Good points. And your scenario above can easily fit in what Niall wrote in his scenario.

A lot of people are blaming China right now for inflicting the evil virus on the world. Well, that's just China bashing for political reasons. But the real "virus" that China unleashed was the mind virus. All they had to do was create the illusion, and then let the program run.
My wife had to do some errands this morning and when she was back, she was in a sort of shock(she will probably share her experience later on). She should not pay in money because noone wanted to touch the money and because they told her that from now on, they can not accept money and you can pay only by card either credit or debit.

Amazing how this thing about money has gone viral almost on its own. And again I mention that this was part of the C's prediction so many years ago: that total control of money was one of the objectives.

Well, I think we can all see now that this whole thing MUST be incepted from 4D STS sources because I can hardly imagine any human group of intensely selfish psychopath types having such a plan in place that takes years to put into action. Many of those who started the ball rolling are dead now, in fact.

Well, like many of you have said, in a way the whole situation IS EXHILARATING! Finally, the contact potential difference for real CHANGE is being generated!

Like so many of you, I'm sick to death of this slow torture, this "death by a thousand cuts". Let's get the darn show on the road!
Q: (L) So, does something like a three cycle event also occur in sub-atomic transitions, like the biorhythm?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, there are three factors to be considered... or more than three?

A: Either, or.

Q: (L) Can it be a random, arbitrary number of events?

A: If you wish.

Q: (L) Is it partly the observer that adds one of the factors? Consciousness?

A: Yes.
This indicates to me that quality is more important than quantity. Quality can be the state of a number, or of anything really, so the actual number doesn't really matter. Same with state of consciousness, such as a 2D animal and a 3D human can see the same number of things but they will naturally qualify those things differently.

Example. I see 1 and another sees 1M. both are right because I was looking at kilometers and the other was looking at millimeters. It's how the numbers are qualified that matters.

This was a revelation to me maybe twenty years ago: the quality of numbers matters. It was sort of a vision, I suppose, relating, or really equating 1 = 0 = infinity. Completely different in quantity, but there is a perfection to each. In my vision, 1 is incremental and represents the infinitesimal, and is also non-different, qualitatively, from 2 or 3 or 4 million. 0 and infinity represent the limits of consciousness. There is a whole host of ways that particular trinity can be used to understand symbolism in various ways. I could go on and on, but I will end this thought with a haiku I wrote about it years ago:

From myths to numbers
none can tell the tale of one
who takes all comers
People are chomping at the bit on twitter for a UK lockdown. Nearly every tweet with the UKlockdown hashtag is begging for it to happen so we can prevent unnecessary deaths. People carrying on as normal are being branded selfish. It's insane to see how brainwashed everyone is.

Like so many of you, I'm sick to death of this slow torture, this "death by a thousand cuts". Let's get the darn show on the road!
Let's get transurfing then. This is OUR timeline. :cheer:
Behind a couple of pages, but wanted to put this out:

new powers to detain people and put them in isolation facilities
It would also relax the rules on the number of doctors needed to detain and treat patients suffering from a mental health disorder
Rod Serling voiceover: "No, you're not in Kansas anymore. You've arrived at Maple Street - a deceptively friendly neighborhood - a very typical suburb - in the Twilight Zone.
Footage and scuffles inside shops
Sing along: Everybody was Kung-FLU fighting ~🎶 🎶 🎶

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " - Ronald Reagan
I interpret that comment from C's as follows.

No need to panic about preserving a 3D existence. Instead build up strength that is of a higher order than 3D and it will come along. 3D stuff? Can't take it with you.

Indeed no need to panic as you say ge0m0, but before what happens fully comes to pass we do still need to eat I'm afraid! Faith is a wonderful thing, and I share it with you - but it would be good advice to still have/take care of a 3D body so it can hang around long enough to be finish this ride! Part of our learning is harmonization between mind/spirit and flesh. Take care of your flesh and it will help take care of your mind/spirit. ;-)
Hello, I have 7 pages late to read but I post rapidly the following answer I recevied from kla.tv.
To context : it's in regard to the 10m video from Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, I asked if they would agree to traduce it in french.

Dear Dredger,
The video or at least the sense of it will probably soon be translated from the French speaking department. There is one German broadcast of yesterday which got the sense of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Please find below the link of the German broadcast which will probably soon be available in English and hopefully French too:


Kind regards,

Note that there's a second part, 2 vids in total.
So at this stage it's only reserved for those who master german, but ... on each of their vids you have the transcribed text (Sandungstext), so you can copy/paste this german text to be traduced by your preferred traductor.
Nice work, they did fast also.

Thinking ahead : the team behind this austrian site seems very nice, they are experienced in creating video under the form of TV News and they also cover a large number of languages (even if all what they produce is not traduced in all languages). What I see, at least, one possibility, would be to draw a relation between both communities. At this stage I can send them any advise or summary that someone here would like to pass them, or anybody here can directly take contact with them (drop me a PM and i'll give you the email address, but you can find it on their site too). At least, still thinking ahead, maybe someone here, from Austria, would like to draw a contact with them ? Main idea behind is always the same : share knowledge, but here, at an higher level, in-between (already formed) communities.

I'll post once the english or french versions will be released.
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