
Thanks DanielS, that was interesting information. I can't elaborate more beyond what you have, for I also lack the understanding of the math behind the numbers.

This thread reminded me that there is a book named "The hidden messages in water" by Dr Masaru Emoto which I am planning to read in the future. The book shows the very interesting results of Emoto's research on water. Here is the description taken from amazon:

"The Hidden Messages in Water" is an eye-opening theory showing how water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness. Drawing from his own research, scientific researcher, healer, and popular lecturer Dr Masaru Emoto describes the ability of water to absorb, hold and even retransmit human feelings and emotions. Using high-speed photography, he found that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward it. Music, visual images, words written on paper and photographs also have an impact on the crystal structure. Emoto theorizes that since water has the ability to receive a wide range of frequencies, it can also reflect the universe in this manner. He found that water from clear springs and water exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns, while polluted water and water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. Emoto believes that since people are 70 per cent water, and the Earth is 70 per cent water, we can heal our planet and ourselves by consciously expressing love and goodwill.
This is a very interesting thread so thanks to everyone who's contributed.

In regard to pH balancing distilled water, has anyone tried using something like Trace Minerals Research ConcenTrace? Of course, I guess it may depend on how you want to use the distilled water such as for detoxing (maybe not such a good idea to add back trace minerals?) or for general consumption (maybe okay?).

Anyways, I live in an area blessed with fairly unmolested and little processed water with no fluoride so up till recently I haven't made it a priority to invest in any system beyond using a standard activated carbon water filter.
Gertrudes said:
Thanks DanielS, that was interesting information. I can't elaborate more beyond what you have, for I also lack the understanding of the math behind the numbers.

This thread reminded me that there is a book named "The hidden messages in water" by Dr Masaru Emoto which I am planning to read in the future. The book shows the very interesting results of Emoto's research on water. Here is the description taken from amazon:

"The Hidden Messages in Water" is an eye-opening theory showing how water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness. Drawing from his own research, scientific researcher, healer, and popular lecturer Dr Masaru Emoto describes the ability of water to absorb, hold and even retransmit human feelings and emotions. Using high-speed photography, he found that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward it. Music, visual images, words written on paper and photographs also have an impact on the crystal structure. Emoto theorizes that since water has the ability to receive a wide range of frequencies, it can also reflect the universe in this manner. He found that water from clear springs and water exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns, while polluted water and water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. Emoto believes that since people are 70 per cent water, and the Earth is 70 per cent water, we can heal our planet and ourselves by consciously expressing love and goodwill.

I just came across this info today by looking into an email advertisement for a product called "Ausome Water" to see what it is supposed to be exactly. I found this website which has a series of videos of an interview of David Sereda, who also happens to be currently a so called "mystic ecologist". Apparently he was also a ufologist according to himself and according to some other posts on this very Forum - just search for "David Sereda to find those posts. I found your post by searching for "Masaru Emoto", and hence, I am posting a reply here instead of a redundantly posting an new topic. Yay for me! haha :scooter:

Anyways, here is the link if anyone is interested:


I am gonna watch some of these videos today and see what I think, that is, energy and time permitting.
Just had thought here after reading the following from this link:

From _http://www.enwaterment.com/new/02-amazing-water.html

"A subject drank restructured water and their blood cells showed a healthy response, and prayer/intention directed at water can beneficially alter its structure, he detailed. Such water must be drank right away as the restructuring may be temporary, he added."

I have a KYK Genesis Water Ionizer. As an experiment, and I haven't been drinking that much water lately, about 400-500 ML a day for a while now, I am going to silently direct the the "Prayer Of The Soul" towards my filtered ionized water and see how I feel afterward/in a few days. Hmm, maybe doing some pipe breathing and exhaling into the water while doing the "Prayer Of The Soul" is a better idea, I think. Just a thought.
I just had another thought regarding the the videos I am listening to, which seems to connect to another subject: according to the videos mentioned above, if the human body is 75-90 percent made out of water depending on the individual due to how much water they drink, etc, then I wonder if another subject that was discussed elsewhere, that is sun gazing, actually works due to the the human body being mostly made out of water, and thus the body it is getting harmonized by the the rays of the sun during the sun gazing? Well it seems to makes sense to me at the moment, that is if what David Sereda is saying is close to the truth about the sun and its effects on water...hmm.

This was the sun gazing thread:

Raintree said:
I just had another thought regarding the the videos I am listening to, which seems to connect to another subject: according to the videos mentioned above, if the human body is 75-90 percent made out of water depending on the individual due to how much water they drink, etc, then I wonder if another subject that was discussed elsewhere, that is sun gazing, actually works due to the the human body being mostly made out of water, and thus the body it is getting harmonized by the the rays of the sun during the sun gazing? Well it seems to makes sense to me at the moment, that is if what David Sereda is saying is close to the truth about the sun and its effects on water...hmm.

