What are the "Lizzies"?


Everything I've read so far, from "Bringers of the Dawn" to the C's all state that Earth is the "crucible" as it were for just about all hyper-dimensional/density life in this sector of space. So I am wondering....

...Are the "Lizzies" Curotarsans? Basal Archosaurimorphs? They fit a _lot_ of the criteria, up-right, human-like stance, three digits, a single penis instead of hemipenes, scutes as well as scales. These qualities could easily evolve from such ancestors. Google "Drepanosaurs" Or are they weird Squamates/Lepidosaurs?I have a hard time believing they could be Dinosaurs or heck, any kind of Ornithodiran, unless they did some _massive_ gene therapy upon themselves.
The "Space Ravens" or "Vulturines" fit this scenario _MUCH_ better. The most unlikely stock would be us synapsids/mammals. Synapsids/mammals have been quite distinct almost since the very first Amniote crawled out and laid parchment eggs on land. We synapsids have never had scales, just belly scutes, we probably were "nursing" our eggs like caecilians from the very get-go. All the Therapsida Synapsids were Leathery-skinned with extensive oil/sweat glands. No scales/scutes need apply. Live-birth was a problem for us though, until the arrival of erect gaited Theria, we all were egg-laying, sprawling critters like modern monotremes.

I've often wondered if we shouldn't us the term "Amniote/Basal Tetrapod-Brain", since modern reptiles of all stripes (Squamates, Tuataras, Crurotarsans(Crocodylians),Ornithodirans(Aves) and Testudines(Chelonians or "turtles") are showing EQ and accompaning behavior far more complex than originally believed. For example, dominant crocodiles both wild and "tame" can regard the local humans as creatures to be protected and even played with. Hatchling male iguanas will protect all the females of a nursery creche regardless of relatedness. Pet turtles will play by bouncing balls back at you.

Indeed, playful, protective behavior spans the gamut, from close relatives to completely unrelated species in critters such as sharks, lissamphibians, arthropods and cephalopods. Porbeagle sharks play with each other by grabbing seaweed and "chasing" each other. Porbeagles have been known to try to "play" with researchers who do not threaten them. Sting-rays and reef-sharks are little more than puppies sometimes, "begging" for food and even rubbing up against people they trust with affection.

This question isn't limited to "Lizzies" or "Space Ravens" all the other myriad known hyperdimensional/space-faring critters are fair game. I guess what my mind-set ultimately is at is why is it that even very "non-mothering" species that immensely enjoy play all throughout their life-span would turn out this way. Then again, I look at the number of mammalian species capable of absolute cruelty, such as chimpanzees or wolves or zebras, or dolphins. They can all easily kill other members of the same species without compunctions.

Apologies for the long thread :)
This question isn't limited to "Lizzies" or "Space Ravens" all the other myriad known hyperdimensional/space-faring critters are fair game. I guess what my mind-set ultimately is at is why is it that even very "non-mothering" species that immensely enjoy play all throughout their life-span would turn out this way. Then again, I look at the number of mammalian species capable of absolute cruelty, such as chimpanzees or wolves or zebras, or dolphins. They can all easily kill other members of the same species without compunctions.

I think one thing that needs to be considered is that the Lizzies aren't critters, nor are they just highly developed lizards. There are two states of density that separate alligators, lizards, etc from the 'Lizzies'. From a physical standpoint, yes, they have been described as looking like up-right alligators and having a protruding penis. But they are much more advanced than animals, and much more advanced than us. We can look at animals, lizards in particular as a possible reflection of the 'Lizzies' in a more or less, less developed form, but only as a potential guideline. There's more to them and their physiology than I think we will ever know. Not until we hit 4D that is.

...Are the "Lizzies" Curotarsans? Basal Archosaurimorphs? They fit a _lot_ of the criteria, up-right, human-like stance, three digits, a single penis instead of hemipenes, scutes as well as scales. These qualities could easily evolve from such ancestors. Google "Drepanosaurs" Or are they weird Squamates/Lepidosaurs?I have a hard time believing they could be Dinosaurs or heck, any kind of Ornithodiran, unless they did some _massive_ gene therapy upon themselves.

Massive gene therapy is always a possibility. THe C's have said that the Lizzies are master manipulators of genetics.

For example, dominant crocodiles both wild and "tame" can regard the local humans as creatures to be protected and even played with.

