Where were you?


Padawan Learner

Alot of people will no doubt remember exactly where they were on 911, but can you remember where, when and even what convinced you of the true nature of what had really gone on.
I've just been thinking of the night i was woken up to the truth. I was on the net, staying on the beaten track visiting the same websites as usual. It was late and i was on Ebay of all places, i can't remember what i was looking for (i wish i could to thank the person), it was close to midnight when i finally purchased whatever it was so i just wanted to buy, pay and switch off. I went to pay for the item and it took me to the payment page. Members must be able to add links at this stage, i paid for the item and toward the very bottom of the screen in a corner was a version of Loose change. I hit play i don't know why, i always associated videos imbedded into websites with ads. It wasn't until well past 2am i got up and realised the truth fully.
Not sure what anyone else thought, but i had a reaction of bewilderment at first, then i remember a certain feeling of betrayal, as if you'd just been told your parents where not really your parents (not that i've been told that before), all the rubbish the media had filled me with was lies.
It took me 2/3 years after the event to find out. I consider myself open minded with an eye to pick up and follow something that looks out of place, so i often looked back to why it took me so long to find out the truth. I realise now, plain and simple the mainstream media so strong. One thing i do know, i picked up on info i needed to wake up in the most unsuspecting small out of the way corner, i'd never have thought of now. So now, even something little as to give your SOTT page markers away in that non-related book etc you lend out, it can have a powerful effect.

After waking up i hold my hands up and admit i fell well and truly into the arms of Alex Jones, like other people i know, all of which are still there (maybe it's still better than being infront of BBC, CNN and FOX etc). I think at first when you hear/see him, he knows exactly what he's doing to make you fall into line behind him and it sure seems to work. A few months later i saw an article on the Pentagon strike, i think it may have been Laura's article. Not sure how i got to it, but it got me here that's the main thing. Several podcasts and weeks reading in the background, i started to see clarity that's for sure, long may it continue.

Would be interested how other people first felt and how they reacted...

Well at first like a lot of other folks i was totally shocked,though when i knew that two planes had hit the towers i knew instantly,though obviously without proof at that time that it had to be an inside job.My reasoning being didnt all of those tax dollars go into making America the most powerful military and defended place in the world with space rockets and radars ,and satelites and so on.

I just kept on sayimg Nah somethings wrong here.

Man i was angry on day one but not at anyone wearing a turban.
the scary scary thing for me is that, at the time, I didn't see anything wrong - I was quite happy to accept the official line, without even thinking about it.

It wasn't until I had a big shock later on, that I started to wake up.
In a way, that is the biggest lesson for me: that I can be completely fooled about something, and totally accept something as the truth when it isn't.
My honest version is that I was watching "Prisoner/Cell Block H," on tv. My partner was on the comp, on a chat forum, and he mentioned the towers..... so I waited for a bit, I sort of thought, the towers can wait... and they did.
then I came on and watched them implode.... knowing the whole time of the inside job. There is nothing more to say.

How can it not be obvious to anyone?

But on-one listens. How can they just believe the newspapers?
how did you know already that it was an inside job, almost before it happened ???

were you aware of the plot beforehand!?

or do you mean that you were already aware of the general level of corruption/psychopathy in the ruling elite, so it was a foregone conclusion that it 'must be' so?
sleepyvinny said:
how did you know already that it was an inside job, almost before it happened ???

were you aware of the plot beforehand!?

or do you mean that you were already aware of the general level of corruption/psychopathy in the ruling elite, so it was a foregone conclusion that it 'must be' so?
OR she had "heard" the 'I' inside'. She just could not 'prove' it to anyone else had she tried. Who would listen?

Didn't you ever have THAT happen to you, once? More than once?

I have, and I cannot explain it. It is what it is.
I was asleep, home alone in bed a swing shift worker/business owner. My (business) partner woke me up to tell me. He was crying and scared if I remember correctly whereas I was instantly in denial. WTC did not really mean anything to me at the time, sure I'd heard of it but it never registered.

