Session 29 July 2023

You were obviously meant to go to Malta. I must confess that as someone who is highly claustrophobic, I really hate going into caves. I recall going into the famous Jenolan Caves in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia. At one point the guide switched the lights off. I was not happy until he put them back on again as it was pitch black and stuffy.​

Do you think it will be good to try to map those places, and ask C's for each location what they think?

Well, the C's did say to Laura to research into caves where monsters are alleged to dwell. I don't know if anyone ever did so. Did somebody start such a thread? Whether it would be a good idea at this point in time is open to debate. It could be that there is a correspondence between caves where such creatures dwell and entry points into the subterranean world that has formed a large part of this particular thread. Perhaps other Forum members have knowledge of such places and associated creatures in their locale?

Your experience in Scotland amazes me. I assume you had no time to photograph the creature? What you saw makes me think that many folklore accounts of the "little people" in the past (elves, leprechauns, trolls etc.) may have related to the kind of creature you saw. Who knows?

I recall reading a couple of years back that an American man running in the desert (it could have been Nevada or Arizona) encountered a small upright, bipedal lizard being running near to him. He tried to make contact with it but it just ignored him and kept running until he lost sight of it.

Vril is really just free energy and anyone who knows how to generate it can do so regardless of their moral state. You may be confusing this with the operation of the Grail or the Ark, where you needed to have the right disposition of heart (an STO FRV) to operate them. The C's have said that the PTB already know the secret of free energy and may therefore be making use of it in secret projects or applications.

It would be interesting to learn if Tesla ever visited these caves. One man who did visit a cave during a missing two year gap in his life story is Leonardo da Vinci who seems to have had some sort of personal cave experience in 1481 but nobody to this day knows which cave this occurred in. It may even have played a part in one of his most mysterious works the Virgin of the Rocks, in which the infant Jesus finds himself in a shadowy cave with a baby John the Baptist. He painted the scene twice in fact. The version below is the one hanging today in the Louvre.​

View attachment 80695

There are a lot of conspiracy theories around these two works including Dan Brown's sensational claim, in his novel The Da Vinci Code, that in the version above, the Archangel Uriel’s finger isn’t pointing to St John but slicing the neck of an invisible figure, whose phantom head Mary grips like a bowling ball in the splayed fingers of her outstretched left hand. However, other experts feel the painting may include a very subtle nod to evolution theory, which would have been viewed as a dangerous heresy at that time - see Virgin of the Rocks: A subversive message hidden by Da Vinci. I can buy into that one.

The caves are fascinating. Maybe it creates an energy field. It seems likely that the stones and the minerals under the cave have a different effect.

In Islam, it is said that Muhammad retreated into a cave before receiving the verses of the Koran, where he received prophetic dreams. In fact, if I am not mistaken, it is said that it was in this cave that the Koran began to be revealed.

If it is war between celts (aka kantekanians) and Paranthas, it is 50,000 years ago. You may also want to see this post.

I think war between Celts (aka kantekanians) and Paranthas is NOT related to one of 3 cataclysm that destroyed Paranthas around approx. 12,000 years ago. C's also mentioned that Atlantis is like modern day NATO. Not all NATO countries are at the same location next to each other. i.e. there are non NATO block nations (( communist, Non Aligned countries etc.) around the world during that period.
I agree with you. That is why I said the war must have taken place before the Paranthas were wiped out in one of the 3 cataclysms that struck Atlantis, but thank you for reminding me that it took place 50,000 years ago. A lot seemed to be happening around that period. Re-reading the 25th February session, it seems that some time after that war, Rama, an Indian High Priest influenced by the Confederation (what Confederation?), who later became deified as an Hindu god, was involved in a war against the Lizard beings.

The C's also said in that session that the Atlanteans started building pyramids on Mars about 50k years ago. If there was a nuclear war on Mars as Dr John Brandenburg believes (see my earlier post), then the fact that the Celts/Kantekkians had used nuclear weapons against the Paranthas suggests that they may have done so against the Atlanteans on Mars too in what may have been a wider, ongoing conflict for supremacy. Perhaps someone could ask the C's in a future session whether there was a nuclear war on Mars and, if so, was it connected in any way with the war against the Paranthas in India.

I have recently watched the new film on Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb. It's an interesting and thought provoking movie if you haven't seen it. Oppenheimer was an avid student of the Vedic texts and was self-taught in reading Sanskrit. That is why when he saw the explosion of the first (in modern times!) atomic bomb during a test in Nevada in 1945, he made his famous remark about "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds", which was a quote attributed to Vishnu from a verse in the Bhagavad Gita. I wonder if Oppenheimer's reading of the Vedic texts made him aware of these earlier nuclear wars and that is why he quoted that passage from the Bhagavad Gita? He may have known full well that this was not the first time such a device had been exploded here on Earth.

