Clif High-

Has there been any further development regarding an interview with Clif?? It seems that an interview would be the best thing to clear up a lot of the speculation and misgivings regarding his work.

random comments : isn't an evolving view of things a good thing if you don't "get" it ?
also he is limiting his interviews because of family issues and that awful
word "prepping" . . . but I would love to hear SOTT interview Clif .......
( I think the SOTT Family/Fellowship is prepping but not like most on the planet )
crazycharlie said:
random comments : isn't an evolving view of things a good thing if you don't "get" it ?

The devil is in the details. If his evolving view is taking more towards truth and objectivity, it is a good thing. If it is taking him to a more subjective view, then it is definitely not a good thing.
Heimdallr said:
crazycharlie said:
random comments : isn't an evolving view of things a good thing if you don't "get" it ?

The devil is in the details. If his evolving view is taking more towards truth and objectivity, it is a good thing. If it is taking him to a more subjective view, then it is definitely not a good thing.
I agree. My own guestimate based on what I've seen so far is that Weidner and gang were quick to "help" validate what Clif thinks he sees in the data mining. From my own experience, this can be a powerful influence on someone who is digging near the edge of what is "acceptable".
it's unlikely we could hear an interview with Clif (from SOTT )
so can I ask when another session comes up ..
How accurate is Clif both on timing and intensity of events
he describes in his reports ?
OK I read the WOWODO more carefully ( some of it posted by LQB )
you should not beat Clif up about channeling because he said it was acceptance
WITHOUT analysis ,, well there you go he ought to read the WAVE series (yea wishful thinking)
as that is exactly what Laura and Sott team have done combine the two like NO BODY else
( I have read anyway and I have been reading channeled material since 1975 )
that entire list is very interesting at also called "How I learned to stop
worrying and love the space aliens" don't let that title fool you ....
In the last 3 ALTA reports (issue 2-3-4) the revolution meme appears as one of the major predictions for 2010. Especially in issue 2 (release date: September 2009) and issue 3 there are many pages of predictions for revolution meme starting first in US and spreading through out the world in the first quarter of 2010. Now, I know there is no accuracy or guarantee for such predictions and even if they'd come true a timing error would be normal and acceptable.
But in the last Coast2coast interview (April 2010) Clif says something like that :

"In early part of 2009 we said that revolution meme will go active in the first quarter of 2010. And I think everybody would agree that the revolution meme in US is going active in the sense of number of events that've occured. Relative to that. And we were accurate in that. "

I follow Sott and other media as well (including mainstream media) . But maybe I am missing something. So I want to ask forum members from US : is there a revolution going on, or starting or at least any signs ? Am I missing something ?
Not even close to a revolution that I can see or any change that would be beneficial to the majority of Americans. He's most likely referring to the Tea Party crazies and their recent actions as linked below, which seems to go along with his predictions from the revolution meme. He also discussed the term revolution and what it means in depth in past ALTA reports (like two or three years ago - can't recall the specific distinctions he made then about the term). The thing about his reports and the recent assessment Clif posted on his webpage is that he makes statements and doesn't follow through and give the related information that backs up his statements. There is a private forum (not run by Clif) that discusses the reports, so they probably collect info and what he writes. There are also his interviews which I haven't listened to for some time, so maybe he discusses the information there. Wonder if Clif collects information on his predictions and does an assessment on what could be described as an accurate or close to right prediction. If he isn't, maybe this would help tune the process and make it better or more accurate. He also would seem to need a good network to avoid his own biases and the overwhelming amount work of collecting data and information to back up his past claims or future predictions. ;D Funny that he calls out channeling:
Religions are control tools, and most modern religions are the result of claimed channeled material.
“Channeling”, as an activity, is Piscean in nature, and will not survive into the Aquarian age where ‘analysis’ will be a key component of the personal awakening of humans en masse. Accepting information without personal verification and analysis is also a Piscean form of thinking that will not survive into the coming age (2012 ->). The Piscean ‘acceptance’ of information supports both religion and channeling among other control system tools.
and says things need to be analysed, but there isn't much evidence that I've seen that he does the same with his process. Hell, if he has read about the C's experiment then he would understand there is a huge difference between critical channeling and channeling that Adpop and others have chronicled in the Channel Watch section. If he hasn't read about the C's experiment then maybe he should do so before tossing the baby out with the bathwater.
un chien anadolu said:
I follow Sott and other media as well (including mainstream media) . But maybe I am missing something. So I want to ask forum members from US : is there a revolution going on, or starting or at least any signs ? Am I missing something ?

Not last time I looked. However, the media is pushing the meme big time by covering the fringe right wing crazies to the exclusion of much else. They are working quite hard to create the impression of revolution. So, perhaps the bot's 'accuracy' has more to do with 'predicting propaganda' than it does with predicting the facts on the ground? The bot is picking up on what the PTB wants people to perceive as reality? Just a thought...
Bear said:
He also would seem to need a good network to avoid his own biases and the overwhelming amount work of collecting data and information to back up his past claims or future predictions.

I think this is a good point. A part of me tends to believe that he is sincere, so a "good" network would help him to develop his work, efforts OSIT.

anart said:
So, perhaps the bot's 'accuracy' has more to do with 'predicting propaganda' than it does with predicting the facts on the ground? The bot is picking up on what the PTB wants people to perceive as reality? Just a thought...