Really? I have a hard time seeing crocs protecting or playing with people in any type of manner that doesn't ultimately lead to trying to get a quick meal.
I think one thing that needs to be considered is that the Lizzies aren't critters, nor are they just highly developed lizards. There are two states of density that separate alligators, lizards, etc from the 'Lizzies'. From a physical standpoint, yes, they have been described as looking like up-right alligators and having a protruding penis. But they are much more advanced than animals, and much more advanced than us. We can look at animals, lizards in particular as a possible reflection of the 'Lizzies' in a more or less, less developed form, but only as a potential guideline. There's more to them and their physiology than I think we will ever know. Not until we hit 4D that is.


Massive gene therapy is always a possibility. THe C's have said that the Lizzies are master manipulators of genetics.

Again, I must agree

Really? I have a hard time seeing crocs protecting or playing with people in any type of manner that doesn't ultimately lead to trying to get a quick meal.

This may be a "slip-up" or "intentional" revealing by the "lizzies". Certain Crocs are known to show "affection" tp humans at times.



And Turtles will play

All in all, supposedly "stupid" critters are capable of amazingly complex "emotional behavior"
Hmmm, I've been looking for an Animal Planet Special on "Man-eaters". It was very unique. A huge local dominant crocodile in northern Australia was known for sticking around humans day and night along a river without ever harming them for years on end until an even larger male croc killed him. This "gentle" croc often was trodden upon in the water, swam around children and adults in a "guarding" way. People who fished at night routinely had him less than 10 feet away and felt "safe" even in chest high waters.

When this dominant croc was killed, the new dominant croc ended up killing a man within weeks. Sorry, this was an Animal Planet late-night special. I do not know much, except this occurred in the '80s/early '90s. The new dominant croc was shot at and the locals (white,aborigine,asian) mourned the loss of the "gentle giant" who "protected" them.
The "Space Ravens" or "Vulturines" fit this scenario _MUCH_ better

I need to clarify. The Space Ravens or Vulturines that Gurdjieff refers to are _MUCH_ better descriptors of dinosauroid sapiants than the "Lizzies". They have the typical feathered maniraptoran bauplan with supinated manual limbs and manipulating beaks.

Look to these sites to get a an idea of why so many folks consider "reptilians" to be non-dinosauroid.


Arctodus said:
DanielS said:
Really? I have a hard time seeing crocs protecting or playing with people in any type of manner that doesn't ultimately lead to trying to get a quick meal.

This may be a "slip-up" or "intentional" revealing by the "lizzies". Certain Crocs are known to show "affection" tp humans at times.


Hmmm, I've been looking for an Animal Planet Special on "Man-eaters". It was very unique. A huge local dominant crocodile in northern Australia was known for sticking around humans day and night along a river without ever harming them for years on end until an even larger male croc killed him. This "gentle" croc often was trodden upon in the water, swam around children and adults in a "guarding" way. People who fished at night routinely had him less than 10 feet away and felt "safe" even in chest high waters.

Huh! :shock: Well that's pretty damn interesting. I've never heard of crocs acting like that towards humans before. A very rare thing indeed. Now that I think about it, didn't the C's make a mention that not all Lizzies are bad either. That there is a small percentage that are STO-oriented. I wish I could remember where I read that. If someone knows where that quote is, or if I'm completely mistaken, let me know.
DanielS said:
Now that I think about it, didn't the C's make a mention that not all Lizzies are bad either. That there is a small percentage that are STO-oriented. I wish I could remember where I read that. If someone knows where that quote is, or if I'm completely mistaken, let me know.

This is discussed on at least two occasions -- I can't find the first one offhand, but I remember there is something to the effect that although there is such a thing as a benevolent Lizzie, they are so few as to be negligible. This is recapitulated in the following, later excerpt:

10/4/97 said:
Q: Okay. Marciniak also says that there are benevolent Lizzies. You once said that the incidence of benevolent Lizzies was so rare as to be not worth mentioning. Is it true that there are benevolent Lizzies as she says?

A: There are benevolences evident even in the darkest circles.

I think that the main idea is that although it is not theoretically impossible for benevolent Lizzies to exist, it is in actuality so rare as to be an essentially moot point.
While the turtle videos are cute, and the iguana info is interesting, I'm really not impressed. As Shijing quoted, "There are benevolences evident even in the darkest circles."

