Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Alex Jones Bullhorns Bilderberg Group

Funny how lots of people tend to follow the 'loudmouth'.
+The equation is this- -- Alex Jones and David Icke talk against the government and the New World Order + No Government interference to literally shut them down = The PTB must be afraid of them, since they are still in full swing, therefore they must be right.

It's simple, albeit silly, but true.
I kinda fell for that trap. But the fact of the matter is that someone posing a major threat to the PTB is 'taken care of'. And these dudes are thriving.

treesparrow said:
I'd be a bit surprised if there were not a British equivalent of the Rense site. Perhaps the truthseeker site could be such a candidate. The general layout mimics Rense and the linked articles appear with a pale brown background (like Rense). Other than this site, do any British readers know of any other in the UK that might carry out the same sort of disinfo function as the Rense site?
A prime candidate (obviously) would be David Icke's site but given he does seem to find some interesting links, at the moment currently involving the Pope & Prof. Hawking, Israeli shelling of that beach, US Govt. cover-up over alleged 'suicides' at gitmo, etc :

(I found the signs podcast thru this site, (read into this what you may, only remember if you want to tell a whopper of a lie and get away with it, you have to involve some truth). Also he does link to the Rense website; given that more recently he has reduced the links. He does mention that he is having a bit of a legal-fight with somebody, no name mentioned...)

Odds are, every country expected to resist the movement towards the 'One World Goal' would have one. The possibility exists that the censorship being carried-out is in preparation for the other countries in the world where the internet is spreading, the odds are these countries will try to find out more info about the lies being spread. If they could be directed away from any site that is beneficial towards them, the usual diet of 'divide & conquer' will suffice.
Alex Jones Bullhorns Bilderberg Group

This becomes a method: Exopolitics institute and Eric Julien are joining the anti-government forces. First notice this:

Ed Komarek has
"resigned" as a member of the Board of Directors from the Exopolitics Institute. I haven't had a detailed conversation with him yet, other than one when he was headed up a Hawaiian mountain to go camping following the Institute's conference. But, he indicated to me that his peers on the Board were displeased that he interacted with people like Jack Sarfatti (through his email list) and others (also on that list) who have ties to our military, intelligence community, and government.
then this
Aloha all, I am sad to announce that Ed Komarek is no longer a member of the Board of Directors of the Exopolitics Institute. It was strongly felt by other Board members that Ed's desire to network and cultivate relationships with members of the intelligence community, and to promote such relationships with guests at the ET Civilizations and World Peace conference was not appropriate. Ed's position as a director created the impression that the Institute approved of the intelligence networks cultivated by Ed and lobbying Institute guests on behalf of his intelligence networks. We discussed the situation with Ed and it was agreed that a less visible position within the Institute would allow Ed to
pursue his networking with the Intelligence community, while avoiding the perception that he was representing the Institute. Consequently, at
a meeting of all members of the Board of Directors on June 12, Ed resigned his position as a director and has taken up a new position as a network associate.
and the a confession from Jack Sarfatti here

Yes, your characterization [Mike Jameison's] is what I have said at my group and at the Above Top Secret forum. They are both ["they" probably means ATS and Exopolitics] leftist and New Age/Metaphysical. Whenever Michael Salla has argued in the past about us not "weaponizing" space, I point out that it would be imprudent for us to not be a step ahead of the Chinese, who now have an ambitious space program. Then, Salla really blew it when he told Al-Jazeera his thoughts on the "real story" about Iran, the US, etc.
So, the naive readers are supposed to believe that ATS and Exopolitics are "leftists" :)

I was preparing reply to Treesparrow re-reading Joe Vialls articles and making quotes to demonstrate that I wouldn't believe anything that Department of State states; irrelevantly whether it states someone is disinformant or truthful informant, but sit down and analyse texts by myself; that i see his articles as ones from a sincere truthseeker, trying to expose takeover of US by zionistic forces within Israel and US, that thermonuclear blast and not an earthquake being the reason behind 26-december Sumatra tsunami; Bush and Co ordering attacks on italian Manifesto journalists, exposing US MSM lies about capture of "Hussein" and successful "eliminating of both his sons and other thoughtful analyses of US-Israel policies. Then i felt exausted
and suddenly out of nowhere one short thought came: about matrix, that anything Vialls and other sites are about: globalists versus antiglobalists, exposing media lies and real policymakers behind puppets - all this still keeps us fighting inside matrix, its still sincere puppets fighting disinfo-artists puppets. Some time ago I read book "Matrix warrior" by Jake Horsley, regularly read sott materials, and "understood" essence of ptb, but it was the first time this thought came from within. When reading about ptb I kept exteriorising enemy it's us versus them battle, i remembered what C's said that we are a battleground, but understanding thought literally, harbouring it with brain is quite different from what i experienced yesterday- Its like finally my brain got message to every cell. It is an individual battle within each of us and no less. I read this before many times but it didn't come through. I felt that when you think that you think and you feel from deep inside that you think (the same thought) makes not huge difference but all the difference. Gosh, why it didn't happen before when i was writing about 3-d analysis of our reality??

