The wave?


The Force is Strong With This One
Some cretive forces around? Just thought to also have to pass this one. I drew this one, long before I ahd ever heard of "the wave". Of something simular.
opheldering 2.jpeg

The title is "opheldering", ths is Dutch for somehting like clearance/clarification. To truly translate a world in exacly what you mean is somtimes a little complicated. This drawing shows the Earth hit by light, that creates clearance/clarification.

Little Star Orion
Hi Sandra,

I just visited your website. Nice works ! Some are very original.

I like the 1st, the 3rd, the 8th and... Wow ! I know this might be pure coincidence, since this 8 shape can be found in numerous artworks, but your 17th drawing looks pretty much like this crop circle being displayed in another topic :


Beautiful work of art!! ;D

Sandra your picture seems to me alike this one

and this other yours it´s similar to this:


I am quite surpiced about your responces. I have never thought of cropcircles.
You are right, they seem to have some resemblance, cool.
By the way I am very fond of cropcircles, they have something, fascinating, but I had never seen those ones, you posted here.

The words "dualiteit vs eenheid" are Dutch, they mean duality against unity".

Little Star Orion (Sandra)
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