What is the IRS trying to Hide?


The Living Force
I did a quick google search relating to WHAT the IRS actually investigates, thinking maybe tax fraud would be at the top of the list. But no, it seems that the majority of stories (especially in 2004) relate to investigations of non profit organisations for their political 'affiliations'. This apparently includes expressing political opinions (as the NAACP found out) - especially regarding Bush. It seems that the IRS is not above being used as a political weapon to harass non-profit organisations and stop them critisising the government.

Other than that, I wondered if the IRS investigates - or has any input/knowledge of company pension funds. I'm not knowledgeable about financial matters, but 'hiding' a drop of investigations into corporate America (as the article seems to suggest) doesn't seem particularly earth shattering to me (because people already know about it). They must be hiding something a lot more important than something people already know about.
Ruth, this link http://www.givemeliberty.org/ and the description about what the IRS and all branches of gov't are doing to stop people that stand up and question the tax system shows atleast part of what the IRS is trying to hide. So yes this seems to be good possibility - "It seems that the IRS is not above being used as a political weapon to harass non-profit organisations and stop them critisising the government."
I read "Cracking The Code: The Fascinating Truth of Taxation in America" and was blown away. I'm going to use the techniques described in that book this year to get back all that was withheld from my paychecks. basically the gyst of it goes that what the irs is trying to hide is the definitions to the words they use on the forms. Words like "income" "wages" "employer" etc all have specific and hidden definitions which are NOT what we all think of when we use the word. By their own definitions of those words, most Americans do not generate "income" nor receive "wages". Therefore, when you get your W2's, you need to fill the forms out but also include with them form 4852, which is a W2 correction form, and correct the erroneous W2s. check out the author's site: http://www.losthorizons.com
I also conducted an interview with him on my radio show which can be heard here: http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2005/12/7946.php
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