Three Months Left of 2012 - Register Your Predictions HERE!

I don't think anything big will happen on 12/21. I just think that the rest of this year will be a continued worsening of what is alredy happening. I do keep thinking that 2013 will bring about bigger catastrophic changes, however.

I wouldn't say that I'm worried or nervous. I seem to be more chilled out than ever. My concentration right now is on applying what I've learned to my everyday life. I do have concern about the people around me who are totally oblivious and talk about the future as if nothing at all will change and their lives will follow a safe, predictable path.

This is a very interesting time to be alive and I'm thankful i'm able to witness it all. It's both hellish and fascinating at the same time.
kenlee said:
bngenoh said:
I guess I can say that I've moved into acceptance and that has resulted in a kind of abandon which itself has yielded a calm and soft serenity. After going the rounds with various scenarios, you're just left with yourself and your choices and since the future is open, the scenarios themselves become unimportant, merely something to guide if needed.

Maybe a good way of looking at it is to find a way to become calm when/if things should change quickly and abruptly. Then be ready and in front of that stress even before it arrives. Much like a fighter who is loose and agile and can pivot at at any point when required in an intensly stressful situation (easier said then done of course). The only thing about a "calm and soft serenity" is that I think it can be another manifestation of wishful thinking if one is not very well prepared beforehand in dealing with the experience of sudden stress that can come with quick and intense change. Of course the EE breathing, resistance training and the diet along with the psychological work is the best thing for that.

The fighter analogy is perfect kenlee, like water, being able to flow but also crash. The state I refer to is like that, to give an example, yesterday, I laughed, I mean really laughed, almost with my whole body, I realize that I haven't laughed like that since I was a child, it was a flow from within but the state was still maintained, it is a kind of reservoir. So I can still respond to the needs of the situation.
anart said:
Laura said:
Those people who have awareness of potential famines, political and economic upheavals, possible cometary events, just by constantly acquiring knowledge about our reality and the people within it, who then activate that knowledge by making whatever preparations are available to them to make, are basically in the ACTIVE/CREATIVE mode. They are acting based on knowledge, SEEing, DOing, investing their talents, giving their mite, keeping their lamps filled and prepared. JUST BEING IN THAT ACTIVE MODE is more important than that you are able to achieve some sort of "total preparedness." Learning, SEEing, DOing SENDS OUT A SIGNAL

As the Cs said:

'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

This is SUCH an important post - it should be the introduction chapter in a "Handbook of Being Human: Surviving the Experiment". You've summed up the entire point so concisely. If everyone could just deeply grasp and apply the above, entire worlds would shift.

Following up on my last post, the above makes me think of something else...

On the one hand, we have the idea that maybe preparing for potential futures based on reading the signs is a useful endeavor for several reasons, one of which would be that it might even change the future in a positive direction.

On the other hand, I think it's also possible to become so involved in "preparing" for possible futures that we forget what is really important. I could think of a million different possible futures, and try to prepare for each one, but if I'm not really "in the moment" and truly focused on the Signs, I might end up going the whole "off the grid, stocked up, and ready for Armageddon" route (with my trusty Bible, of course!).

As I see it, the problem with the second route is that the focus is on physical survival no matter the cost, and the cost may very well be that instead of truly serving others, I'm just obsessed with saving myself - and then justifying it by saying I'm reading the signs and acting accordingly.

Or, looked at another way, instead of just seeing the signs and preparing, I could go overboard and effectively shut out or reduce the possibility of a better future because I'm so fixated on the negative possible futures. I mean this in a sort of "you get back what you give" type of creating one's own reality. It's kind of like when you are just SURE that everyone is out to get you, so you push other people away without realizing it... and then suddenly, everyone is pushed away and you've fulfilled your own prophecy. Probably not the best analogy, but it'll have to do.

So, I think it can be a rather fine line to walk, and I always try to ask myself if what I am doing is serving the greater good, and serving others, or not. If I See something, and I decide to prepare for it, do I just take certain steps and then let the chips fall where they may, or do I end up obsessing about it? It's always the "obsession" part that seems to indicate that I've gone off the tracks.

