Trump Assassination of Iranian General Soleimani - IRGC Counterstrike

Agreed as well.

Handling an engine failure on a twin engine jet should be a non-event for most airline pilots. The debris field and the existing reports seem to suggest that the pilots had attempted a 'u-turn' back to the airfield that they just took off from.

Since the pilots didn't make any calls to the ATC, assumption is that something catastrophic must have happened and they may have been struggling to control the airplane.
What a sad accident, tragedy, with so many Canadians that were passengers! And being an American airplane, a Boeing right? , I think so, so me too I think of sabotage.
I wonder how much, if any, of the Iran nuclear dealings under Obama and Kerry plays a part in these events? Apparently Kerry wasn't happy about Trump getting out of the deal.

Accoding to George Webb, an investigating journalist that has been on this and other dealings of some of the players in the shadows for some years, there is a stong connection with the nuclear dealings. Nuclear subs, destroyers and other weaponry went to Iran. Poroshenko and Kolomoyskyi in the ukraine. Peter Strzok, Manaford, and Marc Rich and other players in the Obama admin. Suleimani was the Iranian counterpart in these secret dealings. And 150 billions in frossen asset from the Irianian revolution that Jack Lew had access to as secretary of treasury. The same network has been selling out soviet nucleartech to the highest bidder

George Webb has drawn up a network of corruption using millitary-graded encrypted Blackberries for communication. But his videos got a lot of names flying and the presentation af the data is somewhat hard to follow for me..

I wonder how much, if any, of the Iran nuclear dealings under Obama and Kerry plays a part in these events? Apparently Kerry wasn't happy about Trump getting out of the deal.
Kerry wasn't pleased with the U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in which the U.S. sent pallets of cash to Iran.
I don't know how much money changed hands and if there were any financial kickbacks for Kerry and the US deep state involved. If there wasn't any, I don't understand what the US was seeking to gain from this "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" / Iran nuclear deal.

I read this threat comes from Iran’s Foreign Minister to expose people that took bribes to make this deal:
If Europeans stop trading with Iran and don’t put pressure on US then we will reveal which western politicians and how much money they had received during nuclear negotiations to make deal happen

Some people I'd imagine would be looking at how they'd ensure their return on investment for this deal.

It was published on SOTT:

Thanks for sharing. :-)
So, it's not enough that the propagandists tell us that Iran shot down the plane (by accident), but now the Ukrainians are searching bits and pieces of Russian made missiles!

And wow, just as I was typing this, there comes word of how "Pentagon says Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was struck by a Russia-built Tor-M1 surface-to-air missile system".

You can bet that in a few seconds, they will be blaming Russia for this. The propaganda is so moronic, it's unbelievable!
There was this on Russian site: США планировали уничтожить правительственный самолет Ирана, но сбили украинский лайнер

The first reports on the launching of missiles at US military bases in Iraq came at 02:00 Moscow time, then the first video. About half an hour later, the media reported that Iran had started a second wave of attack after another missile launch.

At 03:43 Moscow time on the website of the Pentagon there was an official statement about the missile attack. At 04:52 of the Federal Agency of aviation (FAA) announced that it would suspend flights in the skies over Iraq, Iran, the Persian and Oman gulfs.

Despite the fact that the sky over Iran closed a number of countries, at 05:38 Moscow time from Tehran departs Ukrainian civilian plane and after eight minutes falls. Several sources I am confident that the airliner shot down a us drone.

In particular, the edition Live Report says that the US planned to destroy a government plane with the persons responsible for the attack on the base in the ain al-Assad and Erbil, but was mistakenly shot down the airliner. The source said that near the scene of the tragedy found the UAV MQ-1 Predator, which is mostly in service of the United States.
Is this possible or a story?
War is really business. For everyone, Russia, Usa, Great Britain, etc. just business.
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes." ~ Smedley Butler

War is a Racket is a book by Maj. General, Smedley Darlington Butler, the most decorated Marine in history, denouncing the military industrial complex. This reenactment video is a compilation of some of his speeches. The two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit the few at the expense of many. Throughout his distinguished career in the Marines, Smedley Darlington Butler demonstrated that true patriotism does not mean blind allegiance to government policies with which one does not agree. To Hell with war.

Joe did a great interview on PressTV and really mentioned the reality of Israel involvement in all of this towards the end of the interview. This would be something to share on social media to spread the message.

Here it is on youtube for those just wishing to share the video without the Sott article part of it:
I don't know if to cry or laugh...who would take this guy seriously? :headbash:
But I guess he wants to impress his masters, but he is 'overdoing' it...because he's not too bright.

He is brother of Macron. A puppet, a clown, a slave of USA. He is also a parrot but do not have the intelligence of a parrot.
He is brother of Macron. A puppet, a clown, a slave of USA. He is also a parrot but do not have the intelligence of a parrot.
I was just reading the comments from a sott article about the incident and the commenter I think said the accident is caused by a bond or Iranian missile. I just cannot imagine in my head that the Iranians made such a mistake at this time! I’m already getting depressed about the narrative they’ll spin on this. Years of lies again it’s so draining as most of the west believe the lies.
We talk about strategic enclosure here but it’s very depressing now in the UK keeping quiet. We’ve just had Boris and the Tory’s who got voted in by majority and now this. Friends and colleagues will be spouting on about the evil Iranians :headbash:. I for one are sick and tired of it all the never ending spin and games been played on a global level. I did have a laugh earlier that our news channels are throwing coverage at the Royals Prince Harry and Meghan want cut back on their duties but of course stay on the pay roll:rotfl: ridiculous.
Sorry to rant.
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