Barack Obama

Kresnik said:
Well, maybe this time is a little different, and maybe people are a little more exuberant. The question is: why??

manitoban said:
On the other hand, though, we know that nothing in politics happens by accident, and surely Obama winning was always on the cards and can be made to fit in with the evil plans of the PTB. A surge of hope and promise followed by a crash of despair seems like the way they operate.

Agreed, the fact that it was probably the PTB's plan all along means they probably understood the reaction they where going about generating.
As to the dispair, seems the UK Telegraph suggested this 3days ago, watch the propaganda wagons role.

After a Barack Obama election victory party, a hangover will follow
Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 02/11/2008

Finally, America will elect a new president this week. Many voters believe that if Barack Obama wins, a new day will dawn in American politics.
For his supporters, Mr Obama has become an almost Messianic figure. Many believe an Obama presidency will mean that America withdraws from the wars to which George W. Bush has committed troops.

Many also think he will increase the federal government's role in the economy, so as to achieve goals such as providing universal health care.

If Mr Obama is elected, there will inevitably be disappointment and frustration, as millions of those who voted for him discover that he is mortal, and cannot achieve the miracles they hoped for.

In the straightened economic circumstances which America will find itself, the new universal health care plan he promises may not be affordable.
Moreover, the new President will find himself confronting so far intractable foreign policy challenges, such as the belligerence of a soon-to-be-nuclear Iran, the difficulties of trying to achieve peace in the Congo, and of securing victory in Afghanistan.

If he does anything at all about those problems, Mr Obama will disappoint those who voted for him in the expectation that he would end America's use of armed force around the world.

As The Sunday Telegraph reports today, Mr Obama is already preparing to ask Britain to commit an additional 3,000 troops to Afghanistan.

Unlike George W. Bush, Mr Obama enjoys significant popularity in Europe. But after the years of bloody war in Iraq and Afghanistan, even he may struggle to achieve the commitment from European nations he says is essential – especially given the very high level of borrowing that so many countries have already committed themselves to in bailing out their banks.

Still, Barack Obama has a unique opportunity to help revitalise America's influence on the world as a force for good. If he is elected, we hope he will use that opportunity wisely.

Kresnik said:
And that's forgetting about all the other more grim possibilities, like an attack and martial law before Obama takes over, the PTB pulling another JFK and capitalizing on the even bigger emotional outpouring, etc.

Well the media has had several stories about arresting 'nuts' preparing for an assassination. Now all we need is the shooter(s) and a patsy (already outlined by the media). Presuming its not just to keep Obama in line.

It seems that pulling the emotional rug out from under everyone is probably the way they are going to go in some shape or form.
All that emotional energy is probably 'feeding' the control system, and can be easily turned into the controller. Like a martial art, where you use the opponents strength against them.

Gimpy said:
1. Something used to cover one's true purpose; a decoy.

Hmm, the thought has been rattling around my head. What are they distracting us from with all this pomp and circumstance? I've noticed here in the UK in the run up to the US election, the news ended up filled with overblown trivial tabloid trash for the main story...I know its the media, but even this seemed a bit blatant (at least to me). 3-4 weeks of major 'distractions'.

Mac said:
There is relief for a moment in having the election over. So weary of hearing the ads.
The quiet actually has me on edge slightly.....sort of like after 9/11 you kept expecting another 'attack'. Calm before the storm or another calculated triggered reaction? I can't help thinking that everything (ever reaction) is going to plan...

Kresnik said:
The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Mac said:
manitoban said:
Hildegarda said:
Open madness means that there is no time left for any change. Hidden madness means that there is, may be, a slightly wider window of time in which we can keep flapping butterfly wings.

I have kinda mixed feelings about this - on the one hand, I can see what Hildegarda said , it's like there is a bit more breathing space, or the possibility of it.

On the other hand, though, we know that nothing in politics happens by accident, and surely Obama winning was always on the cards and can be made to fit in with the evil plans of the PTB. A surge of hope and promise followed by a crash of despair seems like the way they operate.

Yeah, many scenarios are possible. Perhaps the Bush administration was the set up. McCain/Palin touted as more of the same. Then Obama offered as the savior. Metaphorically, sends people running from the clutches of Hitler in to waiting arms of Joseph Stalin. I don't know.

There is relief for a moment in having the election over. So weary of hearing the ads.


I think Hope is premature based on STS's time loop ability. If he does better , he has to be JFK ( use the system to come to power, which he already did and try to change which ultimately endup with the assasination with no exception in this age of mind control ) or Worse, he will have to Ronald Reagan ( Post assasination (attempt on ) Regan - ruthless conservativism).