Can I act in preparation for something I See as a message to the Universe that says, "Oh boy, I see it! I'm gettin' ready!", or do I get "lost in the role" so to speak?
I am not worried or concerned at all, I actually feel content and at peace . Don't know why because economic and political news are not the best but that's the way I feel.
maryjk_99 said:
So little is known of the spirituality of these paleolithic peoples.
They could be us! If time as we know it does not exist, we are not forced to experience cometary destruction, which is but one possible point for Earth out of infinite possible points. Imagine, what if there were only one cometary disaster, but humanity keeps coming back to it again and again and again, so they reason it must be a "natural cycle". Does the Universe want to be loved/known - and it finally got our attention through impending doom? So we prep by filling ourselves with knowledge of It: which was what It wanted all along.

Look at it in this topsy-turvy way. The Paleolithic people - they have our diet, they have our christianity, they have outlandish technology that only weirdos like us would appreciate, they have an Ice Age which we're about to have... What was their lesson that they should be where they were? It wasn't the "Far Country". And in the end, they left.

[quote author=The Law of One Session 89]Questioner: What was your reason for leaving?

Ra: I am Ra. We wished to be of service.[/quote]

And just in time for the "next" cometary disaster, apparently. But here's my thought: did they leave to escape destruction, or did the reality they were leaving "self-destruct" because they left it (i.e. no longer needed it)?

P.S. What will the New Agers say? Perhaps same as they said for 2003 - something big happened but you were all saved by Tom Dick and Harry.
I'm not especially apprehensive about the so-called "Mayan prophecy" associated with the date December 21, 2012. As someone else explained in the thread above, it is just the last date of an admittedly farsighted, impressively precise astronomical calendar, similar to December 31 of our modern annual calendar. We don't imagine any danger that the world will end on December 31 every year, so likewise there's no reason to think that the world will end this coming December 21 or thereabouts either.

In the mists of prehistoric time there might have been fears that the sun wouldn't return from its winter retreat, thus the development of the winter solstice festival tradition that western Christianity appropriated from earlier cultures and we now call Christmas. We even kept the ancient timing that waits a fews days following the solstice to celebrate, just to make sure that the days start to get longer again.

Except for relatively few New Age charlatans and their impressionable followers, very few people give any credence to the Mayan prophecy fairy tale. Even rather gullible people who cheerfully believe Oswald shot JFK and 9/11 was pulled off by Bin Ladin from his cave in Afghanistan regard the Mayan prophecy as laughable.

Therefore that date can't be of much use to the powers that be for instilling fear in the populace or providing a background legend behind its malicious skullduggery.

However, that's not to say that the world isn't faced with some dire circumstances, or that things haven't been getting worse in several dimensions, or don't all seem to be coming to a head. It is, they have been, and they are. We are in the midst of interesting times that have been developing for several hundred years, up 'til now.

And these are just the self-inflicted problems of our apparent inability to properly manage our societies and stewardship of the planet. Add to these problems the cosmic neighborhood, solar system, earth and climate changes we're starting to see and things start to become very concerning. Add the paranormal, evidence of extra- or ultra-terrestrials, and the dominance of psychopaths, and it gets spooky.

Do I anticipate a major catastrophe or upheaval between now and the end of this year? There are lots of things that could happen, but I don't expect that anything in particular will occur within the next three months.

Sure, Israel could go rabid dog crazy and start a war with Iran, possibly leading to WWIII and maybe a nuclear holocaust, or at least its certain and final destruction. On balance, that might be worth the cost if WWIII is avoided, although one has to doubt that Iran would think so and the world economy might suffer grave damage.

If America got dragged into war with Iran by Israel, that would likely mean the end of several US Navy carrier battle groups and the decimation of its ground forces, and whether or not it led to nuclear war with Russia and China, it would also spell the demise of NATO and put paid to American pretensions of military domination of the world. That would be a good thing, as the US hasn't won a war since WWII, not counting muggings like Panama and Grenada, and it was chased out of Iraq and is losing badly in Afghanistan. Then it might stop funding its military complex.

Or the European banking cartel charade might blow up and cause the dissolution of the European Union, which certainly would be no picnic. But in the long run that would be for the best, because the Euro was doomed from the start without a real political union to provide a fiscal base, and Germany can't take Europe by stealth.

Perhaps the powers that be might unleash some genetically engineered plague, a real one rather than another one of its periodic vaccination scares to weaken the masses. That seems unlikely though, if only because plagues can get out of hand as the world and its leaders learned during the "Spanish Flu" pandemic after WWI. No, the powers that be prefer to poison much of the world's population slowly with GM crops and chemical herbicides and pesticides, and sterilize those that survive.