This was the sun gazing thread:


The Sungazing does seem to have a positive effect. The C's briefly talked about it in the July 16, 2009 Transcript, even though it was in regards to dancing, but still, I doubt they would suggest it, unless it was of beneficial use. Laura mentions getting 'charged' up, so I don't know what you mean by harmonizing effect with the water, but it seems like it can be used as a means of gaining energy. So possibly a 'harmonizing' effect? I've always found it to give me a boost of energy. In fact, it would be a good idea to start the practice again!

Q: (DD) Is there a time on Mondays to do the dance, like sunrise or sunset?

A: Better as sun sets. In fact you can employ a little sungazing.

Q: (L) So you do your sungazing, get yourself charged up, and then you start your dance. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is it a good idea to do breathing exercises beforehand?

A: Absolutely!

Q: (L) How about doing some Pipe Breathing while you're doing the dance steps?

A: Maybe. Try it!
DanielS said:
[...] Laura mentions getting 'charged' up, so I don't know what you mean by harmonizing effect with the water, but it seems like it can be used as a means of gaining energy. So possibly a 'harmonizing' effect? I've always found it to give me a boost of energy. [...]

Sorry I wasn't clear. Yes, gaining energy or healing is what I was referring to when I used that word. Thank you for the session quote, I didn't know about it. I'll have to read the whole session now, and likely many others I've missed. :)
Hi, i just wanted to had a few more info regarding the minerals topic.

First a little excerpt from the doctorwithin site, where it's discussed the different types of supplements:

Next comes ionic minerals. Usually a step up. Ionic means in the form of ions. Ions are unstable molecules that want to bind with other molecules. An ion is an incomplete molecule.

There is a definite pathway for the absorption of ionic minerals through the gut (intestine) into the blood. In fact, any percent of the elemental minerals that actually got absorbed became ions first, by being dissolved in stomach acids.

Ionic minerals are not absorbed through the intestine intact.

The model for mineral ion absorption through the intestine is as follows. Ions are absorbed through the gut by a complicated process involving becoming attached or chelated to some special carrier proteins in the intestinal wall. Active transport is involved; meaning, energy is required to bring the ionic mineral from inside the intestine through the lining, to be deposited in the bloodstream on the other side. [7]

Ionic minerals may be a good source of nutrients for the body, depending upon the type of ions, and on how difficult it is for the ion to get free at the appropriate moment and location. Minerals require an acidic environment for absorption. Remember low pH (less than 7) is acidic; high pH (above 7) is alkaline. As the stomach contents at pH 2 empty into the small intestine, the first few centimeters of the small intestine is the optimum location for mineral absorption. The acidic state is necessary for ionization of the dissolved minerals.

If the pH is too alkaline, the ions won’t disassociate from whatever they’re complexed with, and will simply pass on through to the colon without being absorbed.

As the mineral ions are presented to the lining of the intestine, if all conditions are right, and there are not too much of competing minerals present, the ions will begin to be taken across the intestinal barrier, making their way into the bloodstream. This is a complicated, multi-step process, beyond the scope of this chapter. Simply, it involves the attachment of the free mineral ion to some carrier proteins within the intestinal membrane, which drag the ion across and free it into the bloodstream. A lot happens during the transfer, and much energy is required for all the steps. Just the right conditions and timing are necessary: proper pH, presence of vitamins for some, and the right section of the small intestine. [7]

Ionic mineral supplements do not guarantee absorption by their very nature, although they are certainly more likely to be absorbed than are minerals in the raw, elemental state. However, ionic minerals are in the form required for uptake by the carrier proteins that reside in the intestinal wall.

The uncertainties with ionic minerals include how many, how much, and what else are the unstable ions likely to become bound to before the carrier proteins pick them up. All ionic supplements are not created equal. Just because it’s an ion doesn’t mean a supplemental mineral will be absorbed. Too many minerals in a supplement will compete for absorption. Too much of one mineral will crowd out the others. The idea is to offer the body an opportunity for balance; rather than to overload it with the hope that some will make it through somehow. All we need is a little.

Well, with this explanation of ionic minerals as supplements, i think we can make a parallel with the minerals that came in bottled mineral water. I don't if all mineral water cames with mineral in ionic form or in elemental form.

Least beneficial are the supplements containing minerals in the elemental form. That means the mineral is just mentioned on the label. It’s not ionized, it’s not chelated, it’s not complexed with an oxide or a carbonate or a sulfate, or with a food, and it’s not colloidal. It may not even be there at all. Like under “ingredients” it just says “iron” or “copper,” or “calcium,” etc.

Elemental minerals are obviously the cheapest to make. A liquid would only have to be poured over some nails to be said to contain iron. Elemental minerals are the most common in grocery store supplements. Most of these multi’s are actually manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry, either directly or indirectly. Run it down.

They may not be toxic, as long as only the minerals mentioned on the label are included in the supplement. The problem is absorption: it’s between 1 and 8 percent. The rest passes right through. Not only a waste of money; also a waste of energy: it has to be processed out of the body.