This makes sense. The predictions are products of linguistic elements which are products of subconsciousness (and/or consciousness) so how can it be possible that all these are not effected by manipulated minds.
Thought some more about the topic. I've had past thoughts that to really do the webbot process right or give it more validity would be to analyse what each report details thoroughly as the predictions are supposed to happen and see what happens over time after the prediction passes. This would seem to be a huge undertaking and could be related in a way to doing the SOTT page with more of a focus on information related to Clif's reports. That would seem to be very time consuming and Clif has repeated numerous times in the past reports that the process of data collection and writing a single report takes a lot of his time, which would seem to leave past reports not fully analyzed for accuracy or where events deviated from the reports. Clif does mention 'hits' and where the predictions or trends where wrong in some cases, but not an overall overview of the whole report or reports. Not being able to post the reports to analyze them due to people not buying the reports if they are posted for free is a problem. Suppose I could email Clif and ask him if I could post the whole report or main parts or summaries of the parts here for the purpose of those interested in analyzing it.

At one point a couple years ago I was spending a lot of time on the internet searching and reading and had read the ALTA reports. At the time some of the topics or trends could be seen in the news to varying degrees, but a lot of the stuff just never appeared and wasn't talked about by Clif in later reports. Probably just not enough time to follow every thread in his work.
un chien anadolu said:
I follow Sott and other media as well (including mainstream media) . But maybe I am missing something. So I want to ask forum members from US : is there a revolution going on, or starting or at least any signs ? Am I missing something ?
Depends on what is meant by "revolution". Out here in rural "bumpkin" I'm getting surprises. Driving the main drag through town I noticed an innocuous sign announcing a TEA Party meeting - seemingly out of place here. More and more folk are realizing that the food they eat is killing them, and they are seeking alternatives. I'm sure they notice, as I do, that the only full parking lots are in front of medical and rehab clinics. Everyone seems to have a family member being treated for cancer. We have already had requests for produce (veg and pastured chicken) as soon as we get ops going. Many are becoming aware of detox - they just aren't sure what to do. The local hair salon has begun offering the electric foot detox bath. The local newspaper - just a tiny 2-day a week affair, has several times carried editorials well written by folks asking "What is going on??". The last was a very appropriate selection from Walt Whitman along the lines of taking a stand for what is right.

So it is at least a revolution in thought in these parts. And a very good time for EE.
LQB said:
Depends on what is meant by "revolution". Out here in rural "bumpkin" I'm getting surprises. Driving the main drag through town I noticed an innocuous sign announcing a TEA Party meeting - seemingly out of place here. More and more folk are realizing that the food they eat is killing them, and they are seeking alternatives. I'm sure they notice, as I do, that the only full parking lots are in front of medical and rehab clinics. Everyone seems to have a family member being treated for cancer. We have already had requests for produce (veg and pastured chicken) as soon as we get ops going. Many are becoming aware of detox - they just aren't sure what to do. The local hair salon has begun offering the electric foot detox bath. The local newspaper - just a tiny 2-day a week affair, has several times carried editorials well written by folks asking "What is going on??". The last was a very appropriate selection from Walt Whitman along the lines of taking a stand for what is right.

So it is at least a revolution in thought in these parts. And a very good time for EE.

Then you need to let the local hair salon know that the 'detox foot bath' is pure bunk. Manipulating people's fears is not revolution - or is it? It is, if it's the PTB's version of revolution, which is exactly what is being pushed by the media (and 'picked up by' Clif's bot).

People all over the country are realizing (and have been for quite some time, actually) that things are going to hell because things are going to hell. That doesn't mean revolution - it just means things are so bad that people are having more trouble fantasizing them away.

This is all said without even mentioning the fact that 'revolution' means death for the masses. What usually happens when people with smaller guns go up against people with space based weaponry?
anart said:
LQB said:
Depends on what is meant by "revolution". Out here in rural "bumpkin" I'm getting surprises. Driving the main drag through town I noticed an innocuous sign announcing a TEA Party meeting - seemingly out of place here. More and more folk are realizing that the food they eat is killing them, and they are seeking alternatives. I'm sure they notice, as I do, that the only full parking lots are in front of medical and rehab clinics. Everyone seems to have a family member being treated for cancer. We have already had requests for produce (veg and pastured chicken) as soon as we get ops going. Many are becoming aware of detox - they just aren't sure what to do. The local hair salon has begun offering the electric foot detox bath. The local newspaper - just a tiny 2-day a week affair, has several times carried editorials well written by folks asking "What is going on??". The last was a very appropriate selection from Walt Whitman along the lines of taking a stand for what is right.

So it is at least a revolution in thought in these parts. And a very good time for EE.

Then you need to let the local hair salon know that the 'detox foot bath' is pure bunk. Manipulating people's fears is not revolution - or is it? It is, if it's the PTB's version of revolution, which is exactly what is being pushed by the media (and 'picked up by' Clif's bot).

People all over the country are realizing (and have been for quite some time, actually) that things are going to hell because things are going to hell. That doesn't mean revolution - it just means things are so bad that people are having more trouble fantasizing them away.

This is all said without even mentioning the fact that 'revolution' means death for the masses. What usually happens when people with smaller guns go up against people with space based weaponry?
Agreed - the context for the change in thinking has been very slow to arrive in this rural area so its very refreshing to see some serious questioning. The "revolution" I'm referring to is in thought for the majority of these folk here - not a kind of overt resistance. Much greater interest in food, toxins, health, and what they can do about it. We are getting more and more interest and questions - a very good sign imo.

And I should have said that I don't think this kind of "revolution" is consistent with Clif's interpretation of his data.
In the last show Cliff said that in 2012 we are friggin doomed :rolleyes:
And he said that he is building boat
Are this a joke or what :huh:
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