But, there is another aspect to consider:

Cs session 10 July 1999 said:
Q: ... (L) Okay, this anthropologist, Michael Harner, was doing some field work, and it says here that Harner went to the Peruvian Amazon to study the culture of the Conibo Indians. After a year or so he had made little headway in understanding their religious system, when the Conibo told him 'if he really wanted to learn, he had to drink ahayahuasca. Harner accepted, not without fear because the people had warned him that the experience was terrifying. The following evening, under the strict supervision of his indigenous friends, he drank the equivalent of a third of a bottle. After several minutes he found himself flying into a world of true hallucinations. After arriving in a celestial cavern where a supernatural carnival of demons was in full swing, he saw two strange boats floating through the air that combined to form a huge dragon headed prow not unlike that of a Viking ship. On the deck he could make out large numbers of people with the heads of bluejays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird-headed gods of ancient Egyptian tomb paintings. After multiple episodes, which would be too long to describe here, Harner became convinced that he was dying. He tried calling out to his Conibo friends for an antidote without managing to pronounce a word. Then he saw that his visions emanated from giant reptilian creatures that resided at the lowest depths of his brain. These creatures began projecting scenes in front of his eyes while informing him that this information was reserved for the dying and the dead.

'First, they showed me the planet Earth as it was aeons ago before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see that the specks were actually large, shiny black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. They explained to me in a kind of thought language, that they were fleeing from something from out in space. They had come to the planet earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms, and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation and hundreds of millions of years of activity, took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man.'

At this point in his account, Harner writes in a footnote at the bottom of the page: 'in retrospect, one could say that they were almost like DNA, although at that time, in 1961, I knew nothing of DNA.'

So, I would like to know what was the source and nature of these nearly universal visions that occurs in these shamanistic practices; the various creatures including serpents and bird-headed dudes, and so forth? What is the source of these hallucinations?... (C) In these chemically induced trances, why is there the common experience of seeing these bird-headed or serpent-like creatures?

A: While you have physicality, some part of you will maintain the connection to its roots.

Q: (L) Are you saying that all these people who say that human beings have reptilian genetics, are telling the truth? Do we have reptilian genetics?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do we also have bird genetics?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that is our physical connection or basis?

A: Yes, as third density bioengineered beings, you lead the smorgasbord parade of that which surrounds you in the physical realm.

Q: (A) So, we are 3rd density bioengineered beings. (L) That leads to another question: there is a lot of talk about the Merovingian bloodlines, or the 'Nordic Covenant' bloodlines, or whatever label is put on it, being a 'fresher' version of the reptilian genetic strain. This is represented in the myths of the god Oannes of Sumerian fame, or the Quinotaur who impregnated the mother of Merovee while she was bathing in the sea, and even the wife of the founder of the Angevins, Melusine, variously described as an aquatic fairy or a mermaid. So, there is this claim that there is a stronger and more virile reptilian strain in these bloodlines. Is that correct?

A: It may be.

Q: (L) Well, is that significant in any way?

A: For those obsessed with materialism.

And then this:

Cs session 18 October 1994 said:
Q: (L) Who created the Lizzies?
A: Ormethion.
Q: (L) And who is this individual?
A: Thought center.
Q: (L) Located where?
A: Everywhere.
Q: (L) Can you give us a little more of a clue?
A: Another sector of reality.
Q: (L) Is this a sentient, self-aware being that created the
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) And who created this Ormethion?
A: Not being; thought center.

Cs session 20 October 1994 said:
Q: Is Ormethion who the Lizzies worship?
A: Close.
Q: Who do they worship? What do they call their god?
A: Physical universe.
Q: The physical universe is their god?
A: Yes.

And from "Secret History"

Certain ontological problems related particularly to quantum theory suggest that an “observer” (J. A. Wheeler’s “Eye”), watching the universe so as to “create it”, may need to be included in our consideration. That suggests the necessity for expanding the scope of what is nowadays considered as “physical entities.” The answer to “observability of parallel universes” may involve taking into account such an extension.

Now, consider the idea that there are several - maybe even infinite - “probable future yous” as observers. In the picture above, this would be represented as many “eyes” but all of them converging on a single point on the tail - the “now” moment that we perceive, which is the moment of “choice.” It is from these probable futures of infinite potential - of “thought centers” - that reality is projected. It is through human beings that these energies are transduced and become “real.”

You in the here and now - at the conjunction of all of these probabilities all vying with one another to become “real” - have no possibility of “creating” anything in this reality from “down here,” so to say. The realities - the creative potentials - are a projection from higher levels of density. You are a receiver, a transducer, a reflector of the view of which eye is viewing YOU, nothing more.