We received the following email today:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Welcome to Signs of the Times Forum!
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 16:39:20 +0000
From: Bruce W <>
To: sott forum

I've uncovered some disturbing facts about you guys.

Giving you a heads up, your members are being informed.

The new MSN Search Toolbar now includes Desktop search!
Not a surprise since we have been going after the disinfo people in our articles and podcasts lately. It will be interesting to see what kind of crap they come up with now.

Added: seems that the sender is the same guy who started this thread and is associated with this website: http:(2 slash)www(dot)exoticsmoker(dot)com

Ya just gotta love those cointelpro types: they are all the same and you always find the same slimy and disgusting behaviors among them.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

WING TV Viewer's Poll
# June 12th Question:

Who do you think is the biggest plant-shill-government op in the patriot movement and/or alternative media?

The jury is in, the results are final, and everyday truth-seekers from all walks of life have spoken.

What follows are the results for our first WING TV viewer's poll question:

Who do you think is the biggest plant-shill-government op in the patriot movement and/or alternative media?


1) Alex Jones - GCN - 24%
2) Jeff Rense - GCN - 12%
3) Mike Ruppert - From the Wilderness - 11%
4) Art Bell - Coast to Coast AM - 7%
5) Kyle Hence - 9-11 Citizens Watch - 6%
6) Amy Goodman - Democracy Now - 5%
7) George Noory - Coast to Coast AM - 4%
8) David Icke - author, The Reptilian Agenda - 4%
9) Greg Szymanski - RBN - 3%
10) Tom Flocco + Daniel Hopsicker - Mad Cow News - 3%



ONE: Discernment and Distrust

A total of 41 different individuals were named by voters as who they felt was the biggest shill in the alternative media and patriot movement. The first thing that is very apparent from these results is that nobody trusts anybody in this field! Or, more accurately, a lot of people are waking up to the fact that there are some highly questionable figures delivering their information to them, and as a result they are becoming highly suspicious of these sources. In our opinion, this is a move in the right direction, for the more discernment people use in selecting their news sources, the more able they'll be to eliminate those who aren't on the up-and-up.


GCN's top two flagship broadcasters - Alex Jones and Jeff Rense - were voted # 1 and # 2 as the biggest shills, plants, and/or government ops by respondents to our first viewer's poll. Between the two of them, they received 36% of the entire vote! That means over one of every three people thought these GCN mainstays were the worst of the worst. Ponder this point for a moment. The ramifications are beyond damning. 1 in 3 people listed Jones & Rense as the # 1 ops. Ted Anderson, owner of GCN, should think long and hard about what the people are saying; and in our opinion he should take notice before his network's credibility is completely destroyed by these two.

THREE: Alex Jones

"Ego" Alex Jones, as many called him, received more than twice as many votes as any other recipient. Over twice as many! Consider what this means. One of every four voters categorized Jones as the biggest shill around; and in all honesty, we were surprised at how deeply the distrust of this man goes in the patriot community. Of course he still has his loyal sheeple-groupies, but this poll is very convincing in that people have caught on to Alex's schtick.

In addition, his latest publicity stunt at the Canadian Bilderberg meeting backfired horrendously, for people saw immediately that after Jones deliberately got himself detained by customs officials, this "created" event (just like the mainstream media does) quickly became all about Alex Alex Alex. Egomania run rampant.

Furthermore, we get the impression that the community at large is repulsed by Jones' $74.00 ticket price for his upcoming Los Angeles 9-11 event. Imagine, "Hollywood" Alex Jones is charging good-hearted, well-intentioned, hard-working patriots $74 to walk through the door. Repulsive. This confirms yet again that Jones' only god is the Almighty Dollar.

FOUR: Jeff Rense

By refusing to step out of the shadows, show a photograph of himself, or produce a resume that substantiates his past claims, Jeff Rense ranks # 2 on the shill-plant government op list. Plus, his latest underhanded tactic of having a lawyer try to strong-arm TV station owner Patsy Smullin into signing a statement - via coercion and intimidation - that they wrote for her was the bottom of the barrel. As one voter commented about Rense, he has "the most sophisticated disinformation," so be extremely wary.

