Session 13 April 2024

Thanks all for the new session. I’m not sure how to explain this, but when I first read the session, it seemed really short. I was like, “That’s it?”. Then I read it again, and realized that it’s no less than any other session. In fact it’s incredibly dense and packed with information. I think that what I felt was the fact that so very much is happening so quickly on a moment to moment basis now that time is accelerating in a tactile way. What Art Bell used to call the “Quickening”. It’s tangibly gotten to the point that sessions are reading longer the second and third reading than the first. Even six months ago the session would seem longer the first time, and go by more quickly upon rereading it. Now it feels like reality has overtaken time unfolding. If that makes any sense.
I must say that my first impression was the same and at first I regretted that the session was so short, but later I realized that it was very informative and informative.I have also found that in longer sessions there is a lot of information that can be forgotten or not paid enough attention.I also remember that Laura often complained about various types of pain, e.g. in her arm or hand during long sessions, but it may also be related to the energy expended or flowing, hence the questions are currently selected so as not to ask them about things that we already know about or have been asked again. I thank the Chateau crew and my warm thoughts now go to Pierre, who works for us and with us currently at 5D.
Hello everyone.
This morning something quite incredible happened to me.
As I was cycling to work (my car broke down) I was crossing the Etang Salé forest. The last time I went through it, at one point I heard strange sounds.
Since last night I've been telling myself that I'd have to be vigilant this morning (it was still dark when I left home).
The kidnappings on Madeira got me thinking a bit, I'd say😅.
So I prayed as I passed the spot and looked with my headlamp in the direction I'd heard the noises.
Fortunately there was nothing on the horizon around that bend!
The next bend I was surprised to see a huge trail in the sky. Its speed was so low compared with anything I'd seen before that for a moment I thought it was a huge spaceship.
I don't know whether it was another confirmation as indicated in the meeting of 13 April. But it was very strange to experience this after that session.
Here is the link to what was observed this morning from Réunion Island.
Thanks again to you and the Cassiopaean.

They sure are. And there was a comment in a previous session that "information is key in the realm from which these things come" or something like that. The implications here, for me, are that it is possible for "someone" to send a small (or big!) space rock to a very specific location, if it's deemed appropriate. It also seems likely that there is a more natural or 'mechanical' cause and effect factor at work where certain types of information or energy on the planet act as a natural attractor for information or energy from another source.
I have often wondered how many “natural” disasters, like mass extinction events are actually natural? If “someone” like you referenced decides it’s time for a reset, maybe to bring in new life forms- a comet, an asteroid- clean slate.
What an amazing session. I am still shocked about Kate. They cannot hide that forever although I must say that although the bench video was very good it does show the mirror image of her jersey stripes where there should just be dark shadows. It sounds as if she will not be returning to public life anytime soon, if ever. I wonder how they are going to explain that. Whatever will the British media do if Kate disappears from public life. Every magazine you pick up has her on the cover and an article about her inside. I read once that like Diana, the Kate effect sees publications flying off the shelves. I had thought it odd that she returned home from hospital without the usual RF press event outside and the staff shaking hands. I would imagine that William and Kate must be very angry about the results of the vaccine on her body. I would not think that lying to the public would come easily to them. Others may disagree but they seem to display compassion and ethical behaviour. The public would expect an eventual return to public duties once Kate had completed her chemo and had recovered. Body doubles could work from a distance but not up close and personal.

I also have a feeling that King Charles will not survive his cancer.

The Madeira situation is very interesting. It strikes me that the island is one place that I would not like to visit. It seems a bit puzzling as to why they were mutilated. Was it just because whoever or whatever did it enjoys scaring people, or is there still information to be gained by taking specimens?