I recall reading a parody by the C's on that quote when they said to Ark words to the effect "I have become the creator of worlds", presumably in relation to his search for the Unified Field Theorem. Perhaps somebody can track the quote down.​
No necessarily, it sounded more like some underground people, developed this bi-density “ability” by hybridization, meaning there can be a lot of experimentation genetically speaking by STS forces down there. Just a thought; We could be bi-density in a sense as well, every time we are (assuming that we are) abducted, we could be taken to 4th density and then brought back to 3th density, moving between both densities although by external influences, just an idea. Coming back to the subject, to me their “bi-density” feature can be something more like psychic abilities, they could be capable of “sensing” “manipulate” or “perceive” a bit more than we do, and that’s about it.
Further to my previous reply, on the subject you mentioned of being abducted from 3rd density and being taken to 4th density, people's awareness of this may vary greatly according to the C's response here:

Q: (Adobe) Is it possible for a 3D STO candidate to find themselves in 4D and be little aware of it or not aware of it at all?

A: Yes Yes Yes
I recall reading a parody by the C's on that quote when they said to Ark words to the effect "I have become the creator of worlds", presumably in relation to his search for the Unified Field Theorem. Perhaps somebody can track the quote down
Here's the quote:

Q: What was the influence that caused our little “event” of the past few days?
A: S waves.
Q: What is an S wave?
A: Look it up.
Q: Who was being subjected to the S waves?
A: Ark.
Q: Was this having an effect because of the events in Dijon?
A: Semi.
Q: Well, what other factor is involved?
A: Arkadiusz is strong-willed. - Must be to be seeker of worlds. To paraphrase: “I am become ONE ... Creator of worlds.” - And, on that contemplative note, good night.
Further to my previous reply, on the subject you mentioned of being abducted from 3rd density and being taken to 4th density, people's awareness of this may vary greatly according to the C's response here:

Q: (Adobe) Is it possible for a 3D STO candidate to find themselves in 4D and be little aware of it or not aware of it at all?

A: Yes Yes Yes
I think it has to do with the concept of "sub-density" explained by Ra.
16.51 Questioner: Could you define the word density as we have been using it to give us a little greater idea of the concept of this term when used by you?

Ra: I am Ra. The term density is a, what you would call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on infinitely.

17.34 Questioner: Well, then if an entity is harvested into fourth density with a grade, let’s say, of fifty-one percent for others, forty-nine percent for self, what level of the fourth density would he go into? I’m assuming there are different levels of the fourth density.

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Each enters the sub-density which vibrates in accordance with the entity’s understanding.
This could also explain why, even in 3D, we can have the impression of living in another reality compared to people around us.
(V) Are there other realms where these people such as VB, Frank are making different choices?
(L) In other words is there another reality where they're being the good guys, where they're joining in and helping.
(V) Right. An alternate reality.
A: Frank and Vincent are the other reality!
Q: (V) Wow! Everything happens all at once, huh? They are the other reality in like the antithesis of Laura's work?
A: More or less, yes.

Q: (L) Is this conflict, so to speak, that we are engaging in with this Frank/Vincent Bridges situation - is this one reality that is also represented in another reality as this conflict between say the Jews and Arabs at the present moment?
A: Very close, it is reflected in many ways at present.
" We hide the truth right under your nose. That's so you cannot see it . Effort is required. Nothing is for free. Our wealth is family wealth passed down over thousands of generations and thousands of added years. We are invisible to you but not to ourselves. We are born to it. When our rule in our Rome gave up the ghost, the strongest of our best breed of oxen pulled our carts laden with gold towards the swamps on which we built Venice . The Doges were also our choices.
Like the spiritual guides that accompany every soul born in this laboratory of souls, through out their entire sojourn here , it is the same for us. We are also accompanied but no one is bereft of our influence. Both kinds are required. Ours is not an earthly lineage and we have come here to help the rest of you play our game. We own the board.
Your part is to play our " reality "in this our game through the freedom of your " choice ". That is if you own your free will. If you can choose yes or no. One is easy to play where your choice is kidnapped by us. It rests on your habit. We make it for you. You assent. The other demands that you swim against the tide. A constant effort is required and we will set the obstacles on your way. It is why we are here. To provide the fear. To see if you can provide your love. The Earth is indeed ripe for harvest. The lukewarm will proceed to another divine sowing. The Divine Mind is He who sows. The few will graduate to the Fourth density Positive and very very few to the Negative Density. We separate the wheat from the chaff. We are conscious. Are you awake ? Do you have choice ?
An order, our new order, out of chaos begins and we have all the exits covered. We warned you , even gave you openly our plans. We showed you our plans for those who have eyes to see. You were too busy. This was also part of our plan. Yes. We are destroying your reality and will introduce you to another. Our end justifies our means. We are the owners of the means, and the end that we look forward to justifies. This is your trial. We shall see what you believe in . We represent one hundred per cent Service to Self. What you would call a living hell and we will prove our point. We can turn everything on its head and you will let us do it because you are a strategic liability for what is best for the heath of your soul.
That this time of harvest would come, we warned about at the very beginning of The Age when we set it up. Our agenturs through all the measures, twisted those surroundings , made them malleable to other understandings, falsified most of them. Still...the core was left untouched, like black opal shining in the darkness. Our hope was for the darkness to obscure it and so it was. Slowly you were made to forget it. To stop believing in it. To let it go. "