STS hierarchy tried Palin very hard, based on the amount of backing she had from Rosthchilds, Kissingers introduction to world leaders, how much benefit of doubt that was given to her , endless electoral manipulations they did to supress 20% of minority voters, etc. It is the massive turnout of below age 30 voters who predominantly obama backers tilted the scale too easily.

Again this is the age of shock doctrines. Now every body is dreaming that 'Age of segregation' may be over, but what if he is assasinated before he comes to white house, the shock creates huge amount of emotional trauma and despair comes out open. that is lot of shock they need for their doctrine, but that emotional energy is too much to channel like the electricity from the lightening. Do they dare to assasinate him before he comes to Power?. probably not.
mugatea said:
I had a dream last night while the elections were taken place n the US. I dreamt of an Obama victory where he and his his supporters were standing on a podium celebrating their success and then it turned to the McCain camp who were on the opposite side of the room and looking back to the Obama camp and at first were cheering but then rage filled their non blinking penetrating eyes, they were all bearing their snow white perfect teeth and they began to chant, and they were expressing pure hate and poison it seemed back to the Obama camp.

I think that this may very well be a good observation. It may take some time for it to boil the surface though. They got it up and simmering during there campaign.
Perhaps all they need to do is turn up the heat. Increase the economic turmoil, add in more terrorist fears, and add a targetted smear of obama to get them really going. Then let them fight amongst themselves. Kill obama (blaming/using the wound up mob of useful idiots). And then bring in martial law.

Just a thought.

Might be an idea to post the dream here as it fits Very well.

Maybe this thread should be merged with this one?
[quote author=Kresnik]

The whole thing stinks to high heaven.


But let's face it -- you would have said the exact same thing if the Republicans got in (which was the only other possibility). The fact is, the way this world has been run for eons in the past, and the way it's being run right now, stinks to high heaven!
From this corner of the world (Croatia) I can report massive and overwhelming acceptance of Obama's victory, like it was domestic election.

Whole morning I was listening various radio stations and Obama was all over. A lot of folks here are showing much content and I can say, they are even thrilled by such a development although this is internal U.S. issue.

People here are showing feeling of hope and happiness like I never saw before, again considering this is not domestic issue. And I think that this is even more emphasized in some other parts of Europe like Germany e.g.

I'm wondering how much negative energy will be let off when dream ends? :huh:
Well, for what it's worth, last week I dreamed Obama won. I wrote to our atty's (Pepin/HBI suit) as follows:

To: Stephen Kaus <****>
Subject: Obama
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: 8BIT
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 09:16:12 +0100


Just wanted to mention that I dreamed the other night that Obama won the
election and things seemed to be on a better track.

For what it is worth (probably not much).


There was actually more to the dream than just that. But I didn't want to be a party pooper. But a few days later, as I was writing to the lead atty, I brought it up again:

To: "Walter Hansell" <****>
Subject: Re: LKJ adv. HBI/legal
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: 8BIT
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 09:37:34 +0100

On 3 Nov 2008 at 10:48, Walter Hansell wrote:
> Meanwhile, with US elections tomorrow all signs are that a change of
> leadership is in the works here. No major signs I've seen yet of coup
> or martial law to intervene, and I'm hoping for the best.

We all hope for the best. I told Mr. Kaus that I had dreamed recently that
Obama won. I think McCain really shot himself in the foot with Palin. But,
thankfully, he did because it sure revealed one of the "men behind the
curtain," i.e. the Dominionists. What a crew!

What I didn't mention was that, in my dream, despite the fact that Obama won
and people were going around saying "Now, everything will get better!"
things, in fact, got worse, though it was unclear how or why. I found
Biden's comments on his certainty that Obama would face tremendous challenges
from sources he failed to identify clearly interesting in this respect.

As for coups, that took place a long time ago. If Obama isn't "one of
them," but has fooled them into thinking he can be, and intends to change
course once elected - as JFK did - well, things could get very ugly very

Of course, the period between the election and the inauguration can be quite
interesting too. Bush and Co can basically do anything he wants with no
fear of loss of "political capital."

In any event, we have some real troubles ahead just with climate change -
and I don't mean global "warming" either. Somebody needs to do something
really fast, and I don't mean blaming it on human caused CO2 levels, either.
Astronomer Victor Clube is right, judging by the "signs," and we are in a
natural cycle where the earth is moving into a field of dust, pebbles, rocks
and boulders and we need to get a handle on it right quick.

See the recent "connecting the dots":

We'll be watching the election with great interest.


