Stargates, "Synthetic beings," and Scanners: Fact or Fiction?


I was interested in that read on Kerry too.

She seems to be a little desperate emotionally to find some kind of safety in the little bit she has discovered of the horror of the situation. She strikes me as being a little more motivated to find that safety as opposed to sharing what she has found for others' benefit.

Also, I have a feeling that Bill is only barely a competent puppet master, but a puppet master he thinks he is. Puppet master might too strong a word, user might be better.

Hope I'm wrong on both counts, have only seen either one on video.

FWIW during this past summer I listened to 10-20 hours of "Project Camelot Radio" LOL --even writing that makes me laugh.

Basically it was a disaster. If you havn't listened to two amateurs try and host a radio talk-show, including answering calls, each from halfway across the world...well it is quite an experience to say the least :)

For the most part I found their broadcasts incredibly hilarious and that is why I listened. I also enjoyed listening to callers, and learning more about the ppl behind PC.

That being said, I did pick up on a strong "negative energy" between Kerry and Bill Ryan. I remember listening to--what I picked up to be--at times, constant interruptions, jibes, miss-communications, and passive aggressiveness, between Bill and Kerry. I did feel as if Kerry was being attacked on quite a few occasions. I'm not sure how I feel about Bill but I do know that they didn't work well together, at least on air...which I found kind of incredulous because they both head PC and would, I assume, have to work together constantly.

here is the archive, they stopped broadcasting sept. 09, only lasted a few months... and if you listen you would understand why...
the "negative energy" may be more of the reason actually--and their growing differences--more then their inexperience at radio.
Star Gate, Jump Room technology.

My interest in UFOs eventually led me to sites such as Coast to Coast AM and the US Disclosure movement as well as hundreds of other websites.
There's a lot of BS floating around but there are some people who seem to say similar things, many of them have little knowledge of each other which makes one think that there is something in this stuff.
The recent convergence by warships from practically every major power on an area called the Gulf of Aden near Yemen is said to be about the existence of a Stargate in that area huh? am I going nuts am I giving this wacky stuff credence?
I know it sounds wacky and I would have agreed with you 12 months ago but the more I look into this stuff the more it points towards a planet Earth that isn't the same as the one I knew last year.
Some say that the West's interest in the Middle East has very little to do with oil, they say it's about the existence of Star Gates and their fear that the crazy Arabs will misuse this ancient and very powerful phenomena. The same in Antartica, there's supposed to be a similar Star Gate hidden deep inside a frozen lake, hence the extreme interest by the world's powerful nations.
All this stuff seemed to tie into spirituality and the consciousness that ties us all together, this side of it DOES make sense, mainly because of my personal experiences in the 70s while on psychoactive chemicals.
What I need from you guys is validation.
Have I gone insane? Has senility finally set in? Should I go back to sleep or just stick to driving my neighbours nuts with my Marshall turned up to 11?
Whaddyahreckon fellas & ladies, what's your take on all this stuff that seems to be popping up more and more as 2012 looms so closely? :huh:
Re: Star Gate, Jump Room technology.

Zorpho said:
What I need from you guys is validation.
Have I gone insane? Has senility finally set in? Should I go back to sleep or just stick to driving my neighbours nuts with my Marshall turned up to 11?
Whaddyahreckon fellas & ladies, what's your take on all this stuff that seems to be popping up more and more as 2012 looms so closely? :huh:

Distraction, most likely, I would say. It's good that you're asking questions though, as that may indicate that you are not totally identified with the 'stargate' stuff.

How is it you feel you are giving it 'credence'? Has any evidence of the 'stargate theory' been offered?

Take a look here:

Laura and others address the stargate theories, gulf of aden, and more.

zorpho said:
All this stuff seemed to tie into spirituality and the consciousness that ties us all together, this side of it DOES make sense, mainly because of my personal experiences in the 70s while on psychoactive chemicals.
I'm not clear on how the stargate theories etc relate to spirituality and consciousness unless you talking about the supposed dolphins the military is using because of their "frequency waves". You mean that or something else?

also, feel free to introduce yourself in the Newbies Forum. surely I am not the first person to ask this of you but perhaps I am!
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