What does Lobaczewski mean by "Depth psychology"?


The Living Force
It's in the section towards the end on Psychiatry and Psychology, how they're infected, twisted and distorted in order to protect the pathocracy. He's talking about the parts of psychology they were prohibited in poland.. osit.

Lobaczewski p262 said:
The prohibitions engulf depth psychology, the analysis of the human instinctive substratum, together with analysis of dreams
Cassiopedia said:
The following is a summary of the primary elements of Depth psychology:

* Depth psychology states that psyche is a process that is partly conscious and partly unconscious. The unconscious in turn contains repressed experiences and other personal-level issues in its "upper" layers and "transpersonal" (eg. collective, non-I, archetypal) forces in its depths.
* The psyche spontaneously generates mythico-religious symbolism and is therefore spiritual as well as instinctive in nature. An implication of this is that the choice of whether to be a spiritual person or not does not exist - the only question is exactly where we put our spirituality: Do we live it consciously or unknowingly invest it in nonspiritual aspirations (perfectionism, addictions, greed, fame) that eventually possess us by virtue of their ignored but frightfully potent numinous power?
* All minds, all lives, are ultimately embedded in some sort of myth-making. Mythology is not a series of old explanations for natural events; it is rather the richness and wisdom of humanity played out in a wondrous symbolical storytelling. No story, no myth, and no humanness either.
* Because we have a psychical share in all that surrounds us, we are sane and whole only to the degree that we care for our environment and tend responsibly to the world in which we live.
I'm having problems understanding the bold. Can anyone break it down in plain english?
Well, using the handy search engine, google, I immediately found this:

Depth psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can continue on your own here...
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