When the Pentagon Strike video was still bouncing around on various servers is when I began to question things. When the server bouncing ended and I was able to get a copy I spent 3-4 hours a day watching it over and over for about 4 days until I finally snapped and realized the reality of the situation. Talk about a thick, false, impenetrable and ignorant based security bubble. :)

Having realized the reality of the scenario I cried for a couple days.. I was in the Military, I said my pledges of allegience.. I was a good automaton! From there I was so P.O'd I was ready to climb a clock tower, I started searching up other videos like the works of Eric Blumrich (bushflash.com) and he was linking other peoples works and videos. Instead of a clock tower I decided to start my own site to bleed off my emotional response(s). I started reading SotT's daily in late 03 I believe.. wierd I just spent an hour writing (what I call) an article 'how I got here.'

-Steve M.
As I recorded at the time, I was sitting in my living room peacefully drinking my morning coffee and reading a book.

My daughter came rushing downstairs to tell me that a plane had hit a building. I said something like "that's terrible!" But it didn't seem like something worth watching on tv. A few minutes later she came running down and said a SECOND plane had just hit ... that more or less got my attention.

After our daughter convinced us that it was important enough to actually turn the television on, we sat there and watched until long after the towers had collapsed. At the time they did, Ark and I both looked at each other and said "that looks exactly like controlled demolition."

Anyway, I KNEW what it was: the beginning of the end. And the only reason I knew it was because of the C's.

I was also very frightened because no matter who was responsible, I knew how it was going to be spun: an excuse for lockdown.

I wrote about a lot of this on 9/11 and on subsequent days, and we chatted with the C's who told us that Israel was the main player, though I did not come out and say that: I was too frightened to do so. This was just a month after the A.D.L. attack we had been subjected to and I was really worried about reporting what the C's had said, so I tried to allude to it in my articles in indirect ways.

I often wonder if I had said all those things right then, when people's minds were still in shock, if it would have made a difference.
Laura said:
I often wonder if I had said all those things right then, when people's minds were still in shock, if it would have made a difference.
In my case it wouldn't. It took me a lousy 3 years to obtain a balanced interpretation of 9/11, and I certainly was not capable of perceiving such information just afterwards the event.
salleles said:
It took me a lousy 3 years to obtain a balanced interpretation of 9/11, and I certainly was not capable of perceiving such information just afterwards the event.
me too. its a good reason to cut a little slack for people who still don't get it - and to have some empathy and understanding for those who are only now discovering new (to them) data and going through denial or shocks of realisation. Hopefully this knowledge of how difficult it was for us to perceive what we now know, will allow us to find better ways to help others towards the truth also (if they are looking, of course!)
Laura said:
I often wonder if I had said all those things right then, when people's minds were still in shock, if it would have made a difference.
Hmmm... I don't know about that Laura. I think you did the right thing especially considering the safety of your family.
i was closer to the WTC than most of you that day... though i am from Cyprus and all... :)

On 9/11 2001 i was woken up in my Long Island house by the phone call of a greek old man friend of ours who lived in the US for most of his life. "Wake up! They are attacking America! It's the end of the world!" he shouted through the line. He is usually sensible so i got worried. Plus i woke up from a dream where i was in Manhattan and black phantom things were falling from the sky.

I turned on the tv and saw the first tower burning and minutes later the next airplane hit the second tower. And for few minutes i could not believe what i was seeing. When i did, i got very worried for my boyfriend who was at a place close to manhattan that day and it actually took him half the day to be able to return.

I could not understand what was going on, i never heard of Bin Laden and AlQaeda before, and could not understand why the newsperson was saying these names, and why on earth they would be responsible for this, and why would arab people want to destroy those buildings! And while the towers came crushing down like they were not what they were, i got really angry. And just like rabbit says, not at any arab.

