waiting for the shaman


The Force is Strong With This One
open scene

i had just started working at a hotel/ motel as a maid/ laundry worker. my assignment was to change some curtains that were hanging on racks outside. apparently the place was being remodeled/ refurbished because there were a lot of these metal racks full of curtains in the front parking lot and there were quite a few people changeing curtains/ various laundry and taking it inside or bringing other things out. the ones i was working with were clear plastic and i was taking them down to be replaced by pastel pink. others were being replaced with pastel blue. the building was several stories high and the outside walls had been painted with with alternating areas of these same colors.

scene shift

the scene is basically the same except now some of the racks are quite tall (taller than the building) and connected together/ braced like scaffolding. i am high above the parking lot and everyone is set to watch as i do some gymnastics and spins around on the rods. it's scarey because i am unsure if i have the strength and stamina to do it. but i start doing it anyway.

change scene

now i am high up on the side of a mountain, almost to the top. holding my arm in a trapeze like way, like great friendship/ love and giving me strength and reassurance, is a muscular, tarzan/ hercules like hero. it is as if we are in some grand type of opera/ play. this is done silently and is reminiscent of the (DaVinci) painting of the creation of Adam, except the hero is right there on the side of the mountain with me (not up in the clouds). after this i start moving down the side of the mountain and i notice that all the people/ workers from the motel are around as if they are all playing parts in this grand play and everyone is singing some beautiful song (what song?)

the others fade out as i continue down the mountain side and as i near the bottom i start noticing some famous worldly people, like rock stars, famous actors, and other great people from throughout history. and it is as if they are living dead (monster like) weird looking heads with their bodies in/ under/ melting into the earth and they also are singing, but it is some weird eerie song (again - what song?). and i go on toward the bottom.

change scene

at the base of the mountain i turn and enter a tropical jungle. as i walk down a trail, i sense all kinds of wild animals scurrying around, moving on other trails. we are all being drawn telepathically to a particular gathering place (water hole?). the shaman is there waiting for us and tells us he must go away for a while, and to carry on with our lives for now and to meet him again when he returns. he walks away through some marsh reeds towards what seems to be a river and as the dream begins to fade, my presence zooms back/ away and i see him at a distance walking on the water across an ocean.


i can't remember actually hearing the songs.
this was several months ago and i am still waiting.
maybe if i post this he will return.
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