What are those embalmers' findings in the vaccinated dead corps ?


The Force is Strong With This One
It's been a month now that several professional embalmers warn they find some fibrous material in veins of the bodys they are in charge with. What is that ? How can such a fiber worm-like material form into our blood vessels ?
It's been a month now that several professional embalmers warn they find some fibrous material in veins of the bodys they are in charge with. What is that ? How can such a fiber worm-like material form into our blood vessels ?
Hey Nang’, could you provide some sources that talk about this topic and summarise your findings in a bit more detail?

Dr Jane Ruby
ven., 28 jan. 2022 14:21 UTC

Dans cette exclusivité mondiale, le Dr Jane Ruby rencontre Richard Hirschman, embaumeur et directeur de pompes funèbres certifié, qui révèle, pour la première fois, que des artères et des veines sont remplies de caillots sanguins non naturels combinés à d'étranges matériaux fibreux qui remplissent complètement le système vasculaire.

NDLR : « Le vaccin est 100% sur et efficace »... S'il fallait encore une preuve de plus.

De nombreuses victimes embaumées par Hirschman seraient mortes de crises cardiaques et d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux, un effet secondaire du vaccin Covid 19 très souvent signalé. Selon le Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) du gouvernement americain, le vaccin Covid 19 a été responsable de plus de 20 000 décès et de centaines de milliers de blessures.

M. Hirschman rapporte qu'il a rencontré des résistances lorsqu'il a essayé d'embaumer ces patients piqués, et qu'il a ensuite trouvé ces matériaux étranges et les a extraits des gros vaisseaux des corps. Les images montrées dans cette interview sont terrifiantes. Hirschman rapporte également qu'il est passé de 50% de ses cas embaumés avec ces types de blocages à près de 80% l'année dernière et révèle ces images et découvertes jamais vues auparavant sur le Dr Jane Ruby Show.

Dr. Jane Ruby
Fri, 28 Jan 2022 14:21 UTC
In this world exclusive, Dr. Jane Ruby meets Richard Hirschman, a certified embalmer and funeral director, who reveals, for the first time, that arteries and veins are filled with unnatural blood clots combined with strange fibrous materials that completely fill the vascular system.

Editor's note: "The vaccine is 100% safe and effective"... If any further proof were needed.

Many of the victims embalmed by Hirschman are believed to have died of heart attacks and strokes, a commonly reported side effect of the Covid 19 vaccine. According to the U.S. government's Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS), the Covid 19 vaccine has been responsible for over 20,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries.

Hirschman reports that he encountered resistance when he tried to embalm these stung patients, and then found these strange materials and extracted them from the bodies' large vessels. The images shown in this interview are terrifying. Hirschman also reports that he has gone from 50% of his embalmed cases with these types of blockages to nearly 80% in the last year and reveals these never before seen images and findings on the Dr. Jane Ruby Show.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Here is the continuation of this story: "Mike Adams is joined by Richard Hirschman, a mortician who has found an innumerable amount of strange tissue clots in the blood of cadavers after the COVID vaccine was distributed and administered to the public." MUST SEE: Mortician Finds Massive Hand-Sized Clots In Cadavers After Vax
EDIT: Here is the video referenced about the microscopy (20m): WATCH: Microscopic Video Proves COVID Vax Contains Nanoparticles That Colonize In The Human Body

1) The first image in the hand was found in an 80+ year old man's carotid artery after he failed to wake up in the morning. He was "perfectly fine" the day before. These are found INSIDE the vascular system and are growing inside people, first small, then many, then larger "bio-structures".
2) Apparently more is coming, as it was also announced that starting in a week Mike Adams and Dr Jane Ruby will be collaborating on a project to dissect these structures live to see if they have an internal blood supply like cancers or what, in fact, these are composed of and constructed from, etc.
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I've found an interesting article that describes the molecular pathway that could explain these things as a latex formation:
(...) One possibility is that heparan sulfate (HS) / heparin, a key factor in the clotting process, binds the SARS-CoV-2 S protein with high affinity. Protein S may therefore inhibit the binding of antithrombin and heparin II cofactor to heparin / HS, causing an increase in thrombin, leading to direct blood clotting and thrombosis


These vessels resemble latex, and latex is nothing more than… plant venom, which contains many proteins that bind for ex. chitin (for ex. mulatexin / MLX56). The S (Spike) protein of the SRAS2 virus, and in particular its RDB domain of the S1 subunit, has a strong affinity for chitosan - a chitin derivative (present in insects, fungi and crustaceans). Chita, in turn, affects the process of latex rubber formation and its durability


A third mechanism is also possible, in which the S protein acts as a protein present in the Hevea Latex Lectin / HLL latex, which binds chitin and is responsible for the aggregation of rubber particles and latex coagulation, but also causes agglutination of rabbit erythrocytes (!).
The original article is in Polish, here is a machine translation:

Maybe a total miss, especially since the article seems not to be for a layman, but those things kind of look like latex...
Dr Jane Ruby has an update on her show 4 days ago about another embalmer's findings and more pictures of these amyloid(?) clots. It is a 26 minute discussion about it and her thoughts on it:
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