Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

You could say why you think otherwise, for starters.
If you think that only 100k Ukrainians (and associated mercenaries) are now permanently out of the fight I don't know what to say.
If you believe that say 600k Ukrainians are dead, as some seem to think, then the total ukie casualties are 2.4 million. Wow.

How many Russians are dead then? Do you believe the MoD's figures? Say 20k dead Russians?

Let me just say that this is one impressive k/d ratio that has never been replicated in any modern war. Brits against flint-tip spear-wielding abos, maybe.

My point is that if you think that the Ukrainian death count is very high, it should follow that realistically the Russian death count is also higher as well. Unless you believe that, contrary to what soldiers on the frontlines are saying, news agencies like WarGonzo and many many others on Telegram that this is a tough tough fight, that this is just a one-sided slaughter the likes of which has never been seen on the battlefield before, well then the burden of proof lies on you, friend, not me.

And yet, despite killing hundreds of thousands of ukies, the Russian army still can't advance! Weird!
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You seem to have gone on holiday at the end of the summer and just got back. I will help. During this time, Wagner PMCs captured Soledar. By the way, Zelensky yelled that Soledar would never be taken. By the way, like Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Lysychansk...
Soledar is barely even a town. A town. That is your proof of a grand Russian offensive. DELUSIONAL.

>Arestovich's student! The Ukrainian army does not give up its positions in Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Marinka. She holds the position in reverse!

Just two more weeks! For real this time!

>Putin and Xi discussed this meme the other day. Unfortunately, this is not a meme. But you have every chance to become a meme.

Putin and Xi discussed exterminating the entire male Ukrainian population? Wow, must have missed that. thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Also, thanks for refraining from calling me a Nazi. I hope you didn't burst a blood vessel restraining yourself. I know how you guys sometimes see traces of Nazis in your underpants after a messy trip to the toilet and all I can say is that I applaud your vigilance and wish you further luck in keeping this forum Nazi-free. And by Nazi, you of course mean, anyone who doesn't believe everything that Shoigu says.

I see you have had to get creative. "CIA manual reader" and "Arestovich's student" are quite good. What else you got, sovok?
Let me just say that this is one impressive k/d ratio that has never been replicated in any modern war. Brits against flint-tip spear-wielding abos, maybe.
History is full of examples of strategic retreat. You probably haven't heard anything about the events of 1812? Right, why study history? Strelkov knows best!

In the confrontation under discussion, artillery plays a decisive role, who do you think has the advantage in artillery?
You could say why you think otherwise, for starters.

If you believe that say 600k Ukrainians are dead, as some seem to think, then the total ukie casualties are 2.4 million. Wow.

How many Russians are dead then? Do you believe the MoD's figures? Say 20k dead Russians?

Let me just say that this is one impressive k/d ratio that has never been replicated in any modern war. Brits against flint-tip spear-wielding abos, maybe.

My point is that if you think that the Ukrainian death count is very high, it should follow that realistically the Russian death count is also higher as well. Unless you believe that, contrary to what soldiers on the frontlines are saying, news agencies like WarGonzo and many many others on Telegram that this is a tough tough fight, that this is just a one-sided slaughter the likes of which has never been seen on the battlefield before, well then the burden of proof lies on you, friend, not me.

And yet, despite killing hundreds of thousands of ukies, the Russian army still can't advance! Weird!

I deliberately avoided the word 'dead', but perhaps I should have been clearer. What I said (permanently out of the fight) included all casualties. You are playing with the figures to support your narrative, suggesting that only 100K people are no longer able to engage in combat. Your argument should have taken into account all casualties.

I disagree with the rest of your post, full of basic problems with logic.

It doesn't matter how many people I think, or guess, might be dead. I provided no figures.
You could say why you think otherwise, for starters.

If you believe that say 600k Ukrainians are dead, as some seem to think, then the total ukie casualties are 2.4 million. Wow.

And yet, despite killing hundreds of thousands of ukies, the Russian army still can't advance! Weird!
Now you are inventing figures that have not been mentioned in this forum, the 600,000 is a Chinese estimate and it is counting injuries.
In case you missed it, the reason why the Russian army is not advancing has already been said and it responds to the fact that they are not looking for this but rather to bleed the enemy to death while preserving the lives of their soldiers as much as possible, Wagner's soldiers may not follow this mode of operation to the letter because they are mercenaries and have some flexibility to a certain extent in their mode of operation.

We are going around in circles since you are questioning things and details that were already discussed several times before in this same thread and from what I see this dynamic will continue on your part, read these articles to know what the Russian army is doing at this moment and read the thread please, we can avoid this unnecessary waste of energy if you do that:

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Taking the whole Ukraine is just one of the goals. Only part of the whole action. The "whole" idea is changing the world's order. Which IS happening, and we have undeniable proofs of that.

Now, imagine if Russia did the military operation in US "shock and awe" style. Ukraine would be taken, but the whole other world would remain the same. The job would not be done.