Otherwise, meteor or comet impacts are by definition unpredictable, so there's no reason to think such events might be any more likely within the next three months as opposed to the next three, thirty, three hundred or three thousand years if ever.

I have no opinion about whether or not we are about to receive some alien visitors.

However, it does seem the weather is shaping up to be a very cold winter this year.

In terms of changes in society, I sense that people all around the world are getting fed up with their so-called leaders, as well as the psychopaths behind them. It is a palpable undercurrent in the developed countries in the US and Europe and even more evident in many less developed nations, especially in the Middle East lately.

However, I don't foresee revolts in western countries or any popular revolutions in the near term. Instead, I think people might decide to network with their neighbors a little more, maybe move their money out of large banks into smaller, local banks, choose to form and work for cooperatives rather than big, imperious corporations, and look to their own preparedness to survive and the health of their communities.

After getting ready for a cold winter, those seem to me like worthwhile things to do.
Mr. Scott said:
On the one hand, we have the idea that maybe preparing for potential futures based on reading the signs is a useful endeavor for several reasons, one of which would be that it might even change the future in a positive direction.

On the other hand, I think it's also possible to become so involved in "preparing" for possible futures that we forget what is really important. I could think of a million different possible futures, and try to prepare for each one, but if I'm not really "in the moment" and truly focused on the Signs, I might end up going the whole "off the grid, stocked up, and ready for Armageddon" route (with my trusty Bible, of course!).

As I see it, the problem with the second route is that the focus is on physical survival no matter the cost, and the cost may very well be that instead of truly serving others, I'm just obsessed with saving myself - and then justifying it by saying I'm reading the signs and acting accordingly.

Or, looked at another way, instead of just seeing the signs and preparing, I could go overboard and effectively shut out or reduce the possibility of a better future because I'm so fixated on the negative possible futures. I mean this in a sort of "you get back what you give" type of creating one's own reality. It's kind of like when you are just SURE that everyone is out to get you, so you push other people away without realizing it... and then suddenly, everyone is pushed away and you've fulfilled your own prophecy. Probably not the best analogy, but it'll have to do.

So, I think it can be a rather fine line to walk, and I always try to ask myself if what I am doing is serving the greater good, and serving others, or not. If I See something, and I decide to prepare for it, do I just take certain steps and then let the chips fall where they may, or do I end up obsessing about it? It's always the "obsession" part that seems to indicate that I've gone off the tracks.

Can I act in preparation for something I See as a message to the Universe that says, "Oh boy, I see it! I'm gettin' ready!", or do I get "lost in the role" so to speak?

Great post Mr. Scott.
What is really important?
"I'm gettin' ready", serving the greater good here and now. What else is needed?
Eboard10 said:
Laura said:
Elisa said:
As far as I am concerned, I am taking things as they come trying not to be worry in advance, despite the bleak future we are faced against.My daily
life is full of activities as always. At the moment I am copying the best I can with a terrible pain in my leg due to herniated discks in my back.

Apart from this, my biggest concern now is to get ready for winter time, the cold temperatures really affect me.

Regarding the predictions, I do not think the word will end this december. I hope that when the wave colapse should take place, there would be the
sufficient number of awaken people to be able to hold he frecuency an prevent the negative polaritazion.

Elisa, have you read the Ketogenic Diet thread? Have you looked into the Taping Technique. Even if you can't get access to kinesio tape, you can use some slightly stretchy bandaging tape if you can get someone to apply it. It realy, REALLY helps with healing such things. Been there, done that.

This would certainly be an example of gathering knowledge and applying it.

Elisa, you may also want to apply some DMSO on your legs. I found that the combination of kinesio tape and applying DMSO topically was very beneficial to my knee pain.

Hi Elboard10,

In fact I had thought in DMSO but I am not able to get it here in Spain. So far, my search had not been fruitful.

I hope your knee is better. Thanks.
anart said:
Laura said:
For me, this was one of the more impressive discussions with the Cs. It put a whole different perspective on everything. It made me re-think many other things even such as predicted "alien invasions". When you recall that the Cs remarked that the 4D battles represent to us as WEATHER and earth changes (earthquakes, volcanoes, comets and asteroids, etc) it makes you look at everything in a different way. That's why I keep saying: the Alien/UFO phenomenon is a PARANORMAL phenomenon, in many respects, and there will be NO DISCLOSURE for that reason. The aliens aren't 3D invaders to be disclosed! That's also why I keep making the remark: "Who needs aliens when we have psychopaths?"