Veritas liberavit vos [ The truth will set you free]. Here I am trying to walk in the waters of life without sinking so that it is not lost. Ie. done mechanically , and I am sure that you also are trying to do the same . Mechanically is how the material world goes on its way. You cannot change it. Only yourself. So I have little to defend and nothing to aspire to except to be of service to others and I do not aspire to anything higher than to forgive. But never to forget. Critters in caves have been around since forever and those who wrote the above are also responsible for them.
Here's the quote:

Q: What was the influence that caused our little “event” of the past few days?
A: S waves.
Q: What is an S wave?
A: Look it up.
Q: Who was being subjected to the S waves?
A: Ark.
Q: Was this having an effect because of the events in Dijon?
A: Semi.
Q: Well, what other factor is involved?
A: Arkadiusz is strong-willed. - Must be to be seeker of worlds. To paraphrase: “I am become ONE ... Creator of worlds.” - And, on that contemplative note, good night.
Yes, that's the one. What an extraordinary statement when you compare it with Oppenheimer's quote. Which session did this come from and did Forum members discuss the statement?

I assume the C's reference to "seeker of worlds" refers in some way to Ark's research into the Unified Field Theory, which opens up so many possibilities including faster than light space travel. Does this suggest that if Ark is successful, one day humans will use this technology to reach out to the stars and create new worlds (terraforming planets etc) fulfilling what the C's said here:

A: Here comes a shocker for you... one day, in 4th density, it will be your descendants mission to carry on the tradition and assignment of seeding the 3rd density universe, once you have the adequate knowledge!!!
Oups! Thumbs up!
Don't worry, you can change it if you click on the reaction button again. In the end, it doesn't really matter.

Here is another Ra segment that I forgot to include:
90.25 Questioner: What were these?

Ra: I am Ra. One more; that is, the permeability of the densities so that there may be communication from density to density and from plane to plane or sub-density to sub-density.
This is how I understand it:
You have expressed this view on several occasions by my reckoning. I would just ask why one cannot do both? Christian monks, for example, divide their time into three set divisions: 8 hours of sleep and rest, 8 hours of work and 8 hours of prayer and spiritual exercises.

Are you suggesting that Laura wasted her time doing enormous amounts of research for her books like Secret History of the World, which involved her following clues the C's had given her. If we followed your line of reasoning, we need to ask why the C's bothered to give us these clues in the first place. Should we just ignore them?

The C's have said "knowledge protects" but how do you get that knowledge without researching based on the C's clues and hints. What about building up the magnetic centre and thinking with the hammer?

By your reasoning, Is Ark wasting his precious time pursuing the Unified Field Theorem, which may lead to the secrets of free energy, rather than focusing purely on soul work? Are Forum members wasting their time continuing to pose history or scientific questions etc. during sessions with the C's? If so, why haven't the C's said so?

If I have misunderstood you, my apologies in advance.​
Hm, it seems a nerve was touched, there. I did not say both can’t be done. Or shouldn’t be done. I do periodically say this for the sake of perspective. There is a ton of speculative investigation that goes on regarding various topics. I engage in many of those areas too. Fine. Great! But, occasionally it feels to me like the pendulum needs a push in the other direction.

It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. (Comedy)

A person can prepare for 4D without answering every mystery of the universe past/present and future. Focusing too much on distracting 3D machinations can actually get in the way of inner work, IMO. We can become mesmerized by the soap opera; the proverbial train wreck we are on. There needs to be balance, IMO. We need to remember, or learn how to more effectively access the knowledge and answers already within us as well as some lessons that are counter-intuitive to our programmed machine which tends to be looking for answers and reasons. Yes, knowledge can and should be searched for, gleaned and extrapolated from the stories and speculation on the days of yore and the events in the now and potential future. Snapping out of the hypnosis can require challenging processes of many types, including challenging our own assumptions and looking at our deeper motivations.