FIVE: Coast-to-Coast AM

Between Art Bell and George Noory, these two men garnered 10% of the total vote. What's most regrettable about this duo is that, with their show being broadcast into approximately 550 markets with eight million listeners, they could do more than any other single entity to help the patriot community, yet what we see instead is shadow people, Bigfoot, Prophet Yahweh (UFO con-man), ghosts, and other assorted nonsense.

Plus, Noory's most frequent New World Order guest is none other than the # 1 least-trusted recipient in our poll - "Hollywood" Alex Jones. As Noory is fond of saying, there are no coincidences. So, could there be collusion between the Clear Channel owned Coast-to-Coast AM and GCN, which is, by its owner's own admission, aspiring to become more "mainstream" every day? It seems to us that this clique is just a little too reminiscent of how the mainstream media operates where only a handful of "selected" mouthpieces [those who stick to the script] are allowed into the protection racket at the exclusion of many other authentic truth-tellers who aren't controlled.

SIX: Mike Ruppert

With his continued attacks on the 9-11 truth movement, embarrassing sexual harassment charges brought by a former female employee, the peak oil ruse, and pathetic panhandling schemes aimed at his followers, Ruppert's star has undoubtedly plunged further than anyone else's. Washed-up, exposed, and hung-out to dry; we predict that he won't even be a part of this movement by next year. Why bother? His gig is up.

SEVEN: Kyle Hence

Nobody will ever forget Hence's arrogant proclamation about the 9-11 truth movement where he said, "People aren't ready for the truth." Well, all we can say is - SCREW YOU! None of us ever made you our spokesman, especially when you've suppressed so much vital 9-11 information over the past five years. Here is how one voter cast his ballot for biggest shill: "Kyle Hence (and his minions). He's definitely the Pied Piper of Propaganda."

EIGHT: Amy Goodman

No wonder the Democrats don't control the White House, or either hall of Congress. For some inexplicable reason - totally devoid of logic - the libby-libs still tune into Disinformation Now (and other equally lightweight, controlled leftist sites). Just look at her salary and where the money comes from to support their network (see and you'll know why Amy Goodman avoids so many pertinent issues. The Left needs to run this woman out of town on a rail, and quickly.

NINE: Greg Szymanski

One voter called him "the most obvious shill," and considering his alarmist, sensationalistic output, we can't argue with this assessment. On top of that, anyone who would brazenly FAKE an interview with Morgan Reynolds is a bottom-feeder like none other - even worse than the mainstream media cronies. At least creeps like Jayson Blair and Stephen Glass got fired when they pulled similar stunts. How this guy is allowed to be on various networks and in certain publications is beyond us. Now he's become the biggest money-beggar on the Internet. Pull the plug, for crying out loud.

TEN: Disinfo, Inc.

Hopsicker: This guy's still promoting the bogus notion that 19 Arab cave-dwellers masterminded 9-11. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Truthfully, we didn't even know he was still around. 19 Arab cave-dwellers did 9-11. What a buffoon!

Flocco: You remember the headlines: "Bush & Cheney Indicted" (guess what - they're still in office). "Chicago Subway MI5 Shootout" (a total lie). "Barbara Olson Alive - Arrested in Europe" (the biggest hoax in years). This cretin has been so discredited that his name is now synonymous with disinformation.

ELEVEN: David Icke

Another George Noory mainstay. Shape-shifters. Reptilians. What's real; what's fake ???????


One element overlooked by voters in our poll was the crucial role that paid spammers and paid chat room trolls play in spreading disinformation. Consider: how does the Tom Flocco-type garbage make its way across the Internet so quickly? Answer: via Poindexters who are bankrolled by the government to disseminate this crap.

In addition, the top-ranking shills & plants listed in this poll are protected in little chat rooms and on message boards (many of them created specifically by the CIA) by a cabal of useful idiots, groupies, sycophants, and worst of all - those on the CIA payroll who run interference for the operatives. These low-life pathetic scum are largely unknown, but they play an integral part in perpetuating the infiltration of our movement. Losers losers losers.


It is notable that certain names in the alternative media and patriot movement not only didn't make the Top Ten list of worst shills, but they weren't even mentioned once by the voters. These are people like:

- Michael Collins Piper
- Vyzygoth
- Frank Whalen
- Christopher Bollyn
- Bill Brumbaugh
- Mark Glenn
- Mark Farrell
- Sam & Trish Britton
- Michael Corbin
- Kelly McGinley
- Patriot Jim Kujawa
- Michael Langston
- Laura Knight-Jadczyk
- Russell Pickering

Of course there are many others, but the point is: not everyone in this movement is corrupted, and there are still honest voices left within our ranks. These are the individuals we need to support, while simultaneously ignoring the shills, plants, and government operatives.

