What will ID Cards Prevent next?




ID card call to 'stop bullying'

Bullying (generic)
The union said pupils were bullied to hand over meal cards
All secondary pupils in Scotland should be given ID cards in an effort to stamp out bullying, according to a teaching union.

The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association (SSTA) says many schools already have card systems in place for school lunches and libraries.

It believes adding a picture would stop pupils missing meals because they have been bullied into handing over cards.

However, the Green Party described the proposal as "deeply troubling".

Meal entitlement

The SSTA's general secretary, David Eaglesham, said the time had come for photographic identification to be added to the cards used to access school facilities.

"Introducing photo ID cards will help bring an end to bullying over use of 'cash free' cards for school meals, will assist with access to school bus services and, ultimately, can be used to add security to school examinations," he said.

There's a risk of creating environments which feel more like penal institutions than places of learning Patrick Harvie Green MSP

"SSTA members report frequently that young people are bullied into handing over their cards for school meals to others, thus leaving them without their meal entitlement.

"With non-identified cards this will remain a problem. If photo ID is introduced widely, then the problem will dramatically reduce."

He said that introducing such a system would also help prepare young people for "the realities of identity management in the 21st Century".

However, Green MSP Patrick Harvie said the suggestion was troubling.

"We should be preparing young people for the reality of defending their privacy and civil liberties against ever-more intrusive government systems," he argued.

"We've heard proposals for airport-style scanners and random drug testing in schools, fingerprinting is already in place in some schools. There's a risk of creating environments which feel more like penal institutions than places of learning.

"These ID cards will do absolutely nothing to address the causes of bullying. Instead they will teach the next generation that an ID card culture is 'normal', and that they should have to prove their entitlement to services."
paulnotbilly said:
He said that introducing such a system would also help prepare young people for "the realities of identity management in the 21st Century".
Now there is a revealing statement. Not that it is suprising. It's the management thingy that really gives it a nice ring, don't you think?
Notice that nobody says anything about testing and assessments to weed out the bullies, and or do the necessary social work to prevent bullies from being either born or created.
I have come round to thinking that Id cards are a huge money making scheme more than anything. All our details are allready stored numerously everywhere. I once was stopped by the police late one night in London. From my name and date of birth and address he was able in a in-car computer to bring up every thing about me and even jokingly asked whether I would like to see my exam results again!!

It has been said repeatedly that the process of converting everyone into a card will be frought with difficulties, "teething problems" expense, error and annoyance. I say bring it on. If we are powerless to stop it, we can just do our bit to mess it up when it comes. I think that It is so much more complicated than they'd hope to successfully get everyone.('s cash)
Hi Joejoeba
I wouldnt want to "bring it on" i would like folks to actually say enough is enough and refuse flat out to accept these intrusions into our freedom.This is highly unlikely,just as the Poll tax was not resisted at all.

I think you will find the expense will be picked up by we the people,who will legally have to have the ID cards which will cost quite a bit of money.At least in the UK anyways.Allways the cruelest of jokes when we have to pay for our own captivity dont you think.

Maybe the rules of becoming a member of Parliament or any govt job should change, so that if one decides to go into politics then as a MP your phone calls and your every action will be monitored 24 hours a day,and we the people can have a govt watch channel where we can tune in through out the day to watch what they are up to.

They shouldnt mind as its all for the good and safety of the country is it not.

yeh right

Watch how they would kick up a fuss to such intrusion.

i lined up in a very very very very long security line at manchester airport,and as i showed my boarding pass just before going through the X ray zone or whatever i read a sign which explained that after this point i could be approached to have my photograph taken for security reasons and if i disagreed with this,then i should not cross this point and would not be allowed to travel!!!!!!!!

What will ID cards prevent next? Come on people. What is wrong with ya? Don’t you see the huge benefits and all the things that it will suddenly "allow". Here is a possible scenario.

Telephonist: "Pizza hut, Good Morning."

Client: "Good morning, I’d like to order some pizzas."

Telephonist: "May I have your Identification number of the National Register, sir?"

Client: "That will be 222 0033653 52."

Telephonist: "Thank you, mister Roger Jones. Your address is Sunshine Avenue, 356 and your home phone is ….. , the phone at your work office is ….. and your mobile phone is … From which location do you call?"

Client: "Errr … I’m home, yes home. Where do you get all this info about me?"

Telephonist: "We are connected to the system Sir."

Client: (sighs deeply) "Alright then! Can I have two pizzas with ham, mozzarella and …"

Telephonist: "I do not think that this is a good idea Sir."

Client: "How’s that?"

Telephonist: "According to your medical file, you suffer from high blood pressure and you also have a high level of cholesterol; your health insurance refuses to compensate for the consequences of harmful eating habits should problems arise. And we will have to pay a fine in case we deliver anyway."

Client: "Ai! So what do you suggest?"

Telephonist: "Why don’t you try our pizza with yoghurt and little chunks of soya. No doubt, you will like it."

Client: "Why do you think I will like it?"

Telephonist: "Your wife recently borrowed the book "Tasteful recipes with soya" from your local library."

Client: "Okay okay, please send two of these. One for me and one for my wife."

Telephonist: "Good. That will cost you 30 dollars."

Client: "Fine, I will give you the number of my credit card. That is …"

Telephonist: "Sorry Sir. But you have passed your allowed credit already. You will have to pay cash."

Client: "Okay, I will get it out of the wall before the deliverer arrives."

Telephonist: "That will not work Sir. There is nothing left on your bank account."

Client: (angry) "That’s none of your business. Send those pizzas, and I’ll make sure I have the money ready. How long will it take to deliver?"

Telephonist: "You will receive the pizzas within one hour. If you are in a hurry, you can collect it over here and pay cash. But transporting pizzas with a motorbike is to be advised against, Sir."

Client: (really annoyed) "How do you know that I have a bike???"

Telephonist: "I read that the payments for the extended payment system of your car didn’t come in time and that your car has been confiscated. But your bike has been paid so I suppose that you will use the bike."

Client: "@#%/$@&?#!"

Telephonist: "May I kindly request to remain polite Sir? You have been convicted already for insulting a police officer. A second complaint wouldn’t be nice Sir, is it not."

Client: (speechless)

Telephonist: "Something else Sir?"

Client: "No … Or yes … do not forget the two litre cola that is said to be for free in your brochure."

Telephonist: "Sorry Sir, a clause in our license stipulates that we are not allowed to give free sugar rich drinks to diabetic people … what would you think about our sugar free Rivella Sir? Of course that one you will have to pay."

Client: (Hangs up)
A belated ha ha! (Sorry)

Urm, we the people are powerless, sat here typing away talking, debating,"working". If big dada wants id cards we will have them not matter how much we complain. It is pretty complicated to get us all well at least 'ME to cough up the wonga for operation log to complete. I am staunchly refusing. So "bring it on". Savvy?
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