Truth Perspective: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity with David M. Jacobs

Such a interesting topic, Thanks Toda22, quite creepy and good food for thought.

I purchased "Walking Among Us" last night and started reading. It is a disturbing read and for the first time I feel the "reality" of the situation hitting home. Even though I've read other abduction accounts, some of Karla Turner's work, and other sources for years now. I've been wondering, and its disturbing, if I have been abducted as well. With so many millions who have apparently been, the possibility is high. I've also been reviewing my past for clues. When I was 19 to 21 yrs. old I was attending college as a art major and this was before all the alien stuff really kicked in, 1972-75. I was obsessed with drawing these faceless figures with long skinny necks, big heads, and long skinny bodies. Others where more defined. Facial characteristics with big eyes, small slit for a mouth and tiny nose. In this one picture a small group of these beings where clustered together. The being in front was the leader who gathered information and passed it along to the others behind him in a telepathic, group mind sort of way. These images only began when I started college and I wonder if the campus was a hot spot for these beings. In considering this last night, it was scary and I thought I'd prefer not to know if I've been taken. That may change however.

I wasn't sure what to read first, perhaps missing important material if not reading David's earlier work first. Decided on his latest work and I'm likely to read the others as well.
Look forward to the show!
I managed to get in and listen to the last half of the show. It was quite enjoyable as a topic. I was a little disappointed in how dismissive he was of John Keel as not being a relevant researcher, especially when he didn't really offer specific reasons for his thinking so. It's odd that he never encountered aliens interested in studying the souls of humans, when Karla Turner encountered such phenomena in her studies regularly. It's ironic how well that observation fits into JK's thesis on the Descartian "Great Deceiver".
Harrison Koehli, thank you very much for asking questions written in my previous topic post!

whitecoast said:
It's odd that he never encountered aliens interested in studying the souls of humans, when Karla Turner encountered such phenomena in her studies regularly.

I agree.
It seems to me that Dr. Jacobs did an interesting job about exploring topic Hybrids, but that seems to be only one part of a bigger thing that is going on.

May I propose one topic for some of next Sott Talk Radio Shows? It is fear.
Fear could be elaborated in Health & Wellness show from biological/psychological point of view and on Truth Perspective and/or Behind the Headlines from political/economical/social point of view.

Jiddu Krishnamurti explained in his talks a lot about fear.

Another topic that could be interesting for Sott radio shows is Transhumanism.

Thanks again!
whitecoast said:
I managed to get in and listen to the last half of the show. It was quite enjoyable as a topic. I was a little disappointed in how dismissive he was of John Keel as not being a relevant researcher, especially when he didn't really offer specific reasons for his thinking so. It's odd that he never encountered aliens interested in studying the souls of humans, when Karla Turner encountered such phenomena in her studies regularly. It's ironic how well that observation fits into JK's thesis on the Descartian "Great Deceiver".

My thoughts exactly. I thought it was cheap of him to dismiss Keel, especially since he admitted that he couldn't remember that much of his work. He seemed to support more the interplanetary and "nuts and bolts" aspects of UFO:s. It could be for reasons brought by his high age (health?), but at times he wasn't too coherent. You guys interviewing did a good job, being polite and respectful even if there were points he made that could have been questioned and probed further.
Aragorn said:
I thought it was cheap of him to dismiss Keel, especially since he admitted that he couldn't remember that much of his work. He seemed to support more the interplanetary and "nuts and bolts" aspects of UFO:s.

Yes. Although he did some very good work, I think his interpretations of his results were limited by his materialist stance.
Aragorn said:
You guys interviewing did a good job, being polite and respectful even if there were points he made that could have been questioned and probed further.

You guys did a very good job.

But I stopped listening -- after I realized he hadn't make much progress in his research. He seemed locked into a fixed mindset. And sounded just like he did 15 years ago.

There's just so much more to reality than what Jacobs is able to grasp. Thank heavens for C's.

I liked very much the show, there were really good questions, you were fantastic and gentleman giving him space to talk and what he said was very interesting. This subject is so huge that it is good to have many points of vue. I just wanted to know more, go further, he gave just an "avant goût", just to the brink of something that seems huge but he did not give plus. Maybe reading his books we can look more inside this subject. Thanks a lot!
Laura said:
Aragorn said:
I thought it was cheap of him to dismiss Keel, especially since he admitted that he couldn't remember that much of his work. He seemed to support more the interplanetary and "nuts and bolts" aspects of UFO:s.