I'm not leaving out the 4D influences, the hyperdimensional realities - in fact, I am taking them more into account than ever, what I am trying to say to people is being a literalist in interpreting these things only gets you bitten on the backside.

Read John Keel's books and you'll see what we are dealing with here. I'm really trying to convey this principle of 4D interactions with our planet via weather, planetary catastrophes, plague, etc, in the book I'm presently working on.

Also, the concept of KNOWLEDGE being the key to transitioning is supremely important. All you have to do is think about the Parable of the Talents to get the point. It really isn't important that you have "supreme knowledge" or that you are totally prepared by virtue of that supreme knowledge, what is important is what you do with what you have! Another useful parable is that of the 10 Wise Virgins. Then, there is the "Widow's Mite" principle. If a person is doing all they can with what they have, and the AIM is to contribute to the STO position, then if there are energies of transition/ change/ whatever, those energies will "frequency resonance" match to yours and you don't have to get your knickers in a knot of fear.

If you are just doing all you can to gather knowledge, to apply what knowledge you DO have to whatever is set before you each day, with an overarching AIM of "knowing the truth that sets us free" (keep in mind that "knowing" is also LOVE), and being connected to a network striving to strengthen the STO reality/position, you'll be okay!

It's not perfection that is important, it is the STRIVING, the continued movement, the refusal to stagnate, the constant efforts to give and help in whatever way is available to you that counts.

These are ideas that have come to me in the writing of "Moses" because when I write, I go into a somewhat altered state and all kinds of things just sort themselves out somehow.

Those people who have awareness of potential famines, political and economic upheavals, possible cometary events, just by constantly acquiring knowledge about our reality and the people within it, who then activate that knowledge by making whatever preparations are available to them to make, are basically in the ACTIVE/CREATIVE mode. They are acting based on knowledge, SEEing, DOing, investing their talents, giving their mite, keeping their lamps filled and prepared. JUST BEING IN THAT ACTIVE MODE is more important than that you are able to achieve some sort of "total preparedness." Learning, SEEing, DOing SENDS OUT A SIGNAL

As the Cs said:

'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

This is SUCH an important post - it should be the introduction chapter in a "Handbook of Being Human: Surviving the Experiment". You've summed up the entire point so concisely. If everyone could just deeply grasp and apply the above, entire worlds would shift.

Indeed, and it is so good to be reminded of this at this time.
I was never worried about 2012 - I dismissed this prophecy long time ago as clear dis info, but I am sure we don't have much time left . Way too many things to do both internally and externally - I have this constant feeling of not having enough time left to accomplish it all. Sometimes this can be paralyzing or disheartening at best. Thank you Laura for this wonderful insight which re-instills hope.
Bo said:
Not worried either, except working on having enough canned food ready for my familly and other survival stuff that might come in handy in case we physically survive 2013/2014

but I have a wild thought on what could/maybe/ happen in december;

A comet hitting a city, making breaking news, then being covered up as it being an attack by iran. U.S/Israel will then attack Iran. While this invasion/distraction is going on, another small city will perhaps be hit by a comet, then more propaganda hitting the news that Iran is bombing other cities.

Then in 2013, when Iran is pretty much in ruins and millions of innocent people have died. A period of calmness will occur and people will go on with their lives as if nothing has happenend. Until the downpour begins.

I have been thinking along the lines of this post by Bo. I have a European holiday organised but I specifically wanted to be back in Oz before late December and I don't think it was only Christmas on my mind.

What bothers me most is I'm no way ready in terms of stored food or survival supplies, these last 7 months have been taken up re-arranging my life so I can get started on seriously preparing for what's coming, hopefully later rather than sooner.
Mr. Scott said:
anart said:
Laura said:
Those people who have awareness of potential famines, political and economic upheavals, possible cometary events, just by constantly acquiring knowledge about our reality and the people within it, who then activate that knowledge by making whatever preparations are available to them to make, are basically in the ACTIVE/CREATIVE mode. They are acting based on knowledge, SEEing, DOing, investing their talents, giving their mite, keeping their lamps filled and prepared. JUST BEING IN THAT ACTIVE MODE is more important than that you are able to achieve some sort of "total preparedness." Learning, SEEing, DOing SENDS OUT A SIGNAL

As the Cs said:

'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

This is SUCH an important post - it should be the introduction chapter in a "Handbook of Being Human: Surviving the Experiment". You've summed up the entire point so concisely. If everyone could just deeply grasp and apply the above, entire worlds would shift.