Actually, what I thought about when I woke up from the dream was this session from the Cs transcripts:

Cs session 3 August 1996 said:
A: Your Biblical prophecies speak of a period of terror and
chaos followed by calm, and then, unexpectedly, amdist
seeming overwhelming peace and renewal and prosperity, the

A: What would happen if the brown star that is the sun's twin
were to get close enough to be illuminated by the sun?

Q: (T) Well, if it were close enough to be illuminated, the
obvious result is that it would be SEEN. People would
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Governments would fall...
A: And terror and chaos. And when it departs again?
Q: (L) Everything will seem to be fine! But, they won't
realize that the Oort cloud has been hit! Oh, sugar!
A: And then what?
Q: (L) It is not the Oort cloud or the comets that is going
to cause all this terror and carrying on, it is going to
be the seeing of the illuminated brown star, which will go
away, and then no one will see what is coming! And this
IS talked about in both the Bible and Nostradamus - but it
was incomprehensible before! Okay, how long will it take
the comets to get from the Oort cloud to here?
A: Let us just say that the cluster travels much faster than
the usual cometary itinerary.

{...}And we have spoken of the comet cluster before, and we
have told you that this time, it rides the Wave.
Q: (L) Is the wave the energy from this brown star?
A: No.
Q: (L) The Wave is the Wave. (T) So, the dark star is going
to come through the Oort cloud, and it doesn't have to get
too close. Any star that gets that close is TOO close.
Its gravity will propel these comets in our direction.
And, on top of that, they are being propelled by the Wave
from behind, so they are being both pulled and pushed.
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they being "kicked" and then they get on the wave
that is already on the move?
A: Yes. This time. You have had the comet cluster before in
antiquity, but the wave was last here aeons ago.
Q: (L) Is this wave a gravity wave?
A: Interrelated.
Q: (L) Okay, we have the 3600 year comet cluster cycle, the
Sun twin is another cycle altogether, and then we have the
wave, which is a Grand Cycle. So, we have three things
causing a transition in nature?
A: Like "biorhythms."
Q: (T) And we have a triple bad day coming up! Or a good
day, depending on which way you look at it.
A: Bad day if you are John D. Rockefeller, good day if you
are Mahatma Ghandi.
I tend to think everyone will love him. go back to sleep, everything's juuust fine. just like they did with Clinton, completely unaware of all the agenda he followed in the background. History has shown that he'll either want to follow the PTB's agenda, or he won't want to but will have to anyway, or that he will resist and be shot, or external events will take over so fast that it won't matter anyway. pessimistic enough? :halo:
Sorry, given the context when I read 'dark star' I immediately thought, 'well Obama's dark skinned and at the moment he has star status'.... seemed like an odd portent of things to come.
Regulattor said:
From this corner of the world (Croatia) I can report massive and overwhelming acceptance of Obama's victory, like it was domestic election.

Same in Cyprus, though the 3-3 score of a Cyprus team with Italy's Inter brought more tears to the islander's eyes :rolleyes:

Yet, the same climate that prevails in the US, infected it seems the rest of globe, as i heard so many people say today how Obama is really the hope and will bring change - not only in the US, mind you! - but world wide. It's high doses of opium for the masses, given perhaps especially at this moment so they won't be able to feel/realize what's coming upon them? I cannot even get myself to speculate about what might come, but whatever it is, it ain't for good. I imagine future historians pondering over this period in time and trying to make sense, given the whole picture of how things are in the world at this moment, how the people could get so excited and hopeful in the face of just one person. It's total madness.

And i agree with Hildegarda:
Open madness means that there is no time left for any change. Hidden madness means that there is, may be, a slightly wider window of time in which we can keep flapping butterfly wings.

Most of the people might be unconsciously inhaling their opium, but for those who feel that something stinks about the whole thing, for the rest of us here, it is some more time for practicing our flaps.
My hypothesis right now is that the "shock doctrine" is going to escalate to get us used to being in a crisis. I think it's used to shock the people into a suggestibility and emotional and guided reactions, but I also think they want us to start getting used to being in crisis mode. I think shocking the people with declaration of the NWO or something all at once is way too much, and their reaction can be way too unpredictable and most likely against the PTB. But if people are used to having a major crisis and the government "changing things" in order to "deal with it", followed by moments of hope and euphoria and seeming light at the end of a tunnel, followed by another crisis, and then hope, and then crisis, then the shocks become much more than just to scare people into compliance, they induce transmarginal inhibition over time.