Yes. Although he did some very good work, I think his interpretations of his results were limited by his materialist stance.

Which is weird because he brings up telepathy in a very matter-of-fact way. If he does think non-physical information exists, it only seems to him to be a sort of icing on the cake of that exotic materialist alien reality.
Good interview and very informative for me. I wasn't familiar with his work at all, unlike so many others here, and so its something of a revelation for me. What a very strange scenario, certainly makes one think. I'm not familiar with Bud Hopkins work either so he is another stepping stone coming up for me to learn more on the subject. Its always a joy to find new topics of interest and good sources to learn from.

I was once again reminded of Simon Parks who speaks about how he teaches hybrids to drive. What a very disturbing story this is, our replacements being brought to Earth. Why are they doing this? If we say these beings are mainly 4d, are they creating a race for themselves that are 3d because this is where they would prefer to be? Are they dying out as the C's have said and this is their escape plan. If they populate the earth with their kind that would eliminate their food source I'd think. The hybrids dont sound like they're likely to instigate war between themselves. Maybe they're to be the new rulers over humanity. Its mind boggling. Who knows.

So this is a matter of timing for me it seems. I am ready to learn more on the subject that up until now has only scratched the surface.

Also unfortunate what he had to say about Keel. Perhaps he has been focusing on his main subject for so long to the exclusion of other material, something of a one track mind. But, even so, I appreciate his contribution and the focus he's given it.

The question about aliens interest in the human soul is very intriguing and of course very disturbing but perhaps another level to all this.

Thanks Sott team, good questions.
I was kind of disappointed in how the show ended. In fact it made me downright mad. I kept expecting him to launch out on some big picture view and potential solution to the enslavement of humanity. Instead we get "I'm not really researching anything. I've watched every episode of Big Brother." Seriously? You spend most of your life researching in the twilight zone and uncover this vast alien conspiracy that is very X-Files-esque, and now you've retired, whiling away the time sitting on the couch eating bonbons watching brain porn while the world burns; occasionally lamenting the probable fate of the world your children have inherited. You stupid fool.

Or maybe he's not so stupid, maybe he's seen the writing on the wall and just given up. As he was going through his conclusion, all I could see was Gurdjieff's diagram of the Law of 7 proceeding under purely mechanical influences. It is a circle where nothing ever evolves or accomplishes anything, it all just comes back to the General Law. It made me wonder if that's what will ultimately happen to me. I'll explore all of these strange and fantastical realms and come back to exactly where I began, old and gray with absolutely nothing to show for it. I don't want to accept it.

I read the Threat a couple of years ago and thought it was an excellent addition to the UFO literature. But he seems to have hit a wall at some point and been "neutralized," he is a dream in the past. I suppose I got too emotionally identified with him as a sort of scientific hero and didn't much cherish the breaking of my illusion. The whole concept that has been hinted at about the Cassiopaea group moving through a conduit and developing its own separate timeline after the Wave does its thing is getting less and less far-fetched; all the other potential good guys keep getting fried.