Now the choice is up to you: do you want TRUTH, or will you accept disinformation?

I have one question, when does a poll of listeners furnish proof that 10 people are government agents working to distort the truth? I would like to see the proof. People seeking the truth need to have all the facts so we can decide for ourselves whom to believe. I must have missed the evidence when I read the article from Wing TV.


It is a common technique for yellowish journalism to call for the common sence of the public/audience: Then everything they want is wrong or right, and everyone agrees. Some mask this with a rational cover: How could you doubth reazon? Or, how could you doubth what we all see very clearly? Consensus is the way to turn common sence into morals.
More serious, worthy journalism either starts from, or ends at common sence. In this use of the common sence, the common sence is one element of the discourse, and not the discourse. One tool of style, and not the whole thing. Research is the way to turn common sence into Ethics.
Jones presents him self as a moral leader. He just needs 10 people to stablish everything in perfect common sence, and audience is satisfyed with that.

Ethics... that is not a subject. It is the field where the human truth incarnates -yes, right in the middle of moral armies.

censoredbysott said:
What exactly is wrong with Alex Jones?
Maybe someone here can explain why 99.9% of the writers and the people here do nothing but talk trash about Alex Jones.
The man has done more for the 9/11 truth movement then most of the other organizations put together...
I'm in 100% in agreement with you. The guy has done HUGE things for those looking for the truth, inspiring people to look beyond the tip of their own noses. He was the one who really broke the Bohemian Grove story (incredible footage), who predicted 9/11 before it happened, who got out there and did the research, who called a spade a spade. He clearly outlines the problems regarding Skull&Bones. He reminds people of the history behind things. He was the inspiring force for many people, and we owe him a debt of gratitude for getting people THINKING again. (Not to say he's single-handedly responsible, just that he's had a big impact.)

But to be honest, he also freaks people out. When I was first starting to look beyond the mainstream, his frequent and all-too-comfortable use of terms like "Illuminati" and "police-state", while entirely appropriate, seemed wacky to me. It took me a bit to see him as anything but hysterical. But hey, that was my problem. Got past it.

Yeah, he screws up a lot. A lot. And he's very biased and very... well... very much a Christian from Austin, Texas. But he gets people moving and gets people thinking. That matters.

Oh and here's the clip where he predicts 9/11 on July 25th of that year:
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

It's a good thing that the Internet is not a democracy then. :)

While I have some problems with some of the names on the poll, I don't think that some of these names are "shills" per se. I have a lot of problems with some of the views that Alex Jones has, and I do think that he unwittingly pushes government agenda at times, especially with regards to the immigration issue, but I don't think of him as a government plant and the comments about him are a bit unfair considering that he practically gives away his videos and encourages others to make copies of them and distribute them.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Good Scratch, hopefully one of many more to come.

CyberChrist said:
While I have some problems with some of the names on the poll, I don't think that some of these names are "shills" per se. I have a lot of problems with some of the views that Alex Jones has, and I do think that he unwittingly pushes government agenda at times, especially with regards to the immigration issue, but I don't think of him as a government plant and the comments about him are a bit unfair considering that he practically gives away his videos and encourages others to make copies of them and distribute them.
If these, the most prominent, well-funded and brazen fear mongering "champions of truth" are not shills, then who is?

One thing that is often forgotten is the last thing a shill will be is OBVIOUS to the common citizen. They will not go around with a big I AM A SHILL sign carved on their chests. They will have showmanship, and flare, and come off as having passion. In fact, although passion is a requirement to fight for truth, THEIR passion is the kind that sells, and covers any reason.

If shills are nothing more than carbon copies of the mainstream media, then what is their point in the first place?

I think these false "champions" have done a good job in presenting themselves as the "last great hope for mankind" (to paraphrase the words of the series "Babylon 5"). And in truth, these individuals and their organizations are the ones that have turned the "truth movement" into a veritable Tower of Babel even before a real truth movement was able to get off the ground.

Why this reluctance to look at these people and their institutions with a discerning eye? Why the dissonance whenever the possibility of challenging them, as EVERYONE making claims must be challenged, arises? Are we that afraid of "being alone"? Are we that dependent on fancy showmen to do our truth-seeking for us? Do we really think that we can just sit back and let the "good guys" with the capes and superhero logos on their chests solve our problems?

