Are Cass names a Code?

guimondaniel said:
Has anyone noticed, or does anyone agree to the idea that there may be some level of either codification, and or different layer of possible understanding other than the literal meaning to some of the material? My thinking being that they are us, and I know that I would certainly intertwine in each answer as much potential for learning as possible, and some of that may necessitate a sort of cross-reading? I mean, these guys hold the sum total of human knowledge, so it is not far fetched to imagine that they MAY instruct us on more than one plane of language, through these messages?

Why not begin by concentrating on the "literal meaning" and "one plane of language" first? You must learn to walk before you can run.

You are very new to the material, and thus far in your posts have failed to demonstrate a firm grasp of the basic ideas and concepts behind Laura's work, the C transcripts, and this forum. In other words, you have a ways to go before being adequately "up to speed" in the reading and comprehension department. Thus, your chasing after mysterious "hidden meanings", "secret codes", etc. is like someone wishing to discuss advanced music theory without having mastered "Chopsticks" yet.

As Anart suggests, you need to set aside your self-importance and sacred cows and begin to approach both the material, and this forum, with a degree of humility -- and quite a bit more respect and external consideration.
guimondaniel said:
Qote from Nienna Eluch
And trying to find clues will not get you there.

OK, the bad news first.: I am sorry to ask; have you read what you just wrote? Am I dreaming?
We are learning dear, and there is not ONE WAY to learn! That is outright didiculous!...
You just told me that I will not find!!! Ho là-là! An authority figure that you trusted really a good programming job on you!

Actually, to answer your patronizing question, I did read what I had written. I generally try to make sure that what I write is understandable. Obviously, it was not understood in the way it was intended. It seems that some corns were stepped on here. Also, I wasn't talking about the transcripts, I was talking about reading the articles that I mentioned, which were mentioned by Belibaste.

The reason I wrote this is because I did it the first time through the various books and missed a whole lot of important information that I should have picked up on the first time around. Looking for the clues that were not there kept me from getting the real message Laura was trying to show us which is the Work that needs to be done on ourselves and just how to do it.

Obviously, if you wouldn't have let your self-importance get the better of you, you might have seen this for what it was. Someone trying to give helpful advice.

This type of judgmental uninspired childishness gives one the impression that one is not the appropriate forum, if it is to correspond to the contents of the transcripts I am sorry to say: we've got a long way to go!

I have been an intensely passionate intellectual my whole life, obsessed with truth, and you would be suprised how many mysteries I have answered by myself without listening to HOW WE LEARN, dear! Also, somehow I am pretty convinced that the names do hold messages. There are many dimensions withing the structure of language, just as in realities. Unfortunately I poresently have a full plate, but we'll see what we will see, won't we? It is fun to learn. It is the only true fun I have ever had. And there comes a time, when the learner becomes a teacher, whether he realizes it or not at first. And these posts are but an example of that.

I am happy for you that you have answered many mysteries yourself, but were your answers objective or subjective? How do you know that you have the correct answers? And I must apologize as I thought that maybe you might be interested in the actual Work. Which is what we do here. It is one of the things that the C's recommended.

At this stage of my personal development, dear, I do not feel that there is any reason that I should limit the scope of my queries, to a linear or previously set way of reading... That's what I think the Cassioapeans are saying... To suggest to anyone that there maybe one way to read the transcripts and to avoid another approach is being pretty condescending and reveals a programming and limiting factor intent. Also reveals lack of knowledge of techniques inherent to quabalah and other transdimensional teachings. Why do you assume that 6th density thought centers would not be aware of this?

Again, if you read my post, I was talking about reading the articles. :rolleyes: Obviously, I stepped on some corns.

I am in my second reading of the material and I have not yet had the time to let these things set in, so to say. Although they resonate deeply within and feel right, I am not one to trust anyone's ideas before my own... Having said that, I wonder if I am the only obne to perceive a sort of air of importance on the part of some of the forum participants that in my view show a lack of application of the material to one's own life. It is very easy to go around copy pasting here and there all these quotes, but where are the ideas of the eople behind the posts, what are they saying, besides repeating what we can already find in the transcripts or the sitemap?

Also, speaking for myself I can say that it took me two years of keying in on SOTT daily before even thinking of posting on this forum, because of this seeming lack of seriousness at many levels, I am sorry to say... And then there are other people that can relate, it is happening... Adjusting our vibratory frequency is not a race, and even though there is lots to do, we will all get there in good time, those of us who are meant to get there, and who is to say how quickly one individual can assimilate the material? Would that not depend foremostl on one's personal culture library, one's travels, one's interactions with others with seemingly similar intent, that is those of STO belief!
Who's to say?! Certainly not I...