The phenomenon that these ideas speak to more directly is that of hyperdimensional realities wherein mental energies or consciousness energies are amplified and can be interactive with the environment: technology that suggests not only power for transport that is partly physical, partly “ethereal;” communication that is also partly physical and partly ethereal, as well as powers of “manifestation” that might seem impossible to us in our present state of technology. All of these properties do belong to hyperdimensional existence, and such a state of being has been reported for millennia as being the “realm of the gods,” including Dragons and Serpents, and critters of all sorts.

If we can describe such realms mathematically and give them a physical reality, as Dirac suggests, then we might also consider the hypothesis that they may be inhabited. Could our “Gods” be inhabitants of this realm?

As many physicists will tell you, all that really exists are “waveforms” and we are waveforms of reality, and our consciousness is something that “reads waves.” We give form and structure to the waves we “read” according to some agreed upon convention.

And so, certain denizens of hyperdimensional space are “read” as more or less “reptilian“ because that is the “essence” of their being, the frequency of their “wave form.” We call them the Overlords of Entropy. They are not necessarily physical as we understand the term, nor are they necessarily “alien” as we understand that term either. We suspect that the perceptions of these levels of reality and their “consciousness units” are what is behind many religious conceptions and mythological representations of “gods and goddesses” and creatures of all sorts.

Infinite Potential to BE includes - by definition of the word “infinite” - the potential to not be. And so, Infinite Potential “splits” into Thought Centers of Creation and Thought Centers of non-being. It can be said that Infinite Potential is fundamentally Binary - on or off - to be or not to be. That is the first “division.”

Since absolute non-being is an impossible paradox in terms of the source of Infinite Potential to BE, the half of the consciousness of Infinite Potential that constitute the IDEAS of non-being - for every idea of manifestation, there is a corresponding idea for that item of creation to NOT manifest - “falls asleep” for lack of a better term. Its “self observation” is predicated upon consciousness that can only “mimic” death. Consciousness that mimics death then “falls” and becomes Primal Matter. What this means is that the “self observing self” at the level of the Master of the Universe is constituted of this initial division between Being and Non-being which is, again, only the initial division - the on/off, the yes/no - of creation. You could picture this as an open eye observing a closed eye. It has been represented for millennia in the yin-yang symbol, which, even on the black half that represents “sleeping consciousness that is matter,” you can see the small white dot of “being” that represents to us that absolute non-existence is not possible. There is only “relative” non-existence.

These “thoughts of being and non-being” interact with one another - the observer and the observed - like a viewer looking into a mirror. Creation manifests between the viewer and the mirror. It is at once real - because it consists of matter informed by consciousness - and unreal because it is ultimately composed of only consciousness acting on consciousness.

At our level of reality, the understanding that “nothing is real,” as has been promulgated by gurus and teachers down through history, is as useless as saying “gravity isn’t real.” Such considerations are useful only for expansion of perception. They are not useful for practical application since the energies of creation apparently transduce through several “levels” before they meet in the middle, so to say, in our third density reality. Organic life exists at the “crossroads” of the myriad ideas or thought centers of being and non-being. As such, they have the capacity to transduce energies “up” or “down” depending on the “consciousness energy directors“ of that unit. And again, there are apparently two broad divisions: directed toward being/ observing, or directed toward non-being/ mirroring. This division manifests across all levels of organic life, including human beings. Human beings exist to transduce cosmic energies of creation via organic life. Our “higher selves” are the directors of this transducing of cosmic energies, and the direction in which the energy “flows” is determined by the activities of these higher selves. Against the opposition of those forces seeking to “capture” energy of consciousness and induce it to the “sleep of non-being,” which is gravitational in a certain sense, the energies of consciousness seek to “inform” matter via awakening the self-awareness of those organic units on earth that are capable of resistance to the gravity of non-being.

As self-aware “transducing units,” the human being has the potential for going either way - toward intensified being, or toward intensified non-being. In this sense, humans also function very much like a lens that can be “adjusted” like a telescope. It can be dialed to select the viewing range, which can be distant and inclusive of more “space/time,” or it can be shortened to only see what is up close and evident in the material world. In other words, our first and most fundamental choice is to choose what we SEE.

When we choose what we SEE - and here we do NOT mean with the physical eyes or even psychically, but rather a more inclusive term that suggests whether or not we are capable of objectivity or subjectivity - we are receiving impressions. Impressions can become knowledge if assimilated. Knowledge leads to awareness. Knowledge and awareness then direct emotions, which then energize actions in the organic world. This is the transducing of energies of Cosmic Thought Centers.

