Stargates, "Synthetic beings," and Scanners: Fact or Fiction?

I was listening to an interview on Project Camelot, and before the interview got underway, Kerry Cassidy mentioned that new whistleblower information has brought forth information which, among other things, might explain the rationale for airport scanners. According to the testimony: "Synthetic beings" (robots) have been coming in through the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden (near Yemen) where there is a military build-up taking place. These beings (possibly created by the Atlanteans) are returning to this planet after having been taken off-planet prior to the destruction of Atlantis so that they could continue to "develop."

Our government, in the meantime, has created its own fleet of synthetic beings. It is proposed that the scanners represent an effort to discover if people going through the scanners are "human" or not.

This information is given at 9:00 (nine minutes into the broadcast) before the official interview actually begins.

Hi Elizabeth --

Elizabeth said:
I was listening to an interview on Project Camelot, and before the interview got underway, Kerry Cassidy mentioned that new whistleblower information has brought forth information which, among other things, might explain the rationale for airport scanners. According to the testimony: "Synthetic beings" (robots) have been coming in through the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden (near Yemen) where there is a military build-up taking place. These beings (possibly created by the Atlanteans) are returning to this planet after having been taken off-planet prior to the destruction of Atlantis so that they could continue to "develop."

Our government, in the meantime, has created its own fleet of synthetic beings. It is proposed that the scanners represent an effort to discover if people going through the scanners are "human" or not.

This is one of those things where I feel very inclined to ask, "says who?" I don't know if you have read up on them on the forum (if not, definitely do so), but if Project Camelot is not a deliberate psy-op, then they have the reputation of sucking up a huge amount of disinformation along with anything that happens to be authentic and mixing it all together -- they aren't very discriminating.

I haven't heard the interview yet, but it sounds like one of those things that comes from a "high-up source that needs to remain anonymous" and I get a strong disinfo vibe from what you describe. Its not that parts of it couldn't be true, who knows -- but I sort of suspect that if we did have our own fleet of synthetic beings, and were aware of other synthetic Atlantean beings coming through a stargate near Yemen, that we would also have the technology to track them down much more systematically than by airport scanner. One kind of wonders what they would be doing traveling by plane anyway after arriving by stargate. Just my 2 cents.
Shijing said:
Hi Elizabeth --

Elizabeth said:
I was listening to an interview on Project Camelot, and before the interview got underway, Kerry Cassidy mentioned that new whistleblower information has brought forth information which, among other things, might explain the rationale for airport scanners. According to the testimony: "Synthetic beings" (robots) have been coming in through the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden (near Yemen) where there is a military build-up taking place. These beings (possibly created by the Atlanteans) are returning to this planet after having been taken off-planet prior to the destruction of Atlantis so that they could continue to "develop."

Our government, in the meantime, has created its own fleet of synthetic beings. It is proposed that the scanners represent an effort to discover if people going through the scanners are "human" or not.

This is one of those things where I feel very inclined to ask, "says who?" I don't know if you have read up on them on the forum (if not, definitely do so), but if Project Camelot is not a deliberate psy-op, then they have the reputation of sucking of a huge amount of disinformation along with anything that happens to be authentic and mixing it all together -- they aren't very discriminating.

I haven't heard the interview yet, but it sounds like one of those things that comes from a "high-up source that needs to remain anonymous" and I get a strong disinfo vibe from what you describe. Its not that parts of it couldn't be true, who knows -- but I sort of suspect that if we did have our own fleet of synthetic beings, and were aware of other synthetic Atlantean beings coming through a stargate near Yemen, that we would also have the technology to track them down much more systematically than by airport scanner. One kind of wonders what they would be doing traveling by plane anyway after arriving by stargate. Just my 2 cents.

Hi Shijing

Your last couple of sentences made me laugh. :D

I realize the information reported here is questionable, and that's why I included the phrase "Fact or Fiction?" in the heading. Life, however, is stranger than fiction, especially these days; so anything is possible.

Regarding Project Camelot, I realize there has been a lot of discussion about the information they report. They describe their site as a "whistleblower" venue, and, of course, there's always a risk that the information they convey could be erroneous. However, having followed Project Camelot for the last year-and-a-half, I have gained confidence that their "motive" to report the truth is genuine. I've also observed their interviewing skills become more refined and exacting. (Kerry Cassidy sometimes sounds more like a prosecuting attorney than an interviewer.)