So kudos to the Caesarea crew for doing the best you could, the topic was interesting to me even though I had heard most of it before and the ending was a letdown.
SummerLite said:
I was once again reminded of Simon Parks who speaks about how he teaches hybrids to drive. What a very disturbing story this is, our replacements being brought to Earth. Why are they doing this? If we say these beings are mainly 4d, are they creating a race for themselves that are 3d because this is where they would prefer to be? Are they dying out as the C's have said and this is their escape plan. If they populate the earth with their kind that would eliminate their food source I'd think. The hybrids dont sound like they're likely to instigate war between themselves. Maybe they're to be the new rulers over humanity. Its mind boggling. Who knows.
I believe the plan is to rule us in 4D, and the hybrids are a newer model of humanity which can be controlled much more easily, bringing the planet more firmly under their control. They are an interface for a much more direct interaction with the Orion Empire.
Session941116 said:
Q: (L) If the Lizzies have been feeding off of us frequently and are planning to come and take over our planet, why, when they achieved their domination 300,000 years ago, did they not just move here and take up residence and be in charge?
A: No desire to inhabit same realm.
Q: (L) Why was this?
A: You are 3rd level they are 4th level.
Q: (L) Why are they planning to now?
A: They want to rule you in 4th density.
Session960504 said:
Q: (TH) Who or what in the gene pool is being replaced? (TK) Whoever they want replaced. (L) Well, you know how it is in the movies... everybody is indiscriminately making love before they go into battle... (F) Yes... they said 'factors in paradigm shift through stimulation of conception activity...' (L) 'Replacement of key personnel according to frequency vibration pre-readings...' Okay: do you mean to say that war...
A: Creates "environment" for unnoticed genetic modifications because of greatly heightened exchange of both physical and ethereal factors.
Q: (L) What do you mean by "replacement of key personnel?" Key personnel according to whose definition?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Are these key personnel human?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When you say replacement, do you mean something as simple as someone dying, such as a head of state, and being replaced by another person who comes to power? That would be the simplest scenario that would fit this explanation.
A: Your scenario is not simple.
Q: (L) I mean simple in terms of the machinations...
A: Both.
Q: (L) Would it also be that key personnel could also be replaced as in duplication?
A: Yes. And removing to secret activity realm. Enough wars have taken place to effectively create entire new "underground race" of humans, both from direct capture followed by "reeducation," and spawning activity using these persons and others.
Q: (L) What do you mean by spawning activity?
A: Those captured have reproduced offspring, these never having seen your world.
Q: (L) Are you saying... (TK) They have given birth and these children have never seen our world... (L) How can an entire race of people, or groups of people, live under the surface of this planet, without the whole 6 billion of the rest of us on top, or at least a large number, realizing that there is anything going on? This is so wild an idea...
A: No. How much space exists underground, as opposed to that on the surface?
Q: (L) A lot, I suppose. You aren't saying that the earth is hollow, are you?
A: No, not exactly.
Q: (L) Well, how deep is the deepest of these underground cities?
A: 3,108 miles.
Q: (L) That's pretty deep! But wouldn't it be too hot at that depth?
A: No. Temperature averages 68 degrees F.
Q: (TK) That's pretty comfortable! (L) How do they have light?
A: Magnetic resonance.
Q: (L) Well, aren't they subject to being crushed by earthquakes?
A: No, earthquakes are not felt deep underground!!
Q: (L) Does any of this underground civilization activity have any relation to this massive underground base the Russians are building?
A: No.
Q: (TK) Is any of this under the ocean?
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) Well, we'll never explore all of what is under the ocean. (L) It just staggers the mind to think about it. What do they want these people for?
A: To replace you.
Q: (TK) And why? Because they can control them better. Right?
A: Completely.
Q: (L) Do these people being bred and raised in these underground cities have souls?
A: Yes, most.
Q: (TK) Are they just like us only raised differently?
A: More complicated than that.
Q: (L) How long have they been doing this?
A: 14,000 years, approximately.
Q: (L) If they have been doing it that long, obviously the ones they have taken at the beginning have croaked and are of no use to replace anybody on the earth unless they have been replacing people from time to time for various reasons...
A: No, their technology makes yours look like Neanderthal by comparison! Hibernation tubes... One heartbeat per hour, for example.
Q: (TH) That means that for every year we live, they would live 4200 years... (L) Does any of this have anything to do with that crazy pit at Oak Island?
A: In an offhand way.
Q: (L) How do we fit into all of this? (TK) We don't!
A: You have been the "preparation committee."
Q: (L) What have we been doing? Is it part of the plan for us to destroy the planet, destroy the ozone layer, pollute the seas and so forth to make it more habitable for them?
A: Those things are inconsequential and easily repaired.
Q: (TK) With their technology, they can fix all of that. (L) This is really horrible, you know! To think of all this... (TK) Apparently, from what I am understanding, they can't just come in and wipe us out and replace us, because the 'rules' won't allow it.
A: Yet the natural cycles within the framework of the natural order of things will allow all these things to fall into place.
Q: (L) Is there some law within the realm of these beings, sort of like the law of gravity, that prevents them from just coming in and taking over?
A: No.
Q: (TK) I don't think it is like the law of gravity...
A: What "law" is there that inhibits you from manipulating 2nd density beings at will?!?
Q: (L) Well, I don't go out and deliberately hurt or manipulate anything or anybody. (TK) Of course, in our handling of these 'critters,' we are conserving them in some ways so that we will have an ongoing food supply... (TK) I think there are rules to the game. It's like a chess game. They can't just come in and change things, it has to progress in some way. But, there are loopholes and they can sneak in and manipulate and get away with some things... (TH) Then, there aren't rules - there are just guidelines.
A: Two important points there: 1) When we said "you," we meant 3rd density collectively. 2) You missed our statement about the natural cycle and order of things almost completely. We suggest you reread and ponder... Also, what if your race is manipulated to destroy yourselves, or, just hang around until the next natural cataclysm?
Q: (TK) Well, it seems like there is another side that is trying to prevent them from gaining control. (L) Well, from what I understand, the only thing the good guys are able to do is, because of free will, they have to wait to be asked for help, and the only they thing they can really do is give information. (F) Well, this is valuable if used by the right people at the right time. (TK) You have to come up with the right questions, too. You have to have enough information to be able to come up with the right questions. I am sure the information is there. You have one group with all these people underground and they want to take over the planet. This group likes being 4th density - they don't want to advance. They want to block advancement. Then, you have the group that wants to advance; they want the natural order to proceed. This negative group wants to stay there and keep everyone they can there. (L) And because they deplete themselves and diminish in numbers, they keep having to supply their needs and existence. (TK) If, by some odd chance, the earth is the only place where people come to advance, then sooner or later it is going to stop, if these other guys take over, then it will just stop... implode. (TH) I know! The earth is a 4th density theme park! (L) We already thought of that... we all have an 'E' ticket ride! (TK) Obviously we have the information, but we haven't really dug deep enough so that we don't know the questions that we need to ask. Is this true?
A: No.
Q: (TK) Is what I was saying close to the truth?
A: Yes. Total truth is elusive.
Q: (TK) So, what I said was the gist of what is going on here. So, we have to figure out what we are supposed to do so that the earth can be maintained...
A: You will do what you will do.
Q: (TK) This is true.
A: Do you, in general, control 2nd density beings on earth?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: So, what is "fair" about that?
Q: (L) Nothing.
A: Okay, so what is the difference?!?!???
Q: (TK) So, basically, we control 2nd density, and 4th density controls us. There are the good guys and bad guys. (L) And we will do what we will do. Either we choose to align ourselves with
the good guys, or with the bad guys.
A: It's up to you.
Q: (TK) However, if too many people align themselves with the bad guys, then the balance tips in their favor, and there is no more advancement, so there has to be education so that people will
A: T***, you are close, but you are missing the point.
Q: (L) What is the point?
A: The point is, there "has to be" nothing. You will do what you will do. You choose. We have told you this repeatedly, but you still suffer from self-centered perspective.
The agenda in a nutshell: Right now Earth is sort of like a wild frontier colony for the Orion Empire. During the transition to 4D, they will modify the human genome again by releasing the hybrids to make it even more compatible with STS frequencies. The hybrids will make it possible to "incorporate" the planet into more formal ties with the Orion Empire. In addition, these hybrids are capable of carrying the soul energy, even though they are bred to be essentially psychopathic and completely controllable. If the choice is to continue along the pathway of STS, the Orions will shepherd our souls into these bodies and we will be subsumed into their collective as worker drones in their game of cosmic conquest. That is the future that Dr. Jacobs sees.