Ibn al-’Arabi tells us that Goodness is Being; to which all positive and beautiful attributes or “names” of God belong. Evil is the lack of good, so it is “nonexistence.” In other words, at the root, Being dwells in “non-existence” which is evil. Here is the sticking point, the item that is generally omitted from most “systems of ascension.” Human beings at our level of reality exist at the crossroads of the Thoughts of Being and Non-being - Good and Evil. Mankind is made in the form of all the names of God - those of Being and Non-being. Assuming the traits of the Names is synonymous with manifesting their properties. The Science of Ascension is to obtain deep knowledge of all the Names and their true properties, the high and the low, the pleasant and the loathsome, the light and the darkness, in differentiated detail, so as to be able to CHOOSE which traits will be assumed. It is only with a full field of vision that a man can discover if what he subjectively thinks is good actually is good and leads to Being, or if it is a deception that induces to Non-being by pretense.

God is the root of ALL Names, noble and base. The task of the seeker of ascension is to bring the Noble traits from latency into actuality and to discover the positive applications of the base traits - even if that application is to “overcome” or transmute. The Shaykh tells us “noble character traits are only those connected to interaction with others.” In other words: DOing. If you SEE the illusion of separation, that is certainly the first thing. The lie is smuggled in by suggesting that this is all that is necessary, that if you just “see it” everything will “change” for you.

God creates the good and the evil, the ugly and the beautiful, the straight and the crooked, the moral and the immoral. Between these traits lie the manifold dangers of the path of the seeker of Truth. Many modern day “teachers” and “gurus” tell us “Since there is only One Being which permeates all things, all we have to do is see everything as only light”, and that will transmute the darkness, and we will “create our own reality of light.” Such a statement ignores the fact that the statement “God is One” describes a reality that is a higher level from which our own “mixed being” manifests. The man who assumes that he can become like God at this level just by thinking it, ignores the facts of Being vs. Non-being which outrays from “God is One” at a level of existence that is clearly several levels above our own.

Evil is REAL on its own level, and the task of man is to navigate the Cosmic Maze without being defiled by the Evil therein. This is the root of Free Will. Man faces a predicament as REAL as himself: he is forced to choose - to utilize his knowledge by applying it - between the straight path which leads to Being, and the crooked paths which lead to Non-Being. Human beings are required to discern between good and evil - consciousness energy directors - at every stage of their existence in this reality. Because, in fact, they must understand that God is consciousness and God is matter. God is good, and God is evil. The Creation assumes all the different properties of the many “Names of God.” The Cosmos is full of Life-giving and Slaying, Forgiveness and Vengeance, Exaltation and Abasement, Guidance and Deception. To attempt to assume God’s point of view and “mix everything” at this level, results only in STAYING at this level. Therefore, human beings must always separate God’s point of view from their own point of view and the fact that all creation assumes the divine Names and Traits.

Thus, the first Divine Command is BE! And that includes Being and Non-being instantaneously. Therefore, the second law is “follow Being or Non-being according to your choice and your inherent nature.” All creation is a result of the engendering command. So, in this respect, there is no Evil. But the second, prescriptive law determines to which “Face of God” one will return: Life or Death.

If the engendering command alone is considered, there is no imperfection in the cosmos, since all creatures follow what God desires for them. In this respect, what is normally called “imperfection“ is in fact perfection, since it allows for the actualization of the various levels of existence and knowledge. In other words, were there no imperfections - in the sense of diminishment, decrease, and lack - there would be no creation. Were there no creation, the Hidden Treasure would remain hidden. Hence Being would be unseen in every respect. There would be no self-disclosure of the Divine Reality, Light would not shine, and God would be the Nonmanifest but not the Manifest. But all this is absurd, since it demands the imperfection of Being Itself, which by definition is nondelimited perfection. Being’s perfection requires the manifestation of Its properties. The effects of the Names and Attributes must be displayed for God to be God. […] In other words, Imperfection is demanded by existence itself. To be “other than God” is to be imperfect. …But it is precisely the “otherness” which allows the cosmos and all the creatures within it to exist. If things were perfect in every respect, they would be identical with God Himself, and there would be nothing “other than God.” But then we could not even speak about the cosmos, since there would be no cosmos and no speakers. …So, imperfection is a kind of perfection. [Chittick]

At the particular stage of existence in which man finds himself, he is equally “receptive” toward the Two primary Faces of God: Being and Non-being. The Shaykh tells us that whatever property, or trait, any human being ultimately “chooses” is what it originally possessed in its state of immutability. The task of the Seeker is to discover what is immutable within, and to purify and amplify it. This is the development of Will. Will is a relationship, which follows knowledge while knowledge follows the object of knowledge. In the process of “ascension,” the object of knowledge is YOU. Knowledge, in and of itself, has no effects. YOU, however, the seeker, can give to knowledge what you actually are, in yourself, thereby displaying YOURSELF in knowledge by your actions in concert with your knowledge.