Compare the state of the world now and just one year ago. Great difference. And it will be the greater even. That cant be accomplished with fast shock and awe style war.
What if, what goes on in Ukraine at the moment, until the mud dries out and peace talks start, is also a selected set of tests for weapons, methods of training, and war technology, on both NATO and Russia's sides?

To me, it does not look like an expressly existential war anymore.

New ammo and tanks to deploy it are ready for action, and who knows what else is in the pipeline.
Wow. Quite the pizzing contest!…” And welcome back to the Rolo f1esk and youlik, show! (aka RfYou!) with todays special guest Possibility of Being”…(warm applause) (cut to commercial for Stolichnaya Salted Karamel vodka)

I’m looking for a unifying takeaway here. One is that there is a massive difference of opinion which points to the fact that either someone is way off base or basically nobody can be certain of anything. (The other aspect is a fascinating educational look at a certain cultural mode of relating)

I personally have been wondering - why are they fundamentally fighting WW1 type of warfare? Where are the sonic weapons, the microwave weapons? Yes those are hideously inhumane but how uplifting is trench warfare? It seems fishy to me, no matter who is “winning”. What real difference has air superiority made If they are still mucking around on the ground? Where are the catapults heaving boulders? Oh, they’re called tanks now.

So I am wondering if the answers are somewhere embedded in the idea that the one world government which is fundamentally non-human is like the parent who lets the boys fight it out so long as no one gets mortally wounded. And perhaps a test of human nature and acceptance of the insanity of prolonged warfare.

There’s a primitive part of me saying “for God’s sake just blow the holy crap out of the other guys and get it over with.” Why the Chinese water torture?

But I suppose there are larger issues playing out such as an economic counter-attack on the West on many levels. Russia seems to be good at dilly-dallying while the opponent becomes antsy and impatient. Yes? I will defer to the Red Triad for the answer!
So I am wondering if the answers are somewhere embedded in the idea that the one world government which is fundamentally non-human is like the parent who lets the boys fight it out so long as no one gets mortally wounded. And perhaps a test of human nature and acceptance of the insanity of prolonged warfare.
BH I always appreciate your humor. But war sickens me. Our Earth is soaked in human blood from wartime sacrifices. I get an icy stab of pain in my stomach, when I think of it and rising bile chokes me to think of it coming to the USA.

I'm on the sidelines, praying for all humans and especially those called called collateral damage.
Wow. Quite the pizzing contest!…” And welcome back to the Rolo f1esk and youlik, show! (aka RfYou!) with todays special guest Possibility of Being”…(warm applause) (cut to commercial for Stolichnaya Salted Karamel vodka)

I’m looking for a unifying takeaway here. One is that there is a massive difference of opinion which points to the fact that either someone is way off base or basically nobody can be certain of anything. (The other aspect is a fascinating educational look at a certain cultural mode of relating)

I personally have been wondering - why are they fundamentally fighting WW1 type of warfare? Where are the sonic weapons, the microwave weapons? Yes those are hideously inhumane but how uplifting is trench warfare? It seems fishy to me, no matter who is “winning”. What real difference has air superiority made If they are still mucking around on the ground? Where are the catapults heaving boulders? Oh, they’re called tanks now.

So I am wondering if the answers are somewhere embedded in the idea that the one world government which is fundamentally non-human is like the parent who lets the boys fight it out so long as no one gets mortally wounded. And perhaps a test of human nature and acceptance of the insanity of prolonged warfare.

There’s a primitive part of me saying “for God’s sake just blow the holy crap out of the other guys and get it over with.” Why the Chinese water torture?

But I suppose there are larger issues playing out such as an economic counter-attack on the West on many levels. Russia seems to be good at dilly-dallying while the opponent becomes antsy and impatient. Yes? I will defer to the Red Triad for the answer!
Well...it seems that the 1990 -2000s inventories took a bit longer to deplete than anticipated. This year it looks like the theater of war uses the 2010s props.
And welcome back to the Rolo f1esk and youlik, show! (aka RfYou!) with todays special guest Possibility of Being”…(warm applause)
I congratulate you, dear BHelmet, on the enchanting entry into the ensemble (aka RfYouBH) (stormy and prolonged applause).
In general, I have one question and one suggestion.
The question is simple, does it look like an OP? I hope it's clear who I'm talking about. It's too intricate there in the head everything is twisted.
The suggestion is to notify C's at the next session that they are now aliens. Just in case they missed it.

Поздравляю вас, уважаемый BHelmet, с феерическим вступлением в ансамбль (aka RfYouBH)(бурные и продолжительные аплодисменты).
А вообще у меня один вопрос и одно предложение.
Вопрос простой не похоже ли на ОП? Я надеюсь понятно, о ком я говорю. Уж больно затейливо там в голове все закручено.
Предложение заключается в том, чтобы на следующей сессии оповестить C's, что они теперь инопланетяне. На всякий случай, вдруг они пропустили.
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