The hard fact is that at some point in "time" none of us will be "here". The present circumstances will be like a vague dream or we won't remember a damn thing of it. I think it is highly likely we have already been through all this before, but now, what do we now remember of it? What good did the gathering of knowledge in the past do if we can't access it now since here we are in a familiar mess? I never liked Mouravieff's projector analogy but I have come to face it and accept it as a real possibility. Maybe it is karmic reincarnation or whatever you want to call it. Perhaps we will remember what we re going through now for a time while we go over the post game interview and then it will be time for another game, (or not). If we have learned the lessons, the game will be in a different ballpark with different rules. It is easy enough to say that these alternate perspectives don't matter because we are here now and this current life is what we have and what matters. To each his own on how much weighting is given to each perspective.

I also don't mean to arrogantly suggest I am immune from this. How many things am I involved in that devour my attention, focus and energy which diverts me from some path I am trying to stay on? Plenty! Am I suggesting this is what I am saying about you? No. Perhaps you hear it that way.

As far as repeating myself, does not life repeat itself? History? Do you not repeat yourself? If a long time goes by and the esoteric threads on the inner nature of the work fade into the background, then I sometimes feel the need to say something. For me, to say nothing would be tantamount to saying "What's the point in bothering to say anything?" As it is, what I do say can stir up the pot and attract some flak. This is one of the conundrums of life. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

All the endeavors to learn and apply knowledge are worthwhile. I certainly don’t intend to suggest people are absolutely wasting their time with their efforts. Nobody is, really.

Rhetorical question: Would it serve you better if I just came out with some snarky, ill-considered bazooka blast gut punch? Maybe. I am trying to take the high road instead.

You have to consider the possibility that what appears to you to be my reasoning is not actually what it is.

Last bit to sum up - it is necessary to confront what we don't want to confront in order to proceed beyond the things that stop us and keep us stuck in the same place. The Vader Syndrome, if you will. IF we can stand in the presence of the shadow; and consider it a possibility that all our efforts are futile and hopeless, then perhaps we have a chance at achieving the desired end: to be int that number when the saints go marching in.
I agree with you. That is why I said the war must have taken place before the Paranthas were wiped out in one of the 3 cataclysms that struck Atlantis, but thank you for reminding me that it took place 50,000 years ago. A lot seemed to be happening around that period. Re-reading the 25th February session, it seems that some time after that war, Rama, an Indian High Priest influenced by the Confederation (what Confederation?), who later became deified as an Hindu god, was involved in a war against the Lizard beings.​
I understood Confederation as good guys or STO or white shirts(from bringers of the dawn)
Q: (L) If the Nephilim are coming 36 million strong as enforcers for the Lizzies, does the Confederation have a like amount for defense?

A: We don't operate that way.

The C's also said in that session that the Atlanteans started building pyramids on Mars about 50k years ago. If there was a nuclear war on Mars as Dr John Brandenburg believes (see my earlier post), then the fact that the Celts/Kantekkians had used nuclear weapons against the Paranthas suggests that they may have done so against the Atlanteans on Mars too in what may have been a wider, ongoing conflict for supremacy.
I think it is a possibility, but there is no way to verify based on our means. Brandenburg's hypothesis is based is on Xenon 129 that is created by fission bombs that creates fast moving neutrons.

Did Atlanteans experiment on Mars (as they have space capabilities) just like modern nations does them on isolated islands in pacific? Hard to say it is experiment or War between the factions. Mars is a natural candidate given that they can't do it on Mercury, Venus is not yet planet at that time and other planets are too close or too far or too different to bring any meaningful results.

But C's also mentioned that Big foot inhabit the island. But date is not clear. If nuclear left overs hurts them, 4D STS wouldn't have allowed those things to happen. So We don't know. Probably it is a question for C's.

John Brandenburg ( based on the video in your post) puts the date back to 250 - 500 millions years ago, before dinosaurs destruction. He thinks meteors doesn't produce those type of things.
I have recently watched the new film on Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb. It's an interesting and thought provoking movie if you haven't seen it. Oppenheimer was an avid student of the Vedic texts and was self-taught in reading Sanskrit. That is why when he saw the explosion of the first (in modern times!) atomic bomb during a test in Nevada in 1945, he made his famous remark about "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds", which was a quote attributed to Vishnu from a verse in the Bhagavad Gita.
There was lot of controversy over this statement represented in the Oppenheimer movie. If you read the posts in this thread, none of this is as "sacred" as promoted. Gita was a political text created around 500 AD ( around the same time Christianity/Islam )with few specific aims - counter Buddhism, revive Brahmanism by adding the cometary imagery as gods, making cometary plasma human shape (Purusha sukta) as a god and most of these texts are written in Sanskrit.