Please note that these are not person oriented statements, they are of the progress oriented kind! They are what they are, and they apply to the forum, as in general!


There are those who are trying to awaken, and those who are dreaming that they are already awake.

You seem to think that you are far and above those who have been on this forum for years. I see your rant above as very self-centered and full of self-importance and uncommonly rude to those on this forum who are trying to awaken and see things objectively rather than continue on in their illusions.

If all you are interested in are clues then by all means, go for it. I was only giving advice in something that I had already blundered in myself, but then I apparently have a different aim than you do. There are many paths and all there is is lessons. :)

BTW, you may want to start using a spell-checker.
guimondaniel, indeed there are "codes" in the transcripts, but the years and experience have shown that they only ever mean anything, or lead to anything, to me, personally. Keep in mind that the Cs are "us in the future" and that is not addressed to just anyone, but most particularly to me and to those members of my "soul group." Reading the raw transcripts without knowing the full context will get you nowhere except into just another wishful thinking bubble. Better people than you have tried.
guimondaniel said:
I have been an intensely passionate intellectual my whole life, obsessed with truth, and you would be suprised how many mysteries I have answered by myself without listening to HOW WE LEARN...

guimondaniel, you may never fully realize the extent to which I would have identified with you as an 'fellow intellectual' in the not-too-distant past. However, I personally, was going in the wrong direction.
Today, I understand that any debate, discussion or question coming from a position of passionate intellectionism, can only end in someones' ego being deflated and someone else's being fed. That's not objectively healthy for either party.
But that won't happen on this forum - or, rather, it's not going to happen the way a 'passionately intellectual' personality might think, because noone who offers helpful replys to your posts are going to be speaking from a position of ego or easily injured personality.

If you would like to see a demonstration of the ego or 'knowledge' of a self-deluded intellectual permanently out-flanked, and their 'secret knowledge' properly re-positioned within the scope of broader knowledge, then it may be helpful to read and study every word in the thread that starts here:

Note: it's not the content of the thread that's of significance here, rather, the interactions; the beginnings of which you are experiencing now. As has been suggested, you may find that a little humility will be useful.

Here's something an intellectual could ponder:
What if that which appears to be 'expanding one's mental universe with knowledge' were, in fact, chunking as much as possible into a 'black hole?' And, if that were really true, how would you go about explaining it to someone?

- for what it's worth from a former insecure, rebellious passionate intellectual.
guimondaniel said:
Please note that these are not person oriented statements, they are of the progress oriented kind! They are what they are, and they apply to the forum, as in general!

Well, they certainly look like personally oriented statements when you address the post to a particular person and use the word "dear" throughout the post. It is rather condescending sounding as if you think are lecturing a child.

Instead of trying to extrapolate meanings from the transcripts without a useful context you could empty your cup and ask what it is that is truly different about this forum in what it has to offer. Many of us who follow the various threads from Cassiopaea-related research areas find that we have deeply ingrained barriers to how much truth we can perceive at a given moment. How do we deal with these barriers if they seem as part of us as the nose on our respective faces? It is an important question I think. Some of us here think we have some answers.

Here are some good threads to read:
And giumondaniel .... one other thing.

As far as I am concerned, this forum is for the personal advancement of every single one of us/ you. You don't have to convince anyone of your thoughts here, because in the end, what should matter to you is what YOU take with you from your research/ quest. So there is no point in insisting on any particular aspect of the Work. And that is probably the first step in all steps - to tone down one's feeling of self-importance.

The Work is a personal endavour, not a communal act like a religious gathering, where together we strive for salvation. There are communal aspects for sure, as we are exchanging information and thoughts on this forum. But in the end, it's the Work you do for yourself, that will either advance you - or not. It's the realization of who you are and what moves you through life.

You are by no means alone at this particular stage - we probably all have been or still are there (well I can only speak for myself!): I still tend to attribute too much importance on "outside" influences, on synchronistic pattern (which I have come to regard as a mechanism for leading you astray), on myself etc. But then you will get feedback from other members of the forum, who have already gone through that stage and can see more clearly where you are ...

That's my personal opinion, please correct me, if I am wrong.
guimondanil said:
I have been an intensely passionate intellectual my whole life, obsessed with truth, and you would be suprised how many mysteries I have answered by myself without listening to HOW WE LEARN...

Have you read Ouspensky's "In Search Of The Miraculous", and "The Psychology Of Man's Possible Evolution"?
Have you read Boris Mouravieff's "Gnosis"? Have you any idea of the concept of centers, and how out of alignment they are due to the present state of our so called civilization?