Recently we've been examining the whole question and motivation of airport scanners. I don't think it's necessary to introduce the hypothesis of "synthetic beings" to justify the determination to have scanners made mandatory at every airport. But it does introduce an additional rationale. And while synthetic beings are probably skilful at using stargates, they might have to resort to the usual ways and means of getting around the planet for as long as they want to "appear" as ordinary humans. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
I moved this topic to COINTELPRO and disinformation. There really is no reason to go looking for 'synthetic beings' - whatever those are - and 'star gates' - whatever those are - to explain the desperate push for total control by those who have everything to lose.

One need look no further than psychopaths in positions of power (as the 3D representations of 4D STS) and time running short.

Elizabeth said:
Regarding Project Camelot, I realize there has been a lot of discussion about the information they report. They describe their site as a "whistleblower" venue, and, of course, there's always a risk that the information they convey could be erroneous.

It is more than a risk, Elizabeth - an enormous amount of the information they present is pure hooey - not all - but an enormous amount. If you've not read the thread that discusses this, then it really is worth the time it takes to do so.
anart said:
I moved this topic to COINTELPRO and disinformation. There really is no reason to go looking for 'synthetic beings' - whatever those are - and 'star gates' - whatever those are - to explain the desperate push for total control by those who have everything to lose.

One need look no further than psychopaths in positions of power (as the 3D representations of 4D STS) and time running short.

Elizabeth said:
Regarding Project Camelot, I realize there has been a lot of discussion about the information they report. They describe their site as a "whistleblower" venue, and, of course, there's always a risk that the information they convey could be erroneous.

It is more than a risk, Elizabeth - an enormous amount of the information they present is pure hooey - not all - but an enormous amount. If you've not read the thread that discusses this, then it really is worth the time it takes to do so.

Thanks, Anart. I did consider putting this post in the category of Cointelpro. The fact that I didn't may indicate that I was "taken in" by what could very well be disinformation and distraction.

I also appreciate the "informed" perspective regarding Project Camelot. My discernment skills are still in formation, and I value the wisdom of those who are much further along in the learning curve.
Shijing said:
I haven't heard the interview yet, but it sounds like one of those things that comes from a "high-up source that needs to remain anonymous" and I get a strong disinfo vibe from what you describe. Its not that parts of it couldn't be true, who knows -- but I sort of suspect that if we did have our own fleet of synthetic beings, and were aware of other synthetic Atlantean beings coming through a stargate near Yemen, that we would also have the technology to track them down much more systematically than by airport scanner. One kind of wonders what they would be doing traveling by plane anyway after arriving by stargate. Just my 2 cents.

I also get the disinfo alarm ringing in my head from this one. Especially because it sounds a lot like the plot of a sci-fi tv series, 'Stargate Atlantis', which features synthetic beings called 'replicators' and, as you may guess from the title, stargates and Atlanteans.
The latest interview over at Project Camolet is with some guy who states there is a Stargate in the Gulf of Aden in Yemen. States the US black opps guys are very aware of this and these synthetic Beings are going to use this Stargate to get in. I thought well that is interesting then he said to watch for news reports about US and terrorism over in Yemen. Sure enough I was reading the LA times and the headline says that latest terrorist with the bomb was from Yemen and now CIA is going to start operations over there.There sure is alot of activity over in the Middle East and whatever it is is on the US radar. This year should be a very interesting one.
Well, this is where I'm going to talk about what I've been up to last couple of weeks.

Rich Dolan wrote to me a few months ago on behalf of Kerry Cassidy and asked me if I would consider giving her an interview. He noted that, while he was aware of my position vis a vis the position of the PC people, at the very least, their audience ought to have the opportunity to hear "our story" amongst all the other stories they are hearing.

Now, ya'll know my position on this but since Rich asked and posed the possibility that way, I agreed to at least talk to Kerry. We had a few exchanges and what I decided at that point was that I would like to meet her and talk face to face before I made a decision. She was planning several other activities on this side of the pond and so she scheduled to come here for a couple of days in early Feb.

She's been here and gone, so I'll just give a brief report on the outcome.

First of all, I made it a condition of the meeting/interview that I wasn't going to take down or change anything that is on this forum about PC. She agreed. I said I MIGHT change my mind about Bill, if I were to meet and talk with him, and if I did, that would be added, but nothing previously published would be altered. As it turned out, Bill was unable to come to this meeting/discussion and nothing Kerry had to add to the information has changed my mind about him, so the info in the PC/SERPO thread stands as it is.