But for example i have a bottle of mineral water in front of me that the only minerals that is has are in ionic form, sodium, magnesium, potassium and other two that i don't know what are their names in English.
My question is, can't this water have the same effects as a ionic mineral supplement? I have a limited understanding of this topic, but it seems that a mineral water that has minerals in ionic form, in small quantity, isn't that bad.
Perceval said:
For those with RO devices and distillers and purifiers of various sorts. I recommend buying a water purity tester to check just how pure your water is. It will tell you, in parts per million, how pure your "pure" water is. Distilled water should be between 0 and 3 or 4 ppm.

Just search online for "water purity tester". Shouldn't be more than 10-15 USD/Euros

Hello to All, Harold here, I have a water pen. My tap water reads 4 ppm and my 'ro' water reads 0 ppm. I am assuming that this test is good enough? I read about all the anti-biotics in water. Does the 'RO' filter remove these too? I mainly want to remove anything toxic, but my original idea was to remove the floudide and clorine etc. I give my dogs the 'ro' water too. Now I have been doing this for their health, but now having began my lessons on my interactions with 1st and 2nd density beings, Im considering giving it to my house plants also. I am looking at how I 'lord' over animals and such. My new idea is if it's good for the goose(me), it should be good for the gander (everything else). Then again if one takes this idea too far, I'll be sharing my bed and the diner table with my house plants, which is a little weird for me , but in my little world, not out of the question. Any thoughts?

I used to have an RO filter but I moved and despite my best efforts I could not find an adapter to make it fit on my faucet so I got a water distiller. The problem is the funky-ish taste. It's not horrific or anything, I just like my H2O to have no taste. I've changed the charcoal filter and use the citric acid pellets to clean out any residue.

I do have a PPM tester and the distilled water reads 001. Tap water is @147.

Any ideas? This is really hampering my enjoyment of my sole beverage.
Odyssey said:
I used to have an RO filter but I moved and despite my best efforts I could not find an adapter to make it fit on my faucet so I got a water distiller. The problem is the funky-ish taste. It's not horrific or anything, I just like my H2O to have no taste. I've changed the charcoal filter and use the citric acid pellets to clean out any residue.

I do have a PPM tester and the distilled water reads 001. Tap water is @147.

Any ideas? This is really hampering my enjoyment of my sole beverage.

Actually distilled water should have no taste at all, only a different feeling in the mouth.
At the beginning I had the same problem as you, that there was something tasty in the water. I tried different things glass bottles, cleaned the machine, let it run for many times only steaming (without the rotor) and nothing worked (a filter I couldn't find for that machine).
I did send this distiller back to the seller then and bought another brand and since then there is no extra taste anymore in the water.

The second machine has no plastic parts in it, where the water is going through and this is my explanation for it.

Have you bought a new distiller maybe, where it could take some runs after the taste is vanishing, for another explanation?
Thanks Gawan

I've cleaned it again, let it run, then put some baking soda and let it sit overnight. I'll run it again later and if the taste is still there I'll send it back. It's stainless steel on the inside and comes with a glass jug. I can't figure out what the issue is.
I was wondering does the water,that is purified by the big grocery store water purifiers still contain levels of fluoride? I found some information on the subject that says that it still does, and its not safe to drink. If anyone has more info on this subject please share.
Gertrudes said:
This thread reminded me that there is a book named "The hidden messages in water" by Dr Masaru Emoto which I am planning to read in the future. The book shows the very interesting results of Emoto's research on water.

Raintree said:
I am going to silently direct the the "Prayer Of The Soul" towards my filtered ionized water and see how I feel afterward/in a few days. Hmm, maybe doing some pipe breathing and exhaling into the water while doing the "Prayer Of The Soul" is a better idea, I think. Just a thought.

Emoto discusses this a little in his wonderful book. He theorizes that the act of folding hands over food and praying stems from a ancient/potential metaphysical process of purifying food (i.e. Reiki for food). Recall, the most elaborate and beautiful water crystal formed as a result of the thought/words, "Love and Gratitude."

Related, he also theorizes that the reason two people can follow the same recipe, yet have varying results is that the cook's thoughts toward the ingredients/process is a varying "ingredient." Emoto is a dedicated scientist and fascinating theorist (e.g. on page 69: "Scientists estimate there are between 108-111 elements...Buddhism says the human being is born with 108 earthly desires...the frequency vibrations created by irritation are equivalent to those of mercury..." -- but that deserves it's very own thread :))
Raintree said:
...if the human body is 75-90 percent made out of water depending on the individual due to how much water they drink, etc, then I wonder if another subject that was discussed elsewhere, that is sun gazing, actually works due to the the human body being mostly made out of water, and thus the body it is getting harmonized by the the rays of the sun during the sun gazing? Well it seems to makes sense to me at the moment, that is if what David Sereda is saying is close to the truth about the sun and its effects on water...hmm.

The last issue of National Geographic is devoted to Water. In the first few pages of the "Visions On Earth" section, they show how some organization has helped start a water purification program: The natives fill up plastic bottles (the "safest" type?) with the clearest water they can find and then lay them out on the roof in the sun for 24 hours. This is supposed to kill all pathogens and provide safe drinking water. Seems too simple and good to be true, but somehow, it seems perfectly natural -- somehow, quite familiar (i.e. boiling water?).
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