Finally Brigitte Macron....what can you say....:whistle:

Many thanks to Laura, Andromeda and the Chateaux crew, not forgetting the C's for the amazing information.
What an amazing session. I am still shocked about Kate. They cannot hide that forever although I must say that although the bench video was very good it does show the mirror image of her jersey stripes where there should just be dark shadows. It sounds as if she will not be returning to public life anytime soon, if ever. I wonder how they are going to explain that. Whatever will the British media do if Kate disappears from public life. Every magazine you pick up has her on the cover and an article about her inside. I read once that like Diana, the Kate effect sees publications flying off the shelves. I had thought it odd that she returned home from hospital without the usual RF press event outside and the staff shaking hands. I would imagine that William and Kate must be very angry about the results of the vaccine on her body. I would not think that lying to the public would come easily to them. Others may disagree but they seem to display compassion and ethical behaviour. The public would expect an eventual return to public duties once Kate had completed her chemo and had recovered. Body doubles could work from a distance but not up close and personal.

I also have a feeling that King Charles will not survive his cancer.

The Madeira situation is very interesting. It strikes me that the island is one place that I would not like to visit. It seems a bit puzzling as to why they were mutilated. Was it just because whoever or whatever did it enjoys scaring people, or is there still information to be gained by taking specimens?

Finally Brigitte Macron....what can you say....:whistle:

Many thanks to Laura, Andromeda and the Chateaux crew, not forgetting the C's for the amazing information.
When reading your comment I had a funny idea.

Suppose you are one of the privileged one percent and someone has promised you something for your services.

And it turns out that now they have deceived you and you are one more to die like the rest of the people they despise.

It seems that in the 70's the military and others discovered that they were deceived by the "Aliens" and now perhaps they are discovering that they have been deceived by humans again.
When reading your comment I had a funny idea.

Suppose you are one of the privileged one percent and someone has promised you something for your services.

And it turns out that now they have deceived you and you are one more to die like the rest of the people they despise.

It seems that in the 70's the military and others discovered that they were deceived by the "Aliens" and now perhaps they are discovering that they have been deceived by humans again.
Interesting point. If I was William in this case I would be hopping mad at the deception regarding the safety of the vaccination. His much loved wife and the mother of his children incapacitated to such an extent that a whole bundle of lies have had to be told to cover up the damage.

I imagine (wishful thinking perhaps) of a scene where William is confronted by an audacious and knowledgeable member of the public, whilst being interviewed by press personal. "William can you tell us if Kate has not been seen in public recently because she has suffered serious damage due to the vaccinations"?

William..."Well I am glad you brought that up actually. As a matter of fact that is exactly what has occurred and I am fed up with the veritable web of lies that has been told around her illness." Go on William....make a stand for truth...
Interesting point. If I was William in this case I would be hopping mad at the deception regarding the safety of the vaccination. His much loved wife and the mother of his children incapacitated to such an extent that a whole bundle of lies have had to be told to cover up the damage.

I imagine (wishful thinking perhaps) of a scene where William is confronted by an audacious and knowledgeable member of the public, whilst being interviewed by press personal. "William can you tell us if Kate has not been seen in public recently because she has suffered serious damage due to the vaccinations"?

William..."Well I am glad you brought that up actually. As a matter of fact that is exactly what has occurred and I am fed up with the veritable web of lies that has been told around her illness." Go on William....make a stand for truth...
William has 3 young kids. I'm sure an "accident" would happen to them if their father was to tell the truth.
RIP Tom, heart goes to him and his family i recall reading the kidnapping story if I'm not mixing things up, it was really creepy I can't imagine how traumatic it must have been be to a kid

thanks for asking about the Atlantic anomaly and it's interaction with 4D i guess that helps seeing things more clearly

also thanks Pierre and the cosmic force for looking over us

things are speeding up no doubt
Session Date: April 13th 2024

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Joe, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Falkor, Bella

Q: (L) Okay, today's April 13th, 2024. [Review of those present] Anybody there?

A: Knowledge protects.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us?

A: Ginueaeil of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, why did you open with, "knowledge protects"? Is there some particular knowledge we need to acquire?

A: Much.

Q: (L) And is it about a particular subject that you wish to address tonight?

A: Ask.

Q: (L) Okay. I've had several dreams. I dreamed of my brother, I think, and Pierre. And then I dreamed about...

A: Promises were not kept.

Q: (L) Promises to who?

A: You.

Q: (L) Promises made by who?

A: Tom.

Q: (L) What promises?

A: He is sorry and regrets his weakness.