As noted, there are many Names of God that call to us in our present state of existence. But you are not required to answer every one that calls. The fact that human beings are, in general, ignorant of their own true “essence” gives them the illusion of freedom. And the fact is, all paths come from God, and all paths Lead back to God, but again, it can be via different faces. As the Shaykh says: “Unto Allah all things come home, and he is the end of every path. However, the important thing is which divine name you will reach and to which you will come home?”

And this brings us to what the Shaykh calls “perspicacity.” This is the special development of the “eye of insight,” or “seeing the unseen” that is crucial to the Seeker. Just as the physical eye, with the refraction of light from the Sun, can discern between the large and the small, the beautiful and the ugly, colors, the moving from the still, high and low, the ability to see the unseen is a property of an “inner light.” This light reveals to the seeker things about external objects that are NOT apparent to the five senses. It reveals to its possessor when a choice that may appear to be benevolent, is a step on the path of Evil. It reveals when a choice that may appear to human estimation as negative is actually a difficult step to felicity for all involved. The Sufis tell us that some individuals have achieved such a level of “seeing” that - upon seeing a person’s footprint on the ground, even if the person is not present - they are able to say whether he is following a life of felicity or wretchedness.

The light of perspicacity seems to be a gift that not everyone has, and those who do have it, may not have developed it to the same degree. What is evident is that those who have it possess an immutable nature of Being which is able to “see” good and evil - they do not see “only good.” Thus, they are able to discern between the “calls” of Nonbeing and Being, and therefore, are able to strengthen their Will along the path of intrinsic Being. It then follows that individuals who are not able to see - or who choose not to see - both Good and Evil, are formed in the mold of subjectivity, which is the human expression of the Call of Non-being.

A human being whose immutable nature is that of Being can strengthen the light of perspicacity by “assuming the traits” of the Names of Being. This does not mean that a person comes to possess traits that do not already belong to him. It means that these traits are amplified and “cultivated.” The Ruling property of an individual is determined by what Face of God is disclosed to him, and this is determined by his preparedness. Felicity can only be disclosed when Evil has been turned away from, rejected; which can only be achieved by a long period of “testing” or being challenged to SEE and then to choose Being over Non-being in order to grow the Will or alignment to Being in a feedback loop. As the Seeker travels this path, he must not see these traits as his own, but rather that he is a locus of God’s manifestation of an ontological attribute.

People imagine that they believe in God when, in fact, what they believe always takes the shape of the receptacle. The old saying is that the water takes on the color of its cup. The deeper implication of this is that a person will only be in disequilibrium if his conscious beliefs are not in conformity with his own immutable nature. In other words, a person whose intrinsic nature is aligned toward Being, will experience disequilibrium, struggle, and even illness by attempting to assume those traits that do not exist in him. In this sense, careful observation of the physical state - even the physical environment - can act as a guide as to whether or not the whole being is coming into alignment.

So it is that different paths can produce different effects for different individuals according to their immutable nature within. Those whose intrinsic nature is toward Being, follow the path of the developing the ability to SEE and to choose alignment with infinite potential of creation, thereby being conduits of Being as GOD chooses to manifest through them. They not only see that limitation is illusion, they consciously ACT - they utilize that knowledge to generate energy and light.

Those whose intrinsic nature is toward Non-being, follow the path of limitation of Infinite Being by assuming that they, in their state of ignorance and subjectivity, know better than God how Creation ought to be fixed. They pray for change, they perform rituals, they chant mantras and repeat endless visualizations of “magickal forms” that are supposed to “change” reality. They bomb others with “Love and Light,” (their subjective version of it, of course), and they seek to fix the world “out there” by projecting their subjective view of reality onto the infinite wisdom of Creation. This “consciousness energy direction” even includes the assumption that just knowing that all division is illusion will accomplish the goal of “Ascension,” and that is the most cunning lie of all.

Each approach “ties a knot” in the heart of the believer and fixes him on a path, the object of his belief being the end of the path. All beliefs are equivalent in that God - of one sort or another - is their ultimate objective. But each belief is different in that it leads to a different name of God, or Thought Center. Even materialistic skepticism is a “belief” and leads to “matterizing” of the consciousness that follows this belief. What is more difficult to discern are the many mixed up “spiritual” paths that twist and distort the concepts of Being to engage the seeker on a path to Non-Being.
Shijing said:
I think that the main idea is that although it is not theoretically impossible for benevolent Lizzies to exist, it is in actuality so rare as to be an essentially moot point.