From wikipedia entry on it,

wiki said:
Patients who have reached this shutdown point often become socially dysfunctional or develop one of several personality disorders. Often patients who dissociate during and after the experience, will more easily dissociate or shut down during stressful or painful experiences
And it seems basically the reaction the people exhibited to the economic situation... no reaction. Just kinda a collective sad sigh and let their "caretakers" take care of it how they see fit. No popular outrage, no reaction that I could see of any significance. When the people that caused it took over a trillion of our tax money are are now spending billions on their bonuses and thousands on luxury vacations as we speak (seriously), people just shrugged and sighed again. That's like the stockholm syndrome, we're being completely screwed and disenfranchised as those who did it to us get filthy rich and take luxury vacations right in front of our faces, and we do nothing. It just doesn't get any more blatant than that, the programming is damn near complete....

wiki said:
There are three stages passed through for state of TMI to be reached.

1. equivalent phase: when the response matches the stimuli, which is considered the normal baseline behavior.
2. paradoxical phase: associated with quantity reversal, occurs when small stimuli receive major response and a major stimuli elicit small responses.
3. ultra-paradoxical: the final stage, associated with quality reversal in which negative stimulation results in positive responses and vice versa.[2]
Doesn't #2 kinda sound what happened after 911? The people basically let Bush blow up the world at will and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians and counting in 2 wars, epic economic mismanagement, an entirely new war on terror, patriot acts to remove ou freedoms, and on and on. This is all a reaction to... 911 which only killed 3000 people. But a reaction to an economic crisis that is REALLY a national disaster that requires action by the people? *crickets chirping*

wiki said:
An organism can progress through these stages by increased stimulation, random negative stimulation, reversing positive and negative stimulation, or physically debilitating the organism.
So everybody's reaction about the Obama election, even on this forum, definitely looks like positive stimulation, almost "paradoxically" so. It's a drastic reverse of the negative stimulation we've been getting with the economy, terrorism, wars and "conflicts" (like the Russia thing just recently), etc. I think this fits the bill of reversal, and this can only mean one thing, negative stimulation is coming again, get ready for another crisis.

Oh but they aren't even hiding it, they actually TOLD US that we'll be getting one (to a reaction of chirping crickets again).

SOTT quoting Joe Biden said:
"Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
No Joe, not to test Obama's mettle. This, like all the other crises, is for us. The programming is really nearing completion people.

wiki said:
The sudden conversion methods of mental conditioning rely heavily on TMI. Of the ten elements of control (environment control, physical fatigue, mental fatigue, tension or uncertainty, confession, superstimulation, crisis, euphoria, proselytization, and restimulation), six can be seen as stimulation toward TMI. Organizations that practice sudden conversion, such as military boot camps, prisons, and extreme psychiatric treatments, often have individuals enter TMI states which may result in permanent psychological damage.
Doesn't that list basically match exactly what we've been getting?

Laura has put it very succinctly in her blog:

Laura's blog said:
Four Main Types of Stress

Among Pavlov's most important findings was the what can happen to conditioned behavior when the brain of a dog is pushed to the "ultraboundary" limit by stresses and conflict beyond its habitual response capacity. He was able to bring about what he called a "rupture in higher nervous activity" by utilizing four main types of imposed stresses.

1) The first type of stress was simply an increase in the intensity of the signal to which the dog was initially conditioned. If this was gradually increased, at a certain point, when the signal was too strong for its system, the dog would begin to break down.

2) The second way of achieving the ultraboundary event was to increase the time between the giving of the signal and the arrival of food. If a dog was conditioned to receive food five seconds after the warning signal, and this period was then prolonged, signs of restlessness and abnormal behavior would become evident in the less stable dogs. Pavlov discovered that the dog's brains revolted against any abnormally long waiting period while under stress. Breakdown would occur when the dog had to either exert very strong, or very prolonged, inhibition. (Human beings also find protracted waiting while under stress to be debilitatin: worse than the event that produces the anxiety.)

3) The third way of inducing a breakdown was to confuse the dogs by anomalies in the conditioning signal. If positive and negative signals were given one after the other, (yes, no, yes, no, etc), the hungry dog would become uncertain as to what would happen next/ and this disrupted the normal nerve stability. This is also true with human beings.

4) The fourth way of inducing a breakdown in a dog was to destabilize the dog's physical condition in some way, either by subjecting it to long periods of work, inducing gastro-intestinal disorders, fever, disturbing the glandular balance, surgery, etc.

