Descriptions of the "afterlife"/5th Density

So, in terms of the C's cosmology, what would this higher sphere Frances mention be? If I remember correctly, acc. to the C's, you can't move on to 6th density without first reaching 4th density (5th density being the 'contemplation zone'). So, if we are to believe nun Frances, did she move from 5th density 'Summerland' to 4th?

I'd say it's likely that there are "higher spheres" in 5D.
I'd say it's likely that there are "higher spheres" in 5D.
I would have thought that as well. Is the following a likely scenario? Enter Summerland and hang out for a period of "no time", maybe eating ice cream if the fancy takes you. After a while either bordom sets in and your own consciousness elevates you to a higher sphere or
someone or something taps you on the back and suggests it is time to move upwards. Presumably the higher spheres are concerned with teaching and furthering your knowledge. Then what happens? Do some souls gain enough knowledge to be incarnated in 4D while others have not yet attained that level and need to be incarnated in another 3D situation?
Not necessarily. From what I read about 5D, there are many "lower" and "higher" spheres there (within 5D). And I can imagine that it applies to each density meaning there are sub-densities in each density.
Interesting! Do you recall where you read about that?

I just finished reading 'The Road To Immortality' by Geraldine Cummins, which I'm sure many of you are familiar with. In it, Frederic Myers (who Geraldine channels) gives a list on the various planes during the soul's journey upwards (sorry if this is a repost):

(1) The Plane of Matter consists of all experiences in physical form, in matter form, in matter as known to man. These experiences are not confined to the earth life. There are experiences of a similar character in numerous starry regions. Sometimes the body vibrates faster or slower than the body of man in such starry places. But the term “physical” expresses its character and nature.

(2) Hades is a term which corresponds with the astral plane. Immediately on the dissolution of the body there comes a brief period of seeming disintegration, a temporary dislocation of those parts which make you one.

(3) The Plane of Illusion [Summerland] is the dream period connected with life passed on the Plane of Matter.

(4) The Plane of colour. Existence in this state is not governed by the senses. It is more directly controlled by mind. It is still an existence in form, and therefore an existence in substance. That substance is a very rarefied matter. It might be called an air of matter. The Plane of colour is within the terrestrial zone or within the corresponding starry zone wherein the soul previously had experience of a physical existence.

(5) The Plane of Pure Flame. In this state the soul becomes aware of the pattern his spirit is weaving in the tapestry of eternity and realises all the emotional life of those souls fed by the same spirit.

(6) The Plane of Pure Light. Within its borders the soul obtains an intellectual conception of all the previous existences within its group-soul. Further, he realises all emotional life within the body of the world or earth soul.

(7) Lastly, the Seventh Plane [Out Yonder, Timelessness]. The spirit and its various souls are now fused and pass into the Supreme Mind, the Imagination of God, wherein resides the conception of the Whole, of universe after universe, of all states of existence, of past, present and future, of all that has been and all that shall be. Herein is continuous and complete consciousness, the true reality.

Cummins, Geraldine. The Road to Immortality (pp. 5-6). White Crow Books. Kindle Edition.
I'm not sure, yet, how those fit into C's cosmology! :-):cool2:
maybe eating ice cream if the fancy takes you. After a while either bordom sets in...

or diabetes.

Do some souls gain enough knowledge to be incarnated in 4D while others have not yet attained that level and need to be incarnated in another 3D situation?

Or some stay in 5D and progress there. Maybe it depends on your destiny, as the Cs said in the last session.
Interesting! Do you recall where you read about that?
I've read about that in more than one source. For example, in the Rev. G. Vale Owen's lengthy The Life Beyond the Veil it speaks often of what I interpret as meaning sub-divisions within each density level of consciousness - up to 10 or more are spoken of, which are called spheres. Each is discrete and invisible to the sub-division beneath it.

Incidentally, in this book I found the frequent references to Christian dogma hard to take. (I eschewed fundamentalist Christianity long ago.) Some of the chapter titles hint of such references: 'The Sign of the Cross', 'The Heavenly Armies of the Christ', etc.
Perhaps within each density there are 7 levels or "planes" that are a reflection of the 7 densities. And maybe within each of those the same, in a fractal pattern.
Fascinating discussion. I remember reading about densities and sub-densities some years ago when I was going through the Ra material.

