There seems to me to be a holdover of this tendency in post-Mao China. I don't think it's the ONLY explanation for this zero-COVID policy, but it's significant. You have the impossible goal, and the endless energy to carry it out, even if it approaches levels of absurdity. There's also an element of the myth of technocracy rooted in utilitarian (i.e. schizoid) philosophy and ethics. I wouldn't be surprised if leaving people alone during a plague would be vastly more effective than all centralized "public health" policies that "experts" devise in an emergency. Even better might be to provide some basic education rooted in fact. But to try to "control" an entire population is the height of hubris. As seen in Shanghai, okay you want to lock everyone in their apartments. Do you have the infrastructure to provide them all with food? Seems like something to think about BEFORE implementing such a self-destructive policy.
I've read Ehret's analysis: Putting the Shanghai Lockdown into Context: China Sees this as a Bioweapon

Great historical and geopolitical context as always, but he speculates that this virus is particularly bad to Han Chinese without providing evidence. He takes our explanation for why the Chinese govt INITIALLY 'went full DefCon with activating bio-attack defense protocols', but that does not explain why such measures are now RETURNING 2.5 years later. The virus is endemic now. It's practically incorporated into the human genome. Why should that be any less the case in China?

Or am I wrong about that? Are there still hundreds of millions of Chinese who have not been exposed to the virus (of whatever variant)? Is the virus still doing some form of damage that suppresses or negatively alters the population in some way?

If the Chinese govt is being utilitarian, what is the trade-off for doing this??
What I'm getting from Dr. Ardis is that the virus is real, but it's derived from snake venom which it seems likely Dr. Bing Liu would have revealed from his studies. It definitely seems designed for depopulation whereas the Cs indicated the aim was to make people more compliant. Well, it would seem compliance was achieved by extreme fear of Covid. Flu supposedly disappeared, replaced by PCR positive cases and treatment with snake venom equivalent Remdesivir and the mRNA vaxxes. And Google has plenty of results for remdesivir cobra venom as of now. Part 3 of the Dr. Ardis interview is supposed to be released today according to Mike Adams' April 12 Situation Update.

I couldn't help but notice that Ohio and Wisconsin appear to have the largest number of water testing sites as shown by Dr. Ardis in Part 1:

I vaguely remember that wastewater was tested maybe in Ireland that showed the virus was present well before the supposed outbreak in December 2019? And the Cs did say the virus was out a couple of years before the official declaration. But if municipal water is being used in a targeted way to spread the virus/venom, it would seem whole populations of an area would all be affected including children. But maybe it was only necessary to target one area - NYC as Mike Adams suggests. Once that produced the desired fear factor, the rest of the control measures kicked in that resulted in the two years of Covid hysteria nationally and beyond.

Ok - I was counting the Ardis/Peters vid as Part 1, but that's incorrect. The first two parts are with Mike Adams and are available in this article - I haven't viewed that Part 1 yet:

I apologize if this info has already been posted :

yesterday I received a link of an interview with Dr Brian Ardis who presents some rather interesting and troubling links about the Sars-COV2 coronavirus and... cobra venom !

I know this sound farfetched, but I took the time to listen and at first sight it makes some sense.

I'm a bit in a rush today, but here are some quick elements mentioned in the two interviews:

- COVID symptoms and cobra venom poisoning symptoms are very similar
- There has been a lot of speculation about the animal origin of COVID virus : bat, pangolin and... snake
- At least one study indicates that the ''original'' genetic sequence of COVID virus points to the animal: snake
- COVID spike protein is similar to cobra snake venom
- All this could be related to the murder of Dr Bing Liu of University of Pittsburg who was genetically sequencing the spike protein
- Snake venom genetics (gene mapping, jan 2020 study ) has been extensively researched for many years. We now know there are 19 main toxin venom proteins in snake venom that target organs in the body. Study was funded by Genentech (Roche subsiduary)
- Could this have later been replicated in the partly artificial design of COVID-19 virus ?
- Giliad purchased part of Genentech (Roche) in 2011
- Giliad is manufacturer of Remdesivir
- Hydroxychloroquine ''negates' the antiviral properties of Remdesivir (this is related to nicotine receptors in the brain that control vagus nerve for breathing)
- Remdsivir could be similar if not identical to snake cobra venom
- Many of the so-called inefficient/forbidden substances against COVID are efficient against snake venom poisoning:
Nicotine, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Quercitin, N.A.C., Vitmamin C, Copper, Bentonite clay, Corticosteroids, Budesonide (nebulized), nicotine, monoclonal antibodies

SARS-COV-2 = sars-Cobra Venom-2 ?