The Cassiopaeans have always maintained that a different outcome is possible with a different choice.
Yes Neil, thank you for your nutshell summation and the quotes from the C's. :shock:. That makes sense, the hybrids will breed further with the population here I expect. This would be further altering the genome.

the Orions will shepherd our souls into these bodies

The bodies will be available for souls to enter if they are compatible with the sts frequency when they come from 5D in the rebirth cycle. This could include many of the humans now inhabiting the Earth. And this is a natural cycle basically, excluding the tampering by the "aliens" with the bodies. Is this what you mean by the quote above or something else?

The C's have said the only way out of this mess is to evolve out of it, passing the grade level and becoming STS, so thats what we aspire to. They also say, these plans of 4D STS will fail. When they will fail may only be "after" the whole scenario is in place, not before. Maybe the earth changes will put a dint in the plan.

I believe Mr. Jacobs said he may be writing another book, but also said his research has come to an end. I suppose he's seen the writing on the wall as you say. Its pretty grim.
Neil said:
Seriously? You spend most of your life researching in the twilight zone and uncover this vast alien conspiracy that is very X-Files-esque, and now you've retired, whiling away the time sitting on the couch eating bonbons watching brain porn while the world burns; occasionally lamenting the probable fate of the world your children have inherited. You stupid fool.

Well, that IS his choice to make. Keel himself advised at least one of his friends, if he wanted all of the negative consequences from UFO research in his life to stop, to (paraphrasing) "leave it all behind, stop thinking about it, stop researching it, pick up a hobby and carry on with your life."

Perhaps on some level this is what Jacobs has decided to do. Just speculating...
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