Q: (L) But I don't know what promises, what was…?

(Joe) Did he make any promises to you?

(L) That's what I'm saying. I don't know of anything.

A: When you were 9.

Q: (L) I can't think of anything.

A: Ran away from strange people and called grandfather.

Q: (L) Well, I remember that. I just don't remember any promises.

A: Conversation.

Q: (L) So, I had a conversation with him at that time and he promised me something. Yes?

A: Yes. To protect you.

Q: (L) So that's bothering him now?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, I don't even remember it, so... So he's worrying about this. So is he going to attempt to protect me now from where he is?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. And I also dreamed about jar. So basically just in the last few days I had dreams about jar, Pierre, and Tom. And then last night I had a dream about SV and he's the only one not dead out of the whole group.

A: Will be soon.

Q: (Joe) Who's SV?

Q: (L) Kid I knew when I was growing up. Okay. Is there anything particular that any one of these people wants to say or to convey to us, and is that the reason for my dreaming about them?

A: All are looking out for you all.

Q: (L) And is that why I dream about them for... Because they were telling me…?

A: Yes


(Joe) But, so… there's many things that we're missing knowledge on?

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) Are we doing really bad and are we in trouble?

A: You are doing well, but do not let up on vigilance. Things are intensifying rapidly.

Q: (L) Well, speaking of things intensifying rapidly, what was up with that big boom or explosion sound that happened when I was in the middle of that interview with Jay Campbell and Hunter Williams where we were talking about whether or not there would be a nuclear war, or what would happen to the US? Would there be cometary explosions, or what? And I had just opined something along the line of that I think that the US was going to be destroyed, and that I didn't know for sure whether it would be nuclear war, whether it would be comets, and then right then: BOOM! I mean, you'll have to watch it and get to that point to exactly what it was saying. I can't remember exactly, but it was something like that. So what was this boom?

A: Confirmation.

Q: (Andromeda) There was a big fireball that exploded over our region.

(Joe) Probably more than just here, but...

(Andromeda) Probably more than just here. But it was seen widely. And that was on the night we had [friends] over for dinner - on Thursday.

(L) So was that explosion an overhead cometary explosion?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was there anything hyperdimensional about it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) You know, sometimes I wonder if the Earth is not surrounded by all kinds of
comets and things at all times, but they're just in another dimension or something, or another vibrational frequency and they can be let through if needed. Is that a possibility?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) Well, and the one you heard was also when they were visiting, right?

(Joe) It was last Saturday.

(L) Yeah, they were here.

A: Yes


Q: All right. Where do we want to go next?

(Andromeda) How's Pierre doing?

A: Fine and now joined by jar and Tom.

Q: (L) So they are all Saints now?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, and jar is doing fine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Any messages from any of them of any particular...?

A: Dreams.

Q: (L) They'll communicate in our dreams?

A: Yes

Q: (L) All right. Any other topics we want to cover? Is Iran going to bomb Israel?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Any minute now! [laughter]

(L) Is it going to be any minute now?

A: No

Q: (Joe) At some point.

(L) But you said in the past that Israel was ultimately going to be destroyed. Is that still in the cards?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) What about that wave anomaly? Was that ever figured out? Was it
just a glitch or...?

(Joe) They said it was a glitch.

(Andromeda) Did you see that? There was some wave height anomaly on the southwest...

(L) Well I read that they predicted it and then it didn't happen.

(Joe) It was on the Ventusky weather maps. You see the border, you can pick different things. You can pick waves and show the wave heights around the world. And for a period of time there was this big area off the southwest coast of Africa. Big area probably, about the size of South Africa. And it was at 14 meters in the color of the highest wave height, like 80 feet. But if you went forward in the prediction, it went north, but then they said no, no, it was nothing, that it was just a glitch in the software. It didn't happen according to them. So we were thinking it might have been some sea floor subsidence that had outgassing or something like that. Dunno. Whatever happened to our Africa... Last year, they said: Watch Africa! Some kind of a sea floor subsidence or something. Maybe it happened and we didn't notice.

(L) Is that what happened with these waves and they covered it up?