Virus in latin = venom
Corona = Crown = alludes to Royal, King
Corona virus COVID-19 = King (Royal) Venom Cobra Venom 19 toxin venom proteins ?

Interview 1 :
Interview 2 : Mike Adams & Dr. Bryan Ardis Conclude Remdesivir & Vaccines are literally KING COBRA VENOM!

What are your thoughts ?
FWIW , Steve Kirsch has an article out about Watch The Water video where Dr. Bryan Ardis discusses with Stew Peters that the virus is similar to snake venom. :-)

I've now watched the Peters interview/film with Ardis, and tend to agree with what Kirsch writes. As the old saying goes, correlation doesn't mean causation. As Kirsch points out, the molecular similarities with snake venom and SARS-CoV-2 are apparently real, but does this mean that snake venom was put in the water to poison people...uh, no. So, by introducing the 'water theory' Ardis is making a huge assumption based on flimsly correlations. Another thing I thought of was that if this snake venom would've been put locally in some water sources, wouldn't also a lot of animals have become sick...I mean, snake venom is poisonous to animals, right? And, why go through all that trouble when you can adjust the infection rate e.g. by controlling the cycle treshold of PCR tests?

Maybe there's something to this, but I'd like a lot more evidence especially about the 'water theory'. Ardis' storyline is compelling because 'everything fits' together but it's an example of Umberto Eco's example of numerology; you can quite easily find any numbers/measurements to fit your numerology theory.

The most puzzling thing to me is why Ardis has 'gone wild' with this theory. From what I've heard him during the last couple of years prior to this I've never sensed any red flags with his delivery. And, the lethal dangers of Remdesivir is pretty well established by many other why not stop there, why go on this wild goose chase? As for Stew Peters, I've lost confidence in him a long time ago. In my mind, he's a sensationalist who seeks publicity with wild theories without any proper evidence.

Another question is, if this is deliberate misinformation, what's the purpose of it?
Another question is, if this is deliberate misinformation, what's the purpose of it?
It could be an example of the old 'poisoning the well' scam. I can hear the MSM now: "We have to do something about these crazed anti-vaxers spreading kooky conspiracy theories". Might be interesting to see who is funding this spectacle. I haven't watched it. Is there spooky music like an episode of Ancient Aliens?
It could be an example of the old 'poisoning the well' scam. I can hear the MSM now: "We have to do something about these crazed anti-vaxers spreading kooky conspiracy theories". Might be interesting to see who is funding this spectacle. I haven't watched it. Is there spooky music like an episode of Ancient Aliens?
I haven't watched it either. As soon as I saw Stew Peters name next to it red flags went up. He's a fake in my opinion, don't understand why he's popular in the alternative space. He's a sensationalist. Same as that Mike Adams guy.

I tell you who else I have suspicions against - Steve Kirsch. He's got a sensationalist vibe to him - maybe it's to do with his American business background. In any case I remain cautious and suspicious but note he has respect from the likes of Robert Malone.
The most puzzling thing to me is why Ardis has 'gone wild' with this theory.
Getting ready to head out the door for an appointment, but just wanted to say that Ardis and Adams are heavy into the Christian/Bible/Satan view and the serpent aspect apparently hit a nerve. Not to say there's nothing to it, but more needs to be known. Same for the water theory that at this point doesn't hold water. Symbolism could be a factor as it certainly appears to be a favorite of the puppet masters. My 2 cents.
Getting ready to head out the door for an appointment, but just wanted to say that Ardis and Adams are heavy into the Christian/Bible/Satan view and the serpent aspect apparently hit a nerve. Not to say there's nothing to it, but more needs to be known. Same for the water theory that at this point doesn't hold water. Symbolism could be a factor as it certainly appears to be a favorite of the puppet masters. My 2 cents.
Just had a thought. Cs somewhere talked about water changing its property, becoming a healing source... could that noise be an example of misinfornation making us wary, doubtful of water properties in the future? Just a thought...
Part 3 has yet to appear on Natural News, but there is this article:

VenomTech company announces massive library of SNAKE VENOM peptides for pharmaceutical development; “nanocarriers” stabilize snake venom in WATER (PubMed)

(Natural News) Astonishingly, it is rapidly becoming apparent in the aftermath of the Dr. Bryan Ardis revelations about snake venom origins for covid-19 that many people — even some in alt media — are completely unaware that snake venom is commonly used as the starting point for pharmaceutical research.

Earlier today, a UK company literally named “Venomtech” announced a massive venom peptide and venom fragment library to be used for drug discovery by pharmaceutical companies (as well as pesticide used for agricultural companies).

The news was widely covered in the biotech media, including at, which published the announcement, “Venomtech announces new drug development collaboration with Charles River.”

Nanocarriers can stabilize snake venom peptides for delivery via water​

In response to Dr. Ardis’ revelations about the possibility of snake venom peptide delivery via water systems, there has been almost derision from certain influencers who claim that snake venom wouldn’t be stable in municipal water systems. In effect, they are absurdly claiming that tap water is anti-venom.

If that were true, all snake bites could simply be treated by drinking tap water.

In truth, the National Library of Medicine has published a study that reveals the existence of “nanocarriers” which can stabilize snake venom peptides in order to achieve delivery via water systems.

Entitled, “Nanoparticles Functionalized with Venom-Derived Peptides and Toxins for Pharmaceutical Applications,” the study abstract explains the mechanism by which snake venom peptides are stabilized in water and other solutions: (emphasis added)

Venom-derived peptides display diverse biological and pharmacological activities, making them useful in drug discovery platforms and for a wide range of applications in medicine and pharmaceutical biotechnology. Due to their target specificities, venom peptides have the potential to be developed into biopharmaceuticals to treat various health conditions such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and chronic pain. Despite the high potential for drug development, several limitations preclude the direct use of peptides as therapeutics and hamper the process of converting venom peptides into pharmaceuticals. These limitations include, for instance, chemical instability, poor oral absorption, short halflife, and off-target cytotoxicity. One strategy to overcome these disadvantages relies on the formulation of bioactive peptides with nanocarriers. A range of biocompatible materials are now available that can serve as nanocarriers and can improve the bioavailability of therapeutic and venom-derived peptides for clinical and diagnostic application. Examples of isolated venom peptides and crude animal venoms that have been encapsulated and formulated with different types of nanomaterials with promising results are increasingly reported.

Mic drop.

So for anyone who thinks that snake venom can’t be stabilized for delivery in water systems, they clearly don’t know the state of the science. Nanocarriers accomplish the task quite simply.

Once you become aware of Big Pharma’s technology, Dr. Ardis’ claims don’t seem outlandish at all​

The bottom line in all this is rather clear: The only people lashing out against Dr. Ardis’ claims about snake venom in covid-19 vaccine formulations or snake venom peptide exposure through various environmental vectors (water, air, contact surfaces) are people who are uninformed about the widespread use of snake venom peptides in medical research and drug delivery systems.

The “shock” that many people experience when first hearing about snake venom used in drug development is an artifact of their lack of knowledge about modern medicine. The widespread use of venom from snakes, lizards, frogs, cone fish, stingrays and other creatures is well known in pharmaceutical research circles. It isn’t a “fringe” theory, nor a conspiracy theory.

It is a biological fact.

