Video: Swallowing and Digestion


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Taking supplements and thinking so much about my digestion got me curious about what is actually going on down there.

Strangely, i only found 1 good video of the swallowing mechanism and the digestion one was probably a related suggestion i saw later.

I was primarily curious about the length of time it takes for a pill to slip down and digest etc..

The first video is an x-ray video of a guy swallowing different consistences of food, perhaps due to issues with swallowing..? It is interesting the little 'well' in his throat.

The 2nd video is 'an art project' with TED showing the digestion times for artificial food and 'real food' (sadly the examples are store bought noodles and home made - wheat - noodles, but you get the point, and get to see the intestines at work).
Why they chose to call the 'pill camera' M2A... well... slow day at the lab probably!

Judging from the comments on youtube, the TED project was never properly followed up...

Swallowing Xray video, Krisocki, Stephen, Mon Nov 03, 2008
Artist Stefani Bardin, TEDxManhattan 2011 Fellow, shows us her latest project -- using a "smartpill" to reveal how we digest differently processed foods.


Stefani produces videos and immersive, interactive installations that explores the influences of corporate culture and industrial food production. Her current project works with gastroenterologist Dr. Braden Kuo at Harvard University where they just completed the first ever clinical study to use the M2A™ and SmartPill devices that look at how the human body responds to processed versus whole foods. She is an Honorary Resident at Eyebeam Art +Technology Center in New York and teaches in the School of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design and in the Food Studies Program at The New School for Public Engagement.

What Are the Keys to Optimal Digestion?​

Story at a glance:
  • 60 million to 70 million Americans suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) disease and nearly 40% were prevented from participating in routine activities due to bowel problems in the last year. Chronic constipation affects an estimated 63 million Americans, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) affects about 20% of the population
  • Proper digestion is required to break down food into nutrients your body can use for energy, growth and repair. Poor digestion can have a serious impact on your health as your metabolism and energy production become impaired
  • Chewing slowly helps break down your food faster, and saliva, which contains an enzyme called lingual lipase to help break down fats, helps when you swallow. The longer you chew, the more time those enzymes have to start breaking down your food. Eating slowly also lowers your risk for cardiometabolic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke
  • Physical activity, such as walking, helps optimize gut motility and promotes peristalsis, the rhythmic contraction of your digestive muscles that move the food through your small and large intestines. A 2022 meta-analysis found that as little as a two-minute walk within an hour to an hour-and-a-half after each meal can improve your digestion and cardiometabolic health
  • Acid reflux is typically caused by a deficiency in stomach acid, not excess. The lower esophageal sphincter is pH sensitive and only closes when there’s a sufficient amount of acid in your stomach


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