What is currently going on at the SOTT news HQ


The Force is Strong With This One

I'm back the local complainer lol.... I always complain when I make a post it seems. (yeah for new people I use to complain about signs design/random things :P) anyhow,

I have noticed there have not been any podcasts in quite some time? There are so many topics that could have been discussed since the last podcast, American currency fall/Ron Paul's rise in popularity and what he represents ETC/Rosie speaking out on the view/ This new possible pysop Zeitgeist The Movie which is gaining popularity but at least it is waking people up but the first part of the video is really off it appears.

Whats up? are guys working on something new/big? I just listed a few topics....

What is the current status update with signs/cass/qfg ???/

also, thanks for finally adding the search engine we all complained about for years.
eric2k said:

I'm back the local complainer lol.... I always complain when I make a post it seems. (yeah for new people I use to complain about signs design/random things :P) anyhow,

I have noticed there have not been any podcasts in quite some time? There are so many topics that could have been discussed since the last podcast,
Got a link to YOUR podcast?
eric2k said:
I have noticed there have not been any podcasts in quite some time?
You could always listen to the existing podcasts again...

I have noticed that with a second or third listening I gain new insights or realize I missed something the first time around. I also feel energized after a listening to a podcast like I got a "truth injection".
domivr said:
You could always listen to the existing podcasts again...
You can even read them. There are available here:

mark said:
Got a link to YOUR podcast?
Wait... what? It's a perfectly valid inquiry, I believe the gist of what he's commenting on is that there hasn't been any podcasts lately. Lately as defined by a good 5 or 6 months! How exactly do you need to maintain and regularly publish a podcast to determine the status of another anyway?

I also agree, I like the podcasts but have been wondering myself what happened. I'm not a particularly forum savvy person as I tend to neglect them, so if this topic has been said before, then I apologize. At first I thought podcasts were discontinued after the sites redesign, but then came that one about underground bases. Maby its a lack of major topics? Are they working on something big? Maby the sites doing worse then we think and they can't support the bandwidth people will consume to listen to it?
Well, we have been VERY busy lately just keeping up with the work to hand. We've actually had to do a lot of physical labor to keep our HQ from falling apart. I've put up a photo album here: http://laura-knight-jadczyk.com/house_repair_works/repairs_index.html

The photos are in no particular order and not described in detail. Frankly, I was too exhausted to put that kind of work into it!

And it is still ongoing as we speak, though it looks like we'll reach the end of the tunnel by the middle of this week.

In the end, we will have a room to do the podcasts from that is dedicated to that purpose so that we don't have to keep disconnecting the equipment and moving it around. We will also be producing some videos (interviews and such).

We will also be upgrading the SOTT server in a major way because our readership and database are growing faster than what the server can handle.

Sometimes you have to do some destruction followed by construction to get to the next level and that is basically what has been going on. And all the while, maintaining the sites, keeping up with the forum here, trying not to let this extreme physical labor interfere with the normal flow of things.

All of this takes not only energy, but funds. We will be having a fund raiser soon because we are pretty much broke right now from all the repairs etc.

Hope this explains why we've been just "holding steady" lately.
Thank you Laura and the whole SOTT team for all the work, reserach and information.

I'm not posting on here very often, but I come here to read every day...for years now, learning and studying. I also do my best to spread the word and make people aware of your work and the SOTT site, mostly on other forums I have been on. Sometimes it's not easy, especially when dealing with FNA's (Fundamental New Agers, as I call them) who don't understand the difference between belief/opinion and knowledge/research.
It's hard to have a constructive/productive exchange these days where people actually try to find something out together without being distracted/held back by bias opinion or condintioned beliefs. Very refreshing to see how it works on this forum and how aware people are on here, also in terms of the work that needs to be done on the Self, becoming aware of the Conditioning (or programming as it's being called on here), which seems to be the most important factor when "digging down the rabbit hole". Self-knowedge is key.

In regards to donations, I'd like to contribute when the fund raiser is coming up.

Thank you,
;) keep it up guys , even though you're doing that , the forum has been doing great to my perception , thanx to all you there in SOTT , ;)
Bernhard said:
In regards to donations, I'd like to contribute when the fund raiser is coming up.

Thank you,
Hi Bernhard,

You can wait for the fund raiser but I do not know if you know it but you can donate anytime via that site. You do not have to buy books to donate, Just put an amount in the little box "Donation in Euros":

Since Namaste brought it up, anyone can also donate at any time right on the SotT page - at the very bottom of the page, there is a 'Subscribe' button - it takes you here - http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/signs_subscribe.php
Bernhard, Alejo, you took words out of my mouth :)
Looking at the pics - this is something I occasionally do (when lucky to get a job for few days). I wonder how you have energy to run SOTT.
Your work is much appreciated. Thank You.
OzRich said:
Bernhard, Alejo, you took words out of my mouth :)
Looking at the pics - this is something I occasionally do (when lucky to get a job for few days). I wonder how you have energy to run SOTT.
Your work is much appreciated. Thank You.
Thank YOU and all who support us!

I tell ya, I would really like to get the bugs, (termites and wood ants), rot, moisture and mold under control, but it is an endless task. We didn't have much of a summer this year, cool and damp most of the time, and some of the walls just dripped constantly. It was no wonder that the floor collapsed in that one room, threatening the integrity of that whole end of the house. We realized we've gotta do something and we can't put it off any longer. The place needs a whole new roof, but that is a huge undertaking, and expensive. Right now, we just replace tiles as we have to, use expanding foam to seal holes and cracks, and if a new one appears when it rains, we use buckets to catch the water!

I'm not looking forward to winter. We don't heat the whole house (can't afford it and even if we could, I doubt it would be possible - too many openings for cold air, windows need replacing etc), and generally we hole up in a small section of the place and try to keep warm while working. Some people think it is so great to live in a big chateau, but they don't realize that we do it for economic reasons: it is a cheap alternative to living in separate housing and renting office space. So, to save money, we put up with a lot of misery! On the plus side, we enjoy companionship of like-minded people, have plenty of opportunities for work on the self, and whenever there is a big job to do, there are many hands to make it light. And, when the weather IS nice, it is a lot of fun to be here.
Lizzies launch the SOTT ant attack!!!!!! O_o

Did you find any artifacts under floorboards? My dad was doing some work on his house which is quite old, and found a few things, an old photo which was kind of made up of layers, a gold ring, a couple of very old cigerette packets :D Sure they're not priceless antiques but theyre interesting, kind of makes things exciting aswell.. "oh I have to do some work, but hmm I wonder what I will find this time!" ;)
anart said:
Since Namaste brought it up, anyone can also donate at any time right on the SotT page - at the very bottom of the page, there is a 'Subscribe' button - it takes you here - http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/signs_subscribe.php
I wanted to ask this for a while now, so here's a chance:
Is there any other way to make a donation (monthly subscribe)
and to order/buy a book, since I'm not using any credit cards? Is there a way to do it via internet banking,
to transfer the money on your account (I have € account and online banking)?
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