This is because the intellectual center is developed at the expense of the emotional center. One of the main objectives of working on oneself, as I see it, is to develop the emotional center which increases the level of Being.

For someone like myself who has always identified with the intellectual center, with "knowledge", and being "right",
to be told that the very aspect that I'v considered to be "myself" is the very quality that is impeding my development was very difficult to accept.

It's understanding the role that the imbalance of the emotional center has had in the creation of the type of beings human have become, and to a large extent, the type of civilization that they have created, (with some help from 4D STS), that the true horror of the situation comes into focus.

One way that the imbalance of the emotional center manifests itself is in the expression of negative emotions.

Mouravieff said:
While the lower centers in the exterior are not fully developed, the higher centers are perfect and work at full capacity. But as we are, we cannot receive more than a negligibly small part of their communications. The reason for this is that man's views himself as nothing but personality. This illusion has as its immediate effects pride, egocentricity and egotism. These form a kind of a screen, only allowing the most rudimentary messages from the higher centers to pass, although their communication continues non-stop. They
knock at the door but it is us to hear the voice and open.

Anart's comments:
Anart said:
guimondaniel, please understand that derogatory and aggressive remarks to other forum members are not acceptable in any way, shape or form on this forum.


anart said:
Quite emotionally triggered there, aren't you? Please calm yourself down before responding further. Berating another forum member with one's own 'perceived' superiority is unacceptable.

are addressing this point. None of us can even begin to contact the higher centers while our lower centers are unbalanced.

Mouravieff said:
Among the lowr centres, the emothional centre is worst off. In our civilization - as we have already observed - it receives neither rational education nor systemic training. Its formation and development are now left to chance.

This forum is unique in that it offers education and systemic training for the emotional center at the same time it networks among its members to feed the intellectual center a pure diet of objective reality.

The corrections are certainly hard for the ego and personality to take. But they're necessary, and though they smarted at first, I welcome them now.
Thank you all for having so much deep understanding of such things!
What you are all saying is just so true, that it hurts! But the feel good kind of hurt...
There is so much that I am missing, so much that I have leveled out, in order for the illusion to continue full steam ahead...
A great big cry for help, and for once, there is someone to point it out, and to help me NOT back myself into a corner...
I am recovering from my ''montée de lait''(when a baby has problems taking his milk)... Thank each and everyone of you for seeing through my BS!

In response to webglider, more importantly than whether I have read  a specific work, this suggests to me that I am in a position to backtrack a little and read again as if it were the first time. For it appears to me now, that I have the need for understanding BETTER than first thought? Also, as it has happened to me on many occasions, this interaction shows me how to stop assuming my understanding, and to start applying it directly to life. So to your question, my answer is : I have not read any of the titles mentioned recently, nor was I in a position to obtain positive teachings from them when I did read them! So thank you, and I prioritize Ouspensky for this current lesson...

And thank you nicklebleu for emphacising on this:
You are by no means alone at this particular stage - we probably all have been or still are there (well I can only speak for myself!): I still tend to attribute too much importance on "outside" influences, on synchronistic pattern (which I have come to regard as a mechanism for leading you astray), on myself etc. But then you will get feedback from other members of the forum, who have already gone through that stage and can see more clearly where you are ..

It is this mechanism for leading me astray that keeps pulling fast and not so fast ones on me...
It is always so obvious but yet so invisible to me when I am doing it to myself.
I am amazed to see how I manage to say the complete opposite of what I truly feel as soon as I let my guards down. These are so simple, so basic as stumbling blocks, that I feel somewhat ashamed to be bringing myself there again! Moreover; imposing it on others!!! Grr!

Back to the subject: quote from :
Over the next six years, the Cassiopaeans gave clue after clue about many things, including Frank himself, that were delivered to us based on a secret signal system that was unknown to Frank, and is only now being revealed. And this, of course, leads to another reason why we did not choose to publish all the transcripts at once, unedited, and without commentary. Without this background, without the information about the code and the questions that were asked "in code" and answered "in code," there is no way that the casual reader can fully realize the truly amazing nature of the transmissions.

Amounts to saying that in the future, Laura K-J. as an evolved thought form, thus in 6thD, which is connected to all thoughtform (superconsciousness), uses a unique way (code) to convey to herself information concerning F***, a detrimental human form assigned and programmed to destroy her, as a result of previously tested self-destroy programs that had failed. Being that she has the clear signs of direct connection with ''one'' of the principle bloodlines from the catalog of the human imagination. For us non-enlightened!

This is the true living re-enactment of a classical COSMIC Drama, that has been played innumerable time, but only this time it takes the form of Laura and F**** fighting to save the world (or leave it in the hands of the actual proprietors of the ranch)...