Again, although Obama seems to have provided temproary sensation of hope, people are all on edge. We are all "waiting under stress", our situation on every level is in shambles and people are waiting to see what Obama will do, or what will happen next. Doesn't matter if you're a SOTT reader or typical sleeping American, somehow we're ALL "waiting under stress" to see what happens next. Everyone is well aware that the economy is unstable and out of control, that tensions with Iran and other places are escalating, so we're in constant state of crisis / hope / crisis / hope and the entire time no real solutions, but a constant of worry, stress, and fear. And of course, the economic situation is basically forcing people into #4 on the above list - long periods of hard and painful work just to stay above the water financially. We're being subjected to ALL of the above, and I honestly don't think I'm stretching or exaggerating anything when I say that, it appears pretty blatant and by the book.

And this is how they intend to declare an overt NWO and have everybody love them for it, it's the ultra-paradoxical stage of TMI, because I think we already passed #2 where we seriously over-react, and in other cases seriously under-react. We're already entering #3:

Laura's blog said:
3) The Ultra-Paradoxical Phase. The third stage is where positive conditioned responses suddenly reverse to negative responses and negative ones to positive. The dog (or person) may suddenly find that they like what they formerly detested and loathe what they formerly loved. In this stage, the organism's response becomes opposed to all its previous conditioning.

So when the C's tell us that "invasion happens when programming is complete" I think its safe to say that if programming is not complete, it's certainly very close to being complete. And I agree that this election spectacle is playing out like some movie right now, it's almost unreal. But if we think THIS is a movie, wait till the bigger comets start hitting, marshal law is declared, or war on Iran, or literally a UFO invasion. I think this "movie" is quickly going to get a lot more fascinating, unreal, and terrifying.

And I gotta say that it's hard not being shocked by it all as it happens, even if we all basically saw it coming a mile away. It's still crazy to observe this unbelievable show. I just hope we don't get sucked in by the spectacle and craziness of it all and lose sight of our goals or be immobilized. In other words, let's not get shell-shocked together with the rest of the planet and remember the Work and what we're doing and why, even as the craziness escalates into epic proportions.
Nomad said:
I tend to think everyone will love him. go back to sleep, everything's juuust fine. just like they did with Clinton, completely unaware of all the agenda he followed in the background. History has shown that he'll either want to follow the PTB's agenda, or he won't want to but will have to anyway, or that he will resist and be shot, or external events will take over so fast that it won't matter anyway. pessimistic enough? :halo:

I guess we should remember that Obama would never have been elected without Bush. Maybe everything is going according to plan, eh?

For someone from almost third world country like me, there is no difference between Bush, Obama, McCain or Darth Wader (Ralph Nader :whistle:)

And in 1933 in Germany, people were very excited about Hitler win on the elections. He was the one who brings the changes and better life. Which he actually did for few years for Germany. But we all know what was after that.
mugatea said:
I had a dream last night while the elections were taken place n the US. I dreamt of an Obama victory where he and his his supporters were standing on a podium celebrating their success and then it turned to the McCain camp who were on the opposite side of the room and looking back to the Obama camp and at first were cheering but then rage filled their non blinking penetrating eyes, they were all bearing their snow white perfect teeth and they began to chant, and they were expressing pure hate and poison it seemed back to the Obama camp.

well, this as good as did happen. Republicans were booing through McCain's concession speech. When he first said Obama's name, the boos were loud enough that he had to make a sign to them, kinda wave his hands as in, "calm down, enough of that"
SAO said:
And I gotta say that it's hard not being shocked by it all as it happens, even if we all basically saw it coming a mile away. It's still crazy to observe this unbelievable show. I just hope we don't get sucked in by the spectacle and craziness of it all and lose sight of our goals or be immobilized. In other words, let's not get shell-shocked together with the rest of the planet and remember the Work and what we're doing and why, even as the craziness escalates into epic proportions.

Amen :)

Great post SAO, you described well what they are doing, imo.
So everybody's reaction about the Obama election, even on this forum, definitely looks like positive stimulation, almost "paradoxically" so. It's a drastic reverse of the negative stimulation we've been getting with the economy, terrorism, wars and "conflicts" (like the Russia thing just recently), etc. I think this fits the bill of reversal, and this can only mean one thing, negative stimulation is coming again, get ready for another crisis.

Like a PoP Tart coming out of the toaster. I also tend to agree with Iconoclast's doubts.
The kind of togetherness I saw between black and white in Chicago last night is a re-spark of belief
in the American system that simply can't be allowed by those who "ruhl" us. Set 'em up, knock 'em down.

On a side note, I like to think about the role that Saturday Night Live has played. Circa 1975 when it started airing, the show spoke with an irreverence worthy of the malcontents of the day. Not only that, they showed - "talent." Ambling along for years since, we find this relic of a bygone era biting the Republican "revolution" squarely on the heel ala Tina Fay. I love the irony.
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