And today's Situation Update:

FWIW, government officials have been poisoning our water with fluoride for decades so maybe slipping in some nanocarriers containing snake venom isn't that much of a stretch although I would expect children to be more affected than adults. Again, if this was done, was it done to a very localized population such as NYC in order to create maximum fear and enable imposition of the draconian anti-covid measures we've all been subjected to? I frankly don't see why people coming in with just flu couldn't have provided the same opportunity since the fraudulent PCR tests could validate a different diagnosis. Or maybe a certain time window to get the ball rolling was essential and waiting for flu to manifest was too iffy. 🤷‍♀️
A Paul Craig Roberts article dated April 12:

Covid Crimes Exposed: the FDA, NIH, CDC, WHO Are Criminal Organizations That Must be Indicted, Tried, and Executed for Massive Crimes Against Humanity

That is the conclusion from “The Vaccine Death Report” prepared by David John Sorensen and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, available here and here.

You should read the entire report and understand how cruelly and intentionally you were deceived and to comprehend that the deaths from the Covid “vaccine” are likely far from over.

I am familiar with many of the individual pieces of information in this report and reported on them on this website. This extensive summary of the factual evidence of the deaths and injuries caused worldwide by the Covid “vaccines” was prepared in part by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who used early treatment with HCQ to cure his Covid patients. As a cure was a threat to the emergency use of the “vaccine” without required testing, the cure was banned and doctors were fired and had their medical licenses revoked for curing people with HCQ and Ivermectin.

Now that real scientists, as opposed the the public relations shills hired by Big Pharma, have provided the evidence of a mass genocide, the corrupt Western governments, every one of which is implicated, and the -jezebel- media, every one of which is implicated, are desperately diverting our attention to their replacement narrative of alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine. The true facts of the coercive Covid “vaccination” must be buried for the guilty parties to avoid accountability.

We must be honest with ourselves and understand that we are governed by criminals who value their power and their profit far more than they value our lives and our health.

Evil is now so institutionalized in the Western world that it seems our fate is hopeless. People are blind to what is being done to them, and their blindness makes them impotent. Many even rush to the defense of those who are destroying them.

In the Western world facts have been replaced by fictions and truth by lies. The entire Covid operation was a process of banning and shutting down facts. The process of replacing facts with fictions has been underway for a long time. Just in the last 60 years we have had a large number–President Kennedy’s assassination, Vietnam, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” the demonization and destruction of Libya and its leader, “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” “Iranian nukes,” the large number of orchestrated demonizations of Russia–alleged poisonings, downing of Malaysian airliner, invasions–and the “Covid pandemic.”

Hand-in-hand with these orchestrated events go erosion of civil liberty and accumulation of unaccountable power in government and private hands, such as social media and pharmaceutical companies that control the public regulatory authorities. Parents have lost control of their children to indoctrination in public schools and to Child Protective Services which on any pretext can seize a child from parents. Rights now belong only to those in authority, and these people are largely unaccountable. The judicial system is corrupted by its use in political power struggles and by its use to restructure society in woke directions and the creation of special rights for “oppressed groups.” Justice has departed us along with integrity and morality.

The prevalence of evil and unaccountable power is all around us. The people need leaders, but where are the leaders?
Is it possible that the chinese government is putting the covid show back on stage so that Western governments copy the model again and thus further damage their economy?
That was my speculation on March 27, written about, here: Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

My relative in Shanghai has been locked down for over two weeks is receiving roughly semi-weekly rations of gov't food, but timing is inconsistent. Sometimes has some meat, sometimes not. What was supposed to be something like nine days is already stretching ahead with no clear end. Why was the "zero cases" goal put forth, which is insane (given the testing measures)? How can it be resolved? Lives in Puxi (west of Huangpu River), while Pudong (east) has been locked down longer. I have a, 2.4 MB video, that I can't attach and can't find online, of the asymptomatic "positive" being picked up in regular buses, and then shown in the quarantine camp, which is a sports stadium with an aluminum roof covering, back-to-back beds and tiny shelves are all each inmate gets. People are not starving yet, but can't eat what they want, and those who were not well stocked up worry very much about food security. Gov warning are about saying not to upload any false stories, photos, or videos, so I guess they're being watched closely.

No one is working except medical personnel and delivery people. People are ordering food online but items quickly go out of stock and there aren't enough delivery people to serve 25 million people, of course.

Here are actual rations #2 and #3. Looking pretty fresh, just small.


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