Shijing, are we talking about supposed to be Lizard Being who is benevolant?


Edit: quotes
Takashi Takahashi said:
Shijing, are we talking about supposed to be Lizard Being who is benevolant?

Well, I think that was part of the question, although the answer to that question is that it's a vanishingly rare phenomenon.
Shijing said:
DanielS said:
Now that I think about it, didn't the C's make a mention that not all Lizzies are bad either. That there is a small percentage that are STO-oriented. I wish I could remember where I read that. If someone knows where that quote is, or if I'm completely mistaken, let me know.

This is discussed on at least two occasions -- I can't find the first one offhand, but I remember there is something to the effect that although there is such a thing as a benevolent Lizzie, they are so few as to be negligible. This is recapitulated in the following, later excerpt:

10/4/97 said:
Q: Okay. Marciniak also says that there are benevolent Lizzies. You once said that the incidence of benevolent Lizzies was so rare as to be not worth mentioning. Is it true that there are benevolent Lizzies as she says?

A: There are benevolences evident even in the darkest circles.

I think that the main idea is that although it is not theoretically impossible for benevolent Lizzies to exist, it is in actuality so rare as to be an essentially moot point.

I guess this where it is mentioned (in transcript 95.09.02):

Q: (L) Are any of the Grays STO?
A: In very rare instances, Gray beings have crossed over
into the STO realm, but in their natural environment, they
are, in fact, STS, as they were constructed to be.
Q: (L) How does it occur that they cross over into the STO
A: Simply by natural circumstance, in the same general way
that it occurs that human beings in the 3rd density STS
environment can, under certain circumstances, rise to the
STO level. Very rare.
Q: (L) Well, if the Grays are cybergenetic probes of the
Lizard Beings, and, in effect soulless, does this mean that
some of the Lizard beings are also STO?
A: Well, first, no being that is given intelligence to think on its
own is, in fact, comepletely soul-less. It does have some soul
imprint. Or what could be loosely referred to as soul imprint.
This may be a collection of psychic energies that are
available in the general vicinity. And this is stretching
somewhat so that you can understand the basic ideas, even
though in reality it is all far more complex than that. But, in
any case, there is really no such thing as being completely
soul-less, whether it be a natural intelligence or an artificially
constructed intelligence. And, one of the very most
interesting things about that from your perspective, is that
your technology on 3rd density, which we might add, has
been aided somewhat by interactions with those that you
might refer to as "aliens," is now reaching a level whereby the
artificially created intelligences can, in fact, begin to develop,
or attract some soul imprint energy. If you follow what we
are saying. For example: your computers, which are now on
the verge of reaching the level whereby they can think by
themselves, will begin to develop faint soul imprint.
Q: (L) That's not a pleasant thought.
A: Now, to answer your question: Are the Reptilian beings,
or Lizard beings, STO. Of course, some can cross over into
STO. However, their natural environment is STS as they
have chosen. But, whether or not any of the cybergenetic
Gray beings cross over into STO, and or the Lizard Beings
cross over into STO, these are not connected to one
another, these two concepts. They are independent.
Q: (L) I understand. Okay, would you say there is any
percentage, any fairly measurable percentage of Lizard
beings that are STO?
A: It is VERY, VERY small. EXTREMELY small. Hardly
worth mentioning.

Q: (L) What about the Grays?
A: That might be slightly higher, but again, it is very small,
relatively speaking.
I recently came across this excerpt again:

August 5 said:
Q: This Top Secret document and the Anna Hayes material to some extent, both talk about many abductions being “ourselves from the future” who have come back to the past, or what is for us, the present, to abduct their own bodies to make genetic adjustments so that they can advance and not make the mistakes they made in another timeline. Is that, in fact, part of the scenario?
A: Very close to the truth!

Q: Can you abduct yourself in an STO manner and help yourself in this way? Can that be STO?
A: It is not, because that is not STO.

Q: So, when that is happening, and if it is happening, it is occurring in the STS parameter?
A: Yes.

Q: How do the STO manage?
A: They do not concern themselves with such things.

Q: Well, if the STS guys are genetically tweaking themselves to have some kind of different outcome for some reason that we do not perceive, don’t you think there should be a balancing action on the STO side of some sort?
A: You are thinking in STS terms. But that is natural, since human 3rd density is STS.