Here is one quote from Ra that might contribute to the later pages of this thread if it has not been shared already.

16.51 Questioner: Could you define the word density as we have been using it to give us a little greater idea of the concept of this term when used by you?

Ra: I am Ra. The term density is a, what you would call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on infinitely.

I remember this quote made a big impression on me when I first read it and it has stuck with me since. It resonates even though I know my level of knowledge is not high enough to grasp it fully.

Adding to this the information from the C`s that one can exist through all densities at the same "time" doesn't make it easier to understand but hopefully, we will understand better as we grow in knowledge.
Anecdotal account of one woman's experience of dying for 14 minutes.
Interesting account. I looked up the woman, Lynda Cramer on Youtube and found her in one podcast talking about future predictions that she had allegedly learned about during her NDE in 2001.

She sounded quite loopy and it highlighted to me that just because someone has had an NDE does not make them into an oracle. In that podcast apart from her irritating selfpromotion of herself as a psychic, she talks about higher guides and angels which she talks to daily. What really got Ysus and me to sit up was when she said that after the big dying, those who remain will evolve towards the aliens. It seemed clear from other comments she made that she sees aliens as the good guys, which may point towards who her spirit guides are aligned with. In another part she talks about how in her praying for help, she let herself surrender completely. That sounded like an open invitation for STS critters to do what they like with her as in her having handed over permission.

The specific part about evolving towards the aliens can be found at approx. 14:30 time stamp in the video linked above.

It also brought up the thought that perhaps there are suddenly so many accounts of NDE, so as to muddy the waters and mix some lies in with the truth, such as that aliens are here to help us.
or diabetes.

Or some stay in 5D and progress there. Maybe it depends on your destiny, as the Cs said in the last session.
C’s said that one must gain awareness of 4D while still inhabiting 3D to be aware of 4D’s existence in 5D.

It’d be interesting to know if this still applies if a soul has chosen the long wave cycle and stays in 5D for all their lessons.
She sounded quite loopy and it highlighted to me that just because someone has had an NDE does not make them into an oracle
That is so very true. Recently, I started reading ‘Proof of Heaven’ by the neurosurgeon Eben Alexander who had an ‘extraordinary NDE’ while being in a coma for 7 days. I’m halfway through the book, and I’m getting the impression that okay, it obviously was a super-duper life changing event for him that he wants to share, but he’s making a whole lot of assumptions of ‘the ultimate truths of the universe’ based on his individual experience. And, I have to say, and I may be wrong, but the structure and style of the book smells commercial - at every turn he highlights how unique his experience was. Maybe I’m too harsh, but compared to other and better NDE books, there’s just too much background and ‘setting the scene’ chapters for my taste. I’m more a “just give me the facts” guy. :)

Another related thing I’ve seen is how some ‘psychic’ individuals are saying that once you’re dead and out of your body, and see the tunnel and the light at the end, you should NOT go to the tunnel. That even if the tunnel beckons you to come, you should turn your back and head the other way. Because, as their weird theory goes (or evil propaganda), the tunnel is a gateway to an endless cycle of reincarnation. The other way, they say, is the real way to freedom and ‘higher spheres’. At least for now, I think this is BS, and maybe a lie by sinister forces in order to capture more ‘dead dudes’.
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It’d be interesting to know if this still applies if a soul has chosen the long wave cycle and stays in 5D for all their lessons.
I think you are making an assumption here, a being who chooses the long wave cycle, doesn’t necessarily means that they will be staying in 5th density, they can stay on a ethereal type of realm or life but in 3rd or 4th density as well, or maybe a bidensity type of environment.
The other way, they say, is the real way to freedom and ‘higher spheres’. At least for now, I think this is BS, and maybe a lie by sinister forces in order to capture more ‘dead dudes’.

This is a scary thought somehow.
It seems to me that there might be different “light” events, the first sphere it’s the resting energizing one, where you gain your energy and probably meet souls from your soul group, this one can be the one you mentioned as ‘summer land’. The second “light” or sphere, could be where you go to contemplate your lessons and life events, and a third “light” you go into or sphere, is where you decide what to do, either to assist others and learn more lessons there, or to reincarnate into a new life.
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