Themes I find interesting that forum members might not know


Padawan Learner
First of all, I want to apologize for how I have behaved on the forum. I had not included any context to themes I mentioned. I will leave below a list of themes I find interesting you maybe do not know. Perhaps the list could inspire some questions to the Cassiopaeans, but I hope it will at least entertain and open you all to some wondering. So let's get start (now correctly!)

1) Cicada 3301.
It is was a puzzle released on the Internet with the purported intent of recruiting "intelligent individual''. Cicada 3301 has been described as "the most elaborate and mysterious puzzle of the internet age". Of note, the USA Navy was later inspired by it to launch the Project Architeuthis, a puzzle that also had the goal of recruitment

2) Vela Incident
It was an giant flare that happened on the Atlantic Ocean, close to South Africa. The phenomenon was only identified due to satellite imagery. A hypothesis for the happening was a nuclear explosion done by South Africa in collaboration with the Israelis. To the record, the African country did hold nukes in the past. But no evidence of a nuclear testing was found. A channel called Real Life Lore made a video about the event, if you want to know more details, this is the link:

3) Ion Mihai Pacepa
It was the highest authority to ever defect of a Communist block country (Romenia). After his escape, he made several claims about the doings regarding leaders from behind the Iron Curtain, among them he mentioned the Romenians had a radiological weapon called Radu (capable of inducing cancer) and how Marxists tried to infiltrate and destroy the West from within.

4) Area 51 caller desperate phone call
A radio program received phone call from a desperate man claiming to work in Area 51 and how the government. Here is a link of the conversation that ensued, I advise that the call caused me some distress, the caller was truly desperate.

5) Urantia book
It is a book that claims to have been written by ''superior beings''. It deals with topics such as Spirituality, Philosophy, and the role of Humanity. It puts an emphasis on Jesus Christ, but the information presented about him is different of what the Bible says. Many people like the book as a science fiction work, even the famous skeptic Martin Gardner praised the book and considered it an ''impressive work''.

6) Costa Rica spheres
They are several person-sized stone spheres found in the country, their use remains unknown.

7) The Naga Fireballs
Purported luminous spheres that leave the Mekong river (it flows through China, Thailand, and Vietnam). It is maybe the most relevant ufological phenomenon to happen in Southeast Asia

8) Kervran's biological transmutation
A French researcher who claimed finding proof of biological transmutation after realizing chicken could produce calcium egg shells without including the element on their diet.

9) Lakhovsky antennas
Circular antennas that purportedly are capable of improving health through scalarwaves. Here a link of a page providing more details:

10) Experimental Life Energy meter
It is a meter sold by a website called Heliognosis. This device only move its clockhands when in front of crystals and biological materials. Many people have tested it and posted videos on YouTube.

11) What caused the Hollinweel Incident?
In 1980 three hundred children suffered fainting attacks in an English county, the cause remains unknown.

14) Konstantin Meyl's expanding earth due to neutrinos theory.
Konstantin is a scientist who claim Earth grows and it happens due to neutrinos from sun. He also claims to neutrinos and scalar waves are the same and that he has built an transmissor capable of sending it faster than light. Here his website:

15) Pioneer anomaly
The probe increased its speed for no known reason, one theory for the cause was thermal recoil force.

16) Kelly Hopkinsville beings
Beings that scared a family that do not exactly seem to be grays.

17) Pascoula Abduction being
Two fishermen were abducted by beings that do not seem anything like lizzies, greys, or mantids. I wonder why they would be that different. Below a drawing of these beings.

18) Viktor Schauberger
An Austrian inventor who believed spiral motion could make water healthier. Allegedly he helped the Nazis to build a flying saucer capable of using spiral motion of air.

19) Searl Effect
A new magnetic effect that could enhance our current technology, it has been extensively by a guy called Jason Verbelli, here he leaves an explanation for the supposed phenomenon. He also is engaged on research on water structurizers, nanobubbles

Jason's Facebook account (I recommend visiting his Facebook! He posts many interesting ideas).

27) Dan Winter's structured water.
A guy who makes claims similar to those of Viktor Schauberger, he even sells the so-called water structurizers. People have claimed it indeed helps plant growth, here I leave two videos from people who have tested it (I do not know if they used the same devices Dan Winter sells).

(By the way, I totally recommend the channel OmegaZZ!)

28) Viktor Grebbenikov
Russian guy who claimed having unraveled the secrets of scalar waves through the study of beetles and even built a levitation platform.

29) Walter Russell
He was a mystic who authored of A New Concept of the Universe and The Secret of Light, he presents an original understanding of the universe.

30) Book The Secret Life of Plants
It presents the works of Cleve Backster, who claims having proven plants have emotion by attaching poligraphys in them.