However, I will say that my opinion of Kerry is somewhat different from my opinion of Bill Ryan. I agree with Rich Dolan that she really is motivated to try to figure out what is going on and part of her approach is to leave no stone un-turned. I can understand this because I did much the same way back when during those days that I read every single thing I could get my hands on about the UFO/alien phenomenon. The field is wider now, lots more disinfo, so she sure has her job cut out for her.

Next, Kerry knows that a lot of what gets put on PC is disinfo and even whacko info. That's why she likes to video her interviews - so that people can SEE these people making their various claims, see how they look, how they present themselves, and make their own determination about the trustworthiness. Kerry made it explicit that she has interviewed a LOT of people that she thinks are total disinfo, did it nicely (drawing them out) so that the viewer could SEE with their own eyes that this person was full of bull. This, of course, is where we have a little disagreement because I think that one has to realize that MOST people are totally impressionable and will not be using discernment when they watch these interviews but will, instead, think "oh, Bill and Kerry wouldn't have this guy on if they didn't believe what he was saying." Kerry tends to believe (naively, I think) that people can figure out on their own that much of the info coming from "whistleblowers" is disinfo. She also is convinced that they are telling a lot of truth and we have to try to figure out which is which.

Well, she is right on that point, I think. They do toss in some truths here and there and it just might be helpful to look at it in that way to try to analyze things, but since most of what I have perceived as "truths" coming from some of these "whistleblowers" is basically only confirming what the Cs have already told us years ago, I don't see too much point in spending my time wading through the muck to find the gems.

And again, there is the problem of people who are not able to discern. And that may include Kerry herself. She's very nice, very sincere, but also really wants to believe that there are "good guys" out there that can/will help humanity.

While she was here, we talked about this guy who talks about the "synthetic beings." In a sense, this idea is sort of designed to induce people to think that the gov is "on top of things" or is trying to protect themselves (and maybe the public) in some way. For all I know, those in the gov may even believe that. But, as I told Kerry, thanks to my experience as an exorcist, I have a nose for convoluted, evil, deceptive explanations for things. In this case, it seems obvious to me that if there are human elements that believe this story, then they have been duped because if you go back to the very basis of the whole alien plan that is evident from the bigger picture, explicated by the Cs, that there is a plan to use the resources of this planet to "create a new race" that they can incarnate into at 4D, and to subjugate the rest of us as a slave race, then it is not likely that the human government elements would be allowed to build scanners to detect "synthetic beings" but rather that the scanners are part of the plan to destroy/control/alter our race.

That's just basic logic starting from a particular premise that has stood us well over the years.

Kerry's premise is different, like I said, she believes in being saved by good guys and this blinds her to some things that are pretty obvious if you divest yourself of that wishful thinking.

Well, anyway, to conclude this: I did do an on-camera interview with Kerry though I haven't yet decided if it will be broadcast. We also filmed the interview. Everyone here thought it went very well so maybe I will give the go-ahead on this. What do ya'll think? Maybe it's time for PC to broadcast something a little different? Though I do expect that they will get a LOT of flak for it if they do.
Wow, this is a very interesting development, and the last thing I expected to read when I logged on tonight was that you had had a recent face-to-face conversation with Kerry Cassidy. Very interesting!

Laura said:
Well, anyway, to conclude this: I did do an on-camera interview with Kerry though I haven't yet decided if it will be broadcast. We also filmed the interview. Everyone here thought it went very well so maybe I will give the go-ahead on this. What do ya'll think? Maybe it's time for PC to broadcast something a little different? Though I do expect that they will get a LOT of flak for it if they do.

I had to think about this for a minute, but as long as you did the interview on your own terms, then it might not be a bad thing. I thought about how Dolan interacted with them, and I think his PC video was successful because it showed him just saying what he would say anywhere -- standing on his own -- and not aligning himself with the regular cast of characters that comprise the core of their disinfo. I am not sure how much flak PC would get if they broadcast your interview -- I imagine they'd get at least some positive feedback to balance it -- but even so, I don't think that's your problem. If PC fan feedback was strong enough, they might even want to follow up with you in the future.

I have to say that I find it rather surprising that Kerry assumes they can put videos of people with wide ranges of credibility up on their site and just expect their viewers and fans to figure it all out -- even moreso that she apparently acknowledges that some of it is disinfo, but that they just go ahead, do the interviews, and put them up anyway. I don't see how she can miss the fact that this makes it look like they are endorsing the information of their 'witnesses' -- I feel like they should put some sort of a disclaimer up about that!
Laura said:
What do ya'll think? Maybe it's time for PC to broadcast something a little different? Though I do expect that they will get a LOT of flak for it if they do.