(Joe) We can ask if it was real or if it was just a glitch. Do you want to ask?

(L) Were the big waves real?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why did they cover it up?

A: Why do they cover up so much? People would get agitated more than they are.

Q: (Joe) So was it outgassing from the seabed in that area?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And it didn't create a tsunami that was going to move out. The different ways to detect wave heights, the buoys and stuff, they read it as high waves. But was that the gas that was being expelled?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Okay. That's what I thought.

(L) So that would be why the waves didn't travel.

(Joe) The subsidence or opening up that caused the gas didn't cause a propagation or movement of the actual body of water. It just bubbled up from below.

(L) Isn't there some place in the South Atlantic where the Earth's crust is very thin or something, like an opening or something there? Is that related in any way?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) There's also supposed to be, I think, an anomaly in the Earth's electromagnetic field in that area, too.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does it have anything to do with UFOs and underground bases?

A: No. They avoid the area.

Q: (Joe) You want to ask about that couple in Madeira? You know, Madeira, the island in the Atlantic off Portugal?

(Andromeda) About over a month ago now, a couple from Beaumont de Lomagne, a couple in their fifties that owned a bakery. They went with their daughter for a vacation to Madeira. And they both disappeared.

(Joe) At three o'clock in the afternoon, they were on a walk along a coastal road type of thing on the north side. They said they were going to walk to the next town or whatever and they just disappeared. And they searched and searched and searched for...

(Andromeda) For two weeks! And it's not a very big place.

(Joe) It's a pretty small island.

(Andromeda) And after two weeks, they gave up the search. And then right after they called off the search in a place where they had looked already several times...

(Joe) First the wife was found and then, a couple days later, the husband was found.

(Andromeda) Right. But they had a hard time identifying the bodies at first, so they must have been pretty decomposed or whatever because it took several days for them to positively ID the bodies. One of the reports said that it was "gruesome" or something.

(Joe) Yeah, and they didn't really release a lot of information about it.

(Andromeda) But then anyway, we were thinking, oh, okay... Maybe it's a serial killer because in the past three years there were also...

(Joe) The context is in the past three years, there have been four guys. Relatively young guys. One guy is in his fifties, but the other are all youngish - an English guy, a German guy, a Swiss guy - those three are all, like, super-fit runners who were there to run over the mountainous island. So they were there and all three of them, not at the same time, but over the period of three years or so - three years spaced out, they all disappeared.

(Andromeda) And nobody ever found them.

(Joe) Four of them, yeah. French guy as well. And they've never been found. And then this most recent one was what brought it to our attention in a certain sense, because it was in the news, about the two people who have gone missing from Beaumont de Lomagne, and then they mentioned the fact that it's a strange island or whatever. Because in the past few years, these other four guys have gone missing and haven't been found.

(Andromeda) It's 50/50 whether or not it's like a serial killer or Missing 411. The thing that makes me lean toward Missing 411 is the fact that they had searched in the area several times.

(L) And then found them....

(Andromeda) Although a serial killer could possibly bring them and drop the bodies after. So it's not conclusive at all.

A: Missing 411 gets our vote. Human mutilation involved.

Q: (L) You mean human mutilations as in similar to cattle mutilations?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And why did they put the bodies back then?

A: Arrogance.

Q: (Joe) And it's the same for the other four guys who have gone missing there in the past few years?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So is that like a Missing 411 site?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well, David Paulides says there's a pattern there with super-fit, white people...

(Chu) Well, these two weren't super fit, but the...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) No, but the previous ones though, when he talked about the previous ones...

(L) Well, they weren't put back, either.

(Joe) They weren't put back. But he has this thing about, yeah... We know that from sessions about picking them for genetic experiments and all.

(Andromeda) They pick differently. Sometimes it's all people with disabilities, sometimes it's super-fit people. But they have these, you know, themes.

(Chu) Don't go to Madeira!

(L) Yeah.

(Andromeda) Creepy!

(L) Creepy, creepy. All right. Anything else?

(Chu) Niall left these three questions, but they can also wait for next time if you're tired.

(L) Was Brigitte Macron born a biological male?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What's happening with Kate Middleton?