32) Chico Xavier
Brazilian medium that to this day is a true celebrity in Brazil.

33) Varginha ET incident
The most famous ufological case in Brazil. Three girls said having met a red-eyed critter with three protuberances on its head (not the everyday gray!). The army got oddly involved on the search for creature and, among other strange happenings, a soldier called Marco Eli participated on the hunt and, a little after, died, the official death cause was pneumonia (this reminds of what Phil Schneider told about these humanoids being walking biological weapons which have germs our imune system is just helpless)

34) Calonel Fawcett and his search for the ''City Z'' in Brazil
An archeologist who went to the Amazon forest to find a lost city, he never came back. Curiosity: he was an inspiration for creating Indiana Jones.

35) Is Karl Brugger's The Chronicle of Akanor
An author who wrote about Colonel Fawcett and died under very suspicious circumstances.

36) Villas Boas case
An interesting case in Brazil that happened 4 years before Barnet and Betty Incident. A farmer who was kidnapped by armored beings from a flying saucer; on the craft he received a substance on his skin that turned him sexually active. Later he was introduced to a female hybrid with whom he had a sexual intercourse. On the end, he even tried to take a box to use a proof for the happening, but was prevented by one of the beings. The humanoids were armored thus he could not spot their organic features, I imagine they were human hybrids too.

37) Lead Masks Case
In Brazil two guys wearing lead masks were found dead, no cause of death was identified. A waiteress Added to that, with them was found a message ''16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal mask''. A waitress who met them a little before told one of them seemed very nervous and always checked out time.

38) The only successful escape from Alcatraz
In 1962 three inmates from Alcatraz escaped to never be seen again. I wonder maybe the cause was mundane, they might have drowned and were taken away by water current. But I also think it plausible they were allowed to escape to be caught in the act and then sent to some human experimentation facility (just a guess of mine). Anyway, I would love to know what happened to them.

39) Dan Cooper
A man who hijacked a plane and escaped by parachuting.

40) Patanela Yatch
A Yatch that disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

41) Roman dodecahedrons
Several Roman objects in the shape of dodecahedrons have been found. Their use is still disputed.

42) the Great Sheep Panic
An 19th century happening in which thousands of sheep escaped from their farms. According to the Times at that time, "malicious mischief was out of the question because a thousand men could not have frightened and released all these sheep."

43) Rodin Coils
Coilds in form of torus (spirals) that many claim have special effects, such as free energy. Jason Verbelli also experiments with them.

44) Roanoke Colony
A whole village that disappeared in the 16th century

45) Geopolymer theory for the building of the pyramids
A materials scientist called Joseph Davidovits proposed the Pyramids' blocks are not carved stone, but a form of limestone concrete or man-made stone.

46) Who was Zodiac Killer
The most famous unsolved murder case in American history (once there was question about Jack the Ripper's identity, I think one about this other case would be reasonable)

47) Giants on Pantagonia
Europeans had described giants on the region when they visited it.

48) Oaksville Jelly
Unknown gelatinous substances reported on Oaksville.

49) Romanian Karpen's Pile
A Romanian battery built in the 50's that still produces electricity, it is currently kept on a museum. Interestinly, it looks like Marcus Reid's crystal batteries.

50) Thrive documentary's proposal of torus shape and flower of life as the universe basis
A 2011 documentary called Thrive proposed the basis of the universe are the torus flow (a kind of spiral) and the geometry on the flower of life. It even states free energy machines need to use this toroidal flow to get energy. I am quite convinced about spirals being the key to the universe.

51) Klerksdorp spheres
Small spherical ''objects'' found by miners in South Africa

52) Betz sphere
A weird sphere found by a family who told it would sometimes move on its own and follow family members.
Wow! You certainly hit a wide range of my wonderings over the years. I was just recently thinking about the Urantia book. I believe that I have read it three times, but in many years past. Wondering what the C's would have to say about it and the information that it contains. Has it been asked? Personally, I would love an expanded inspection of every subject that you listed. I find all very interesting. Thanks
Wow! You certainly hit a wide range of my wonderings over the years. I was just recently thinking about the Urantia book. I believe that I have read it three times, but in many years past. Wondering what the C's would have to say about it and the information that it contains. Has it been asked? Personally, I would love an expanded inspection of every subject that you listed. I find all very interesting. Thanks
I remember a comment from Laura about it, it was something like: "boring". The other point is, I clearly remember there was huge stacks of this book in the bookshop when it appeared. So it made me instantly suspicious.
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I remember a comment from Laura about it, it was something like: "boring". The other point is, I clearly remember there was huge stacks of this book in the bookshop when it appeared. So it made me instantly suspicious.
A personal guess of mine: I think the Urantia book was psy-op intended to plumb how much the government was capable of influencing people. But I would like to read it one day because it has been very well acclaimed as a literary work and also because even false stories mean something; at least, the very intentions of those from above and what they want us to believe. Knowing lies is useful to identify truth.
Wow! You certainly hit a wide range of my wonderings over the years. I was just recently thinking about the Urantia book. I believe that I have read it three times, but in many years past. Wondering what the C's would have to say about it and the information that it contains. Has it been asked? Personally, I would love an expanded inspection of every subject that you listed. I find all very interesting. Thanks
My two cents about the Urantia book: it was a psy-op done to measure how people could be influenced. But I would like to read it for its acclaim as a literary work and also because even lies mean something, at least they can show what those in the top want us to believe.
4) Area 51 caller desperate phone call
A radio program received phone call from a desperate man claiming to work in Area 51 and how the government. Here is a link of the conversation that ensued, I advise that the call caused me some distress, the caller was truly desperate.
The C's were asked about this in the 10 december 2022 session

