what is going on on sott.net


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
404 Not Found

The server can not find the requested page:

www.sott.net/articles/show/192720-McChrystal-tries-to-calm-Afghans-after-air-strike (port 80)

Please forward this error screen to www.sott.net's WebMaster.
Can't get any article out of the sott.net, this is not just one but all of them I got this message
I know, I am getting the exact same message even when trying to access the front page, the message I am getting is:

great success!

Apache is working on your cPanel and whm server...

it says it's a place holder and now they have to add content.

Are there any changes going on back there and the SOTT HQ?
Let's hope everything works out and sott doesn't take long to come back.
I'm not having any trouble with access at this point, so we'll see if it clears up - appears to be a server update of some sort (?).
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