A: Vaccine injury.

Q: (L) Is it something that is really horrible and visible?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Like a stroke where she's partially paralyzed?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it something on her skin or, or something like Bell's palsy or...?

A: Close. She may not recover.

Q: (L) Does the rest of the Royal Family know that it's a vaccine injury?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So was the last video of her when she actually came out and made a video saying that she had cancer and she was going through chemotherapy, was that really her?

A: No

Q: (Joe) So that was AI as some people suggested?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Wow. Pretty good.

(Andromeda) Did you see the bench? On either side of her, the back of the bench is different.

(L) Where was Barack Obama born?

A: Kenya.

Q: (Joe) So Brigitte Macron is really her brother?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And she's still got all her bits intact?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's why Macron likes her?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Because it's not a "her"...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) That's the world we live in...

(L) We have the most corrupt, disgusting, perverse, perverted group of human beings in leadership roles in Western countries that could ever possibly be dreamed up in the worst nightmares of George Orwell.

(Andromeda) [knocks on wooden table]

(L) [knocks on wooden table] Knock wood!! [laughter]

(Joe) What's the prognosis for King Charles?

A: Not good.

Q: (Joe) They didn't say what was wrong with Kate. What were you thinking in terms of her illness?

(L) I don't know. I've seen a couple of reports of people with terrible skin conditions from the vaccine.

(Joe) Is she inflamed, or has she put on weight?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So that picture of her in the car, that looked very much like a chubbier version of her. Was that actually her, maybe with big glasses?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Not even her... So, super cover-ups across the board. They're sticking different people in at different points and…

(Andromeda) Making it look like her on purpose. That's very suspicious. It's just trying to get people to stop talking, but... [it’s just making things worse].

(L) And basically what it is, is because of the vaccine [which caused the problem] that they've been ordered to keep it covered up.

(Andromeda) Because it's obvious that it's a vaccine injury.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the Royal Family's basically being put under pressure to keep this hidden, because practically everybody in the country would be...

(Joe) Start to wonder. Is it cancer she has?

A: No

Q: (Chu) She could also have something neurological on top of her skin condition, like too much shaking or something, you know, like some people have...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Yeah. Because we've seen some people become practically vegetables...

(Chu) Or they don't recover. They just shake all the time.

(L) Yeah. They're in wheelchairs, and have feeding tubes.

(Andromeda) It's like a Parkinson's type of paralysis or...

(L) Worse than Parkinson's. It's more like cerebral palsy or something.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Really? Wow.

(Chu) I read yesterday that the Queen was diagnosed with a myeloma exactly a year before she died. Was that a vaccine injury too?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, years ago you said something about the Queen having a blood disorder and I guess that's what she got: a blood disorder from the vaccine!

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) That was supposed to be a marker.

(Joe) Yeah, but that kind of reaction that Kate's having is rare.

(Chu) Not so much. In the beginning we saw, like, tons of people with those neurological effects.

(L) Yeah.

(Chu) They just covered it up. But there were a bunch, like nurses...

(L) Yeah, I saw lots - I mean, probably a dozen - videos on Twitter of people who had the vaccine and now they're in a wheelchair with feeding tubes.

(Joe) And I suppose you're increasing your chances every vaccine you get, then. She disappeared basically around Christmas and she would've had one, maybe a month or two beforehand for the seasonal vaccine update.

(L) So she's probably had multiple doses.

(Chu) And all the ones I saw were women in their thirties or forties for that kind of reaction.

(L) Yeah. So...

(Joe) It's horrible.

(Andromeda) From what I heard, she didn't even want to take it in the first place. You never know, but if she didn't, and then they kind of forced her because she's supposed to be this example... That's really even sadder.

(L) That's really sad. Well, and if nobody else has any questions, can we stop now? Okay. So thank you for coming and kisses to Pierre and Tom and jar.

A: Kisses back. Goodbye.

I thought , that the Royals , Will be protected from the vaccines, because they knew at some early point it was nothing good, how come they took the poison? Doesn't make sense....and also the Queen??? I don't believe this explanation ,sorry , anyway thanks for the session. .
First of all, thank you for sharing this session.