I think yes.
Laura said:
This, of course, is where we have a little disagreement because I think that one has to realize that MOST people are totally impressionable and will not be using discernment when they watch these interviews but will, instead, think "oh, Bill and Kerry wouldn't have this guy on if they didn't believe what he was saying." Kerry tends to believe (naively, I think) that people can figure out on their own that much of the info coming from "whistleblowers" is disinfo. She also is convinced that they are telling a lot of truth and we have to try to figure out which is which.

I agree with you on this. However I really doubt that Kerry knows that a lot of the whistleblowers interviewed on PC are disinfo. Last year they interviewed Patrick Geryl and when they published this interview on PC they clearly stated that they disagree with most of the information given in this interview. Also they even represented a skeptic approach during the interview. So in my opinion they are able and eager to express their disagreement with their sources, whistleblowers etc. whenever they want. But unfortunately I have seen this kind of approach only in Patrick Geryl's interview, osit.

Laura said:
Well, anyway, to conclude this: I did do an on-camera interview with Kerry though I haven't yet decided if it will be broadcast. We also filmed the interview. Everyone here thought it went very well so maybe I will give the go-ahead on this. What do ya'll think? Maybe it's time for PC to broadcast something a little different? Though I do expect that they will get a LOT of flak for it if they do.

I agree with Shijing and Tigersoap here. There are people out there who can benefit from your views and knowledge, most probably not the majority of PC site followers but it is still worth.
un chien anadolu said:
Laura said:
Well, anyway, to conclude this: I did do an on-camera interview with Kerry though I haven't yet decided if it will be broadcast. We also filmed the interview. Everyone here thought it went very well so maybe I will give the go-ahead on this. What do ya'll think? Maybe it's time for PC to broadcast something a little different? Though I do expect that they will get a LOT of flak for it if they do.

I agree with Shijing and Tigersoap here. There are people out there who can benefit from your views and knowledge, most probably not the majority of PC site followers but it is still worth.

I too think it should be done. It seems that this is the year of expanding and reaching out to people, anyway!
I vote, yes. Please proceed, Laura. It’s time to wake people up from this madness.

It appears to me that PC is starting to wise-up and move toward reality whether their interviewees reflect this or not. Check out the interview with Steven Greer. It was intense and kind of stressed me out. Anyway, I believe they did a great job, against the "All aliens are benevolent" disinformation campaign that I've noticed is sweeping the mainstream ufo community. I went to my first ever ufo group last month and after hearing a lady tell me directly that hardly any bad aliens exist, left me speechless, shocked, and still agitated to this day. In my mind, I compare it to a large group of people jumping into the ocean(4D), with the intent of swimming with the benevolent whales and dolphins(STO) they see swimming about, except they aren’t whales or dolphins, they’re great white sharks(STS)! These people have never gained the knowledge of the shark(STS), what they look like, and what they're capable of! Here is link to the Greer interview.


Also, Kerry mentioned Laura’s name during the question/answer phase of Alex Collier's presentation which I thought was really neat. Here is the link to that presentation if you'd like to check it out folks.

Pythagorass said:
I vote, yes. Please proceed, Laura. It’s time to wake people up from this madness.

It appears to me that PC is starting to wise-up and move toward reality whether their interviewees reflect this or not.

I think you may be right. At the very least, I think that Kerry is a sincere, truth-seeker even if she hasn't done the work on the self that we advocate in order to not be controlled by emotional thinking. I can't say anything different about Bill Ryan because he didn't come here for the interview.

I will say that we enjoyed Kerry's visit very much and had a good time. Nobody played any games, we were all straight-up with each other.
Kerry announced the interview on PC page. I am looking forward to watching it :)

[quote author=PC]
I, Kerry, just returned from a very successful trip to Europe where I had the good fortune to conduct 3 new interviews; Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Andy Lloyd and Janis Sharp (Gary McKinnon's mother). I will edit and release them as soon as possible.

The weather was extremely cold with intermittent snow wherever we went. Although Bill was unable to join me on this trip, I had the very kind assistance of many wonderful people in France and England who helped with logistics and camera work. I want to thank all of them here for their very kind dedication and caring to the mission of getting the truth out there.

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