Following up on my last post, the above makes me think of something else...

On the one hand, we have the idea that maybe preparing for potential futures based on reading the signs is a useful endeavor for several reasons, one of which would be that it might even change the future in a positive direction.

On the other hand, I think it's also possible to become so involved in "preparing" for possible futures that we forget what is really important. I could think of a million different possible futures, and try to prepare for each one, but if I'm not really "in the moment" and truly focused on the Signs, I might end up going the whole "off the grid, stocked up, and ready for Armageddon" route (with my trusty Bible, of course!).

As I see it, the problem with the second route is that the focus is on physical survival no matter the cost, and the cost may very well be that instead of truly serving others, I'm just obsessed with saving myself - and then justifying it by saying I'm reading the signs and acting accordingly.

Or, looked at another way, instead of just seeing the signs and preparing, I could go overboard and effectively shut out or reduce the possibility of a better future because I'm so fixated on the negative possible futures. I mean this in a sort of "you get back what you give" type of creating one's own reality. It's kind of like when you are just SURE that everyone is out to get you, so you push other people away without realizing it... and then suddenly, everyone is pushed away and you've fulfilled your own prophecy. Probably not the best analogy, but it'll have to do.

So, I think it can be a rather fine line to walk, and I always try to ask myself if what I am doing is serving the greater good, and serving others, or not. If I See something, and I decide to prepare for it, do I just take certain steps and then let the chips fall where they may, or do I end up obsessing about it? It's always the "obsession" part that seems to indicate that I've gone off the tracks.

Can I act in preparation for something I See as a message to the Universe that says, "Oh boy, I see it! I'm gettin' ready!", or do I get "lost in the role" so to speak?
That's a good point you've made there, something similar has been nagging away at the back of my mind about this too. Your point of being "in the moment", the here and now, and of truly serving others is something that's been occupying my mind, and it's looking like that may be a cost of the focus on preparing, etc Certainly it hit me the other day in that am I rely doing anything to serve others effectively. What brought it home was when I was out walking with two others who were talking about their charity time contributions, and I thought, 'what am I doing that's really helping other people at the moment, in the here and now?' After all, as the C's have said 'The future is open.'
Quote from: Laura on Yesterday at 02:46:11 PM
The question has been asked in the thread: how are all the new agers going to explain the probable NON-event? Rather like the Y2K madness that didn't go anywhere.

Quote from: Keit on Yesterday at 03:52:39 PM
They are going to claim that aliens saved us, or there has been a shift, and we are now living in a different timeline! Or collective consciousness of goodness has modified the future, and we made the move to the new era, just without the unfortunate circumstances. Basically, anything to resolve the cognitive dissonance.


If a person is doing all they can with what they have, and the AIM is to contribute to the STO position, then if there are energies of transition/ change/ whatever, those energies will "frequency resonance" match to yours and you don't have to get your knickers in a knot of fear.

If you are just doing all you can to gather knowledge, to apply what knowledge you DO have to whatever is set before you each day, with an overarching AIM of "knowing the truth that sets us free" (keep in mind that "knowing" is also LOVE), and being connected to a network striving to strengthen the STO reality/position, you'll be okay!

It's not perfection that is important, it is the STRIVING, the continued movement, the refusal to stagnate, the constant efforts to give and help in whatever way is available to you that counts.

These are ideas that have come to me in the writing of "Moses" because when I write, I go into a somewhat altered state and all kinds of things just sort themselves out somehow.

Those people who have awareness of potential famines, political and economic upheavals, possible cometary events, just by constantly acquiring knowledge about our reality and the people within it, who then activate that knowledge by making whatever preparations are available to them to make, are basically in the ACTIVE/CREATIVE mode. They are acting based on knowledge, SEEing, DOing, investing their talents, giving their mite, keeping their lamps filled and prepared. JUST BEING IN THAT ACTIVE MODE is more important than that you are able to achieve some sort of "total preparedness." Learning, SEEing, DOing SENDS OUT A SIGNAL

Thank you Laura for restating this important message—I think I am finally beginning to hear it—dense as I have been for so long. I have been locked into to thinking that unless I can produce correct/near-perfect results then my actions are pointless and not worth the effort—hence the inertia that I have been fighting for so long.
“Progress not perfection” is a useful thought.