Then I would refer to the "length" of this session.
I personally felt that this session was more extensive than it was shared, as I noticed the indicated interruptions.
At first I thought that it was about private matters, which are not for the public, and that it was left out, (considering that it started in such a tone).
In the second interruption, I thought that the discussion of those present was omitted with the intention of not influencing the opinion of the readers, but to wait for our impressions/opinions/reactions.
As the session drew to a close, I felt more and more that I needed to send Laura light/love/positive energy/prayers for good health, mostly the best and most beautiful things that a human being could wish for another human being, and that the breaks were for rest and gathering strength .

Once again, good health and long life to everyone, especially Laura.

They sure are. And there was a comment in a previous session that "information is key in the realm from which these things come" or something like that. The implications here, for me, are that it is possible for "someone" to send a small (or big!) space rock to a very specific location, if it's deemed appropriate. It also seems likely that there is a more natural or 'mechanical' cause and effect factor at work where certain types of information or energy on the planet act as a natural attractor for information or energy from another source.
This comment from Joe made me insist and be a little pushy.
Namely, I sent this comment on Saturday and my understanding of the mentioned monoliths is exactly in this direction. I just couldn't decide if this network was for the purpose of opening such windows or to prevent such activities. I got hooked on this and I really have a feeling that this is important, so I sincerely ask you: Can someone take some time to discuss this topic there.
We have the most corrupt, disgusting, perverse, perverted group of human beings in leadership roles in Western countries that could ever possibly be dreamed up in the worst nightmares of George Orwell.
I may well have conceptualised it seriously by now, though reading it in such a concise way kind of nails it once for all in my mind. Some form of denial must have still been present.

Thanks again for the session
Thank you Laura and Andromeda and the Chateau for this latest session, with some very astonishing information!

What an amazing session. I am still shocked about Kate. [...] Whatever will the British media do if Kate disappears from public life. Every magazine you pick up has her on the cover and an article about her inside. I read once that like Diana, the Kate effect sees publications flying off the shelves. [...] Others may disagree but they seem to display compassion and ethical behaviour.
I don't see this turning out well for those in charge of the royals...even here in the US, I have noticed that she is very popular. Perhaps, as she is a commoner, she naturally connects with people and they feel her warmth and sincerity. Once this leaks out and connections to the vaccine are made - the pitchforks will be sharpened. The same grief and rage over Diana will resurface.

Q: (L) You know, sometimes I wonder if the Earth is not surrounded by all kinds of
comets and things at all times, but they're just in another dimension or something, or another vibrational frequency and they can be let through if needed. Is that a possibility?

A: Yes
That really got my who or what can let in such things?? Is this something 4D can manage or is this something generally managed by 6D? As others have mentioned, the implications are staggering. I wonder how often this has occurred without notice? the portals are opened for space rocks, all manner of things can waltz in. Ugh.
Q: (L) Okay, today's April 13th, 2024. [Review of those present] Anybody there?

A: Knowledge protects.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us?

A: Ginueaeil of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, why did you open with, "knowledge protects"? Is there some particular knowledge we need to acquire?

A: Much.

I am curious because this exchange left me feeling that some other things were not fully addressed and that if there are significant gaps in our knowledge (surely), then it would be helpful to know where to begin to fill in those gaps. Perhaps that will be discussed in a future session.

As for "Brigitte", I am not surprised but find it odd that the Macrons are still trying to ignore it. Considering the celebration in the West of all things LGBT++++, one would assume they would be just delighted to showcase their membership in the club.
Thank you for this interesting session and condolences to Laura for the passing of her brother. Interesting that something which happened so long ago was still on his mind, the perceived guilt of not having kept his promise of protecting his little sister.

That comets can exist in another dimension and literally pop in here at any moment was quite an eye opener. It would also make a massive surveillance of the skies redundant to a certain extent.

Regarding "Mrs." Macron, then given that it was Brigitte's brother that would make him 79 years old as he was born in 1945. Reading the book, "The Caricature of love" is a must, not least given what we have learned in the last decade.
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