By claiming that the democratic and fundamental human RIGHT to challenge any and all persons and institutions that seek to influence our perception of events is UNFAIR, we are essentially denying ourselves participation as active members of this world, and fighting to insure that we will remain spectators of whoever wants to "take all the risks".

Do we not know that a true threat will either be silenced with defamation or in a physical manner (as long as the latter does not create martyrs in the public eye)? Can we not tell the difference between the reactions of the powers that be to TRUE threats, and reactions of staged showmanship?

What I think needs to be done is that people first summon the courage to face the fear of losing these "champions" upon which they foster an unhealthy dependency.

Perhaps when this is done, we can get beyond the dissonance we feel whenever we are called to question something is that covers (and presents to protect) our own weakness and insecurity. Then our minds can start working constructively so we can see beyond our own fear and deceptive programming.

Then we can start making a difference, and throw all those who put us to sleep, on the pretense of doing our work for us, out on the street. And we will be happy to do so, then and only then, because we will not need them any more.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

I hate articles based on polls. They're so VERY manipulative. The phrasing of the question is suspect ("shill" can be seen in different ways, "patriot movement" equally so), and the participants in the poll are completely inscrutable.

Who got to participate in this poll?
How many got to participate?
How did they find out about it?
Were they given a set number of choices?
What newsletters were sent to the participants *just prior* to the poll?

This whole thing reeks of half-truths.

Of course, that's just my knee-jerk emotional reaction, I could be wrong...

There is no 9-11 truth movement, there is only huge cointelpro and damage control operation running on. There are so many things that Powers That Be didn't manage to sweep under the rug and naturally people started asking questions. So, those in control were forced to react in the most efficient way - to steer truthseekers ashtray, to keep them divided, to make them hunt for pre-selected straw men, so that PTB themselves will stay untouched and continue pulling the stings. Those few who ask some real questions, who are honest and truthful are terribly outnumbered by conscious agents and most of all unconscious dupes.

You say Alex Jones gets people moving and gets people thinking? Of course, but what kind of thinking is that? Is it high-quality critical thinking? NO. It's only running to and fro, waving sticks and propagating what was revealed on the "need to know" basis. Sure, he cannot fool everyone. Every once in a while someone who initially listened only to Jones may turn his head not necessarily in the direction he is told to look, and this individual may even start to think for himself for a first time in his life. But is this independent thinking Jones' accomplishment? No, it is merely his accident at work.

So, yes, Alex Jones got people on the move, they are chasing shadows eversince.

Wrayer said:
Yeah, he screws up a lot. A lot. And he's very biased and very... well... very much a Christian from Austin, Texas. But he gets people moving and gets people thinking. That matters.
Does he really?

I don't see any screw-ups. Everything seems very well-planned and quite calculated. Why are so many people justifying manipulation as "screwing up"? So we may be "forgiving" of course. The only screwing up I see is that of a manipulator getting greedier than his puppet masters would prefer.

And does he get people thinking? What thinking has he gotten people to do? The kind that keeps them in line, and perpetually afraid and agreeable? What solutions are being presented? What ways that transcend violence itself, or the other extreme of doing things "by the book", are offered?

I for one am a bit tired of the same old same old reaction that reminds me a lot of the way Bush supporters react to challenges to their icon. The only thing Jones and his ilk have done for people is to make them afraid to think for themselves. Shoving dire inevitabilities down people's throats, and outshouting any who might really be sincere is not making people think.

The truth movement is meant to be a grass roots movement, not a movement of profiteering "professional shepherds". These people have for years dominated the alternative scene, and all I've seen as a response from the public is a combination of back-patting agreement, superficial rooting for THEM to keep up the good work, and more importantly, a sense of despair that this is a no win situation.

And it seems to me that is EXACTLY the state of mind the powers that be want people to have.

But then, that is just me.

PS. It seems you beat me to the punch jOda ;).

EsoQuest said:
And does he get people thinking? What thinking has he gotten people to do? The kind that keeps them in line, and ...
Alright, let's take it for granted that the situation is far more sinister than I would at first assume. He's part of the conspiracy, etc etc...

His body of work really only carries three messages though:
1. The government is NOT your friend. Stop trusting them.
2. Act now. (Constant calls to action, references to government sources)
3. Don't take my word for it. Get out there and find out for yourself.

Seriously guys, for a government shill... isn't this the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he should be saying? Because whether or not you think that his content is full of holes and crap, people on average are walking away active instead of complacent, critical of powers-that-be instead of accepting, and moved to read a book or make a phonecall or just get people to stop watching FOX News.

It's a positive thing, whether accidental or purposeful.

Focus too hard on the darkness and you'll see no light.
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