To answer your questions: most of the time I feel calm and grateful, and appreciative of the beauty still available in the midst of all the suffering and horror all around us on this mad planet. I worry about my loved ones and other people who are unprepared with knowledge and unable to do any preparations, mentally, spiritually, and physically. I worry that my own efforts will not be enough to help the Frequency raising necessary, although I am recently started on a more active path of service and action thanks to the help from networking here on the Forum.

I predict that, other than the possibility of war with Iran breaking out, nothing unusually momentous will happen before Dec. 21st. If a comet explosion does happen that is large enough to be noticed and do serious damage, then it will be attributed to a “nuke attack” and co-opted as an excuse to ramp the war machine in more places. The rest of the chaos, food shortages, economic meltdown, extreme weather, will continue to get worse. This winter will be disastrously cold and snowy for the Northern hemisphere. “Plague”/flu of some sort will begin around March as Comet activity ramps up and strengthens. May the Divine Cosmic Mind bless us all.
Well as far as the 2012 hysteria is concerned, I think that it'll depend on the current population's anticipation(s). If so many people are concerned by it, the PTB could very well use that to make up some fasle-flag event that'll reinforce the hysteria/fear/paranoia and all sorts of other behaviors. If people, on the other hand, do not feel much concerned by it anymore, they could just go on with something else (they most likely have many cards in their hands).

With this year's harsh summer, many crops have been destroyed. The result is a rise in prices and loss of production (grains and animals that feed on it). So if the PTB go on with a fasle doomsday prophecy (or whatever), people could go mad because they will want to stock on food that is either absent or overpriced.

I also think a major war could be declared anytime now. Provocation is going wild, especially with that crappy movie that has somehow triggered (again) massive destructive protestation/behaviors through Muslim people. Not to mention the economic situation that seems to be hagning only by a small string over oblivion and that is 'forcing' (so to speak) the PTB to adopt severe austerity measures which usually are not convenient for the less fortunate (like massive cut-downs in public services).

Also, depending on how things go, the PTB could very well feel like another major false-flag attack is required to induce greater negative emotional states like fear, paranoia, hysteria, violence and take the opportunity to apply even greater 'security measures' to protect people against themselves and/or others (be them real or not).

So I guess that the most important factor here is indeed the world population's state(s) of mind. I'm pretty sure the PTB can monitor this one way or another and will act accordignly to make sure it has the greatest impact(s).

Let's wait and see. Anybody want a cig? :cool2:
Keit said:
They are going to claim that aliens saved us, or there has been a shift, and we are now living in a different timeline! Or collective consciousness of goodness has modified the future, and we made the move to the new era, just without the unfortunate circumstances. Basically, anything to resolve the cognitive dissonance. :)

Oh that is quite possible indeed!

But then, we still wouldn't be left in a better world at all. We would only be left in a collapsing world that has not ended on december the 21st like it was 'supposed to'. So then, what have these aliens done? Saved us from a non-existant threat that was supposed to happen just because the poor Mayans had finally decided to stop their calendar at that date because they were tired?

On another note, I forgot to say how I feel about all this.

Am I worried? Not much about what's most likely to happen but still somehow a bit. I just want to be able to keep with the Work and you guys and be able to do all I have to do despite my current situation (mostly a money issue here).

What's on my mind? The Work.
I'm worried and nervous when I think on the moment when hell break loose and all havoc will come near to me and friends and family, I do not think it will come this December, though. Although in many parts of the world, to people, hell is already a living. To know that each passing day that kind of situation could be too near… so I have been thinking that when that moment comes, I/we? Will have a lot of work and Work to do –say for an example, a big earthquake shakes the city badly for buildings collapsing or big enough meteorite crash in a populate area, and it would be convenient to be in “good shape”, for me, so I would be able to help others. I do know that diet is important, I had been observing it on simple things, but I know I need to keep reading the threads and applying more the basics and not get sidetracked easily. I am more concerned about my own psychology and it “w/Works” directly with the diet issue. Make it “a learning” and continue to the next lesson. Working and working is what occupies my mind.
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