Q: You say they don’t concern themselves with that. What do STO individuals coming back from the future into the past concern themselves with?
A: Answering calls for assistance with knowledge.

Q: What do these STS individuals coming back into the past hope to do by genetically tweaking their ancestors? What happened that they want to have happen differently?
A: Infinite number of possible answers to that question.

Q: So, they are coming from all different timelines with all different kinds of agendas - all designed to serve themselves.

I'm wondering if this means that some or all of the Lizard population originates with some part of the human population when they pass from 3D to 4D. This is close to Dan Burisch's story, with the crucial distinction that he couches everything in strictly 3D terms, whereas the account above is described within a hyperdimensional, trans-density framework. If the answer is implicitly 'yes', or if I have missed the answer in another context, please let me know.
What i have continued to notice in the media , advertising, books, TV and newspapers. Is the continued display of renditions in a subtle way of the appearance to the general public. Its as if it is a conditioning to the inevitable appearance of the supposed idea of them being the ones whom will save the day. Moving the GP towards the acceptance of the bow down and follow mentality. Yeah right. Sort of like the Jim Jone's and drink the kool aid idea.

Another situation that i came across while on one my many hikes in the high desert in NV. was the appearance to the this cloud formation. It was mind blowing of how the detail in this cloud formation appeared as if it was constructed like a crop formation that might appear done the 3D Sts technology.

And then there was this incident the following week that appeared in the local news of an element that was conducting an unlawful, very dangerous and felony act against the power co. As you can imagine that i became very concerned and a little spooked of timing of the event and when i taken the picture i took while hiking the week before. Was it was a message or determent to my activity's, and had stumbled across this activity of cloud manipulation?

I never returned to hike the area again, as there was a bounty or reward to the capture of those responsible. I speculated that in order to cut a power line with that diameter that the perpetrators would have used and require a very high caliber round from a rifle with scope for accuracy, which also allowed picking off any one from a distance. And if i were to by chance come upon them, would "they" eliminate a wittiness's to their activity's.

Prior this whole situation was that i had hiked the same area, 3 different seasons, and at night as well, as daytime for 4 months, before, with no issue.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Nevada: People Shoot Down Power Lines

Over the past year, there have been several incidents of individuals using NV Energy's power lines and equipment for target practice and causing major damage.
Most recently, vandals have damaged separate 60,000-volt and 120,000-volt lines that supply electricity to the Fxxxxx area.

Emergency repair crews had to be called out, and were able to complete repairs and avoid a power outage.


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I recently came across this excerpt again:[/color]

This was explained in more detail in wave chapter 11k-Nexus 7 meets C's, here is further excerpt:

When information about the "flat emotional condition" of the aliens began to be discussed, a new explanation was offered. They now claimed that they were trying to save humanity from a dreadful mistake of evolution where we lost the capacity for the full range of emotions and spontaneity. Naturally, this was also tied up with some sort of cataclysm that most people did not survive. It was again claimed that, to aid the abduction process is to save ourselves in the future. Thus, supporting abductions was presented as a matter of human species future security.

One source said:

"Those of us in the future who followed the path that deserted the Heart, we evolved into abnormal extremes, we of such interspecies genetic masteries and technological power.

"We limited our brain chemistry for passion and feelings in ways to promote group harmonies, and help in our species 'upgrade' at the time. In time, the human enhancement program upgrades were discovered to have been more of a loss of vital function. The cost-benefit was miserable to development of certain qualities of spirituality and spiritual energies.

"This was partly by choice, partly out of survival circumstances at the time. We eventually lost our way, but by universal grace we found means to travel back in time and encode the best of our future lifestreams with the best of your present life streams, and thus move on to grow again in ways we had lost.

"We leave you in peace to grow into a future that will be new and different than the one we ourselves have come from. That future is the undiscovered country, and don't worry, in the end we are all together anyway you slice it. But our genetic uplift influence is not necessary at all if you merely don't resist the coming wave of cosmic energies and influences.

"Just weather this time of momentous change in human history. Find the small ways you can assist present human evolution in important personal and social ways, and develop your ability to give and receive love.

"But be careful with whom you ally in the spiritual world. Follow all your sacred faith tests, and or sacred science tests, for revealing false prophets and then some."

I think that some of the population that will survive or that will be taken prior to earth changes probably would be deceived by 4D STS technology and adore them, and end up not only like food but in some way genetically altered to be their slaves, probably some kind of human-gray hybrids, and then they would probably see the deception but only it was to late.
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