This finding (today in my time-illusion) relates to the type of thing I meant about coding, either in the names (first trigger) at the top of the agenda of each chanelling session... Then the statement to the effect that in 6thD all physical locators being a light source, a level of sophistication of thought represented symbolically (we must never forget this) by light, which, although paradoxically from the human perspective  And answers the essential part of my question, whether in names, words, number of commas? There are definitely several levels! Thank you! And just maybe, these various levels will contribute in various ways, with a variety of groups specially incarnated (choice, free will) to bring about this change.

guimondaniel said:
Thank you all for having so much deep understanding of such things!
It is this mechanism for leading me astray that keeps pulling fast and not so fast ones on me...
It is always so obvious but yet so invisible to me when I am doing it to myself.
I am amazed to see how I manage to say the complete opposite of what I truly feel as soon as I let my guards down. These are so simple, so basic as stumbling blocks, that I feel somewhat ashamed to be bringing myself there again! Moreover; imposing it on others!!! Grr!
guimondaniel, if you are able to start to see this happen in 'real time', and do something about it, then maybe it will give you the 'material' to learn a whole lot.
Have you read any Castaneda?

The Active Side of Infinity said:
"In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver - stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now."

"I know that even though you have never suffered hunger... you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear."

sorry for the off topic, but you seemed to be kinda maybe getting it. :halo:
quote from:Nomad
sorry for the off topic, but you seemed to be kinda maybe getting it.

I truly hope so...

Cass name's and The Protennoia

This has caught my attention, some Cass names of the last sessions remind me of the gnostic name Protennoia:

YEAIONNIA Session 3 September
HIPERIONIA Session 7 March
LORIENNIA Session 30 May
POINONIA Session 20 June

FORTUNAEA Session 9 June
SIKELORAEA Session 22 October
SONORIAEA Session 3 January
LEAHRIAEA Session 16 July
RIAHONOIAEA Session 5 August

GRONNIOIA Session 4 July

TORUZNA Session 15 August

The 'Trimorphic Protennoia' is a Sethian Gnostic text from the New Testament apocrypha. The only surviving copy comes from the Nag Hammadi library.
I [am] the Thought of the Father, Protennoia, that is, Barbelo, the perfect Glory, and the immeasurable Invisible One who is hidden. I am the Image of the Invisible Spirit, and it is through me that the All took shape, and (I am) the Mother (as well as) the Light which she appointed as Virgin, she who is called 'Meirothea', the incomprehensible Womb, the unrestrainable and immeasurable Voice.

Proto" means both "first, primal or primary" and "generative."

Ennoia is a compound of en-, "intent, will," and noia, a variant of nous, "intelligence, mind, consciousness."
I have read also other gnostic texts in wich thought forms are refered as the first manifestation of the father or Invisible One: Gospel of truth, Secret Gospel of John, Gospel of egyptians.

I wonder if the Cs are what the gospels call Barbelo/Protennoia, the manifested side through which creation is born… and that is why they say they are Program rewriters...

Just to connect the dots if possible. :-[
Re: Cass name's and The Protennoia

I would like to withdraw this question..

I’ve been thinking and seems to me there is no need to limit consciousness, to mi own level of comprehension in this reality, better to wait remaining open.

Re: Cass name's and The Protennoia

I guess if they pick names for our benefit their maybe something in them. There are some similarities to the greek word nous. It's interesting to note that many have the a/ah/aea sound ending. I would take a stab and say that it refers to the feminine aspect.
Cassiopaean's Names in Sessions

This should be a linguist nightmare or nirvana depending on how he/she looks at it. ;) I've tabulated the Cassiopaeans names that are recorded in the sessions. Spelling and missing letters are as is in the sessions. :cool2:

CorsocaTuroianYommorYonnuroOorgWamphaWoneenXyenriGoorpploLoriennia Finovroia
Enduanda & AlorraSijllFopilion/HikluMarraXiorranLaopinnahZallahLorieaCalonia

Edit - Added latest name from newest session.
Re: Cassiopaean's Names in Sessions

Hi Vulcan59 --

Vulcan59 said:
This should be a linguist nightmare or nirvana depending on how he/she looks at it. ;) I've tabulated the Cassiopaeans names that are recorded in the sessions. Spelling and missing letters are as is in the sessions.

Thanks so much for going to all this trouble, and I will start taking a look at it. If anyone else on the forum wants to take a shot, by all means go for it and we'll compare notes. If you find out that this is more of a nirvana than a nightmare, then the linguistic world is in need of your services and talents :)
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