Comets projected as intelligent/all knowing/all supervising Gods who needs constant appeasement doing the destruction of the worlds does makes sense. This theme is nothing specific to Hinduism and it is available in other religions Christianity swallowed (Norse, Irish and so on).
I wonder if Oppenheimer's reading of the Vedic texts made him aware of these earlier nuclear wars and that is why he quoted that passage from the Bhagavad Gita? He may have known full well that this was not the first time such a device had been exploded here on Earth.
I recall reading a parody by the C's on that quote when they said to Ark words to the effect "I have become the creator of worlds", presumably in relation to his search for the Unified Field Theorem. Perhaps somebody can track the quote down.
I am not sure this meant to be parody or some thing else. Given that human societies are so often gets extinguished (which, main stream religion or science can't acknowledge), who knows what action creates what type of non linear reaction that creates new worlds.
" We hide the truth right under your nose. That's so you cannot see it . Effort is required. Nothing is for free. Our wealth is family wealth passed down over thousands of generations and thousands of added years. We are invisible to you but not to ourselves. We are born to it. When our rule in our Rome gave up the ghost, the strongest of our best breed of oxen pulled our carts laden with gold towards the swamps on which we built Venice . The Doges were also our choices.
Like the spiritual guides that accompany every soul born in this laboratory of souls, through out their entire sojourn here , it is the same for us. We are also accompanied but no one is bereft of our influence. Both kinds are required. Ours is not an earthly lineage and we have come here to help the rest of you play our game. We own the board.
Your part is to play our " reality "in this our game through the freedom of your " choice ". That is if you own your free will. If you can choose yes or no. One is easy to play where your choice is kidnapped by us. It rests on your habit. We make it for you. You assent. The other demands that you swim against the tide. A constant effort is required and we will set the obstacles on your way. It is why we are here. To provide the fear. To see if you can provide your love. The Earth is indeed ripe for harvest. The lukewarm will proceed to another divine sowing. The Divine Mind is He who sows. The few will graduate to the Fourth density Positive and very very few to the Negative Density. We separate the wheat from the chaff. We are conscious. Are you awake ? Do you have choice ?
An order, our new order, out of chaos begins and we have all the exits covered. We warned you , even gave you openly our plans. We showed you our plans for those who have eyes to see. You were too busy. This was also part of our plan. Yes. We are destroying your reality and will introduce you to another. Our end justifies our means. We are the owners of the means, and the end that we look forward to justifies. This is your trial. We shall see what you believe in . We represent one hundred per cent Service to Self. What you would call a living hell and we will prove our point. We can turn everything on its head and you will let us do it because you are a strategic liability for what is best for the heath of your soul.
That this time of harvest would come, we warned about at the very beginning of The Age when we set it up. Our agenturs through all the measures, twisted those surroundings , made them malleable to other understandings, falsified most of them. Still...the core was left untouched, like black opal shining in the darkness. Our hope was for the darkness to obscure it and so it was. Slowly you were made to forget it. To stop believing in it. To let it go. "

Veritas liberavit vos [ The truth will set you free]. Here I am trying to walk in the waters of life without sinking so that it is not lost. Ie. done mechanically , and I am sure that you also are trying to do the same . Mechanically is how the material world goes on its way. You cannot change it. Only yourself. So I have little to defend and nothing to aspire to except to be of service to others and I do not aspire to anything higher than to forgive. But never to forget. Critters in caves have been around since forever and those who wrote the above are also responsible for them.

Hello @mantle, what is the source for that quote?
It doesn't seem outlandish to me at all.
This can even still be considered almost normal in the current frenetic production and consumption.

In addition there is this story of "Frankenfish", a GMO salmon, but sold with this label genetically engineered fish, perhaps this is what comes close to hybrids/moles/underground, in terms of fish.

See these videos that are already 7 years old but still relevant:

AquAdvantage salmon - Wikipedia
AquAdvantage — Wikipédia

Yeah, I remember when I first started learning about the unseen spiritual control of humanity, I started to think of the high rises in my home city as human salmon farms.

And on that note, it seems there has been a new step in hybridization, not with humans and grays, but humans and pigs:

All for better organ transplants, of course. Nothing to see here.
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