(Rancho Relaxo) In September 11, 1997, the radio host Art Bell took a call from a "frantic man" claimed to be an ex-Area 51 employee, was it real or a hoax?

Caller [voice breaking up with apparent suppressed crying]: OK, um, um, OK, what we're thinking of as aliens, Art, they're extra-dimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the space program they made contact with. They are not what they claim to be. They've infiltrated a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the Area 51.

The disasters that are coming, they, the military, [long pause] I'm sorry, the government knows about them. And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now, Art.

Art: So they're not doing, not doing anything.

Caller: They are not. They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable...."

A: Real.
The Pioneer anomaly is likely related to the flyby anomaly which Ark asked about in the 11/28/2009 session:
(Ark) I have a question. I need to explain. Two weeks ago, {there was an incident involving] a cosmic probe sent by ESA in Paris - it was sent in 2004 - and it is supposed to reach a comet that is coming to earth. It's supposed to reach this comet in 2014 and accompany this comet to the earth. Now this probe in 2005 and 2007 came in a close approach to earth. First it goes like that {gestures making sweeping motion} and getting speed, and then it will go to reach the comet. Now in 2005 and 2007 when the probe was doing this swing by the earth, they experienced what they called "swingby anomalies". It was observed by some radar station in Arizona. Then it gets observed by another station. It's getting tracked in Australia. And in the meantime something happens to this probe: it gets a kick. This trajectory changes, and no one knows why and no one understands. And it happens twice. The third time and the last it was two weeks ago on the 13th of November that this probe was last time doing the swing-by. So they were now ready to catch the anomaly, to track it continuously. This time, no anomaly happened! It was an anomalous anomaly! (laughter) Similar things happened to American probes Galileo and another one that even I was working on when I was in the US, NEAR, near-earth whatever detecting asteroids - anomalies - gravitational anomalies. And of course there are like twenty different theories how to explain: "Do we need a new theory of gravity? Was Einstein wrong? Is it dark matter? Is it some effect related to macroscopic quantum phenomenon?" Because it was a kick: change of velocity suddenly. So, my question is, can we have a hint what causes similar anomalies that no one understands?

A: Partly gravitational and partly observational in the sense that observation can enhance or cancel gravity. The power of mind and anticipation, take a lesson!

Also related is the Oumuamua space rock. From the 12/1/2018 session:
(Joe) Is the Oumuamua space rock an alien spaceship or probe?

A: Just wait a bit longer and all will become clear.

Q: (Joe) It's funny because they've been talking about it again and again. The speeding up and slowing down was reported by these Harvard people at the beginning of this year. They started talking about it again. So they keep bringing it up.

A: Recall that a spacecraft leaving your solar system experienced the same effect though at a greater distance?

Q: (L) And what spacecraft was that?

(Scottie) I don't remember exactly. Voyager or something? I remember reading about how it was speeding up and slowing down and they didn't know why.

(Ark) Pioneer.

(L) So it happened to our spacecraft against its programming. I guess what you're trying to say is that possibly the same effects that were acting on the Earth-based spacecraft that was sent out were also acting on this rock. So, it's not evidence of its alien source, but more evidence of some kind of forces in our solar system that we do not know about or understand. Is that what you're trying to say?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Any object - spacecraft or rock - will experience the same anomalies.
I read the Urantia book many years ago. I found it interesting until towards the end when one of the supposed "entities" seemed arrogant and condescending as well as putting us Earthlings down That turned me off and I got rid of the book..

I worked at a bookstore a while back and a mother and son came in and the son was looking for that book. We didn't have it and he asked me if I had read it. I said yes and he asked me what I thought of it so I told him what I have written above. His mother agreed with me. I ended up selling them Secret History of the World.:-)
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