USA - not what you might think


The Cosmic Force
I came across an article on the Independent UK online edition:

"Hitler Links: A Wagner, and not proud of it"

It's about Gottfried Wagner, the great-grandson of the composer Richard Wagner. Gottfried, the article says, is not at all enamoured of his family's involvement with Hitler and the Nazis.
Independent UK said:
[Gottfried Wagner] dismisses as "gossip" all talk about his relationship with that clan [the Wagner family], but he knows he can never escape it, nor can he escape the feeling of contamination that first arose when he and his nine-year-old classmates were shown a documentary on the Third Reich.
"That film was a shock," he says, "and not only because I saw the mountains of dead bodies at Buchenwald. I also saw my family welcoming Hitler into their Festspielhaus and heard my great-grandfather's music playing in the background. At that point, some of my friends started pointing at me and saying, 'He must be a Nazi, too'."
A strange thing caught my attention:

Independent UK said:
As [Gottfried Wagner] points out, his grandmother Winifred delivered the paper on which Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, and even the typewriter. After the war, this expatriate Englishwoman's posthumous devotion to the man she cryptically referred to as "USA" – for Unser Seliger Adolf (our blessed Adolf) – remained undimmed.
So, when Granny Winifred was off to visit the fuehrer, she was going to the USA!


You can read the full article at:
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