That afternoon i went to class and i kept saying that everything that happened was the US foreign policy fault, and what they are experiencing today is exactly what the US is causing people in other countries to experience daily for years. I begun talking nonstop about the Gulf war and the consequences to the people of the area, about the Yugoslavian war and the depleted uranium caused diseases to the people of the region... needless to say, i never became very close with most my classmates, who attacked me for "blaming the victims". Even my professor who stood up against Vietnam war, when the Afganistan war started she claimed "this one is justified!"

It's not me to stand infont of people and talk like that usually. It was my fear bottled up with my anger that exploted inapropriately, i admit. What i thought was papers falling off the towers, we later found out were people. What do you do with that?

When i called my family, because i trusted the news there more than the US news, they told me that there were people in Greece and Cyprus believing that it was an inside job. Even without knowing the facts collected since then that prove that IT WAS an inside job, a lot of people in Greece and Cyprus still believe this.

There many things i did not understand that day, and for many sleepless nights to come. I rarely go to church. That day, i went to a Greek Orthodox church and sat there and just cried, i did not know what to pray for. I remember i asked God, how come the day was so beautiful, blue skies, excellent temperature, the colors of the starting folliage, a warm generous sun... I think the answer i got was "so we can bear it" :)

I didn't know it till now that i write this that i could remember with every detail every moment of that day.
9-11 didn't 'wake me up', but it began a process that changed everything for me; so it was a defining moment.

That morning my son knocked on my bedroom door and told me a plane had hit the Twin Towers. I got up immediately to watch the news. My son brought me a cup of coffee, and we watched together for a few minutes. Then he left for high school.

I got my youngest daughter up and she started getting ready for (elementary) school, coming into the living room now and then to watch the news with me. When I saw the second plane hit, I KNEW we'd turned a corner, that nothing would ever be the same again, even though I didn't 'know' how, or exactly 'why' I was thinking this; it just seemed to descend on me like a dark cloud. I was thinking of other 'turning points' I'd seen in my lifetime, from JFK's assassination to the first Gulf War-- thinking each one had been another 'corner'. I had a vague sense that they all were connected, but no idea exactly 'how'. And 'this corner' somehow 'seemed' the worst one of all to me.

My daughter left for school, and I continued to sit there drinking coffee and watching the news, flipping from one channel to another. I was living in Colorado, along the Front Range, and my oldest daughter was living on the west coast, going to college. I knew she'd still be asleep, and called and woke her up, telling her to turn on the TV. We talked about what we were watching, and I said, "Nothing will ever be the same again; we've turned a corner." She asked me to explain. I tried to tell her about how it reminded me of JFK and other things. She scoffed at this, telling me I was just suffering from shock, and soon hung up so she could call to wake up her fianc
I was living and doing research in Europe while finishing up my graduate studies at MIT at that time. About 50 of us were all flying into Boston on 9/11 to attend a conference for our program. Coming from so far away, I was lucky in that I'd flown through the night and got into town first thing that morning. I met up with a few friends in the hotel lobby and was eating breakfast when the news flipped to the first tower fire. Shortly after, we all saw the second plane hit in real time. When the newscasters fell silent and we all stared in horror, it was the two friends I had that were engineers from Boeing that knew immediately what was going on and announced that the events were no accident to the rest of us. My roommate was in the air en route to Newark and saw the smoke out his window. Only 12 us of made it to the conference - everybody else got stuck in Calgary and other places.

Anyway, side story... It seemed like the entire hotel packed into the lobby to watch the big TV. Later as the Pentagon was hit and a plane inbound to the White House went down, the speculation started getting out of hand. We started thinking that the Towers were an attack on a financial institution. The Pentagon - a military target. The White House - a political target. We were all freaked out whether or not an attack on an educational target was looming, and to us what better target than MIT? Especially given some of the flights had originated from Boston. And wouldnt you know, we got into a debate with some other ivy league students right then and there that if terrorists were going to target an educational system, they'd far prefer to hit Harvard just up the road. LOL Whatever...

Logan was closed for awhile and it took me more than a week and three different carriers to hitchhike my way back to Europe - that was awful.
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